(* $Id$ *) open Util open Pp open Names open Term open Inductive open Declarations open Environ open Lib open Classops open Declare (* manipulations concernant les strength *) (* gt dans le sens de "longueur du sp" (donc le moins persistant) *) (* strength * strength -> bool *) let stre_gt = function | (NeverDischarge,NeverDischarge) -> false | (NeverDischarge,x) -> false | (x,NeverDischarge) -> true | (DischargeAt sp1,DischargeAt sp2) -> dirpath_prefix_of sp1 sp2 (* was sp_gt but don't understand why - HH *) let stre_max (stre1,stre2) = if stre_gt (stre1,stre2) then stre1 else stre2 let stre_max4 stre1 stre2 stre3 stre4 = stre_max ((stre_max (stre1,stre2)),(stre_max (stre3,stre4))) let id_of_varid c = match kind_of_term c with | IsVar id -> id | _ -> anomaly "class__id_of_varid" let stre_of_VAR c = variable_strength (make_qualid [] (string_of_id (destVar c))) (* lf liste des variable dont depend la coercion f lc liste des variable dont depend la classe source *) let rec stre_unif_cond = function | ([],[]) -> NeverDischarge | (v::l,[]) -> stre_of_VAR v | ([],v::l) -> stre_of_VAR v | (v1::l1,v2::l2) -> if v1=v2 then stre_unif_cond (l1,l2) else let stre1 = (stre_of_VAR v1) and stre2 = (stre_of_VAR v2) in stre_max (stre1,stre2) let stre_of_coe = function | NAM_Constant sp -> constant_or_parameter_strength sp | NAM_Var id -> variable_strength (make_qualid [] (string_of_id id)) | NAM_Inductive _ | NAM_Constructor _ -> NeverDischarge (* try_add_class : Names.identifier -> Term.constr -> (cl_typ * int) option -> bool -> int * Libobject.strength *) let try_add_class id v clpopt streopt check_exist = let env = Global.env () in let t = Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty v in let p1 = try arity_sort t with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "try_add_class" [< 'sTR "Type of "; 'sTR (string_of_id id); 'sTR " does not end with a sort" >] in let cl,p = match clpopt with | None -> let (cl,_)=constructor_at_head v in (cl,p1) | Some (cl,p2) -> (fully_applied id p2 p1;cl,p1) in if check_exist & class_exists cl then errorlabstrm "try_add_new_class" [< 'sTR (string_of_id id) ; 'sTR " is already a class" >]; let stre' = stre_of_cl cl in let stre = match streopt with | Some stre -> stre_max (stre,stre') | None -> stre' in add_new_class (cl,(string_of_id id),stre,p); stre (* try_add_new_class : Names.identifier -> unit *) let try_add_new_class id stre = let v = global_reference CCI id in let _ = try_add_class id v None (Some stre) true in () (* check_class : Names.identifier -> Term.constr -> cl_typ -> int -> int * Libobject.strength *) let check_class id v cl p = try let _,clinfo = class_info cl in if p = clinfo.cL_PARAM then clinfo.cL_STRE else errorlabstrm "fully_applied" [< 'sTR"Wrong number of parameters for ";'sTR(string_of_id id) >] with Not_found -> try_add_class id v (Some (cl,p)) None false (* decomposition de constr vers coe_typ *) (* t provient de global_reference donc pas de Cast, pas de App *) let coe_of_reference t = match kind_of_term t with | IsConst (sp,l) -> (Array.to_list l),NAM_Constant sp | IsMutInd (ind_sp,l) -> (Array.to_list l),NAM_Inductive ind_sp | IsMutConstruct (cstr_sp,l) -> (Array.to_list l),NAM_Constructor cstr_sp | IsVar id -> [],NAM_Var id | _ -> anomaly "Not a reference" let constructor_at_head1 t = let rec aux t' = match kind_of_term t' with | IsConst (sp,l) -> t',[],(Array.to_list l),CL_SP sp,0 | IsMutInd (ind_sp,l) -> t',[],(Array.to_list l),CL_IND ind_sp,0 | IsVar id -> t',[],[],CL_Var id,0 | IsCast (c,_) -> aux c | IsApp(f,args) -> let t',_,l,c,_ = aux f in t',Array.to_list args,l,c,Array.length args | IsProd (_,_,_) -> t',[],[],CL_FUN,0 | IsLetIn (_,_,_,c) -> aux c | IsSort _ -> t',[],[],CL_SORT,0 | _ -> raise Not_found in aux (collapse_appl t) (* condition d'heritage uniforme *) let uniform_cond nargs lt = let rec aux = function | (0,[]) -> true | (n,t::l) -> (strip_outer_cast t = mkRel n) & (aux ((n-1),l)) | _ -> false in aux (nargs,lt) let