(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mkLambdaC(x,a,b)) let mkProdCit = List.fold_right (fun (x,a) b -> mkProdC(x,a,b)) let rec abstract_rawconstr c = function | [] -> c | LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(x,b,abstract_rawconstr c bl) | LocalRawAssum (idl,t)::bl -> List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkLambdaC([x],t,b)) idl (abstract_rawconstr c bl) let rec prod_rawconstr c = function | [] -> c | LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(x,b,prod_rawconstr c bl) | LocalRawAssum (idl,t)::bl -> List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkProdC([x],t,b)) idl (prod_rawconstr c bl) let rec destSubCast c = match kind_of_term c with | Lambda (x,t,c) -> let (b,u) = destSubCast c in mkLambda (x,t,b), mkProd (x,t,u) | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> let (d,u) = destSubCast c in mkLetIn (x,b,t,d), mkLetIn (x,b,t,u) | Cast (b,u) -> (b,u) | _ -> assert false let rec adjust_conclusion a cs = function | CProdN (loc,bl,c) -> CProdN (loc,bl,adjust_conclusion a cs c) | CLetIn (loc,b,t,c) -> CLetIn (loc,b,t,adjust_conclusion a cs c) | CHole loc -> let (nar,name,params) = a in if nar <> 0 then user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Cannot infer the non constant arguments of the conclusion of " ++ pr_id cs); let args = List.map (fun id -> CRef(Ident(loc,id))) params in CAppExpl (loc,(None,Ident(loc,name)),List.rev args) | c -> c (* Commands of the interface *) (* 1| Constant definitions *) let definition_message id = if_verbose message ((string_of_id id) ^ " is defined") let constant_entry_of_com (bl,com,comtypopt,opacity) = let sigma = Evd.empty in let env = Global.env() in match comtypopt with None -> let b = abstract_rawconstr com bl in let j = judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env b in { const_entry_body = j.uj_val; const_entry_type = Some (Evarutil.refresh_universes j.uj_type); const_entry_opaque = opacity } | Some comtyp -> (* We use a cast to avoid troubles with evars in comtyp *) (* that can only be resolved knowing com *) let b = abstract_rawconstr (mkCastC (com,comtyp)) bl in let (body,typ) = destSubCast (interp_constr sigma env b) in { const_entry_body = body; const_entry_type = Some typ; const_entry_opaque = opacity } let red_constant_entry ce = function | None -> ce | Some red -> let body = ce.const_entry_body in { ce with const_entry_body = reduction_of_redexp red (Global.env()) Evd.empty body } let declare_global_definition ident ce local = let (_,kn) = declare_constant ident (DefinitionEntry ce,IsDefinition) in if local = Local then msg_warning (pr_id ident ++ str" is declared as a global definition"); definition_message ident; ConstRef kn let declare_definition ident local bl red_option c typopt hook = let ce = constant_entry_of_com (bl,c,typopt,false) in if bl<>[] && red_option <> None then error "Evaluation under a local context not supported"; let ce' = red_constant_entry ce red_option in let r = match local with | Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let c = SectionLocalDef(ce'.const_entry_body,ce'.const_entry_type,false) in let _ = declare_variable ident (Lib.cwd(), c, IsDefinition) in definition_message ident; if Pfedit.refining () then msgerrnl (str"Warning: Local definition " ++ pr_id ident ++ str" is not visible from current goals"); VarRef ident | (Global|Local) -> declare_global_definition ident ce' local in hook local r let syntax_definition ident c = let c = snd (interp_aconstr [] [] c) in let onlyparse = !Options.v7_only in Syntax_def.declare_syntactic_definition false ident onlyparse c; if_verbose message ((string_of_id ident) ^ " is now a syntax macro") (* 2| Variable/Hypothesis/Parameter/Axiom declarations *) let assumption_message id = if_verbose message ((string_of_id id) ^ " is assumed") let declare_assumption ident is_coe (local,kind) bl c = let c = prod_rawconstr c bl in let c = interp_type Evd.empty (Global.env()) c in let r = match local with | Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let r = declare_variable ident (Lib.cwd(), SectionLocalAssum c, IsAssumption kind) in assumption_message ident; if is_verbose () & Pfedit.refining () then msgerrnl (str"Warning: Variable " ++ pr_id ident ++ str" is not visible from current goals"); VarRef ident | (Global|Local) -> let (_,kn) = declare_constant ident (ParameterEntry c, IsAssumption kind) in assumption_message ident; if local=Local & Options.is_verbose () then