(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* mkLambda (x,t,under_binders (push_rel (x,None,t) env) f (n-1) c) | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> mkLetIn (x,b,t,under_binders (push_rel (x,Some b,t) env) f (n-1) c) | _ -> assert false let rec complete_conclusion a cs = function | CProdN (loc,bl,c) -> CProdN (loc,bl,complete_conclusion a cs c) | CLetIn (loc,b,t,c) -> CLetIn (loc,b,t,complete_conclusion a cs c) | CHole (loc, k) -> let (has_no_args,name,params) = a in if not has_no_args then user_err_loc (loc,"", strbrk"Cannot infer the non constant arguments of the conclusion of " ++ pr_id cs ++ str "."); let args = List.map (fun id -> CRef(Ident(loc,id))) params in CAppExpl (loc,(None,Ident(loc,name)),List.rev args) | c -> c (* Commands of the interface *) (* 1| Constant definitions *) let red_constant_entry n ce = function | None -> ce | Some red -> let body = ce.const_entry_body in { ce with const_entry_body = under_binders (Global.env()) (fst (reduction_of_red_expr red)) n body } let interp_definition bl red_option c ctypopt = let env = Global.env() in let evdref = ref Evd.empty in let impls, ((env_bl, ctx), imps1) = interp_context_evars evdref env bl in let nb_args = List.length ctx in let imps,ce = match ctypopt with None -> let c, imps2 = interp_constr_evars_impls ~impls ~evdref ~fail_evar:false env_bl c in let body = nf_evar !evdref (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c ctx) in imps1@(Impargs.lift_implicits nb_args imps2), { const_entry_body = body; const_entry_secctx = None; const_entry_type = None; const_entry_opaque = false; const_entry_inline_code = false } | Some ctyp -> let ty, impsty = interp_type_evars_impls ~impls ~evdref ~fail_evar:false env_bl ctyp in let c, imps2 = interp_casted_constr_evars_impls ~impls ~evdref ~fail_evar:false env_bl c ty in let body = nf_evar !evdref (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c ctx) in let typ = nf_evar !evdref (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty ctx) in let beq b1 b2 = if b1 then b2 else not b2 in let impl_eq (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) = beq x1 x2 && beq y1 y2 && beq z1 z2 in (* Check that all implicit arguments inferable from the term is inferable from the type *) if not (try List.for_all (fun (key,va) -> impl_eq (List.assoc key impsty) va) imps2 with Not_found -> false) then msg_warning (strbrk "Implicit arguments declaration relies on type." ++ spc () ++ strbrk "The term declares more implicits than the type here."); imps1@(Impargs.lift_implicits nb_args impsty), { const_entry_body = body; const_entry_secctx = None; const_entry_type = Some typ; const_entry_opaque = false; const_entry_inline_code = false } in red_constant_entry (rel_context_length ctx) ce red_option, !evdref, imps let check_definition (ce, evd, imps) = let env = Global.env () in check_evars env Evd.empty evd ce.const_entry_body; Option.iter (check_evars env Evd.empty evd) ce.const_entry_type; ce let get_locality id = function | Discharge -> (** If a Let is defined outside a section, then we consider it as a local definition *) let msg = pr_id id ++ strbrk " is declared as a local definition" in let () = if Flags.is_verbose () then msg_warning msg in true | Local -> true | Global -> false let declare_global_definition ident ce local k imps = let local = get_locality ident local in let kn = declare_constant ident ~local (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition k) in let gr = ConstRef kn in let () = maybe_declare_manual_implicits false gr imps in let () = definition_message ident in let () = Autoinstance.search_declaration (ConstRef kn) in gr let declare_definition_hook = ref ignore let set_declare_definition_hook = (:=) declare_definition_hook let get_declare_definition_hook () = !declare_definition_hook let declare_definition ident (local, k) ce imps hook = let () = !declare_definition_hook ce in let r = match local with | Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let c = SectionLocalDef(ce.const_entry_body, ce.const_entry_type, false) in let _ = declare_variable ident (Lib.cwd(), c, IsDefinition k) in let () = definition_message ident in let () = if Pfedit.refining () then let msg = strbrk "Section definition " ++ pr_id ident ++ strbrk " is not visible from current goals" in Flags.if_warn msg_warning msg in VarRef ident | Discharge | Local | Global -> declare_global_definition ident ce local k imps in hook local r let _ = Obligations.declare_definition_ref := declare_definition let do_definition