(* -*- compile-command: "make -C ../.. bin/coqdoc" -*- *) (************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* on 9 & 10 Mar 2004: * - handling of absolute filenames (function coq_module) * - coq_module: chop ./// (arbitrary amount of slashes), not only "./" * - function chop_prefix not useful anymore. Deleted. * - correct typo in usage message: "-R" -> "--R" * - shorten the definition of make_path * This notice is made to comply with section 2.a of the GPLv2. * It may be removed or abbreviated as far as I am concerned. *) open Cdglobals open Printf (*s \textbf{Usage.} Printed on error output. *) let usage () = prerr_endline ""; prerr_endline "Usage: coqdoc "; prerr_endline " --html produce a HTML document (default)"; prerr_endline " --latex produce a LaTeX document"; prerr_endline " --texmacs produce a TeXmacs document"; prerr_endline " --raw produce a text document"; prerr_endline " --dvi output the DVI"; prerr_endline " --ps output the PostScript"; prerr_endline " --pdf output the Pdf"; prerr_endline " --stdout write output to stdout"; prerr_endline " -o write output in file "; prerr_endline " -d output files into directory "; prerr_endline " -g (gallina) skip proofs"; prerr_endline " -s (short) no titles for files"; prerr_endline " -l light mode (only defs and statements)"; prerr_endline " -t give a title to the document"; prerr_endline " --body-only suppress LaTeX/HTML header and trailer"; prerr_endline " --with-header prepend as html reader"; prerr_endline " --with-footer append as html footer"; prerr_endline " --no-index do not output the index"; prerr_endline " --multi-index index split in multiple files"; prerr_endline " --toc output a table of contents"; prerr_endline " --vernac consider as a .v file"; prerr_endline " --tex consider as a .tex file"; prerr_endline " -p insert in LaTeX preamble"; prerr_endline " --files-from read file names to process in "; prerr_endline " --glob-from read globalization information from "; prerr_endline " --quiet quiet mode (default)"; prerr_endline " --verbose verbose mode"; prerr_endline " --no-externals no links to Coq standard library"; prerr_endline " --coqlib set URL for Coq standard library"; prerr_endline " (default is http://coq.inria.fr/library/)"; prerr_endline " --boot run in boot mode"; prerr_endline " --coqlib_path set the path where Coq files are installed"; prerr_endline " -R map physical dir to Coq dir"; prerr_endline " --latin1 set ISO-8859-1 input language"; prerr_endline " --utf8 set UTF-8 input language"; prerr_endline " --charset set HTML charset"; prerr_endline " --inputenc set LaTeX input encoding"; prerr_endline " --interpolate try to typeset identifiers in comments using definitions in the same module"; prerr_endline ""; exit 1 let obsolete s = eprintf "Warning: option %s is now obsolete; please update your scripts\n" s (*s \textbf{Banner.} Always printed. Notice that it is printed on error output, so that when the output of [coqdoc] is redirected this header is not (unless both standard and error outputs are redirected, of course). *) let banner () = eprintf "This is coqdoc version %s, compiled on %s\n" Coq_config.version Coq_config.compile_date; flush stderr let target_full_name f = match !Cdglobals.target_language with | HTML -> f ^ ".html" | Raw -> f ^ ".txt" | _ -> f ^ ".tex" (*s \textbf{Separation of files.} Files given on the command line are separated according to their type, which is determined by their suffix. Coq files have suffixe \verb!.v! or \verb!.g! and \LaTeX\ files have suffix \verb!.tex!. *) let check_if_file_exists f = if not (Sys.file_exists f) then begin eprintf "\ncoqdoc: %s: no such file\n" f; exit 1 end (*s Manipulations of paths and path aliases *) let normalize_path p = (* We use the Unix subsystem to normalize a physical path (relative or absolute) and get rid of symbolic links, relative links (like ./ or ../ in the middle of the path; it's tricky but it works... *) (* Rq: Sys.getcwd () returns paths without '/' at the end *) let orig = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir p; let res = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir orig; res let normalize_filename f = let basename = Filename.basename f in let