(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* " else List.fold_left (//) (List.hd l) (List.tl l) (* Files specified on the command line *) let mlAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list) and mliAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list) and vAccu = ref ([] : (string * string) list) (* Queue operations *) let addQueue q v = q := v :: !q let safe_addQueue clq q (k,v) = try let v2 = List.assoc k !q in if v<>v2 then let rec add_clash = function (k1,l1)::cltl when k=k1 -> (k1,v::l1)::cltl | cl::cltl -> cl::add_clash cltl | [] -> [(k,[v;v2])] in clq := add_clash !clq with Not_found -> addQueue q (k,v) (* Files found in the loadpaths *) let mlKnown = ref ([] : (string * dir) list) and mliKnown = ref ([] : (string * dir) list) and vKnown = ref ([] : (string list * string) list) and coqlibKnown = ref ([] : (string list * string) list) let clash_v = ref ([]: (string list * string list) list) let warning_module_notfound f s = eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, module " f; eprintf "%s.v is required and has not been found in loadpath !\n" (String.concat "." s); flush stderr let warning_notfound f s = eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, the file " f; eprintf "%s.v is required and has not been found !\n" s; flush stderr let warning_clash file dir = match List.assoc dir !clash_v with (f1::f2::fl) -> let f = Filename.basename f1 in let d1 = Filename.dirname f1 in let d2 = Filename.dirname f2 in let dl = List.map Filename.dirname (List.rev fl) in eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, \n required module %s is ambiguous!\n (found %s.v in " file (String.concat "." dir) f; List.iter (fun s -> eprintf "%s, " s) dl; eprintf "%s and %s)\n" d2 d1 | _ -> assert false let safe_assoc verbose file k = if verbose && List.mem_assoc k !clash_v then warning_clash file k; List.assoc k !vKnown let absolute_dir dir = let current = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir dir; let dir' = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir current; dir' let absolute_file_name basename odir = let dir = match odir with Some dir -> dir | None -> "." in absolute_dir dir / basename let file_name = function | (s,None) -> file_concat s | (s,Some ".") -> file_concat s | (s,Some d) -> d / file_concat s let traite_fichier_ML md ext = try let chan = open_in (md ^ ext) in let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in let deja_vu = ref [md] in let a_faire = ref "" in let a_faire_opt = ref "" in begin try while true do let (Use_module str) = caml_action buf in if List.mem str !deja_vu then () else begin addQueue deja_vu str; begin try let mlidir = List.assoc str !mliKnown in let filename = file_name ([str],mlidir) in a_faire := !a_faire ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmi"; with Not_found -> try let mldir = List.assoc str !mlKnown in let filename = file_name ([str],mldir) in a_faire := !a_faire ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmo"; with Not_found -> () end; begin try let mldir = List.assoc str !mlKnown in let filename = file_name ([str],mldir) in a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmx" with Not_found -> try let mlidir = List.assoc str !mliKnown in let filename = file_name ([str],mlidir) in a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".cmi" with Not_found -> () end end done with Fin_fichier -> () end; close_in chan; (!a_faire, !a_faire_opt) with Sys_error _ -> ("","") let cut_prefix p s = let lp = String.length p in let ls = String.length s in if ls >= lp && String.sub s 0 lp = p then String.sub s lp (ls - lp) else s let canonize f = let f' = absolute_dir (Filename.dirname f) / Filename.basename f in match List.filter (fun (_,full) -> f' = full) !vAccu with | (f,_) :: _ -> f | _ -> f let sort () = let seen = Hashtbl.create 97 in let rec loop file = let file = canonize file in if not (Hashtbl.mem seen file) then begin Hashtbl.add seen file (); let cin = open_in (file ^ ".v") in let lb = Lexing.from_channel cin in try while true do match coq_action lb with | Require (_, sl) -> List.iter (fun s -> try loop (List.assoc s !vKnown) with Not_found -> ()) sl | RequireString (_, s) -> loop s | _ -> () done with Fin_fichier -> close_in cin; printf "%s%s " file !suffixe end in List.iter (fun (name,_) -> loop name) !vAccu let traite_fichier_Coq verbose f = try