(*  v      *   The Coq Proof Assistant  /  The Coq Development Team     *)
(* <O___,, *   INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016     *)
(*   \VV/  **************************************************************)
(*    //   *      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
(*         *       GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1        *)

open Pp
open CErrors
open Flags
open Libnames
open Coqinit

let () = at_exit flush_all

let ( / ) = Filename.concat

let get_version_date () =
    let ch = open_in (Envars.coqlib () / "revision") in
    let ver = input_line ch in
    let rev = input_line ch in
    let () = close_in ch in
  with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->

let print_header () =
  let (ver,rev) = get_version_date () in
  Feedback.msg_notice (str "Welcome to Coq " ++ str ver ++ str " (" ++ str rev ++ str ")");
  flush_all ()

let warning s = with_option Flags.warn Feedback.msg_warning (strbrk s)

let toploop = ref None

let color : [`ON | `AUTO | `OFF] ref = ref `AUTO
let set_color = function
| "yes" | "on" -> color := `ON
| "no" | "off" -> color := `OFF
| "auto" -> color := `AUTO
| _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: on/off/auto expected after option color"); exit 1

let init_color () =
  let has_color = match !color with
  | `OFF -> false
  | `ON -> true
  | `AUTO ->
    Terminal.has_style Unix.stdout &&
    Terminal.has_style Unix.stderr &&
    (* emacs compilation buffer does not support colors by default,
       its TERM variable is set to "dumb". *)
    try Sys.getenv "TERM" <> "dumb" with Not_found -> false
  if has_color then begin
    let colors = try Some (Sys.getenv "COQ_COLORS") with Not_found -> None in
    match colors with
    | None ->
      (** Default colors *)
      Topfmt.init_color_output ()
    | Some "" ->
      (** No color output *)
    | Some s ->
      (** Overwrite all colors *)
      Topfmt.clear_styles ();
      Topfmt.parse_color_config s;
      Topfmt.init_color_output ()

let toploop_init = ref begin fun x ->
  let () = init_color () in
  let () = CoqworkmgrApi.(init !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority) in

(* Feedback received in the init stage, this is different as the STM
   will not be generally be initialized, thus stateid, etc... may be
   bogus. For now we just print to the console too *)
let coqtop_init_feed = Coqloop.coqloop_feed

(* Default toplevel loop *)
let console_toploop_run () =
  (* We initialize the console only if we run the toploop_run *)
  let tl_feed = Feedback.add_feeder Coqloop.coqloop_feed in
  if Dumpglob.dump () then begin
    if_verbose warning "Dumpglob cannot be used in interactive mode.";
    Dumpglob.noglob ()
  (* Initialise and launch the Ocaml toplevel *)
  (* We let the feeder in place for users of Drop *)
  Feedback.del_feeder tl_feed

let toploop_run = ref console_toploop_run

let output_context = ref false

let memory_stat = ref false

let print_memory_stat () =
  begin (* -m|--memory from the command-line *)
    if !memory_stat then
      (str "total heap size = " ++ int (CObj.heap_size_kb ()) ++ str " kbytes" ++ fnl ());
    (* operf-macro interface:
       https://github.com/OCamlPro/operf-macro *)
      let fn = Sys.getenv "OCAML_GC_STATS" in
      let oc = open_out fn in
      Gc.print_stat oc;
      close_out oc
    with _ -> ()

let _ = at_exit print_memory_stat

let impredicative_set = ref Declarations.PredicativeSet
let set_impredicative_set c = impredicative_set := Declarations.ImpredicativeSet
let set_type_in_type () =
  let typing_flags = Environ.typing_flags (Global.env ()) in
  Global.set_typing_flags { typing_flags with Declarations.check_universes = false }
let engage () =
  Global.set_engagement !impredicative_set

let set_batch_mode () = batch_mode := true

let toplevel_default_name = Names.(DirPath.make [Id.of_string "Top"])
let toplevel_name = ref toplevel_default_name
let set_toplevel_name dir =
  if Names.DirPath.is_empty dir then user_err Pp.(str "Need a non empty toplevel module name");
  toplevel_name := dir

let remove_top_ml () = Mltop.remove ()

let warn_deprecated_inputstate =
  CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-inputstate" ~category:"deprecated"
         (fun () -> strbrk "The inputstate option is deprecated and discouraged.")

