(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* rel_context -> constr list -> unit (* * Search algorithm *) let rec subst_evar evar def n c = match kind_of_term c with | Evar (e,_) when e=evar -> lift n def | _ -> map_constr_with_binders (fun n->n+1) (subst_evar evar def) n c let subst_evar_in_evm evar def evm = Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> let evar_body = match evi.evar_body with | Evd.Evar_empty -> Evd.Evar_empty | Evd.Evar_defined c -> Evd.Evar_defined (subst_evar evar def 0 c) in let evar_concl = subst_evar evar def 0 evi.evar_concl in Evd.add acc ev {evi with evar_body=evar_body; evar_concl=evar_concl} ) evm empty (* Tries to define ev by c in evd. Fails if ev := c1 and c1 /= c ev : * T1, c : T2 and T1 /= T2. Defines recursively all evars instantiated * by this definition. *) let rec safe_define evm ev c = if not (closedn (-1) c) then raise Termops.CannotFilter else (* msgnl(str"safe_define "++pr_evar_map evm++spc()++str" |- ?"++Util.pr_int ev++str" := "++pr_constr c);*) let evi = (Evd.find evm ev) in let define_subst evm sigma = Util.Intmap.fold ( fun ev (e,c) evm -> match kind_of_term c with Evar (i,_) when i=ev -> evm | _ -> safe_define evm ev (lift (-List.length e) c) ) sigma evm in match evi.evar_body with | Evd.Evar_defined def -> define_subst evm (Termops.filtering [] Reduction.CUMUL def c) | Evd.Evar_empty -> let t = Libtypes.reduce (Typing.type_of (Global.env()) evm c) in let u = Libtypes.reduce (evar_concl evi) in let evm = subst_evar_in_evm ev c evm in define_subst (Evd.define ev c evm) (Termops.filtering [] Reduction.CUMUL t u) let add_gen_ctx (cl,gen,evm) ctx : signature * constr list = let rec really_new_evar () = let ev = Evarutil.new_untyped_evar() in if Evd.is_evar evm ev then really_new_evar() else ev in let add_gen_evar (cl,gen,evm) ev ty : signature = let evm = Evd.add evm ev (Evd.make_evar Environ.empty_named_context_val ty) in (cl,ev::gen,evm) in let rec mksubst b = function | [] -> [] | a::tl -> b::(mksubst (a::b) tl) in let evl = List.map (fun _ -> really_new_evar()) ctx in let evcl = List.map (fun i -> mkEvar (i,[||])) evl in let substl = List.rev (mksubst [] (evcl)) in let ctx = List.map2 (fun s t -> substnl s 0 t) substl ctx in let sign = List.fold_left2 add_gen_evar (cl,gen,evm) (List.rev evl) ctx in sign,evcl (* TODO : for full proof-irrelevance in the search, provide a real compare function for constr instead of Pervasive's one! *) module SubstSet : Set.S with type elt = Termops.subst = Set.Make (struct type t = Termops.subst let compare = Util.Intmap.compare (Pervasives.compare) end) (* searches instatiations in the library for just one evar [ev] of a signature. [k] is called on each resulting signature *) let complete_evar (cl,gen,evm:signature) (ev,evi) (k:signature -> unit) = let ev_typ = Libtypes.reduce (evar_concl evi) in let sort_is_prop = is_Prop (Typing.type_of (Global.env()) evm (evar_concl evi)) in (* msgnl(str"cherche "++pr_constr ev_typ++str" pour "++Util.pr_int ev);*) let substs = ref SubstSet.empty in try List.iter ( fun (gr,(pat,_),s) -> let (_,genl,_) = Termops.decompose_prod_letin pat in let genl = List.map (fun (_,_,t) -> t) genl in let ((cl,gen,evm),argl) = add_gen_ctx (cl,gen,evm) genl in let def = applistc (Libnames.constr_of_global gr) argl in (* msgnl(str"essayons ?"