(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (Coq_config.version,Coq_config.date) let print_header () = let (ver,rev) = get_version_date () in ppnl (str ("Welcome to Coq "^ver^" ("^rev^")")); pp_flush () let warning s = msg_warning (strbrk s) let toploop = ref None let toploop_init = ref (fun x -> x) let toploop_run = ref (fun () -> if Dumpglob.dump () then begin if_verbose warning "Dumpglob cannot be used in interactive mode."; Dumpglob.noglob () end; Coqloop.loop(); (* Initialise and launch the Ocaml toplevel *) Coqinit.init_ocaml_path(); Mltop.ocaml_toploop()) let output_context = ref false let memory_stat = ref false let print_memory_stat () = if !memory_stat then ppnl (str "total heap size = " ++ int (CObj.heap_size_kb ()) ++ str " kbytes") let _ = at_exit print_memory_stat let engagement = ref None let set_engagement c = engagement := Some c let engage () = match !engagement with Some c -> Global.set_engagement c | None -> () let set_batch_mode () = batch_mode := true let toplevel_default_name = DirPath.make [Id.of_string "Top"] let toplevel_name = ref (Some toplevel_default_name) let set_toplevel_name dir = if DirPath.is_empty dir then error "Need a non empty toplevel module name"; toplevel_name := Some dir let unset_toplevel_name () = toplevel_name := None let remove_top_ml () = Mltop.remove () let inputstate = ref "" let set_inputstate s = inputstate:=s let inputstate () = if not (String.is_empty !inputstate) then intern_state !inputstate let outputstate = ref "" let set_outputstate s = outputstate:=s let outputstate () = if not (String.is_empty !outputstate) then extern_state !outputstate let set_include d p recursive implicit = let p = dirpath_of_string p in push_include d p recursive implicit let load_vernacular_list = ref ([] : (string * bool) list) let add_load_vernacular verb s = load_vernacular_list := ((CUnix.make_suffix s ".v"),verb) :: !load_vernacular_list let load_vernacular () = List.iter (fun (s,b) -> if Flags.do_beautify () then with_option beautify_file (Vernac.load_vernac b) s else Vernac.load_vernac b s) (List.rev !load_vernacular_list) let load_vernacular_obj = ref ([] : string list) let add_vernac_obj s = load_vernacular_obj := s :: !load_vernacular_obj let load_vernac_obj () = List.iter (fun f -> Library.require_library_from_file None f None) (List.rev !load_vernacular_obj) let require_prelude () = let vo = Envars.coqlib () / "theories/Init/Prelude.vo" in Library.require_library_from_dirpath [Coqlib.prelude_module,vo] (Some true) let require_list = ref ([] : string list) let add_require s = require_list := s :: !require_list let require () = if !load_init then silently require_prelude (); List.iter (fun s -> Library.require_library_from_file None s (Some false)) (List.rev !require_list) let compile_list = ref ([] : (bool * string) list) let glob_opt = ref false let add_compile verbose s = set_batch_mode (); Flags.make_silent true; if not !glob_opt then Dumpglob.dump_to_dotglob (); (** make the file name explicit; needed not to break up Coq loadpath stuff. *) let s = let open Filename in if is_implicit s then concat current_dir_name s else s in compile_list := (verbose,s) :: !compile_list let compile_file (v,f) = if Flags.do_beautify () then with_option beautify_file (Vernac.compile v) f else Vernac.compile v f let compile_files () = match !compile_list with | [] -> () | [vf] -> compile_file vf (* One compilation : no need to save init state *) | l -> let init_state = States.freeze ~marshallable:`No in let coqdoc_init_state = Lexer.location_table () in List.iter (fun vf -> States.unfreeze init_state; Lexer.restore_location_table coqdoc_init_state; compile_file vf) (List.rev l) (*s options for the virtual machine *) let boxed_val = ref false let use_vm = ref false let set_vm_opt () = Vm.set_transp_values (not !boxed_val); Vconv.set_use_vm !use_vm (** Options for proof