let inputstate = ref ""
let set_inputstate s =
  warn_deprecated_inputstate ();
let inputstate () =
  if not (CString.is_empty !inputstate) then
    let fname = Loadpath.locate_file (CUnix.make_suffix !inputstate ".coq") in
    States.intern_state fname

let warn_deprecated_outputstate =
  CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-outputstate" ~category:"deprecated"
         (fun () ->
          strbrk "The outputstate option is deprecated and discouraged.")

let outputstate = ref ""
let set_outputstate s =
  warn_deprecated_outputstate ();
let outputstate () =
  if not (CString.is_empty !outputstate) then
    let fname = CUnix.make_suffix !outputstate ".coq" in
    States.extern_state fname

let set_include d p implicit =
  let p = dirpath_of_string p in
  push_include d p implicit

let load_vernacular_list = ref ([] : (string * bool) list)
let add_load_vernacular verb s =
  load_vernacular_list := ((CUnix.make_suffix s ".v"),verb) :: !load_vernacular_list
let load_vernacular sid =
    (fun sid (s,v) ->
      let s = Loadpath.locate_file s in
      if !Flags.beautify then
	with_option beautify_file (Vernac.load_vernac v sid) s
	Vernac.load_vernac v sid s)
    sid (List.rev !load_vernacular_list)

let load_vernacular_obj = ref ([] : string list)
let add_vernac_obj s = load_vernacular_obj := s :: !load_vernacular_obj
let load_vernac_obj () =
  let map dir = Qualid (Loc.tag @@ qualid_of_string dir) in
  Vernacentries.vernac_require None None (List.rev_map map !load_vernacular_obj)

let require_prelude () =
  let vo = Envars.coqlib () / "theories/Init/Prelude.vo" in
  let vio = Envars.coqlib () / "theories/Init/Prelude.vio" in
  let m =
    if Sys.file_exists vo then vo else
    if Sys.file_exists vio then vio else vo in
  Library.require_library_from_dirpath [Coqlib.prelude_module,m] (Some true)

let require_list = ref ([] : string list)
let add_require s = require_list := s :: !require_list
let require () =
  let () = if !load_init then silently require_prelude () in
  let map dir = Qualid (Loc.tag @@ qualid_of_string dir) in
  Vernacentries.vernac_require None (Some false) (List.rev_map map !require_list)

let add_compat_require v =
  match v with
  | Flags.V8_4 -> add_require "Coq.Compat.Coq84"
  | Flags.V8_5 -> add_require "Coq.Compat.Coq85"
  | _ -> ()

let compile_list = ref ([] : (bool * string) list)

let glob_opt = ref false

let add_compile verbose s =
  set_batch_mode ();
  Flags.quiet := true;
  if not !glob_opt then Dumpglob.dump_to_dotglob ();
  (** make the file name explicit; needed not to break up Coq loadpath stuff. *)
  let s =
    let open Filename in
    if is_implicit s
    then concat current_dir_name s
    else s
  compile_list := (verbose,s) :: !compile_list

let compile_file (v,f) =
  if !Flags.beautify then
    with_option beautify_file (Vernac.compile v) f
    Vernac.compile v f

let compile_files () =
  if !compile_list == [] then ()
    let init_state = States.freeze ~marshallable:`No in
    List.iter (fun vf ->
        States.unfreeze init_state;
        compile_file vf)
      (List.rev !compile_list)

(** Options for proof general *)

let set_emacs () =
  if not (Option.is_empty !toploop) then
    user_err Pp.(str "Flag -emacs is incompatible with a custom toplevel loop");
  Coqloop.print_emacs := true;
  Printer.enable_goal_tags_printing := true;
  color := `OFF

(** Options for CoqIDE *)

let set_ideslave () =
  if !Coqloop.print_emacs then user_err Pp.(str "Flags -ideslave and -emacs are incompatible");
  toploop := Some "coqidetop";
  Flags.ide_slave := true

(** Options for slaves *)

let set_toploop name =
  if !Coqloop.print_emacs then user_err Pp.(str "Flags -toploop and -emacs are incompatible");
  toploop := Some name

(** GC tweaking *)

(** Coq is a heavy user of persistent data structures and symbolic ASTs, so the
    minor heap is heavily sollicited. Unfortunately, the default size is far too
    small, so we enlarge it a lot (128 times larger).