++Util.pr_int ev++spc()++str":="++spc() ++pr_constr def++spc()++str":"++spc()++pr_constr (Global.type_of_global gr)*) (*++spc()++str"dans"++spc()++pr_evar_map evm++spc());*) try let evm = safe_define evm ev def in k (cl,gen,evm); if sort_is_prop && SubstSet.mem s !substs then raise Exit; substs := SubstSet.add s !substs with Termops.CannotFilter -> () ) (Libtypes.search_concl ev_typ) with Exit -> () let evm_fold_rev f evm acc = let l = Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> (ev,evi)::acc) evm [] in List.fold_left (fun acc (ev,evi) -> f ev evi acc) acc l exception Continue of Evd.evar * Evd.evar_info (* searches matches for all the uninstantiated evars of evd in the context. For each totally instantiated evar_map found, apply k. *) let rec complete_signature (k:signature -> unit) (cl,gen,evm:signature) = try evm_fold_rev ( fun ev evi _ -> if not (is_defined evm ev) && not (List.mem ev gen) then raise (Continue (ev,evi)) ) evm (); k (cl,gen,evm) with Continue (ev,evi) -> complete_evar (cl,gen,evm) (ev,evi) (complete_signature k) (* define all permutations of the evars to evd and call k on the resulting evd *) let complete_with_evars_permut (cl,gen,evm:signature) evl c (k:signature -> unit) : unit = let rec aux evm = List.iter ( fun (ctx,ev) -> let tyl = List.map (fun (_,_,t) -> t) ctx in let ((cl,gen,evm),argl) = add_gen_ctx (cl,gen,evm) tyl in let def = applistc c argl in (* msgnl(str"trouvé def ?"++Util.pr_int ev++str" := "++pr_constr def++str " dans "++pr_evar_map evm);*) try if not (Evd.is_defined evm ev) then let evm = safe_define evm ev def in aux evm; k (cl,gen,evm) with Termops.CannotFilter -> () ) evl in aux evm let new_inst_no = let cnt = ref 0 in fun () -> incr cnt; string_of_int !cnt let make_instance_ident gr = Nameops.add_suffix (Nametab.basename_of_global gr) ("_autoinstance_"^new_inst_no()) let new_instance_message ident typ def = Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str"new instance"++spc() ++Nameops.pr_id ident++spc()++str":"++spc() ++pr_constr typ++spc()++str":="++spc() ++pr_constr def) open Entries let rec deep_refresh_universes c = match kind_of_term c with | Sort (Type _) -> Termops.new_Type() | _ -> map_constr deep_refresh_universes c let declare_record_instance gr ctx params = let ident = make_instance_ident gr in let def = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (applistc (constr_of_global gr) params) ctx in let def = deep_refresh_universes def in let ce = { const_entry_body=def; const_entry_type=None; const_entry_opaque=false } in let cst = Declare.declare_constant ident (DefinitionEntry ce,Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.StructureComponent) in new_instance_message ident (Typeops.type_of_constant (Global.env()) cst) def let declare_class_instance gr ctx params = let ident = make_instance_ident gr in let cl = Typeclasses.class_info gr in let (def,typ) = Typeclasses.instance_constructor cl params in let (def,typ) = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn def ctx, it_mkProd_or_LetIn typ ctx in let def = deep_refresh_universes def in let typ = deep_refresh_universes typ in let ce = Entries.DefinitionEntry { const_entry_type=Some typ; const_entry_body=def; const_entry_opaque=false } in try let cst = Declare.declare_constant ident (ce,Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Instance) in Typeclasses.add_instance (Typeclasses.new_instance cl (Some 100) true (ConstRef cst)); new_instance_message ident typ def with e -> msgnl (str"Error defining instance := "++pr_constr def++str" : "++pr_constr typ++str" "++Errors.print e) let rec iter_under_prod (f:rel_context->constr->unit) (ctx:rel_context) t = f ctx t; match