(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (msgnl (str"Load of rcfile failed."); raise e) else Options.if_verbose msgnl (str"Skipping rcfile loading.") let add_ml_include s = Mltop.add_ml_dir s (* Puts dir in the path of ML and in the LoadPath *) let coq_add_path s = Mltop.add_path s (Names.make_dirpath [Nameops.coq_root]) let coq_add_rec_path s = Mltop.add_rec_path s (Names.make_dirpath [Nameops.coq_root]) (* By the option -include -I or -R of the command line *) let includes = ref [] let push_include (s, alias) = includes := (s,alias,false) :: !includes let push_rec_include (s, alias) = includes := (s,alias,true) :: !includes (* Because find puts "./" and the loadpath is not nicely pretty-printed *) let hm2 s = let n = String.length s in if n > 1 && s.[0] = '.' && s.[1] = '/' then String.sub s 2 (n-2) else s let getenv_else s dft = try Sys.getenv s with Not_found -> dft (* Initializes the LoadPath according to COQLIB and Coq_config *) let init_load_path () = (* developper specific directories to open *) let dev = if Coq_config.local then [ "dev" ] else [] in let coqlib = if Coq_config.local || !Options.boot then Coq_config.coqtop (* variable COQLIB overrides the default library *) else getenv_else "COQLIB" Coq_config.coqlib in (* first user-contrib *) let user_contrib = Filename.concat coqlib "user-contrib" in if Sys.file_exists user_contrib then Mltop.add_path user_contrib Nameops.default_root_prefix; (* then standard library *) let dirs = "states" :: dev @ [ "theories"; "tactics"; "contrib" ] in List.iter (fun s -> coq_add_rec_path (Filename.concat coqlib s)) dirs; let camlp4 = getenv_else "CAMLP4LIB" Coq_config.camlp4lib in add_ml_include camlp4; (* then current directory *) Mltop.add_path "." Nameops.default_root_prefix; (* additional loadpath, given with -I -include -R options *) List.iter (fun (s,alias,reci) -> if reci then Mltop.add_rec_path s alias else Mltop.add_path s alias) (List.rev !includes) let init_library_roots () = includes := [] (* Initialises the Ocaml toplevel before launching it, so that it can find the "include" file in the *source* directory *) let init_ocaml_path () = (* We only assume that the variable COQTOP is set *) let coqtop = getenv_else "COQTOP" Coq_config.coqtop in let add_subdir dl = Mltop.add_ml_dir (List.fold_left Filename.concat coqtop dl) in List.iter add_subdir [ [ "config" ]; [ "dev" ]; [ "lib" ]; [ "kernel" ]; [ "library" ]; [ "pretyping" ]; [ "parsing" ]; [ "proofs" ]; [ "tactics" ]; [ "toplevel" ] ]