    To better handle huge memory consumers, we also augment the default major
    heap increment and the GC pressure coefficient.

let init_gc () =
    (* OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable is set.
     * In that case, we let ocamlrun to use the values provided by the user.
    ignore (Sys.getenv "OCAMLRUNPARAM")

  with Not_found ->
    (* OCAMLRUNPARAM environment variable is not set.
     * In this case, we put in place our preferred configuration.
    Gc.set { (Gc.get ()) with
             Gc.minor_heap_size = 33554432; (** 4M *)
             Gc.space_overhead = 120}

(*s Parsing of the command line.
    We no longer use [Arg.parse], in order to use share [Usage.print_usage]
    between coqtop and coqc. *)

let usage_no_coqlib = CWarnings.create ~name:"usage-no-coqlib" ~category:"filesystem"
    (fun () -> Pp.str "cannot guess a path for Coq libraries; dynaminally loaded flags will not be mentioned")

exception NoCoqLib
let usage () =
  Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:(fun x -> raise NoCoqLib);
  init_load_path ();
  with NoCoqLib -> usage_no_coqlib ()
  if !batch_mode then Usage.print_usage_coqc ()
  else begin
      (Str.regexp (if Mltop.is_native then "^.*top.cmxs$" else "^.*top.cma$"));
    Usage.print_usage_coqtop ()

let print_style_tags () =
  let () = init_color () in
  let tags = Topfmt.dump_tags () in
  let iter (t, st) =
    let opt = Terminal.eval st ^ t ^ Terminal.reset ^ "\n" in
    print_string opt
  let make (t, st) =
    let tags = List.map string_of_int (Terminal.repr st) in
    (t ^ "=" ^ String.concat ";" tags)
  let repr = List.map make tags in
  let () = Printf.printf "COQ_COLORS=\"%s\"\n" (String.concat ":" repr) in
  let () = List.iter iter tags in
  flush_all ()

let error_missing_arg s =
  prerr_endline ("Error: extra argument expected after option "^s);
  prerr_endline "See -help for the syntax of supported options";
  exit 1

let filter_opts = ref false
let exitcode () = if !filter_opts then 2 else 0

let print_where = ref false
let print_config = ref false
let print_tags = ref false

let get_priority opt s =
  try Flags.priority_of_string s
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    prerr_endline ("Error: low/high expected after "^opt); exit 1

let get_async_proofs_mode opt = function
  | "no" | "off" -> Flags.APoff
  | "yes" | "on" -> Flags.APon
  | "lazy" -> Flags.APonLazy
  | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: on/off/lazy expected after "^opt); exit 1

let get_cache opt = function
  | "force" -> Some Flags.Force
  | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: force expected after "^opt); exit 1

let set_worker_id opt s =
  assert (s <> "master");
  Flags.async_proofs_worker_id := s

let get_bool opt = function
  | "yes" | "on" -> true
  | "no" | "off" -> false
  | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: yes/no expected after option "^opt); exit 1

let get_int opt n =
  try int_of_string n
  with Failure _ ->
    prerr_endline ("Error: integer expected after option "^opt); exit 1

let get_float opt n =
  try float_of_string n
  with Failure _ ->
    prerr_endline ("Error: float expected after option "^opt); exit 1

let get_host_port opt s =
  match CString.split ':' s with
  | [host; portr; portw] ->
       Some (Spawned.Socket(host, int_of_string portr, int_of_string portw))
  | ["stdfds"] -> Some Spawned.AnonPipe
  | _ ->
     prerr_endline ("Error: host:portr:portw or stdfds expected after option "^opt);
     exit 1