kind_of_term t with | Prod (n,t,c) -> iter_under_prod f ((n,None,t)::ctx) c | _ -> () (* main search function: search for total instances containing gr, and apply k to each of them *) let complete_signature_with_def gr deftyp (k:instance_decl_function -> signature -> unit) : unit = let gr_c = Libnames.constr_of_global gr in let (smap:(Libnames.global_reference * Evd.evar_map, ('a * 'b * Term.constr) list * Evd.evar) Gmapl.t ref) = ref Gmapl.empty in iter_under_prod ( fun ctx typ -> List.iter (fun ((cl,ev,evm),_,_) -> (* msgnl(pr_global gr++str" : "++pr_constr typ++str" matche ?"++Util.pr_int ev++str " dans "++pr_evar_map evm);*) smap := Gmapl.add (cl,evm) (ctx,ev) !smap) (Recordops.methods_matching typ) ) [] deftyp; Gmapl.iter ( fun (cl,evm) evl -> let f = if Typeclasses.is_class cl then declare_class_instance else declare_record_instance in complete_with_evars_permut (cl,[],evm) evl gr_c (fun sign -> complete_signature (k f) sign) ) !smap (* * Interface with other parts: hooks & declaration *) let evar_definition evi = match evar_body evi with Evar_empty -> assert false | Evar_defined c -> c let gen_sort_topo l evm = let iter_evar f ev = let rec aux c = match kind_of_term c with Evar (e,_) -> f e | _ -> iter_constr aux c in aux (Evd.evar_concl (Evd.find evm ev)); if Evd.is_defined evm ev then aux (evar_definition (Evd.find evm ev)) in let r = ref [] in let rec dfs ev = iter_evar dfs ev; if not(List.mem ev !r) then r := ev::!r in List.iter dfs l; List.rev !r (* register real typeclass instance given a totally defined evd *) let declare_instance (k:global_reference -> rel_context -> constr list -> unit) (cl,gen,evm:signature) = let evm = Evarutil.nf_evar_map evm in let gen = gen_sort_topo gen evm in let (evm,gen) = List.fold_right (fun ev (evm,gen) -> if Evd.is_defined evm ev then Evd.remove evm ev,gen else evm,(ev::gen)) gen (evm,[]) in (* msgnl(str"instance complète : ["++Util.prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str";") Util.pr_int gen++str"] : "++spc()++pr_evar_map evm);*) let ngen = List.length gen in let (_,ctx,evm) = List.fold_left ( fun (i,ctx,evm) ev -> let ctx = (Anonymous,None,lift (-i) (Evd.evar_concl(Evd.find evm ev)))::ctx in let evm = subst_evar_in_evm ev (mkRel i) (Evd.remove evm ev) in (i-1,ctx,evm) ) (ngen,[],evm) gen in let fields = List.rev (Evd.fold ( fun ev evi l -> evar_definition evi::l ) evm []) in k cl ctx fields let autoinstance_opt = ref true let search_declaration gr = if !autoinstance_opt && not (Lib.is_modtype()) then let deftyp = Global.type_of_global gr in complete_signature_with_def gr deftyp declare_instance let search_record k cons sign = if !autoinstance_opt && not (Lib.is_modtype()) then complete_signature (declare_instance k) (cons,[],sign) (* let dh_key = Profile.declare_profile "declaration_hook" let ch_key = Profile.declare_profile "class_decl_hook" let declaration_hook = Profile.profile1 dh_key declaration_hook let class_decl_hook = Profile.profile1 ch_key class_decl_hook *) (* * Options and bookeeping *) let begin_autoinstance () = if not !autoinstance_opt then ( autoinstance_opt := true; ) let end_autoinstance () = if !autoinstance_opt then ( autoinstance_opt := false; ) let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option { Goptions.optsync=true; Goptions.optkey=["Autoinstance"]; Goptions.optname="automatic typeclass instance recognition"; Goptions.optread=(fun () -> !autoinstance_opt); Goptions.optwrite=(fun b -> if b then begin_autoinstance() else end_autoinstance()) }