msg_warning (pr_id ident ++ str" is declared as a parameter" ++ str" because it is at a global level"); ConstRef kn in if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion r local (* 3a| Elimination schemes for mutual inductive definitions *) open Indrec let non_type_eliminations = [ (InProp,elimination_suffix InProp); (InSet,elimination_suffix InSet) ] let declare_one_elimination ind = let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in let mindstr = string_of_id mip.mind_typename in let declare s c t = let id = id_of_string s in let kn = Declare.declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry { const_entry_body = c; const_entry_type = t; const_entry_opaque = false }, Decl_kinds.IsDefinition) in definition_message id; kn in let env = Global.env () in let sigma = Evd.empty in let elim_scheme = Indrec.build_indrec env sigma ind in let npars = mip.mind_nparams in let make_elim s = Indrec.instanciate_indrec_scheme s npars elim_scheme in let kelim = mip.mind_kelim in (* in case the inductive has a type elimination, generates only one induction scheme, the other ones share the same code with the apropriate type *) if List.mem InType kelim then let elim = make_elim (new_sort_in_family InType) in let cte = declare (mindstr^(Indrec.elimination_suffix InType)) elim None in let c = mkConst (snd cte) and t = constant_type (Global.env()) (snd cte) in List.iter (fun (sort,suff) -> let (t',c') = Indrec.instanciate_type_indrec_scheme (new_sort_in_family sort) npars c t in let _ = declare (mindstr^suff) c' (Some t') in ()) non_type_eliminations else (* Impredicative or logical inductive definition *) List.iter (fun (sort,suff) -> if List.mem sort kelim then let elim = make_elim (new_sort_in_family sort) in let _ = declare (mindstr^suff) elim None in ()) non_type_eliminations let declare_eliminations sp = let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in if mib.mind_finite then for i = 0 to Array.length mib.mind_packets - 1 do declare_one_elimination (sp,i) done (* 3b| Mutual Inductive definitions *) let minductive_message = function | [] -> error "no inductive definition" | [x] -> (pr_id x ++ str " is defined") | l -> hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id l ++ spc () ++ str "are defined") let recursive_message v = match Array.length v with | 0 -> error "no recursive definition" | 1 -> (Printer.pr_global v.(0) ++ str " is recursively defined") | _ -> hov 0 (prvect_with_sep pr_coma Printer.pr_global v ++ spc () ++ str "are recursively defined") let corecursive_message v = match Array.length v with | 0 -> error "no corecursive definition" | 1 -> (Printer.pr_global v.(0) ++ str " is corecursively defined") | _ -> hov 0 (prvect_with_sep pr_coma Printer.pr_global v ++ spc () ++ str "are corecursively defined") let interp_mutual lparams lnamearconstrs finite = let allnames = List.fold_left (fun acc (id,_,_,l) -> id::(List.map fst l)@acc) [] lnamearconstrs in if not (list_distinct allnames) then error "Two inductive objects have the same name"; let nparams = local_binders_length lparams and sigma = Evd.empty and env0 = Global.env() in let env_params, params = List.fold_left (fun (env, params) d -> match d with | LocalRawAssum ([_,na],(CHole _ as t)) -> let t = interp_binder sigma env na t in let d = (na,None,t) in (push_rel d env, d::params) | LocalRawAssum (nal,t) -> let t = interp_type sigma env t in let ctx = list_map_i (fun i (_,na) -> (na,None,lift i t)) 0 nal in let ctx = List.rev ctx in (push_rel_context ctx env, ctx@params) | LocalRawDef ((_,na),c) -> let c = judgment_of_rawconstr sigma env c in let d = (na, Some c.uj_val, c.uj_type) in (push_rel d env,d::params)) (env0,[]) lparams in (* Builds the params of the inductive entry *) let params' = List.map (fun (na,b,t) -> let id = match na with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> anomaly "Unnamed inductive variable" in match b with | None -> (id, LocalAssum t) | Some b -> (id, LocalDef b)) params in let paramassums = List.fold_right (fun d l -> match d with (id,LocalAssum _) -> id::l | (_,LocalDef _) -> l) params' [] in let indnames = List.map (fun (id,_,_,_)-> id) lnamearconstrs @ paramassums in let nparamassums = List.length paramassums in let (ind_env,ind_impls,arityl) = List.fold_left (fun (env, ind_impls, arl) (recname, _, arityc, _) -> let arity = interp_type sigma env_params arityc in let fullarity = it_mkProd_or_LetIn arity params in let env' = Termops.push_rel_assum (Name recname,fullarity) env