ident k bl red_option c ctypopt hook = let (ce, evd, imps as def) = interp_definition bl red_option c ctypopt in if Flags.is_program_mode () then let env = Global.env () in let c = ce.const_entry_body in let typ = match ce.const_entry_type with | Some t -> t | None -> Retyping.get_type_of env evd c in Obligations.check_evars env evd; let obls, _, c, cty = Obligations.eterm_obligations env ident evd 0 c typ in ignore(Obligations.add_definition ident ~term:c cty ~implicits:imps ~kind:k ~hook obls) else let ce = check_definition def in declare_definition ident k ce imps hook (* 2| Variable/Hypothesis/Parameter/Axiom declarations *) let declare_assumption is_coe (local,kind) c imps impl nl (_,ident) = match local with | Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () -> let decl = (Lib.cwd(), SectionLocalAssum (c,impl), IsAssumption kind) in let _ = declare_variable ident decl in let () = assumption_message ident in let () = if is_verbose () && Pfedit.refining () then msg_warning (str"Variable" ++ spc () ++ pr_id ident ++ strbrk " is not visible from current goals") in let r = VarRef ident in let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None true r in let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion r ~local:true in true | Global | Local | Discharge -> let local = get_locality ident local in let inl = match nl with | NoInline -> None | DefaultInline -> Some (Flags.get_inline_level()) | InlineAt i -> Some i in let decl = (ParameterEntry (None,c,inl), IsAssumption kind) in let kn = declare_constant ident ~local decl in let gr = ConstRef kn in let () = maybe_declare_manual_implicits false gr imps in let () = assumption_message ident in let () = Autoinstance.search_declaration (ConstRef kn) in let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None false gr in let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion gr local in Lib.is_modtype_strict () let declare_assumptions_hook = ref ignore let set_declare_assumptions_hook = (:=) declare_assumptions_hook let interp_assumption bl c = let c = prod_constr_expr c bl in let env = Global.env () in interp_type_evars_impls env c let declare_assumptions idl is_coe k c imps impl_is_on nl = !declare_assumptions_hook c; List.fold_left (fun status id -> declare_assumption is_coe k c imps impl_is_on nl id && status) true idl (* 3a| Elimination schemes for mutual inductive definitions *) (* 3b| Mutual inductive definitions *) let push_types env idl tl = List.fold_left2 (fun env id t -> Environ.push_rel (Name id,None,t) env) env idl tl type structured_one_inductive_expr = { ind_name : Id.t; ind_arity : constr_expr; ind_lc : (Id.t * constr_expr) list } type structured_inductive_expr = local_binder list * structured_one_inductive_expr list let minductive_message = function | [] -> error "No inductive definition." | [x] -> (pr_id x ++ str " is defined") | l -> hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_id l ++ spc () ++ str "are defined") let check_all_names_different indl = let ind_names = List.map (fun ind -> ind.ind_name) indl in let cstr_names = List.map_append (fun ind -> List.map fst ind.ind_lc) indl in let l = List.duplicates ind_names in let () = match l with | [] -> () | t :: _ -> raise (InductiveError (SameNamesTypes t)) in let l = List.duplicates cstr_names in let () = match l with | [] -> () | c :: _ -> raise (InductiveError (SameNamesConstructors (List.hd l))) in let l = List.intersect ind_names cstr_names in match l with | [] -> () | _ -> raise (InductiveError (SameNamesOverlap l)) let mk_mltype_data evdref env assums arity indname = let is_ml_type = is_sort env !evdref arity in (is_ml_type,indname,assums) let prepare_param = function | (na,None,t) -> out_name na, LocalAssum t | (na,Some b,_) -> out_name na, LocalDef b let interp_ind_arity evdref env ind = interp_type_evars_impls ~evdref env ind.ind_arity let interp_cstrs evdref env impls mldata arity ind = let cnames,ctyps = List.split ind.ind_lc in (* Complete conclusions of constructor types if given in ML-style syntax *) let ctyps' = List.map2 (complete_conclusion mldata) cnames ctyps in (* Interpret the constructor types *) let ctyps'', cimpls = List.split (List.map (interp_type_evars_impls ~evdref env ~impls) ctyps') in (cnames, ctyps'', cimpls) let interp_mutual_inductive (paramsl,indl) notations finite = check_all_names_different indl; let env0 = Global.env() in let evdref = ref Evd.empty in let _, ((env_params, ctx_params), userimpls) = interp_context_evars evdref env0 paramsl in let indnames = List.map (fun ind -> ind.ind_name) indl in (* Names of parameters as arguments of the inductive type (defs removed) *) let assums = List.filter(fun (_,b,_) -> Option.is_empty b) ctx_params in let params = List.map (fun (na,_,_) -> out_name na) assums in (* Interpret the arities *) let arities = List.map (interp_ind_arity evdref env_params) indl in let fullarities = List.map (fun (c, _) -> it_mkProd_or_LetIn c ctx_params) arities in let env_ar = push_types env0 indnames fullarities in let env_ar_params = push_rel_context ctx_params env_ar in (* Compute interpretation metadatas *) let indimpls = List.map (fun (_, impls) -> userimpls @ lift_implicits (rel_context_nhyps ctx_params) impls) arities in let arities = List.map fst arities in let impls = compute_internalization_env env0 (Inductive params) indnames fullarities indimpls in let mldatas = List.map2 (mk_mltype_data evdref env_params params) arities indnames in let constructors = Metasyntax.with_syntax_protection (fun () -> (* Temporary declaration of notations and scopes *) List.iter (Metasyntax.set_notation_for_interpretation impls) notations; (* Interpret the constructor types *) List.map3 (interp_cstrs evdref env_ar_params impls) mldatas arities indl) () in (* Instantiate evars and check all are resolved *) let evd = consider_remaining_unif_problems env_params !evdref in let evd = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.no_goals ~fail:true env_params evd in let sigma = evd in let constructors = List.map (fun (idl,cl,impsl) -> (idl,List.map (nf_evar sigma) cl,impsl)) constructors in let ctx_params = Sign.map_rel_context (nf_evar sigma) ctx_params in let arities = List.map (nf_evar sigma) arities in List.iter (check_evars env_params Evd.empty evd) arities; Sign.iter_rel_context (check_evars env0 Evd.empty evd) ctx_params; List.iter (fun (_,ctyps,_) -> List.iter (check_evars env_ar_params Evd.empty evd) ctyps) constructors; (* Build the inductive entries *) let entries = List.map3 (fun ind arity (cnames,ctypes,cimpls) -> { mind_entry_typename = ind.ind_name; mind_entry_arity = arity; mind_entry_consnames = cnames; mind_entry_lc = ctypes }) indl arities constructors in let impls = let len = rel_context_nhyps ctx_params in List.map2 (fun indimpls (_,_,cimpls) -> indimpls, List.map (fun impls -> userimpls @ (lift_implicits len impls)) cimpls) indimpls constructors in (* Build the mutual inductive entry *) { mind_entry_params = List.map prepare_param ctx_params; mind_entry_record = false; mind_entry_finite = finite; mind_entry_inds = entries }, impls (* Very syntactical equality *) let eq_local_binders bl1 bl2 = List.equal local_binder_eq bl1 bl2 let extract_coercions indl = let mkqid (_,((_,id),_)) = qualid_of_ident id in let extract lc = List.filter (fun (iscoe,_) -> iscoe) lc in List.map mkqid (List.flatten(List.map (fun (_,_,_,lc) -> extract lc) indl)) let extract_params indl = let paramsl = List.map (fun (_,params,_,_) -> params) indl in match paramsl with | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "empty list of inductive types") | params::paramsl -> if not (List.for_all (eq_local_binders params) paramsl) then error "Parameters should be syntactically the same for each inductive type."; params let extract_inductive indl = List.map (fun ((_,indname),_,ar,lc) -> { ind_name = indname; ind_arity = Option.cata (fun x -> x) (CSort (Loc.ghost,GType None)) ar; ind_lc = List.map (fun (_,((_,id),t)) -> (id,t)) lc }) indl let extract_mutual_inductive_declaration_components indl = let indl,ntnl = List.split indl in let params = extract_params indl in let coes = extract_coercions indl in let indl = extract_inductive indl in (params,indl), coes, List.flatten ntnl let declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations isrecord mie impls = let names = List.map (fun e -> e.mind_entry_typename) mie.mind_entry_inds in let (_,kn) = declare_mind isrecord mie in let mind = Global.mind_of_delta_kn kn in List.iteri (fun i (indimpls, constrimpls) -> let ind = (mind,i) in Autoinstance.search_declaration (IndRef ind); maybe_declare_manual_implicits false (IndRef ind) indimpls; List.iteri (fun j impls -> (* Autoinstance.search_declaration (ConstructRef (ind,j));*) maybe_declare_manual_implicits false (ConstructRef (ind, succ j)) impls) constrimpls) impls; if_verbose msg_info (minductive_message names); declare_default_schemes mind; mind type one_inductive_impls = Impargs.manual_explicitation list (* for inds *)* Impargs.manual_explicitation list list (* for constrs *) type one_inductive_expr = lident * local_binder list * constr_expr option * constructor_expr list let do_mutual_inductive indl finite = let indl,coes,ntns = extract_mutual_inductive_declaration_components indl in (* Interpret the types *) let mie,impls = interp_mutual_inductive indl ntns finite in (* Declare the mutual inductive block with its associated schemes *) ignore (declare_mutual_inductive_with_eliminations UserVerbose mie impls); (* Declare the possible notations of inductive types *) List.iter Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation ntns; (* Declare the coercions *) List.iter (fun qid -> Class.try_add_new_coercion (locate qid) false) coes (* 3c| Fixpoints and co-fixpoints *) (* An (unoptimized) function that maps preorders to partial orders... Input: a list of associations (x,[y1;...;yn]), all yi distincts and different of x, meaning x<=y1, ..., x<=yn Output: a list of associations (x,Inr [y1;...;yn]), collecting all distincts yi greater than x, _or_, (x, Inl y) meaning that x is in the same class as y (in which case, x occurs nowhere else in the association map) partial_order : ('a * 'a list) list -> ('a * ('a,'a list) union) list *) let rec partial_order = function | [] -> [] | (x,xge)::rest -> let rec browse res xge' = function | [] -> let res = List.map (function | (z, Inr zge) when List.mem x zge -> (z, Inr (List.union zge xge')) | r -> r) res in (x,Inr xge')::res | y::xge -> let rec link y = try match List.assoc y res with | Inl z -> link z | Inr yge -> if List.mem x yge then let res = List.remove_assoc y res in let res = List.map (function | (z, Inl t) -> if Id.equal t y then (z, Inl x) else (z, Inl t) | (z, Inr zge) -> if List.mem y zge then (z, Inr (List.add_set x (List.remove y zge))) else (z, Inr zge)) res in browse ((y,Inl x)::res) xge' (List.union xge (List.remove x yge)) else browse res (List.add_set y (List.union xge' yge)) xge with Not_found -> browse res (List.add_set y xge') xge in link y in browse (partial_order rest) [] xge let non_full_mutual_message x xge y yge isfix rest = let reason = if List.mem x yge then Id.to_string y^" depends on "^Id.to_string x^" but not conversely" else if List.mem y xge then Id.to_string x^" depends on "^Id.to_string y^" but not conversely" else Id.to_string y^" and "^Id.to_string x^" are not mutually dependent" in let e = if List.is_empty rest then reason else "e.g.: "^reason in let k = if isfix then "fixpoint" else "cofixpoint" in let w = if isfix then strbrk "Well-foundedness check may fail unexpectedly." ++ fnl() else mt () in strbrk ("Not a fully mutually defined "^k) ++ fnl () ++ strbrk ("("^e^").") ++ fnl () ++ w let check_mutuality env isfix fixl = let names = List.map fst fixl in let preorder = List.map (fun (id,def) -> (id, List.filter (fun id' -> not (Id.equal id id') && occur_var env id' def) names)) fixl in let po = partial_order preorder in match List.filter (function (_,Inr _) -> true | _ -> false) po with | (x,Inr xge)::(y,Inr yge)::rest -> if_warn msg_warning (non_full_mutual_message x xge y yge isfix rest) | _ -> () type structured_fixpoint_expr = { fix_name : Id.t; fix_annot : Id.t Loc.located option; fix_binders : local_binder list; fix_body : constr_expr option; fix_type : constr_expr } let interp_fix_context evdref env isfix fix = let before, after = if isfix then split_at_annot fix.fix_binders fix.fix_annot else [], fix.fix_binders in let impl_env, ((env', ctx), imps) = interp_context_evars evdref env before in let impl_env', ((env'', ctx'), imps') = interp_context_evars ~impl_env evdref env' after in let annot = Option.map (fun _ -> List.length (assums_of_rel_context ctx)) fix.fix_annot in ((env'', ctx' @ ctx), (impl_env',imps @ imps'), annot) let interp_fix_ccl evdref impls (env,_) fix = interp_type_evars_impls ~impls ~evdref ~fail_evar:false env fix.fix_type let interp_fix_body evdref env_rec impls (_,ctx) fix ccl = Option.map (fun body -> let env = push_rel_context ctx env_rec in let body = interp_casted_constr_evars evdref env ~impls body ccl in it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body ctx) fix.fix_body let build_fix_type (_,ctx) ccl = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl ctx let declare_fix kind f def t imps = let ce = { const_entry_body = def; const_entry_secctx = None; const_entry_type = Some t; const_entry_opaque = false; const_entry_inline_code = false } in declare_definition f kind ce imps (fun _ r -> r) let _ = Obligations.declare_fix_ref := declare_fix let prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixtypes fixdefs = let