(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* "" && Filename.is_relative f then if not (Sys.file_exists !output_dir) then (Printf.eprintf "No such directory: %s\n" !output_dir; exit 1) else Filename.concat !output_dir f else f let open_out_file f = out_channel := try open_out (coqdoc_out f) with Sys_error s -> Printf.eprintf "%s\n" s; exit 1 let close_out_file () = close_out !out_channel type glob_source_t = | NoGlob | DotGlob | GlobFile of string let glob_source = ref DotGlob (** A weaker analog of the function in Envars *) let guess_coqlib () = let file = "states/initial.coq" in if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib file) then Coq_config.coqlib else let coqbin = Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name in let prefix = Filename.dirname coqbin in let rpath = if Coq_config.local then [] else (if Coq_config.arch = "win32" then ["lib"] else ["lib";"coq"]) in let coqlib = List.fold_left Filename.concat prefix rpath in if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat coqlib file) then coqlib else Coq_config.coqlib let header_trailer = ref true let header_file = ref "" let header_file_spec = ref false let footer_file = ref "" let footer_file_spec = ref false let quiet = ref true let light = ref false let gallina = ref false let short = ref false let index = ref true let multi_index = ref false let index_name = ref "index" let toc = ref false let page_title = ref "" let title = ref "" let externals = ref true let coqlib = ref Coq_config.wwwstdlib let coqlib_path = ref (guess_coqlib ()) let raw_comments = ref false let parse_comments = ref false let plain_comments = ref false let toc_depth = (ref None : int option ref) let lib_name = ref "Library" let lib_subtitles = ref false let interpolate = ref false let inline_notmono = ref false let charset = ref "iso-8859-1" let inputenc = ref "" let latin1 = ref false let utf8 = ref false let set_latin1 () = charset := "iso-8859-1"; inputenc := "latin1"; latin1 := true let set_utf8 () = charset := "utf-8"; inputenc := "utf8x"; utf8 := true (* Parsing options *) type coq_module = string type file = | Vernac_file of string * coq_module | Latex_file of string