dirname = Filename.dirname f in Filename.concat (normalize_path dirname) basename (* [paths] maps a physical path to a name *) let paths = ref [] let add_path dir name = (* if dir is relative we add both the relative and absolute name *) let p = normalize_path dir in paths := (p,name) :: !paths (* turn A/B/C into A.B.C *) let name_of_path = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "/") ".";; let coq_module filename = let bfname = Filename.chop_extension filename in let nfname = normalize_filename bfname in let rec change_prefix map f = match map with | [] -> (* There is no prefix alias; we just cut the name wrt current working directory *) let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in let exp = Str.regexp (Str.quote (cwd ^ "/")) in if (Str.string_match exp f 0) then name_of_path (Str.replace_first exp "" f) else name_of_path f | (p, name) :: rem -> let expp = Str.regexp (Str.quote p) in if (Str.string_match expp f 0) then let newp = Str.replace_first expp name f in name_of_path newp else change_prefix rem f in change_prefix !paths nfname let what_file f = check_if_file_exists f; if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" || Filename.check_suffix f ".g" then Vernac_file (f, coq_module f) else if Filename.check_suffix f ".tex" then Latex_file f else (eprintf "\ncoqdoc: don't know what to do with %s\n" f; exit 1) (*s \textbf{Reading file names from a file.} * File names may be given * in a file instead of being given on the command * line. [(files_from_file f)] returns the list of file names contained * in the file named [f]. These file names must be separated by spaces, * tabulations or newlines. *) let files_from_file f = let files_from_channel ch = let buf = Buffer.create 80 in let l = ref [] in try while true do match input_char ch with | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' -> if Buffer.length buf > 0 then l := (Buffer.contents buf) :: !l; Buffer.clear buf | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c done; [] with End_of_file -> List.rev !l in try check_if_file_exists f; let ch = open_in f in let l = files_from_channel ch in close_in ch;l with Sys_error s -> begin eprintf "\ncoqdoc: cannot read from file %s (%s)\n" f s; exit 1 end (*s \textbf{Parsing of the command line.} *) let dvi = ref false let ps = ref false let pdf = ref false let parse () = let files = ref [] in let add_file f = files := f :: !files in let rec parse_rec = function | [] -> () | ("-nopreamble" | "--nopreamble" | "--no-preamble" | "-bodyonly" | "--bodyonly" | "--body-only") :: rem -> header_trailer := false; parse_rec rem | ("-with-header" | "--with-header") :: f ::rem -> header_trailer := true; header_file_spec := true; header_file := f; parse_rec rem | ("-with-header" | "--with-header") :: [] -> usage () | ("-with-footer" | "--with-footer") :: f ::rem -> header_trailer := true; footer_file_spec := true; footer_file := f; parse_rec rem | ("-with-footer" | "--with-footer") :: [] -> usage () | ("-p" | "--preamble") :: s :: rem -> Output.push_in_preamble s; parse_rec rem | ("-p" | "--preamble") :: [] -> usage () | ("-noindex" | "--noindex" | "--no-index") :: rem -> index := false; parse_rec rem | ("-multi-index" | "--multi-index") :: rem -> multi_index := true; parse_rec rem | ("-toc" | "--toc" | "--table-of-contents") :: rem -> toc := true; parse_rec rem | ("-stdout" | "--stdout") :: rem -> out_to := StdOut; parse_rec rem | ("-o" | "--output") :: f :: rem -> out_to := File (Filename.basename f); output_dir := Filename.dirname f; parse_rec rem | ("-o" | "--output") :: [] -> usage () | ("-d" | "--directory") :: dir :: rem -> output_dir := dir; parse_rec rem | ("-d" | "--directory") :: [] -> usage () | ("-s" | "--short") :: rem -> short := true; parse_rec rem | ("-l" | "-light" | "--light") :: rem -> gallina := true; light := true; parse_rec rem | ("-g" | "-gallina" | "--gallina") :: rem -> gallina := true; parse_rec rem | ("-t" | "-title" | "--title") :: s :: rem -> title := s; parse_rec rem | ("-t" | "-title" | "--title") :: [] -> usage () | ("-latex" | "--latex") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := LaTeX; parse_rec rem | ("-pdf" | "--pdf") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := LaTeX; pdf := true; parse_rec rem | ("-dvi" | "--dvi") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := LaTeX; dvi := true; parse_rec rem | ("-ps" | "--ps") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := LaTeX; ps := true; parse_rec rem | ("-html" | "--html") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := HTML; parse_rec rem | ("-texmacs" | "--texmacs") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := TeXmacs; parse_rec rem | ("-raw" | "--raw") :: rem -> Cdglobals.target_language := Raw; parse_rec rem | ("-charset" | "--charset") :: s :: rem -> Cdglobals.charset := s; parse_rec rem | ("-charset" | "--charset") :: [] -> usage () | ("-inputenc" | "--inputenc") :: s :: rem -> Cdglobals.inputenc := s; parse_rec rem | ("-inputenc" | "--inputenc") :: [] -> usage () | ("-raw-comments" | "--raw-comments") :: rem -> Cdglobals.raw_comments := true; parse_rec rem | ("-interpolate" | "--interpolate") :: rem -> Cdglobals.interpolate := true; parse_rec rem | ("-latin1" | "--latin1") :: rem -> Cdglobals.set_latin1 (); parse_rec rem | ("-utf8" | "--utf8") :: rem -> Cdglobals.set_utf8 (); parse_rec rem | ("-q" | "-quiet" | "--quiet") :: rem -> quiet := true; parse_rec rem | ("-v" | "-verbose" | "--verbose") :: rem -> quiet := false; parse_rec rem | ("-h" | "-help" | "-?" | "--help") :: rem -> banner (); usage () | ("-V" | "-version" | "--version") :: _ -> banner (); exit 0 | ("-vernac-file" | "--vernac-file") :: f :: rem -> check_if_file_exists f; add_file (Vernac_file (f, coq_module f)); parse_rec rem | ("-vernac-file" | "--vernac-file") :: [] -> usage () | ("-tex-file" | "--tex-file") :: f :: rem -> add_file (Latex_file f); parse_rec rem | ("-tex-file" | "--tex-file") :: [] -> usage () | ("-files" | "--files" | "--files-from") :: f :: rem -> List.iter (fun f -> add_file (what_file f)) (files_from_file f); parse_rec rem | ("-files" | "--files") :: [] -> usage () | "-R" :: path :: log :: rem -> add_path path log; parse_rec rem | "-R" :: ([] | [_]) -> usage () | ("-glob-from" | "--glob-from") :: f :: rem -> glob_source := GlobFile f; parse_rec rem | ("-glob-from" | "--glob-from") :: [] -> usage () | ("--no-externals" | "-no-externals" | "-noexternals") :: rem -> Cdglobals.externals := false; parse_rec rem | ("--coqlib" | "-coqlib") :: u :: rem -> Cdglobals.coqlib := u; parse_rec rem | ("--coqlib" | "-coqlib") :: [] -> usage () | ("--boot" | "-boot") :: rem -> Cdglobals.coqlib_path := Coq_config.coqsrc; parse_rec rem | ("--coqlib_path" | "-coqlib_path") :: d :: rem -> Cdglobals.coqlib_path := d; parse_rec rem | ("--coqlib_path" | "-coqlib_path") :: [] -> usage () | f :: rem -> add_file (what_file f); parse_rec rem in parse_rec (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)); Output.initialize (); List.rev !files (*s The following function produces the output. The default output is the \LaTeX\ document: in that case, we just call [Web.produce_document]. If option \verb!-dvi!, \verb!-ps! or \verb!-html! is invoked, then we make calls to \verb!latex! or \verb!dvips! or \verb!pdflatex! accordingly. *) let locally dir f x = let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in try Sys.chdir dir; let y = f x in Sys.chdir cwd; y with e -> Sys.chdir cwd; raise e let clean_temp_files basefile = let remove f = try Sys.remove f with _ -> () in remove (basefile ^ ".tex"); remove (basefile ^ ".log"); remove (basefile ^ ".aux"); remove (basefile ^ ".toc"); remove (basefile ^ ".dvi"); remove (basefile ^ ".ps"); remove (basefile ^ ".pdf"); remove (basefile ^ ".haux"); remove (basefile ^ ".html") let clean_and_exit file res = clean_temp_files file; exit res let cat file = let c = open_in file in try while true do print_char (input_char c) done with End_of_file -> close_in c let copy src dst = let cin = open_in src and cout = open_out dst in try while true do Pervasives.output_char cout (input_char cin) done with End_of_file -> close_in cin; close_out cout (*s Functions for generating output files *) let gen_one_file l = let file = function | Vernac_file (f,m) -> Output.set_module m; Pretty.coq_file f m | Latex_file _ -> () in if (!header_trailer) then Output.header (); if !toc then Output.make_toc (); List.iter file l; if !index then