let get_error_resilience opt = function
  | "on" | "all" | "yes" -> `All
  | "off" | "no" -> `None
  | s -> `Only (CString.split ',' s)

let get_task_list s = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp ",") s)

let vio_tasks = ref []

let add_vio_task f =
  set_batch_mode ();
  Flags.quiet := true;
  vio_tasks := f :: !vio_tasks

let check_vio_tasks () =
  let rc =
    List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Vio_checking.check_vio t && acc)
      true (List.rev !vio_tasks) in
  if not rc then exit 1

let vio_files = ref []
let vio_files_j = ref 0
let vio_checking = ref false
let add_vio_file f =
  set_batch_mode ();
  Flags.quiet := true;
  vio_files := f :: !vio_files

let set_vio_checking_j opt j =
  try vio_files_j := int_of_string j
  with Failure _ ->
    prerr_endline ("The first argument of " ^ opt ^ " must the number");
    prerr_endline "of concurrent workers to be used (a positive integer).";
    prerr_endline "Makefiles generated by coq_makefile should be called";
    prerr_endline "setting the J variable like in 'make vio2vo J=3'";
    exit 1

let is_not_dash_option = function
  | Some f when String.length f > 0 && f.[0] <> '-' -> true
  | _ -> false

let schedule_vio_checking () =
  if !vio_files <> [] && !vio_checking then
    Vio_checking.schedule_vio_checking !vio_files_j !vio_files
let schedule_vio_compilation () =
  if !vio_files <> [] && not !vio_checking then
    Vio_checking.schedule_vio_compilation !vio_files_j !vio_files

let get_native_name s =
  (* We ignore even critical errors because this mode has to be super silent *)
    String.concat "/" [Filename.dirname s;
      Nativelib.output_dir; Library.native_name_from_filename s]
  with _ -> ""

(** Prints info which is either an error or an anomaly and then exits
    with the appropriate error code *)
let fatal_error ?extra exn =
  Topfmt.print_err_exn ?extra exn;
  let exit_code = if CErrors.(is_anomaly exn || not (handled exn)) then 129 else 1 in
  exit exit_code

let parse_args arglist =
  let args = ref arglist in
  let extras = ref [] in
  let rec parse () = match !args with
  | [] -> List.rev !extras
  | opt :: rem ->
    args := rem;
    let next () = match !args with
      | x::rem -> args := rem; x
      | [] -> error_missing_arg opt
    let peek_next () = match !args with
      | x::_ -> Some x
      | [] -> None
    begin match opt with

    (* Complex options with many args *)
    |"-I"|"-include" ->
      begin match rem with
      | d :: rem -> push_ml_include d; args := rem
      | [] -> error_missing_arg opt
    |"-Q" ->
      begin match rem with
      | d :: p :: rem -> set_include d p false; args := rem
      | _ -> error_missing_arg opt
    |"-R" ->
      begin match rem with
      | d :: p :: rem -> set_include d p true; args := rem
      | _ -> error_missing_arg opt

    (* Options with two arg *)
    |"-check-vio-tasks" ->
        let tno = get_task_list (next ()) in
        let tfile = next () in
        add_vio_task (tno,tfile)
    |"-schedule-vio-checking" ->
        vio_checking := true;
        set_vio_checking_j opt (next ());
        add_vio_file (next ());
        while is_not_dash_option (peek_next ()) do add_vio_file (next ()); done
    |"-schedule-vio2vo" ->
        set_vio_checking_j opt (next ());
        add_vio_file (next ());
        while is_not_dash_option (peek_next ()) do add_vio_file (next ()); done