id_of_cl = function | CL_FUN -> (id_of_string "FUNCLASS") | CL_SORT -> (id_of_string "SORTCLASS") | CL_SP sp -> (basename sp) | CL_IND (sp,i) -> (mind_nth_type_packet (Global.lookup_mind sp) i).mind_typename | CL_Var id -> id let string_of_cl = function | CL_FUN -> "FUNCLASS" | CL_SORT -> "SORTCLASS" | CL_SP sp -> string_of_id (basename sp) | CL_IND (sp,i) -> string_of_id (mind_nth_type_packet (Global.lookup_mind sp) i).mind_typename | CL_Var id -> string_of_id id (* lp est la liste (inverse'e) des arguments de la coercion ids est le nom de la classe source sps_opt est le sp de la classe source dans le cas des structures retourne: la classe souce nbre d'arguments de la classe le constr de la class l'indice de la classe source dans la liste lp la liste des variables dont depend la classe source *) let get_source lp source = match source with | None -> let (v1,lv1,l,cl1,p1) as x = match lp with | [] -> raise Not_found | t1::_ -> try constructor_at_head1 t1 with _ -> raise Not_found in (id_of_cl cl1),(cl1,p1,v1,lv1,1,l) | Some id -> let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise Not_found | t1::lt -> try let v1,lv1,l,cl1,p1 = constructor_at_head1 t1 in if id_of_cl cl1 = id then cl1,p1,v1,lv1,n,l else aux (n+1) lt with _ -> aux (n + 1) lt in id, aux 1 lp let get_target t ind = if (ind > 1) then CL_FUN,0,t else let v2,_,_,cl2,p2 = constructor_at_head1 t in cl2,p2,v2 let prods_of t = let rec aux acc d = match kind_of_term d with | IsProd (_,c1,c2) -> aux (c1::acc) c2 | IsCast (c,_) -> aux acc c | _ -> d::acc in aux [] t (* coercion identite' *) let build_id_coercion idf_opt ids = let env = Global.env () in let vs = construct_reference env CCI ids in let c = match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast vs) with | IsConst cst -> (try Instantiate.constant_value env cst with Instantiate.NotEvaluableConst _ -> errorlabstrm "build_id_coercion" [< 'sTR(string_of_id ids); 'sTR" must be a transparent constant" >]) | _ -> errorlabstrm "build_id_coercion" [< 'sTR(string_of_id ids); 'sTR" must be a transparent constant" >] in let lams,t = Sign.decompose_lam_assum c in let llams = List.length lams in let lams = List.rev lams in let val_f = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "x"), applistc vs (rel_list 0 llams), mkRel 1)) lams in let typ_f = it_mkProd_wo_LetIn (mkProd (Anonymous, applistc vs (rel_list 0 llams), lift 1 t)) lams in (* juste pour verification *) let _ = try Reduction.conv_leq env Evd.empty (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty val_f) typ_f with _ -> error ("cannot be defined as coercion - "^ "may be a bad number of arguments") in let idf = match idf_opt with | Some(idf) -> idf | None -> id_of_string ("Id_"^(string_of_id ids)^"_"^ (string_of_cl (fst (constructor_at_head t)))) in let constr_entry = { const_entry_body = val_f; const_entry_type = None } in declare_constant idf (ConstantEntry constr_entry,NeverDischarge,false); idf let add_new_coercion_in_graph1 (coef,v,stre,isid,cls,clt) idf ps = add_anonymous_leaf (inCoercion ((coef, {cOE_VALUE=v;cOE_STRE=stre;cOE_ISID=isid;cOE_PARAM=ps}), cls,clt)) (* nom de la fonction coercion strength de f nom de la classe source (optionnel) sp de la classe source (dans le cas des structures) nom de la classe target (optionnel) booleen "coercion identite'?" lorque source est None alors target est None aussi. *) let try_add_new_coercion_core idf stre source target isid = let env = Global.env () in let v = construct_reference env CCI idf in let vj = Retyping.get_judgment_of env Evd.empty v in let f_vardep,coef = coe_of_reference v in if coercion_exists coef then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [< 'sTR(string_of_id idf) ; 'sTR" is already a coercion" >]; let lp = prods_of (vj.uj_type) in let llp = List.length lp in if llp <= 1 then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [< 'sTR"Does not correspond to a coercion" >]; let ids,(cls,ps,vs,lvs,ind,s_vardep) = try get_source (List.tl