Output.make_index(); if (!header_trailer) then Output.trailer () let gen_mult_files l = let file = function | Vernac_file (f,m) -> Output.set_module m; let hf = target_full_name m in open_out_file hf; if (!header_trailer) then Output.header (); Pretty.coq_file f m; if (!header_trailer) then Output.trailer (); close_out_file() | Latex_file _ -> () in List.iter file l; if (!index && !target_language=HTML) then begin if (!multi_index) then Output.make_multi_index (); open_out_file "index.html"; page_title := (if !title <> "" then !title else "Index"); if (!header_trailer) then Output.header (); Output.make_index (); if (!header_trailer) then Output.trailer (); close_out_file() end; if (!toc && !target_language=HTML) then begin open_out_file "toc.html"; page_title := (if !title <> "" then !title else "Table of contents"); if (!header_trailer) then Output.header (); if !title <> "" then printf "


\n" !title; Output.make_toc (); if (!header_trailer) then Output.trailer (); close_out_file() end (* Rq: pour latex et texmacs, une toc ou un index séparé n'a pas de sens... *) let read_glob x = match x with | Vernac_file (f,m) -> let glob = (Filename.chop_extension f) ^ ".glob" in (try Vernac_file (f, Index.read_glob glob) with _ -> eprintf "Warning: file %s cannot be opened; links will not be available\n" glob; x) | Latex_file _ -> x let index_module = function | Vernac_file (f,m) -> Index.add_module m | Latex_file _ -> () let produce_document l = (if !target_language=HTML then let src = (Filename.concat !Cdglobals.coqlib_path "/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css") in let dst = if !output_dir <> "" then Filename.concat !output_dir "coqdoc.css" else "coqdoc.css" in if (Sys.file_exists src) then (copy src dst) else eprintf "Warning: file %s does not exist\n" src); (if !target_language=LaTeX then let src = (Filename.concat !Cdglobals.coqlib_path "/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty") in let dst = if !output_dir <> "" then Filename.concat !output_dir "coqdoc.sty" else "coqdoc.sty" in if Sys.file_exists src then copy src dst else eprintf "Warning: file %s does not exist\n" src); (match !Cdglobals.glob_source with | NoGlob -> () | DotGlob -> ignore (List.map read_glob l) | GlobFile f -> ignore (Index.read_glob f)); List.iter index_module l; match !out_to with | StdOut -> Cdglobals.out_channel := stdout; gen_one_file l | File f -> open_out_file f; gen_one_file l; close_out_file() | MultFiles -> gen_mult_files l let produce_output fl = if not (!dvi || !ps || !pdf) then produce_document fl else begin let texfile = Filename.temp_file "coqdoc" ".tex" in let basefile = Filename.chop_suffix texfile ".tex" in let final_out_to = !out_to in out_to := File texfile; output_dir := (Filename.dirname texfile); produce_document fl; let latexexe = if !pdf then "pdflatex" else "latex" in let latexcmd = let file = Filename.basename texfile in let file = if !quiet then sprintf "'\\nonstopmode\\input{%s}'" file else file in sprintf "%s %s && %s %s 1>&2 %s" latexexe file latexexe file (if !quiet then "> /dev/null" else "") in let res = locally (Filename.dirname texfile) Sys.command latexcmd in if res <> 0 then begin eprintf "Couldn't run LaTeX successfully\n"; clean_and_exit basefile res end; let dvifile = basefile ^ ".dvi" in if !dvi then begin match final_out_to with | MultFiles | StdOut -> cat dvifile | File f -> copy dvifile f end; let pdffile = basefile ^ ".pdf" in if !pdf then begin match final_out_to with | MultFiles | StdOut -> cat pdffile | File f -> copy pdffile f end; if !ps then begin let psfile = basefile ^ ".ps" in let command = sprintf "dvips %s -o %s %s" dvifile psfile (if !quiet then "> /dev/null 2>&1" else "") in let res = Sys.command command in if res <> 0 then begin eprintf "Couldn't run dvips successfully\n"; clean_and_exit basefile res end; match final_out_to with | MultFiles | StdOut -> cat psfile | File f -> copy psfile f end; clean_temp_files basefile end (*s \textbf{Main program.} Print the banner, parse the command line, read the files and then call [produce_document] from module [Web]. *) let main () = let files = parse () in if not !quiet then banner (); if files <> [] then produce_output files let _ = Printexc.catch main ()