defs = List.map (subst_vars (List.rev fixnames)) fixdefs in let names = List.map (fun id -> Name id) fixnames in (Array.of_list names, Array.of_list fixtypes, Array.of_list defs) (* Jump over let-bindings. *) let compute_possible_guardness_evidences (ids,_,na) = match na with | Some i -> [i] | None -> (* If recursive argument was not given by user, we try all args. An earlier approach was to look only for inductive arguments, but doing it properly involves delta-reduction, and it finally doesn't seem to worth the effort (except for huge mutual fixpoints ?) *) List.interval 0 (List.length ids - 1) type recursive_preentry = Id.t list * constr option list * types list (* Wellfounded definition *) open Coqlib let contrib_name = "Program" let subtac_dir = [contrib_name] let fixsub_module = subtac_dir @ ["Wf"] let tactics_module = subtac_dir @ ["Tactics"] let init_reference dir s () = Coqlib.gen_reference "Command" dir s let init_constant dir s () = Coqlib.gen_constant "Command" dir s let make_ref l s = init_reference l s let fix_proto = init_constant tactics_module "fix_proto" let fix_sub_ref = make_ref fixsub_module "Fix_sub" let measure_on_R_ref = make_ref fixsub_module "MR" let well_founded = init_constant ["Init"; "Wf"] "well_founded" let mkSubset name typ prop = mkApp ((delayed_force build_sigma).typ, [| typ; mkLambda (name, typ, prop) |]) let sigT = Lazy.lazy_from_fun build_sigma_type let make_qref s = Qualid (Loc.ghost, qualid_of_string s) let lt_ref = make_qref "Init.Peano.lt" let rec telescope = function | [] -> assert false | [(n, None, t)] -> t, [n, Some (mkRel 1), t], mkRel 1 | (n, None, t) :: tl -> let ty, tys, (k, constr) = List.fold_left (fun (ty, tys, (k, constr)) (n, b, t) -> let pred = mkLambda (n, t, ty) in let sigty = mkApp ((Lazy.force sigT).typ, [|t; pred|]) in let intro = mkApp ((Lazy.force sigT).intro, [|lift k t; lift k pred; mkRel k; constr|]) in (sigty, pred :: tys, (succ k, intro))) (t, [], (2, mkRel 1)) tl in let (last, subst) = List.fold_right2 (fun pred (n, b, t) (prev, subst) -> let proj1 = applistc (Lazy.force sigT).proj1 [t; pred; prev] in let proj2 = applistc (Lazy.force sigT).proj2 [t; pred; prev] in (lift 1 proj2, (n, Some proj1, t) :: subst)) (List.rev tys) tl (mkRel 1, []) in ty, ((n, Some last, t) :: subst), constr | (n, Some b, t) :: tl -> let ty, subst, term = telescope tl in ty, ((n, Some b, t) :: subst), lift 1 term let nf_evar_context isevars ctx = List.map (fun (n, b, t) -> (n, Option.map (Evarutil.nf_evar isevars) b, Evarutil.nf_evar isevars t)) ctx let build_wellfounded (recname,n,bl,arityc,body) r measure notation = Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Program";"Wf"]; let sigma = Evd.empty in let isevars = ref (Evd.create_evar_defs sigma) in let env = Global.env() in let _, ((env', binders_rel), impls) = interp_context_evars isevars env bl in let len = List.length binders_rel in let top_env = push_rel_context binders_rel env in let top_arity = interp_type_evars isevars top_env arityc in let full_arity = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders_rel in let argtyp, letbinders, make = telescope binders_rel in let argname = Id.of_string "recarg" in let arg = (Name argname, None, argtyp) in let binders = letbinders @ [arg] in let binders_env = push_rel_context binders_rel env in let rel, _ = interp_constr_evars_impls ~evdref:isevars env r in let relty = Typing.type_of env !isevars rel in let relargty = let error () = user_err_loc (constr_loc r, "Command.build_wellfounded", Printer.pr_constr_env env rel ++ str " is not an homogeneous binary relation.") in try let ctx, ar = Reductionops.splay_prod_n env !isevars 2 relty in match ctx, kind_of_term ar with | [(_, None, t); (_, None, u)], Sort (Prop Null) when Reductionops.is_conv env !isevars t u -> t | _, _ -> error () with e when Errors.noncritical e -> error () in let measure = interp_casted_constr_evars isevars binders_env measure relargty in let wf_rel, wf_rel_fun, measure_fn = let measure_body, measure = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn measure letbinders, it_mkLambda_or_LetIn measure binders in let comb = constr_of_global (delayed_force measure_on_R_ref) in let wf_rel = mkApp (comb, [| argtyp; relargty; rel; measure |]) in let wf_rel_fun x y = mkApp (rel, [| subst1 x measure_body; subst1 y measure_body |]) in wf_rel, wf_rel_fun, measure in let wf_proof = mkApp (delayed_force well_founded, [| argtyp ; wf_rel |]) in let argid' = Id.of_string (Id.to_string argname ^ "'") in let wfarg len = (Name argid', None, mkSubset (Name argid') argtyp (wf_rel_fun (mkRel 1) (mkRel (len + 1)))) in let intern_bl = wfarg 1 :: [arg] in let _intern_env = push_rel_context intern_bl env in let proj = (delayed_force build_sigma).Coqlib.proj1 in let wfargpred = mkLambda (Name argid', argtyp, wf_rel_fun (mkRel 1) (mkRel 3)) in let projection = (* in wfarg :: arg :: before *) mkApp (proj, [| argtyp ; wfargpred ; mkRel 1 |]) in let top_arity_let = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn top_arity letbinders in let intern_arity = substl [projection] top_arity_let in (* substitute the projection of wfarg for something, now intern_arity is in wfarg :: arg *) let intern_fun_arity_prod = it_mkProd_or_LetIn intern_arity [wfarg 1] in let intern_fun_binder = (Name (add_suffix recname "'"), None, intern_fun_arity_prod) in let curry_fun = let wfpred = mkLambda (Name argid', argtyp, wf_rel_fun (mkRel 1) (mkRel (2 * len + 4))) in let arg = mkApp ((delayed_force build_sigma).intro, [| argtyp; wfpred; lift 1 make; mkRel 1 |]) in let app = mkApp (mkRel (2 * len + 2 (* recproof + orig binders + current binders *)), [| arg |]) in let rcurry = mkApp (rel, [| measure; lift len measure |]) in let lam = (Name (Id.of_string "recproof"), None, rcurry) in let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn app (lam :: binders_rel) in let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (lift 1 top_arity) (lam :: binders_rel) in (Name recname, Some body, ty) in let fun_bl = intern_fun_binder :: [arg] in let lift_lets = Termops.lift_rel_context 1 letbinders in let intern_body = let ctx = (Name recname, None, pi3 curry_fun) :: binders_rel in let (r, l, impls, scopes) = Constrintern.compute_internalization_data env Constrintern.Recursive full_arity impls in let newimpls = Id.Map.singleton recname (r, l, impls @ [(Some (Id.of_string "recproof", Impargs.Manual, (true, false)))], scopes @ [None]) in interp_casted_constr_evars isevars ~impls:newimpls (push_rel_context ctx env) body (lift 1 top_arity) in let intern_body_lam = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn intern_body (curry_fun :: lift_lets @ fun_bl) in let prop = mkLambda (Name argname, argtyp, top_arity_let) in let def = mkApp (constr_of_global (delayed_force fix_sub_ref), [| argtyp ; wf_rel ; Evarutil.e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(Loc.ghost, Evar_kinds.QuestionMark (Evar_kinds.Define false)) wf_proof; prop ; intern_body_lam |]) in let _ = isevars := Evarutil.nf_evar_map !isevars in let binders_rel = nf_evar_context !isevars binders_rel in let binders = nf_evar_context !isevars binders in let top_arity = Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars top_arity in let hook, recname, typ = if List.length binders_rel > 1 then let name = add_suffix recname "_func" in let hook l gr = let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkApp (constr_of_global gr, [|make|])) binders_rel in let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders_rel in let ce = { const_entry_body = Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars body; const_entry_secctx = None; const_entry_type = Some ty; const_entry_opaque = false; const_entry_inline_code = false} in (** FIXME: include locality *) let c = Declare.declare_constant recname (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition Definition) in let gr = ConstRef c in if Impargs.is_implicit_args () || not (List.is_empty impls) then Impargs.declare_manual_implicits false gr [impls] in let typ = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders in hook, name, typ else let typ = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders_rel in let hook l gr = if Impargs.is_implicit_args () || not (List.is_empty impls) then Impargs.declare_manual_implicits false gr [impls] in hook, recname, typ in let fullcoqc = Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars def in let fullctyp = Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars typ in Obligations.check_evars env !isevars; let evars, _, evars_def, evars_typ = Obligations.eterm_obligations env recname !isevars 0 fullcoqc fullctyp in ignore(Obligations.add_definition recname ~term:evars_def evars_typ evars ~hook) let interp_recursive isfix fixl notations = let env = Global.env() in let fixnames = List.map (fun fix -> fix.fix_name) fixl in (* Interp arities allowing for unresolved types *) let evdref = ref Evd.empty in let fixctxs, fiximppairs, fixannots = List.split3 (List.map (interp_fix_context evdref env isfix) fixl) in let fixctximpenvs, fixctximps = List.split