(*i $Id$ i*) (*i*) open Names open Term open Declare (*i*) (*s Declaration functions. The following functions take ASTs, transform them into [constr] and then call the corresponding functions of [Declare]; they return an absolute reference to the defined object *) val definition_body : identifier -> bool * strength -> Coqast.t -> Coqast.t option -> global_reference val definition_body_red : Tacred.red_expr option -> identifier -> bool * strength -> Coqast.t -> Coqast.t option -> global_reference val syntax_definition : identifier -> Coqast.t -> unit (*i val abstraction_definition : identifier -> int array -> Coqast.t -> unit i*) val hypothesis_def_var : bool -> string -> strength -> Coqast.t -> global_reference val parameter_def_var : string -> Coqast.t -> constant_path val build_mutual : (identifier * Coqast.t) list -> (identifier * Coqast.t * (identifier * Coqast.t) list) list -> bool -> unit val declare_mutual_with_eliminations : Declarations.mutual_inductive_entry -> section_path val build_recursive : (identifier * ((identifier * Coqast.t) list) * Coqast.t * Coqast.t) list -> unit val build_corecursive : (identifier * Coqast.t * Coqast.t) list -> unit val build_scheme : (identifier * bool * identifier * Coqast.t) list -> unit val start_proof_com : identifier option -> strength -> Coqast.t -> unit (*s [save_named b] saves the current completed proof under the name it was started; boolean [b] tells if the theorem is declared opaque; it fails if the proof is not completed *) val save_named : bool -> unit (* [save_anonymous b name] behaves as [save_named] but declares the theorem under the name [name] and respects the strength of the declaration *) val save_anonymous : bool -> string -> unit (* [save_anonymous_thm b name] behaves as [save_named] but declares the theorem under the name [name] and gives it the strength of a theorem *) val save_anonymous_thm : bool -> string -> unit (* [save_anonymous_remark b name] behaves as [save_named] but declares the theorem under the name [name] and gives it the strength of a remark *) val save_anonymous_remark : bool -> string -> unit val get_current_context : unit -> Proof_type.enamed_declarations * Environ.env