general *) let set_emacs () = Flags.print_emacs := true; Pp.make_pp_emacs (); Vernacentries.qed_display_script := false; Flags.make_term_color false (** GC tweaking *) (** Coq is a heavy user of persistent data structures and symbolic ASTs, so the minor heap is heavily sollicited. Unfortunately, the default size is far too small, so we enlarge it a lot (128 times larger). To better handle huge memory consumers, we also augment the default major heap increment and the GC pressure coefficient. *) let init_gc () = let param = try ignore (Sys.getenv "OCAMLRUNPARAM"); true with Not_found -> false in let control = Gc.get () in let tweaked_control = { control with Gc.minor_heap_size = 33554432; (** 4M *) (* Gc.major_heap_increment = 268435456; (** 32M *) *) Gc.space_overhead = 120; } in if param then () else Gc.set tweaked_control (*s Parsing of the command line. We no longer use [Arg.parse], in order to use share [Usage.print_usage] between coqtop and coqc. *) let usage () = if !batch_mode then Usage.print_usage_coqc () else Usage.print_usage_coqtop () ; flush stderr ; exit 1 let error_missing_arg s = prerr_endline ("Error: extra argument expected after option "^s); prerr_endline "See --help for the syntax of supported options"; exit 1 let filter_opts = ref false let exitcode () = if !filter_opts then 2 else 0 let verb_compat_ntn = ref false let no_compat_ntn = ref false let print_where = ref false let print_config = ref false let get_async_proofs_mode opt next = function | "off" -> Flags.APoff | "on" -> Flags.APonParallel 0 | "worker" -> let n = int_of_string (next()) in assert (n > 0); toploop := Some "stmworkertop"; Flags.APonParallel n | "lazy" -> Flags.APonLazy | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: on/off/lazy/worker expected after "^opt); exit 1 let get_bool opt = function | "yes" -> true | "no" -> false | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: yes/no expected after option "^opt); exit 1 let get_int opt n = try int_of_string n with Failure _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: integer expected after option "^opt); exit 1 let get_host_port opt s = match CString.split ':' s with | [host; port] -> Some (Spawned.Socket(host, int_of_string port)) | ["stdfds"] -> Some Spawned.AnonPipe | _ -> prerr_endline ("Error: host:port or stdfds expected after option "^opt); exit 1 let get_task_list s = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp ",") s) let vi_tasks = ref [] let add_vi_task f = set_batch_mode (); Flags.make_silent true; vi_tasks := f :: !vi_tasks let check_vi_tasks () = let rc = List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Vi_checking.check_vi t && acc) true (List.rev !vi_tasks) in if not rc then exit 1 let vi_files = ref [] let vi_files_j = ref 0 let vi_checking = ref false let add_vi_file f = set_batch_mode (); Flags.make_silent true; vi_files := f :: !vi_files let set_vi_checking_j opt j = try vi_files_j := int_of_string j with Failure _ -> prerr_endline ("The first argument of " ^ opt ^ " must the number"); prerr_endline "of concurrent workers to be used (a positive integer)."; prerr_endline "Makefiles generated by coq_makefile should be called"; prerr_endline "setting the J variable like in 'make vi2vo J=3'"; exit 1 let is_not_dash_option = function | Some f when String.length f > 0 && f.