lp) source with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [<'sTR"We do not find the source class " >] in if (cls = CL_FUN) then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [< 'sTR"FUNCLASS cannot be a source class" >]; if (cls = CL_SORT) then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [< 'sTR"SORTCLASS cannot be a source class" >]; if not (uniform_cond (llp-1-ind) lvs) then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [<'sTR(string_of_id idf); 'sTR" does not respect the inheritance uniform condition" >]; let clt,pt,vt = try get_target (List.hd lp) ind with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [<'sTR"We cannot find the target class" >] in let idt = (match target with | Some idt -> if idt = id_of_cl clt then idt else errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [<'sTR"The target class does not correspond to "; 'sTR(string_of_id idt) >] | None -> (id_of_cl clt)) in let stres = check_class ids vs cls ps in let stret = check_class idt vt clt pt in let stref = stre_of_coe coef in (* 01/00: Supprimé la prise en compte de la force des variables locales. Sens ? let streunif = stre_unif_cond (s_vardep,f_vardep) in *) let streunif = NeverDischarge in let stre' = stre_max4 stres stret stref streunif in (* if (stre=NeverDischarge) & (stre'<>NeverDischarge) then errorlabstrm "try_add_coercion" [<'sTR(string_of_id idf); 'sTR" must be declared as a local coercion (its strength is "; 'sTR(string_of_strength stre');'sTR")" >] *) let stre = stre_max (stre,stre') in add_new_coercion_in_graph1 (coef,vj,stre,isid,cls,clt) idf ps let try_add_new_coercion id stre = try_add_new_coercion_core id stre None None false let try_add_new_coercion_subclass id stre = let idf = build_id_coercion None id in try_add_new_coercion_core idf stre (Some id) None true let try_add_new_coercion_with_target id stre source target isid = if isid then let idf = build_id_coercion (Some id) source in try_add_new_coercion_core idf stre (Some source) (Some target) true else try_add_new_coercion_core id stre (Some source) (Some target) false let try_add_new_coercion_record id stre source = try_add_new_coercion_core id stre (Some source) None false (* fonctions pour le discharge: plutot sale *) let defined_in_sec sp sec_sp = dirpath sp = sec_sp let process_class sec_sp ((cl,{cL_STR=s;cL_STRE=stre;cL_PARAM=p}) as x ) = let env = Global.env () in match cl with | CL_Var id -> x | CL_SP sp -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in let v = global_reference CCI spid in let t = Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty v in let p = arity_sort t in (CL_SP newsp,{cL_STR=s;cL_STRE=stre;cL_PARAM=p}) else x | CL_IND (sp,i) -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in let v = global_reference CCI spid in let t = Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty v in let p = arity_sort t in (CL_IND (newsp,i),{cL_STR=s;cL_STRE=stre;cL_PARAM=p}) else x | _ -> anomaly "process_class" let process_cl sec_sp cl = match cl with | CL_Var id -> CL_Var id | CL_SP sp -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in CL_SP newsp else cl | CL_IND (sp,i) -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in CL_IND (newsp,i) else cl | _ -> cl (* Pour le discharge *) let process_coercion sec_sp (((coe,coeinfo),s,t) as x) = let s1= process_cl sec_sp s in let t1 = process_cl sec_sp t in let p = (snd (class_info s1)).cL_PARAM in match coe with | NAM_Var id -> ((coe,coeinfo),s1,t1) | NAM_Constant sp -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in ((NAM_Constant newsp,coeinfo),s1,t1) else ((coe,coeinfo),s1,t1) | NAM_Inductive (sp,i) -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in ((NAM_Inductive (newsp,i),coeinfo),s1,t1) else ((coe,coeinfo),s1,t1) | NAM_Constructor ((sp,i),j) -> if defined_in_sec sp sec_sp then let ((_,spid,spk)) = repr_path sp in let newsp = Lib.make_path spid CCI in (((NAM_Constructor ((newsp,i),j)),coeinfo),s1,t1) else ((coe,coeinfo),s1,t1)