(*********************************************************************** v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team constr_expr list -> rel_context -> 'a val mismatched_props : env -> constr_expr list -> rel_context -> 'a (** Post-hoc class declaration. *) val declare_class : reference -> unit (** Instance declaration *) val declare_instance : bool -> reference -> unit val declare_instance_constant : typeclass -> int option -> (** priority *) bool -> (** globality *) Impargs.manual_explicitation list -> (** implicits *) ?hook:(Libnames.global_reference -> unit) -> identifier -> (** name *) Term.constr -> (** body *) Term.types -> (** type *) Names.identifier val new_instance : ?abstract:bool -> (** Not abstract by default. *) ?global:bool -> (** Not global by default. *) local_binder list -> typeclass_constraint -> constr_expr -> ?generalize:bool -> ?tac:Proof_type.tactic -> ?hook:(Libnames.global_reference -> unit) -> int option -> identifier (** Setting opacity *) val set_typeclass_transparency : evaluable_global_reference -> bool -> unit (** For generation on names based on classes only *) val id_of_class : typeclass -> identifier (** Context command *) val context : ?hook:(Libnames.global_reference -> unit) -> local_binder list -> unit (** Forward ref for refine *) val refine_ref : (open_constr -> Proof_type.tactic) ref