[0] <> '-' -> true | _ -> false let schedule_vi_checking () = if !vi_files <> [] && !vi_checking then Vi_checking.schedule_vi_checking !vi_files_j !vi_files let schedule_vi_compilation () = if !vi_files <> [] && not !vi_checking then Vi_checking.schedule_vi_compilation !vi_files_j !vi_files let parse_args arglist = let args = ref arglist in let extras = ref [] in let rec parse () = match !args with | [] -> List.rev !extras | opt :: rem -> args := rem; let next () = match !args with | x::rem -> args := rem; x | [] -> error_missing_arg opt in let peek_next () = match !args with | x::_ -> Some x | [] -> None in begin match opt with (* Complex options with many args *) |"-I"|"-include" -> begin match rem with | d :: "-as" :: p :: rem -> set_include d p false true; args := rem | d :: "-as" :: [] -> error_missing_arg "-as" | d :: rem -> push_ml_include d; args := rem | [] -> error_missing_arg opt end |"-Q" -> begin match rem with | d :: p :: rem -> set_include d p true false; args := rem | _ -> error_missing_arg opt end |"-R" -> begin match rem with | d :: "-as" :: [] -> error_missing_arg "-as" | d :: "-as" :: p :: rem | d :: p :: rem -> set_include d p true true; args := rem | _ -> error_missing_arg opt end (* Options with two arg *) |"-check-vi-tasks" -> let tno = get_task_list (next ()) in let tfile = next () in add_vi_task (tno,tfile) |"-schedule-vi-checking" -> vi_checking := true; set_vi_checking_j opt (next ()); add_vi_file (next ()); while is_not_dash_option (peek_next ()) do add_vi_file (next ()); done |"-schedule-vi2vo" -> set_vi_checking_j opt (next ()); add_vi_file (next ()); while is_not_dash_option (peek_next ()) do add_vi_file (next ()); done (* Options with one arg *) |"-coqlib" -> Flags.coqlib_spec:=true; Flags.coqlib:=(next ()) |"-async-proofs" -> Flags.async_proofs_mode := get_async_proofs_mode opt next (next()) |"-async-proofs-j" -> Flags.async_proofs_n_workers := (get_int opt (next ())) |"-async-proofs-private-flags" -> Flags.async_proofs_private_flags := Some (next ()); |"-compat" -> Flags.compat_version := get_compat_version (next ()) |"-compile" -> add_compile false (next ()) |"-compile-verbose" -> add_compile true (next ()) |"-dump-glob" -> Dumpglob.dump_into_file (next ()); glob_opt := true |"-feedback-glob" -> Dumpglob.feedback_glob () |"-feedback-goals" -> Flags.feedback_goals := true |"-exclude-dir" -> exclude_search_in_dirname (next ()) |"-init-file" -> set_rcfile (next ()) |"-inputstate"|"-is" -> set_inputstate (next ()) |"-load-ml-object" -> Mltop.dir_ml_load (next ()) |"-load-ml-source" -> Mltop.dir_ml_use (next ()) |"-load-vernac-object" -> add_vernac_obj (next ()) |"-load-vernac-source"|"-l" -> add_load_vernacular false (next ()) |"-load-vernac-source-verbose"|"-lv" -> add_load_vernacular true (next ()) |"-outputstate" -> set_outputstate (next ()) |"-print-mod-uid" -> Flags.print_mod_uid := true; add_require (next ()) |"-require" -> add_require (next ()) |"-top" -> set_toplevel_name (dirpath_of_string (next ())) |"-with-geoproof" -> Coq_config.with_geoproof := get_bool opt (next ()) |"-main-channel" -> Spawned.main_channel := get_host_port opt (next()) |"-control-channel" -> Spawned.control_channel := get_host_port opt (next()) |"-vi2vo" -> add_compile false (next ()); Flags.compilation_mode := Vi2Vo |"-toploop" -> toploop := Some (next ()) (* Options with zero arg *) |"-async-proofs-always-delegate" -> Flags.async_proofs_always_delegate := true; |"-async-proofs-never-reopen-branch" -> Flags.async_proofs_never_reopen_branch := true; |"-batch" -> set_batch_mode () |"-beautify" -> make_beautify true |"-boot" -> boot := true; no_load_rc () |"-bt" -> Backtrace.record_backtrace true |"-color" -> Flags.make_term_color true |"-config"|"--config" -> print_config := true |"-debug" -> set_debug () |"-emacs" -> set_emacs () |"-filteropts" -> filter_opts := true |"-h"|"-H"|"-?"