in let ind_impls' = if Impargs.is_implicit_args() then let impl = Impargs.compute_implicits false env_params fullarity in let paramimpl,_ = list_chop nparamassums impl in let l = List.fold_right (fun imp l -> if Impargs.is_status_implicit imp then Impargs.name_of_implicit imp::l else l) paramimpl [] in (recname,(l,impl))::ind_impls else (recname,([],[]))::ind_impls in (env', ind_impls', (arity::arl))) (env0, [], []) lnamearconstrs in (* Names of parameters as arguments of the inductive type (defs removed) *) let lparargs = List.flatten (List.map (function (id,LocalAssum _) -> [id] | _ -> []) params') in let notations = List.fold_right (fun (_,ntnopt,_,_) l -> option_cons ntnopt l) lnamearconstrs [] in let fs = States.freeze() in (* Declare the notations for the inductive types pushed in local context*) try List.iter (fun (df,c,scope) -> (* No scope for tmp notation *) Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation df ind_impls c None) notations; let ind_env_params = push_rel_context params ind_env in let mispecvec = List.map2 (fun ar (name,_,_,lname_constr) -> let constrnames, bodies = List.split lname_constr in (* Compute the conclusions of constructor types *) (* for inductive given in ML syntax *) let nar = List.length (fst (Reductionops.splay_arity env_params Evd.empty ar)) in let bodies = List.map2 (adjust_conclusion (nar,name,lparargs)) constrnames bodies in (* Interpret the constructor types *) let constrs = List.map (interp_type_with_implicits sigma ind_env_params (paramassums,ind_impls)) bodies in (* Build the inductive entry *) { mind_entry_params = params'; mind_entry_typename = name; mind_entry_arity = ar; mind_entry_consnames = constrnames; mind_entry_lc = constrs }) (List.rev arityl) lnamearconstrs in States.unfreeze fs; notations, { mind_entry_finite = finite; mind_entry_inds = mispecvec } with e -> States.unfreeze fs; raise e let declare_mutual_with_eliminations mie = let lrecnames = List.map (fun e -> e.mind_entry_typename) mie.mind_entry_inds in let (_,kn) = declare_mind mie in if_verbose ppnl (minductive_message lrecnames); declare_eliminations kn; kn (* Very syntactical equality *) let eq_la d1 d2 = match d1,d2 with | LocalRawAssum (nal,ast), LocalRawAssum (nal',ast') -> List.for_all2 (fun (_,na) (_,na') -> na = na') nal nal' & (try let _ = Constrextern.check_same_type ast ast' in true with _ -> false) | LocalRawDef ((_,id),ast), LocalRawDef ((_,id'),ast') -> id=id' & (try let _ = Constrextern.check_same_type ast ast' in true with _ -> false) | _ -> false let extract_coe lc = List.fold_right (fun (addcoe,(id,t)) (l1,l2) -> ((if addcoe then id::l1 else l1), (id,t)::l2)) lc ([],[]) let extract_coe_la_lc = function | [] -> anomaly "Vernacentries: empty list of inductive types" | (id,ntn,la,ar,lc)::rest -> let rec check = function | [] -> [],[] | (id,ntn,la',ar,lc)::rest -> if (List.length la = List.length la') && (List.for_all2 eq_la la la') then let mcoes, mspec = check rest in let coes, lc' = extract_coe lc in (coes::mcoes,(id,ntn,ar,lc')::mspec) else error ("Parameters should be syntactically the same "^ "for each inductive type") in let mcoes, mspec = check rest in let coes, lc' = extract_coe lc in (coes,la,(id,ntn,ar,lc'):: mspec) let build_mutual lind finite = let (coes,lparams,lnamearconstructs) = extract_coe_la_lc lind in let notations,mie = interp_mutual lparams lnamearconstructs finite in let kn = declare_mutual_with_eliminations mie in (* Declare the notations now bound to the inductive types *) List.iter (fun (df,c,scope) -> Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation df [] c scope) notations; List.iter (fun id -> Class.try_add_new_coercion (locate (make_short_qualid id)) Global) coes (* try to find non recursive definitions *) let list_chop_hd i l = match list_chop i l with | (l1,x::l2) -> (l1,x,l2) | _ -> assert false let collect_non_rec env = let rec searchrec lnonrec lnamerec ldefrec larrec nrec = try let i = list_try_find_i (fun i f -> if List.for_all (fun def -> not (occur_var env f def)) ldefrec then i else failwith "try_find_i") 0 lnamerec in let (lf1,f,lf2) = list_chop_hd i lnamerec in let (ldef1,def,ldef2) = list_chop_hd i ldefrec in let (lar1,ar,lar2) = list_chop_hd i larrec in let newlnv = try match list_chop i nrec with | (lnv1,_::lnv2) -> (lnv1@lnv2) | _ -> [] (* nrec=[] for cofixpoints *) with Failure "list_chop" -> [] in searchrec ((f,def,ar)::lnonrec) (lf1@lf2) (ldef1@ldef2) (lar1@lar2) newlnv with Failure "try_find_i" -> (List.rev