    (* Options with one arg *)
    |"-coqlib" -> Flags.coqlib_spec:=true; Flags.coqlib:=(next ())
    |"-async-proofs" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_mode := get_async_proofs_mode opt (next())
    |"-async-proofs-j" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_n_workers := (get_int opt (next ()))
    |"-async-proofs-cache" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_cache := get_cache opt (next ())
    |"-async-proofs-tac-j" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers := (get_int opt (next ()))
    |"-async-proofs-worker-priority" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority := get_priority opt (next ())
    |"-async-proofs-private-flags" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_private_flags := Some (next ());
    |"-async-proofs-tactic-error-resilience" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_tac_error_resilience := get_error_resilience opt (next ())
    |"-async-proofs-command-error-resilience" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_cmd_error_resilience := get_bool opt (next ())
    |"-async-proofs-delegation-threshold" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_delegation_threshold:= get_float opt (next ())
    |"-worker-id" -> set_worker_id opt (next ())
    |"-compat" -> let v = get_compat_version (next ()) in Flags.compat_version := v; add_compat_require v
    |"-compile" -> add_compile false (next ())
    |"-compile-verbose" -> add_compile true (next ())
    |"-dump-glob" -> Dumpglob.dump_into_file (next ()); glob_opt := true
    |"-feedback-glob" -> Dumpglob.feedback_glob ()
    |"-exclude-dir" -> System.exclude_directory (next ())
    |"-init-file" -> set_rcfile (next ())
    |"-inputstate"|"-is" -> set_inputstate (next ())
    |"-load-ml-object" -> Mltop.dir_ml_load (next ())
    |"-load-ml-source" -> Mltop.dir_ml_use (next ())
    |"-load-vernac-object" -> add_vernac_obj (next ())
    |"-load-vernac-source"|"-l" -> add_load_vernacular false (next ())
    |"-load-vernac-source-verbose"|"-lv" -> add_load_vernacular true (next ())
    |"-outputstate" -> set_outputstate (next ())
    |"-print-mod-uid" -> let s = String.concat " " (List.map get_native_name rem) in print_endline s; exit 0
    |"-profile-ltac-cutoff" -> Flags.profile_ltac := true; Flags.profile_ltac_cutoff := get_float opt (next ())
    |"-require" -> add_require (next ())
    |"-top" -> set_toplevel_name (dirpath_of_string (next ()))
    |"-with-geoproof" -> Coq_config.with_geoproof := get_bool opt (next ())
    |"-main-channel" -> Spawned.main_channel := get_host_port opt (next())
    |"-control-channel" -> Spawned.control_channel := get_host_port opt (next())
    |"-vio2vo" -> add_compile false (next ()); Flags.compilation_mode := Vio2Vo
    |"-toploop" -> set_toploop (next ())
    |"-w" | "-W" -> CWarnings.set_flags (CWarnings.normalize_flags_string (next ()))
    |"-o" -> Flags.compilation_output_name := Some (next())

    (* Options with zero arg *)
    |"-async-proofs-full" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_full := true;
    |"-async-proofs-never-reopen-branch" ->
        Flags.async_proofs_never_reopen_branch := true;
    |"-batch" -> set_batch_mode ()
    |"-test-mode" -> test_mode := true
    |"-beautify" -> beautify := true
    |"-boot" -> boot := true; no_load_rc ()
    |"-bt" -> Backtrace.record_backtrace true
    |"-color" -> set_color (next ())
    |"-config"|"--config" -> print_config := true
    |"-debug" -> set_debug ()
    |"-stm-debug" -> Flags.stm_debug := true
    |"-emacs" -> set_emacs ()
    |"-filteropts" -> filter_opts := true
    |"-h"|"-H"|"-?"|"-help"|"--help" -> usage ()
    |"-ideslave" -> set_ideslave ()
    |"-impredicative-set" -> set_impredicative_set ()
    |"-indices-matter" -> Indtypes.enforce_indices_matter ()
    |"-just-parsing" -> warning "-just-parsing option has been removed in 8.6"
    |"-m"|"--memory" -> memory_stat := true
    |"-noinit"|"-nois" -> load_init := false
    |"-no-glob"|"-noglob" -> Dumpglob.noglob (); glob_opt := true
    |"-native-compiler" ->
      if Coq_config.no_native_compiler then
	warning "Native compilation was disabled at configure time."
      else native_compiler := true
    |"-output-context" -> output_context := true
    |"-profile-ltac" -> Flags.profile_ltac := true
    |"-q" -> no_load_rc ()
    |"-quiet"|"-silent" -> Flags.quiet := true; Flags.make_warn false
    |"-quick" -> Flags.compilation_mode := BuildVio
    |"-list-tags" -> print_tags := true
    |"-time" -> Flags.time := true
    |"-type-in-type" -> set_type_in_type ()
    |"-unicode" -> add_require "Utf8_core"
    |"-v"|"--version" -> Usage.version (exitcode ())
    |"--print-version" -> Usage.machine_readable_version (exitcode ())
    |"-where" -> print_where := true
    |"-xml" -> Flags.xml_export := true