let chan = open_in f in let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in let deja_vu_v = ref ([]: string list list) and deja_vu_ml = ref ([] : string list) in try while true do let tok = coq_action buf in match tok with | Require (spec,strl) -> List.iter (fun str -> if not (List.mem str !deja_vu_v) then begin addQueue deja_vu_v str; try let file_str = safe_assoc verbose f str in printf " %s%s" (canonize file_str) (if spec then !suffixe_spec else !suffixe) with Not_found -> if verbose && not (List.mem_assoc str !coqlibKnown) then warning_module_notfound f str end) strl | RequireString (spec,s) -> let str = Filename.basename s in if not (List.mem [str] !deja_vu_v) then begin addQueue deja_vu_v [str]; try let file_str = List.assoc [str] !vKnown in printf " %s%s" (canonize file_str) (if spec then !suffixe_spec else !suffixe) with Not_found -> begin try let _ = List.assoc [str] !coqlibKnown in () with Not_found -> warning_notfound f s end end | Declare sl -> List.iter (fun str -> if not (List.mem str !deja_vu_ml) then begin addQueue deja_vu_ml str; try let mldir = List.assoc str !mlKnown in printf " %s.cmo" (file_name ([str],mldir)) with Not_found -> () end) sl | Load str -> let str = Filename.basename str in if not (List.mem [str] !deja_vu_v) then begin addQueue deja_vu_v [str]; try let file_str = List.assoc [str] !vKnown in printf " %s.v" (canonize file_str) with Not_found -> () end done with Fin_fichier -> (); close_in chan with Sys_error _ -> () let (dep_tab : (string,string list) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 151 let mL_dep_list b f = try Hashtbl.find dep_tab f with Not_found -> let deja_vu = ref ([] : string list) in try let chan = open_in f in let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in try while true do let (Use_module str) = caml_action buf in if str = b then begin eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s the" f; eprintf " notation %s. is useless !\n" b; flush stderr end else if not (List.mem str !deja_vu) then addQueue deja_vu str done; [] with Fin_fichier -> begin close_in chan; let rl = List.rev !deja_vu in Hashtbl.add dep_tab f rl; rl end with Sys_error _ -> [] let affiche_Declare f dcl = printf "\n*** In file %s: \n" f; printf "Declare ML Module"; List.iter (fun str -> printf " \"%s\"" str) dcl; printf ".\n"; flush stdout let warning_Declare f dcl = eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, the ML modules" f; eprintf " declaration should be\n"; eprintf "*** Declare ML Module"; List.iter (fun str -> eprintf " \"%s\"" str) dcl; eprintf ".\n"; flush stderr let traite_Declare f = let decl_list = ref ([] : string list) in let rec treat = function | s :: ll -> if (List.mem_assoc s !mlKnown) & not (List.mem s !decl_list) then begin let mldir = List.assoc s !mlKnown in let fullname = file_name ([s],mldir) in let depl = mL_dep_list s (fullname ^ ".ml") in treat depl; decl_list := s :: !decl_list end; treat ll | [] -> () in try let chan = open_in f in let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in begin try while true do let tok = coq_action buf in (match tok with | Declare sl -> decl_list := []; treat sl; decl_list := List.rev !decl_list; if !option_D then affiche_Declare f !decl_list else if !decl_list <> sl then warning_Declare f !decl_list | _ -> ()) done with Fin_fichier -> () end; close_in chan with Sys_error _ -> () let file_mem (f,_,d) = let rec loop = function | (f1,_,d1) :: l -> (f1 = f && d1 = d) || (loop l) | _ -> false in loop let mL_dependencies () = List.iter (fun ((name,ext,dirname) as pairname) -> let fullname = file_name ([name],dirname) in let (dep,dep_opt) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in printf "%s.cmo: %s%s" fullname fullname ext; if file_mem pairname !mliAccu then printf " %s.cmi" fullname; printf "%s\n" dep; printf "%s.cmx: %s%s" fullname fullname ext; if file_mem pairname !mliAccu then printf " %s.cmi" fullname; printf "%s\n" dep_opt; flush stdout) (List.rev !mlAccu); List.iter (fun ((name,ext,dirname)) -> let fullname = file_name ([name],dirname) in let (dep,_) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in printf "%s.cmi: %s%s" fullname fullname ext; printf "%s\n" dep; flush stdout) (List.rev !mliAccu) let coq_dependencies () = List.iter (fun (name,_) -> printf "%s%s: %s.v" name !suffixe name; traite_fichier_Coq true (name ^ ".v"); printf "\n"; if !option_i then begin printf "%s%s: %s.v" name !suffixe_spec name; traite_fichier_Coq false (name ^ ".v"); printf "\n"; end; flush stdout) (List.rev !vAccu) let declare_dependencies () = List.iter (fun (name,_) -> traite_Declare (name^".v"); flush stdout) (List.rev !vAccu) let rec warning_mult suf l = let tab = Hashtbl.create 151 in List.iter (fun (f,d) -> begin try let d' = Hashtbl.find tab f in if (Filename.dirname (file_name ([f],d))) <> (Filename.dirname (file_name ([f],d'))) then begin eprintf "*** Warning : the file %s is defined twice!