(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* unit (** The [Invalid] exception is raised when one of the following function tries to empty the history stack, or reach an unknown states, etc. The stack is preserved in these cases. *) exception Invalid (** Nota Bene: it is critical for the following functions that proofs are nested in a regular way (i.e. no more Resume or Suspend commands as earlier). *) (** Backtracking by a certain number of (non-state-preserving) commands. This is used by Coqide. It may actually undo more commands than asked : for instance instead of jumping back in the middle of a finished proof, we jump back before this proof. The number of extra backtracked command is returned at the end. *) val back : int -> int (** Backtracking to a certain state number, and reset proofs accordingly. We may end on some earlier state if needed to avoid re-opening proofs. Return the state number on which we finally end. *) val backto : int -> int (** Old [Backtrack] code with corresponding update of the history stack. [Backtrack] is now deprecated (in favor of [BackTo]) but is kept for compatibility with ProofGeneral. It's completely up to ProofGeneral to decide where to go and how to adapt proofs. Note that the choices of ProofGeneral are currently not always perfect (for instance when backtracking an Undo). *) val backtrack : int -> int -> int -> unit (** [reset_initial] resets the system and clears the command history stack, only pushing back the initial entry. It should be equivalent to [backto Lib.first_command_label], but sligthly more efficient. *) val reset_initial : unit -> unit (** Reset to the last known state just before defining [id] *) val reset_name : Names.identifier Loc.located -> unit (** When a proof is ended (via either Qed/Admitted/Restart/Abort), old proof steps should be marked differently to avoid jumping back to them: - either this proof isn't there anymore in the proof engine - either a proof with the same name is there, but it's a more recent attempt after a Restart/Abort, we shouldn't mix the two. We also mark as unreachable the proof steps cancelled via a Undo. *) val mark_unreachable : ?after:int -> Names.identifier list -> unit (** Parse the history stack for printing the script of a proof *) val get_script : Names.identifier -> Vernacexpr.vernac_expr list (** For debug purpose, a dump of the history *) type info = { label : int; nproofs : int; prfname : Names.identifier option; prfdepth : int; cmd : Vernacexpr.vernac_expr; mutable reachable : bool; } val dump_history : unit -> info list