fiximppairs in let fixccls,fixcclimps = List.split (List.map3 (interp_fix_ccl evdref) fixctximpenvs fixctxs fixl) in let fixtypes = List.map2 build_fix_type fixctxs fixccls in let fixtypes = List.map (nf_evar !evdref) fixtypes in let fiximps = List.map3 (fun ctximps cclimps (_,ctx) -> ctximps@(Impargs.lift_implicits (List.length ctx) cclimps)) fixctximps fixcclimps fixctxs in let rec_sign = List.fold_left2 (fun env' id t -> if Flags.is_program_mode () then let sort = Retyping.get_type_of env !evdref t in let fixprot = try mkApp (delayed_force fix_proto, [|sort; t|]) with e when Errors.noncritical e -> t in (id,None,fixprot) :: env' else (id,None,t) :: env') [] fixnames fixtypes in let env_rec = push_named_context rec_sign env in (* Get interpretation metadatas *) let impls = compute_internalization_env env Recursive fixnames fixtypes fiximps in (* Interp bodies with rollback because temp use of notations/implicit *) let fixdefs = Metasyntax.with_syntax_protection (fun () -> List.iter (Metasyntax.set_notation_for_interpretation impls) notations; List.map4 (fun fixctximpenv -> interp_fix_body evdref env_rec (Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add fixctximpenv impls)) fixctximpenvs fixctxs fixl fixccls) () in (* Instantiate evars and check all are resolved *) let evd = consider_remaining_unif_problems env_rec !evdref in let fixdefs = List.map (Option.map (nf_evar evd)) fixdefs in let fixtypes = List.map (nf_evar evd) fixtypes in let fixctxnames = List.map (fun (_,ctx) -> List.map pi1 ctx) fixctxs in (* Build the fix declaration block *) (env,rec_sign,evd), (fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes), List.combine3 fixctxnames fiximps fixannots let check_recursive isfix ((env,rec_sign,evd),(fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),info) = let evd = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.no_goals ~fail:true env evd in List.iter (Option.iter (check_evars (push_named_context rec_sign env) Evd.empty evd)) fixdefs; List.iter (check_evars env Evd.empty evd) fixtypes; if not (List.mem None fixdefs) then begin let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in check_mutuality env isfix (List.combine fixnames fixdefs) end; ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),info) let interp_fixpoint l ntns = check_recursive true (interp_recursive true l ntns) let interp_cofixpoint l ntns = check_recursive false (interp_recursive false l ntns) let declare_fixpoint local ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),fiximps) indexes ntns = if List.mem None fixdefs then (* Some bodies to define by proof *) let thms = List.map3 (fun id t (len,imps,_) -> (id,(t,(len,imps)))) fixnames fixtypes fiximps in let init_tac = Some (List.map (Option.cata Tacmach.refine_no_check Tacticals.tclIDTAC) fixdefs) in Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,DefinitionBody Fixpoint) (Some(false,indexes,init_tac)) thms None (fun _ _ -> ()) else begin (* We shortcut the proof process *) let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in let fixdecls = prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixtypes fixdefs in let indexes = search_guard Loc.ghost (Global.env()) indexes fixdecls in let fiximps = List.map (fun (n,r,p) -> r) fiximps in let fixdecls = List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkFix ((indexes,i),fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in ignore (List.map4 (declare_fix (local, Fixpoint)) fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps); (* Declare the recursive definitions *) fixpoint_message (Some indexes) fixnames; end; (* Declare notations *) List.iter Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation ntns let declare_cofixpoint local ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),fiximps) ntns = if List.mem None fixdefs then (* Some bodies to define by proof *) let thms = List.map3 (fun id t (len,imps,_) -> (id,(t,(len,imps)))) fixnames fixtypes fiximps in let init_tac = Some (List.map (Option.cata Tacmach.refine_no_check Tacticals.tclIDTAC) fixdefs) in Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,DefinitionBody CoFixpoint) (Some(true,[],init_tac)) thms None (fun _ _ -> ()) else begin (* We shortcut the proof process *) let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in let fixdecls = prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixtypes fixdefs in let fixdecls = List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkCoFix (i,fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in let