|"-help"|"--help" -> usage () |"-ideslave" -> toploop := Some "coqidetop"; Flags.ide_slave := true |"-impredicative-set" -> set_engagement Declarations.ImpredicativeSet |"-indices-matter" -> Indtypes.enforce_indices_matter () |"-just-parsing" -> Vernac.just_parsing := true |"-m"|"--memory" -> memory_stat := true |"-noinit"|"-nois" -> load_init := false |"-no-compat-notations" -> no_compat_ntn := true |"-no-glob"|"-noglob" -> Dumpglob.noglob (); glob_opt := true |"-no-native-compiler" -> no_native_compiler := true |"-notop" -> unset_toplevel_name () |"-output-context" -> output_context := true |"-q" -> no_load_rc () |"-quiet"|"-silent" -> Flags.make_silent true |"-quick" -> Flags.compilation_mode := BuildVi |"-time" -> Flags.time := true |"-unicode" -> add_require "Utf8_core" |"-v"|"--version" -> Usage.version (exitcode ()) |"-verbose-compat-notations" -> verb_compat_ntn := true |"-vm" -> use_vm := true |"-where" -> print_where := true |"-xml" -> Flags.xml_export := true (* Deprecated options *) |"-byte" -> warning "option -byte deprecated, call with .byte suffix" |"-opt" -> warning "option -opt deprecated, call with .opt suffix" |"-full" -> warning "option -full deprecated" |"-notactics" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-notactics\"."; remove_top_ml () |"-emacs-U" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-emacs-U\", use -emacs instead."; set_emacs () |"-v7" -> error "This version of Coq does not support v7 syntax" |"-v8" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-v8\"." |"-lazy-load-proofs" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-lazy-load-proofs\"." |"-dont-load-proofs" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-dont-load-proofs\"." |"-force-load-proofs" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-force-load-proofs\"." |"-unsafe" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-unsafe\"."; ignore (next ()) |"-quality" -> warning "Obsolete option \"-quality\"." (* Unknown option *) | s -> extras := s :: !extras end; parse () in try parse () with | UserError(_, s) as e -> if is_empty s then exit 1 else fatal_error (Errors.print e) | any -> fatal_error (Errors.print any) let init arglist = init_gc (); Sys.catch_break false; (* Ctrl-C is fatal during the initialisation *) Lib.init(); (* Default Proofb Mode starts with an alternative default. *) Goptions.set_string_option_value ["Default";"Proof";"Mode"] "Classic"; begin try let extras = parse_args arglist in (* If we have been spawned by the Spawn module, this has to be done * early since the master waits us to connect back *) Spawned.init_channels (); Envars.set_coqlib Errors.error; if !print_where then (print_endline(Envars.coqlib ()); exit(exitcode ())); if !print_config then (Usage.print_config (); exit (exitcode ())); if !filter_opts then (print_string (String.concat "\n" extras); exit 0); init_load_path (); Option.iter Mltop.load_ml_object_raw !toploop; let extras = !toploop_init extras in if not (List.is_empty extras) then begin prerr_endline ("Don't know what to do with "^String.concat " " extras); prerr_endline "See --help for the list of supported options"; exit 1 end; if_verbose print_header (); inputstate (); Mltop.init_known_plugins (); set_vm_opt (); engage (); (* Be careful to set these variables after the inputstate *) Syntax_def.set_verbose_compat_notations !verb_compat_ntn; Syntax_def.set_compat_notations (not !no_compat_ntn); if (not !batch_mode || List.is_empty !compile_list) && Global.env_is_initial () then Option.iter Declaremods.start_library !toplevel_name; init_library_roots (); load_vernac_obj (); require (); Stm.init (); load_rcfile(); load_vernacular (); compile_files (); schedule_vi_checking (); schedule_vi_compilation (); check_vi_tasks (); outputstate () with any -> flush_all(); let msg = if !batch_mode then mt () else str "Error during initialization:" ++ fnl () in fatal_error (msg ++ Coqloop.print_toplevel_error any) end; if !batch_mode then begin flush_all(); if !output_context then Pp.ppnl (with_option raw_print Prettyp.print_full_pure_context ()); Profile.print_profile (); exit 0 end let init_toplevel = init let start () = let () = init_toplevel (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in (* In batch mode, Coqtop has already exited at this point. In interactive one, dump glob is nothing but garbage ... *) !toploop_run (); exit 1 (* [Coqtop.start] will be called by the code produced by coqmktop *)