lnonrec, (Array.of_list lnamerec, Array.of_list ldefrec, Array.of_list larrec, Array.of_list nrec)) in searchrec [] let build_recursive lnameargsardef = let lrecnames = List.map (fun ((f,_,_,_),_) -> f) lnameargsardef and sigma = Evd.empty and env0 = Global.env() and nv = Array.of_list (List.map (fun ((_,n,_,_),_) -> n) lnameargsardef) in let fs = States.freeze() in (* Declare the notations for the recursive types pushed in local context*) let (rec_sign,arityl) = List.fold_left (fun (env,arl) ((recname,_,arityc,_),_) -> let arity = interp_type sigma env0 arityc in (Environ.push_named (recname,None,arity) env, (arity::arl))) (env0,[]) lnameargsardef in let arityl = List.rev arityl in let notations = List.fold_right (fun (_,ntnopt) l -> option_cons ntnopt l) lnameargsardef [] in let recdef = (* Declare local context and local notations *) let fs = States.freeze() in let def = try List.iter (fun (df,c,scope) -> (* No scope for tmp notation *) Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation df [] c None) notations; List.iter2 (fun recname arity -> let _ = declare_variable recname (Lib.cwd(),SectionLocalAssum arity, IsAssumption Definitional) in ()) lrecnames arityl; List.map2 (fun ((_,_,_,def),_) arity -> interp_casted_constr sigma rec_sign def arity) lnameargsardef arityl with e -> States.unfreeze fs; raise e in States.unfreeze fs; def in let (lnonrec,(namerec,defrec,arrec,nvrec)) = collect_non_rec env0 lrecnames recdef arityl (Array.to_list nv) in let recvec = Array.map (subst_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list namerec))) defrec in let recdecls = (Array.map (fun id -> Name id) namerec, arrec, recvec) in let rec declare i fi = let ce = { const_entry_body = mkFix ((nvrec,i),recdecls); const_entry_type = Some arrec.(i); const_entry_opaque = false } in let (_,kn) = declare_constant fi (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition) in (ConstRef kn) in (* declare the recursive definitions *) let lrefrec = Array.mapi declare namerec in if_verbose ppnl (recursive_message lrefrec); (* The others are declared as normal definitions *) let var_subst id = (id, global_reference id) in let _ = List.fold_left (fun subst (f,def,t) -> let ce = { const_entry_body = replace_vars subst def; const_entry_type = Some t; const_entry_opaque = false } in let _ = declare_constant f (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition) in warning ((string_of_id f)^" is non-recursively defined"); (var_subst f) :: subst) (List.map var_subst (Array.to_list namerec)) lnonrec in List.iter (fun (df,c,scope) -> Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation df [] c scope) notations let build_corecursive lnameardef = let lrecnames = List.map (fun (f,_,_) -> f) lnameardef and sigma = Evd.empty and env0 = Global.env() in let fs = States.freeze() in let (rec_sign,arityl) = try List.fold_left (fun (env,arl) (recname,arityc,_) -> let arj = type_judgment_of_rawconstr Evd.empty env0 arityc in let arity = arj.utj_val in let _ = declare_variable recname (Lib.cwd(),SectionLocalAssum arj.utj_val,IsAssumption Definitional) in (Environ.push_named (recname,None,arity) env, (arity::arl))) (env0,[]) lnameardef with e -> States.unfreeze fs; raise e in let arityl = List.rev arityl in let recdef = try List.map (fun (_,arityc,def) -> let arity = interp_constr sigma rec_sign arityc in interp_casted_constr sigma rec_sign def arity) lnameardef with e -> States.unfreeze fs; raise e in States.unfreeze fs; let (lnonrec,(namerec,defrec,arrec,_)) = collect_non_rec env0 lrecnames recdef arityl [] in let recvec = Array.map (subst_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list namerec))) defrec in let recdecls = (Array.map (fun id -> Name id) namerec, arrec, recvec) in let rec declare i fi = let ce = { const_entry_body = mkCoFix (i, recdecls); const_entry_type = Some (arrec.