(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ") else let loc = Loc.unloc loc in (int (fst loc) ++ str"-" ++ int (snd loc)) let guill s = str "\"" ++ str s ++ str "\"" (** Invariant : exceptions embedded in EvaluatedError satisfy Errors.noncritical *) exception EvaluatedError of std_ppcmds * exn option (** Registration of generic errors Nota: explain_exn does NOT end with a newline anymore! *) let explain_exn_default = function (* Basic interaction exceptions *) | Stream.Error txt -> hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt ++ str ".") | Compat.Token.Error txt -> hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt ++ str ".") | CLexer.Error.E err -> hov 0 (str (CLexer.Error.to_string err)) | Sys_error msg -> hov 0 (str "System error: " ++ guill msg) | Out_of_memory -> hov 0 (str "Out of memory.") | Stack_overflow -> hov 0 (str "Stack overflow.") | Timeout -> hov 0 (str "Timeout!") | Sys.Break -> hov 0 (fnl () ++ str "User interrupt.") (* Exceptions with pre-evaluated error messages *) | EvaluatedError (msg,None) -> msg | EvaluatedError (msg,Some reraise) -> msg ++ Errors.print reraise (* Otherwise, not handled here *) | _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled let _ = Errors.register_handler explain_exn_default (** Pre-explain a vernac interpretation error *) let wrap_vernac_error with_header (exn, info) strm = if with_header then let header = Pp.tag (Pp.Tag.inj Ppstyle.error_tag Ppstyle.tag) (str "Error:") in let e = EvaluatedError (hov 0 (header ++ spc () ++ strm), None) in (e, info) else (EvaluatedError (strm, None), info) let process_vernac_interp_error with_header exn = match fst exn with | Univ.UniverseInconsistency i -> let msg = if !Constrextern.print_universes then str "." ++ spc() ++ Univ.explain_universe_inconsistency Universes.pr_with_global_universes i else mt() in wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (str "Universe inconsistency" ++ msg ++ str ".") | TypeError(ctx,te) -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_type_error ctx Evd.empty te) | PretypeError(ctx,sigma,te) -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_pretype_error ctx sigma te) | Typeclasses_errors.TypeClassError(env, te) -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env te) | InductiveError e -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_inductive_error e) | Modops.ModuleTypingError e -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_module_error e) | Modintern.ModuleInternalizationError e -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_module_internalization_error e) | RecursionSchemeError e -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_recursion_scheme_error e) | Cases.PatternMatchingError (env,sigma,e) -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_pattern_matching_error env sigma e) | Tacred.ReductionTacticError e -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_reduction_tactic_error e) | Logic.RefinerError e -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (Himsg.explain_refiner_error e) | Nametab.GlobalizationError q -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (str "The reference" ++ spc () ++ Libnames.pr_qualid q ++ spc () ++ str "was not found" ++ spc () ++ str "in the current" ++ spc () ++ str "environment.") | Refiner.FailError (i,s) -> let s = Lazy.force s in wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (str "Tactic failure" ++ (if Pp.is_empty s then s else str ": " ++ s) ++ if Int.equal i 0 then str "." else str " (level " ++ int i ++ str").") | AlreadyDeclared msg -> wrap_vernac_error with_header exn (msg ++ str ".") | _ -> exn let rec strip_wrapping_exceptions = function | Logic_monad.TacticFailure e -> strip_wrapping_exceptions e | exc -> exc let additional_error_info = ref [] let register_additional_error_info f = additional_error_info := f :: !additional_error_info let process_vernac_interp_error ?(allow_uncaught=true) ?(with_header=true) (exc, info) = let exc = strip_wrapping_exceptions exc in let e = process_vernac_interp_error with_header (exc, info) in let () = if not allow_uncaught && not (Errors.handled (fst e)) then let (e, info) = e in let msg = str "Uncaught exception " ++ str (Printexc.to_string e) in let err = Errors.make_anomaly msg in Util.iraise (err, info) in let e' = try Some (CList.find_map (fun f -> f e) !additional_error_info) with _ -> None in match e' with | None -> e | Some (None, loc) -> (fst e, Loc.add_loc (snd e) loc) | Some (Some msg, loc) -> (EvaluatedError (msg, Some (fst e)), Loc.add_loc (snd e) loc)