(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Buffer.clear s'; for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do let c = s.[i] in if c = ' ' || c = '#' || c = ':' (* separators and comments *) || c = '%' (* pattern *) || c = '?' || c = '[' || c = ']' || c = '*' (* expansion in filenames *) || i=0 && c = '~' && (String.length s = 1 || s.[1] = '/' || 'A' <= s.[1] && s.[1] <= 'Z' || 'a' <= s.[1] && s.[1] <= 'z') (* homedir expansion *) then begin let j = ref (i-1) in while !j >= 0 && s.[!j] = '\\' do Buffer.add_char s' '\\'; decr j (* escape all preceding '\' *) done; Buffer.add_char s' '\\'; end; if c = '$' then Buffer.add_char s' '$'; Buffer.add_char s' c done; Buffer.contents s' (* Filename.concat but always with a '/' *) let is_dir_sep s i = match Sys.os_type with | "Unix" -> s.[i] = '/' | "Cygwin" | "Win32" -> let c = s.[i] in c = '/' || c = '\\' || c = ':' | _ -> assert false let (//) dirname filename = let l = String.length dirname in if l = 0 || is_dir_sep dirname (l-1) then dirname ^ filename else dirname ^ "/" ^ filename (** [get_extension f l] checks whether [f] has one of the extensions listed in [l]. It returns [f] without its extension, alongside with the extension. When no extension match, [(f,"")] is returned *) let rec get_extension f = function | [] -> (f, "") | s :: _ when Filename.check_suffix f s -> (Filename.chop_suffix f s, s) | _ :: l -> get_extension f l let file_name s = function | None -> s | Some "." -> s | Some d -> d // s type dir = string option (* Visits all the directories under [dir], including [dir], or just [dir] if [recur=false] *) let rec add_directory add_file phys_dir = let dirh = opendir phys_dir in try while true do let f = readdir dirh in (* we avoid all files and subdirs starting by '.' (e.g. .svn), plus CVS and _darcs and any subdirs given via -exclude-dirs *) if f.[0] <> '.' then let phys_f = if phys_dir = "." then f else phys_dir//f in match try (stat phys_f).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with | S_REG -> add_file phys_dir f | _ -> () done with End_of_file -> closedir dirh let error_cannot_parse s (i,j) = Printf.eprintf "File \"%s\", characters %i-%i: Syntax error\n" s i j; exit 1 let warning_ml_clash x s suff s' suff' = if suff = suff' then eprintf "*** Warning: %s%s already found in %s (discarding %s%s)\n" x suff (match s with None -> "." | Some d -> d) ((match s' with None -> "." | Some d -> d) // x) suff let mkknown () = let h = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir * string) Hashtbl.t) in let add x s suff = try let s',suff' = Hashtbl.find h x in warning_ml_clash x s' suff' s suff with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h x (s,suff) and search x = try Some (fst (Hashtbl.find h x)) with Not_found -> None in add, search let add_ml_known, search_ml_known = mkknown () let add_mlpack_known, search_mlpack_known = mkknown () let mllibAccu = ref ([] : (string * dir) list) let add_caml_known phys_dir f = let basename,suff = get_extension f [".ml";".ml4";".mlpack"] in match suff with | ".ml"|".ml4" -> add_ml_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff | ".mlpack" -> add_mlpack_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff | _ -> () let add_caml_dir phys_dir = handle_unix_error (add_directory add_caml_known) phys_dir let traite_fichier_modules md ext = try let chan = open_in (md ^ ext) in let list = mllib_list (Lexing.from_channel chan) in List.fold_left (fun a_faire str -> match search_mlpack_known str with | Some mldir -> let file = file_name str mldir in a_faire^" "^file | None -> match search_ml_known str with | Some mldir -> let file = file_name str mldir in a_faire^" "^file | None -> a_faire) "" list with | Sys_error _ -> "" | Syntax_error (i,j) -> error_cannot_parse (md^ext) (i,j) let addQueue q v = q := v :: !q let rec treat_file old_name = let name = Filename.basename old_name in let dirname = Some (Filename.dirname old_name) in match get_extension name [".mllib"] with | (base,".mllib") -> addQueue mllibAccu (base,dirname) | _ -> () let mllib_dependencies () = List.iter (fun (name,dirname) -> let fullname = file_name name dirname in let dep = traite_fichier_modules fullname ".mllib" in let efullname = escape fullname in printf "%s_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES:=%s\n" efullname dep; printf "%s.cma:$(addsuffix .cmo,$(%s_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES))\n" efullname efullname; printf "%s.cmxa %s.cmxs:$(addsuffix .cmx,$(%s_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES))\n" efullname efullname efullname; flush Pervasives.stdout) (List.rev !mllibAccu) let rec parse = function | "-I" :: r :: ll -> (* To solve conflict (e.g. same filename in kernel and checker) we allow to state an explicit order *) add_caml_dir r; parse ll | f :: ll -> treat_file f; parse ll | [] -> () let coqdep_boot () = if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then exit 1; parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)); mllib_dependencies () let _ = Printexc.catch coqdep_boot () }