(i)); const_entry_opaque = false } in let _,kn = declare_constant fi (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition) in (ConstRef kn) in let lrefrec = Array.mapi declare namerec in if_verbose ppnl (corecursive_message lrefrec); let var_subst id = (id, global_reference id) in let _ = List.fold_left (fun subst (f,def,t) -> let ce = { const_entry_body = replace_vars subst def; const_entry_type = Some t; const_entry_opaque = false } in let _ = declare_constant f (DefinitionEntry ce,IsDefinition) in warning ((string_of_id f)^" is non-recursively defined"); (var_subst f) :: subst) (List.map var_subst (Array.to_list namerec)) lnonrec in () let build_scheme lnamedepindsort = let lrecnames = List.map (fun (f,_,_,_) -> f) lnamedepindsort and sigma = Evd.empty and env0 = Global.env() in let lrecspec = List.map (fun (_,dep,indid,sort) -> let ind = Nametab.global_inductive indid in let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in (ind,mib,mip,dep,interp_elimination_sort sort)) lnamedepindsort in let listdecl = Indrec.build_mutual_indrec env0 sigma lrecspec in let rec declare decl fi lrecref = let decltype = Retyping.get_type_of env0 Evd.empty decl in let decltype = Evarutil.refresh_universes decltype in let ce = { const_entry_body = decl; const_entry_type = Some decltype; const_entry_opaque = false } in let _,kn = declare_constant fi (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition) in ConstRef kn :: lrecref in let lrecref = List.fold_right2 declare listdecl lrecnames [] in if_verbose ppnl (recursive_message (Array.of_list lrecref)) let rec generalize_rawconstr c = function | [] -> c | LocalRawDef (id,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(id,b,generalize_rawconstr c bl) | LocalRawAssum (idl,t)::bl -> List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkProdC([x],t,b)) idl (generalize_rawconstr c bl) let start_proof id kind c hook = let sign = Global.named_context () in let sign = clear_proofs sign in Pfedit.start_proof id kind sign c hook let start_proof_com sopt kind (bl,t) hook = let id = match sopt with | Some id -> (* We check existence here: it's a bit late at Qed time *) if Nametab.exists_cci (Lib.make_path id) or is_section_variable id then errorlabstrm "start_proof" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists"); id | None -> next_global_ident_away false (id_of_string "Unnamed_thm") (Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ()) in let env = Global.env () in let c = interp_type Evd.empty env (generalize_rawconstr t bl) in let _ = Typeops.infer_type env c in start_proof id kind c hook (* let apply_tac_not_declare id pft = function | None -> error "Type of Let missing" | Some typ -> let cutt = Hiddentac.h_cut typ and exat = Hiddentac.h_exact pft in Pfedit.delete_current_proof (); Pfedit.by (Refiner.tclTHENSV cutt [|introduction id;exat|]) *) let save id const kind hook = let {const_entry_body = pft; const_entry_type = tpo; const_entry_opaque = opacity } = const in let l,r = match kind with | IsLocal when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let c = SectionLocalDef (pft, tpo, opacity) in let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, IsDefinition) in (Local, VarRef id) | IsLocal -> let k = IsDefinition in let _,kn = declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in (Global, ConstRef kn) | IsGlobal k -> let k = theorem_kind_of_goal_kind k in let _,kn = declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in (Global, ConstRef kn) in hook l r; if kind = IsGlobal (Proof Conjecture) then warning "Proved conjecture"; Pfedit.delete_current_proof (); definition_message id let save_named opacity = let id,(const,persistence,hook) = Pfedit.cook_proof () in let const = { const with const_entry_opaque = opacity } in save id const persistence hook let check_anonymity id save_ident = if atompart_of_id id <> "Unnamed_thm" then error "This command can only be used for unnamed theorem" (* message("Overriding name "^(string_of_id id)^" and using "^save_ident) *) let save_anonymous opacity save_ident = let id,(const,persistence,hook) = Pfedit.cook_proof () in let const = { const with const_entry_opaque = opacity } in check_anonymity id save_ident; save save_ident const persistence hook let save_anonymous_with_strength kind opacity save_ident = let id,(const,_,hook) = Pfedit.cook_proof () in let const = { const with const_entry_opaque = opacity } in check_anonymity id save_ident; (* we consider that non opaque behaves as local for discharge *) save save_ident const (IsGlobal (Proof kind)) hook let admit () = let (id,k,typ,hook) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in (* Contraire aux besoins d'interactivité... if k <> IsGlobal (Proof Conjecture) then error "Only statements declared as conjecture can be admitted"; *) let (_,kn) = declare_constant id (ParameterEntry typ, IsConjecture) in hook Global (ConstRef kn); Pfedit.delete_current_proof (); assumption_message id let get_current_context () = try Pfedit.get_current_goal_context () with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> (Evd.empty, Global.env())