    (* Deprecated options *)
    |"-byte" -> warning "option -byte deprecated, call with .byte suffix"
    |"-opt" -> warning "option -opt deprecated, call with .opt suffix"
    |"-full" -> warning "option -full deprecated"
    |"-notactics" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-notactics\"."; remove_top_ml ()
    |"-emacs-U" ->
      warning "Obsolete option \"-emacs-U\", use -emacs instead."; set_emacs ()
    |"-v7" -> user_err Pp.(str "This version of Coq does not support v7 syntax")
    |"-v8" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-v8\"."
    |"-lazy-load-proofs" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-lazy-load-proofs\"."
    |"-dont-load-proofs" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-dont-load-proofs\"."
    |"-force-load-proofs" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-force-load-proofs\"."
    |"-unsafe" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-unsafe\"."; ignore (next ())
    |"-quality" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-quality\"."

    (* Unknown option *)
    | s -> extras := s :: !extras
    parse ()
    parse ()
  with any -> fatal_error any

let init_toplevel arglist =
  init_gc ();
  Sys.catch_break false; (* Ctrl-C is fatal during the initialisation *)
  let init_feeder = Feedback.add_feeder coqtop_init_feed in
      let extras = parse_args arglist in
      (* If we have been spawned by the Spawn module, this has to be done
       * early since the master waits us to connect back *)
      Spawned.init_channels ();
      Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:(fun msg -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str msg));
      if !print_where then (print_endline(Envars.coqlib ()); exit(exitcode ()));
      if !print_config then (Envars.print_config stdout Coq_config.all_src_dirs; exit (exitcode ()));
      if !print_tags then (print_style_tags (); exit (exitcode ()));
      if !filter_opts then (print_string (String.concat "\n" extras); exit 0);
      init_load_path ();
      Option.iter Mltop.load_ml_object_raw !toploop;
      let extras = !toploop_init extras in
      if not (CList.is_empty extras) then begin
        prerr_endline ("Don't know what to do with "^String.concat " " extras);
        prerr_endline "See -help for the list of supported options";
        exit 1
      if_verbose print_header ();
      inputstate ();
      Mltop.init_known_plugins ();
      engage ();
      if (not !batch_mode || CList.is_empty !compile_list)
         && Global.env_is_initial ()
      then Declaremods.start_library !toplevel_name;
      init_library_roots ();
      load_vernac_obj ();
      require ();
      (* XXX: This is incorrect in batch mode, as we will initialize
         the STM before having done Declaremods.start_library, thus
         state 1 is invalid. This bug was present in 8.5/8.6. *)
      Stm.init ();
      let sid  = load_rcfile (Stm.get_current_state ()) in
      (* XXX: We ignore this for now, but should be threaded to the toplevels *)
      let _sid = load_vernacular sid in
      compile_files ();
      schedule_vio_checking ();
      schedule_vio_compilation ();
      check_vio_tasks ();
      outputstate ()
    with any ->
      let extra =
        if !batch_mode && not Stateid.(equal (Stm.get_current_state ()) dummy)
        then None
        else Some (str "Error during initialization: ")
      fatal_error ?extra any
  if !batch_mode then begin
    if !output_context then
      Feedback.msg_notice (with_option raw_print Prettyp.print_full_pure_context () ++ fnl ());
    Profile.print_profile ();
    exit 0
  Feedback.del_feeder init_feeder

let start () =
  let () = init_toplevel (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in
  (* In batch mode, Coqtop has already exited at this point. In interactive one,
     dump glob is nothing but garbage ...  *)
  !toploop_run ();
  exit 1

(* [Coqtop.start] will be called by the code produced by coqmktop *)