fiximps = List.map (fun (len,imps,idx) -> imps) fiximps in ignore (List.map4 (declare_fix (local, CoFixpoint)) fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps); (* Declare the recursive definitions *) cofixpoint_message fixnames end; (* Declare notations *) List.iter Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation ntns let extract_decreasing_argument limit = function | (na,CStructRec) -> na | (na,_) when not limit -> na | _ -> error "Only structural decreasing is supported for a non-Program Fixpoint" let extract_fixpoint_components limit l = let fixl, ntnl = List.split l in let fixl = List.map (fun ((_,id),ann,bl,typ,def) -> let ann = extract_decreasing_argument limit ann in {fix_name = id; fix_annot = ann; fix_binders = bl; fix_body = def; fix_type = typ}) fixl in fixl, List.flatten ntnl let extract_cofixpoint_components l = let fixl, ntnl = List.split l in List.map (fun ((_,id),bl,typ,def) -> {fix_name = id; fix_annot = None; fix_binders = bl; fix_body = def; fix_type = typ}) fixl, List.flatten ntnl let out_def = function | Some def -> def | None -> error "Program Fixpoint needs defined bodies." let collect_evars_of_term evd c ty = let evars = Int.Set.union (evars_of_term c) (evars_of_term ty) in Int.Set.fold (fun ev acc -> Evd.add acc ev (Evd.find_undefined evd ev)) evars Evd.empty let do_program_recursive local fixkind fixl ntns = let isfix = fixkind != Obligations.IsCoFixpoint in let (env, rec_sign, evd), fix, info = interp_recursive isfix fixl ntns in (* Program-specific code *) (* Get the interesting evars, those that were not instanciated *) let evd = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~filter:Typeclasses.no_goals ~fail:true env evd in (* Solve remaining evars *) let evd = nf_evar_map_undefined evd in let collect_evars id def typ imps = (* Generalize by the recursive prototypes *) let def = nf_evar evd (Termops.it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn def rec_sign) and typ = nf_evar evd (Termops.it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn typ rec_sign) in let evm = collect_evars_of_term evd def typ in let evars, _, def, typ = Obligations.eterm_obligations env id evm (List.length rec_sign) def typ in (id, def, typ, imps, evars) in let (fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes) = fix in let fiximps = List.map pi2 info in let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in let defs = List.map4 collect_evars fixnames fixdefs fixtypes fiximps in let () = if isfix then begin let possible_indexes = List.map compute_possible_guardness_evidences info in let fixdecls = Array.of_list (List.map (fun x -> Name x) fixnames), Array.of_list fixtypes, Array.of_list (List.map (subst_vars (List.rev fixnames)) fixdefs) in let indexes = Pretyping.search_guard Loc.ghost (Global.env ()) possible_indexes fixdecls in List.iteri (fun i _ -> Inductive.check_fix env ((indexes,i),fixdecls)) fixl end in let kind = match fixkind with | Obligations.IsFixpoint _ -> (local, Fixpoint) | Obligations.IsCoFixpoint -> (local, CoFixpoint) in Obligations.add_mutual_definitions defs ~kind ntns fixkind let do_program_fixpoint local l = let g = List.map (fun ((_,wf,_,_,_),_) -> wf) l in match g, l with | [(n, CWfRec r)], [(((_,id),_,bl,typ,def),ntn)] -> let recarg = match n with | Some n -> mkIdentC (snd n) | None -> errorlabstrm "do_program_fixpoint" (str "Recursive argument required for well-founded fixpoints") in build_wellfounded (id, n, bl, typ, out_def def) r recarg ntn | [(n, CMeasureRec (m, r))], [(((_,id),_,bl,typ,def),ntn)] -> build_wellfounded (id, n, bl, typ, out_def def) (Option.default (CRef lt_ref) r) m ntn | _, _ when List.for_all (fun (n, ro) -> ro == CStructRec) g -> let fixl,ntns = extract_fixpoint_components true l in let fixkind = Obligations.IsFixpoint g in do_program_recursive local fixkind fixl ntns | _, _ -> errorlabstrm "do_program_fixpoint" (str "Well-founded fixpoints not allowed in mutually recursive blocks") let do_fixpoint local l = if Flags.is_program_mode () then do_program_fixpoint local l else let fixl, ntns = extract_fixpoint_components true l in let fix = interp_fixpoint fixl ntns in let possible_indexes = List.map compute_possible_guardness_evidences (snd fix) in declare_fixpoint local fix possible_indexes ntns let do_cofixpoint local l = let fixl,ntns = extract_cofixpoint_components l in if Flags.is_program_mode () then do_program_recursive local Obligations.IsCoFixpoint fixl ntns else let cofix = interp_cofixpoint fixl ntns in declare_cofixpoint local cofix ntns