\n" (f ^ suf); flush stderr end with Not_found -> () end; Hashtbl.add tab f d) l (* Gives the list of all the directories under [dir], including [dir] *) let all_subdirs root_dir log_dir = let l = ref [(root_dir,[log_dir])] in let add f = l := f :: !l in let rec traverse phys_dir dir = let dirh = handle_unix_error opendir phys_dir in try while true do let f = readdir dirh in if f <> "." && f <> ".." then let file = dir@[f] in let filename = phys_dir/f in if (stat filename).st_kind = S_DIR then begin add (filename,file); traverse filename file end done with End_of_file -> closedir dirh in traverse root_dir [log_dir]; List.rev !l let usage () = eprintf "[ usage: coqdep [-w] [-I dir] [-R dir coqdir] [-coqlib dir] [-c] [-i] [-D] + ]\n"; flush stderr; exit 1 let add_coqlib_known dir_name f = let complete_name = dir_name/f in let lib_name = Filename.basename dir_name in match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with | S_REG -> if Filename.check_suffix f ".vo" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".vo" in addQueue coqlibKnown ([basename],complete_name); addQueue coqlibKnown (["Coq";lib_name;basename],complete_name) | _ -> () let add_coqlib_directory dir_name = match try (stat dir_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with | S_DIR -> (let dir = opendir dir_name in try while true do add_coqlib_known dir_name (readdir dir) done with End_of_file -> closedir dir) | _ -> () let coqdep () = let lg_command = Array.length Sys.argv in if lg_command < 2 then usage (); let rec treat old_dirname old_name = let name = Filename.basename old_name and new_dirname = Filename.dirname old_name in let dirname = match (old_dirname,new_dirname) with | (d, ".") -> d | (None,d) -> Some d | (Some d1,d2) -> Some (d1/d2) in let complete_name = file_name ([name],dirname) in match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with | S_DIR -> (if name <> "." & name <> ".." then let dir=opendir complete_name in let newdirname = match dirname with | None -> name | Some d -> d/name in try while true do treat (Some newdirname) (readdir dir) done with End_of_file -> closedir dir) | S_REG -> if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".ml" in addQueue mlAccu (basename,".ml",dirname) else if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml4" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".ml4" in addQueue mlAccu (basename,".ml4",dirname) else if Filename.check_suffix name ".mli" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".mli" in addQueue mliAccu (basename,".mli",dirname) else if Filename.check_suffix name ".v" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".v" in let name = file_name ([basename],dirname) in addQueue vAccu (name, absolute_file_name basename dirname) | _ -> () in let add_known phys_dir log_dir f = let complete_name = phys_dir/f in match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with | S_REG -> if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".ml" in addQueue mlKnown (basename,Some phys_dir) else if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".ml4" in addQueue mlKnown (basename,Some phys_dir) else if Filename.check_suffix f ".mli" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".mli" in addQueue mliKnown (basename,Some phys_dir) else if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then let basename = Filename.chop_suffix f ".v" in let name = log_dir@[basename] in let file = phys_dir/basename in let paths = [name;[basename]] in List.iter (fun n -> safe_addQueue clash_v vKnown (n,file)) paths | _ -> () in let add_directory (phys_dir, log_dir) = match try (stat phys_dir).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with | S_DIR -> (let dir = opendir phys_dir in try while true do add_known phys_dir log_dir (readdir dir) done with End_of_file -> closedir dir) | _ -> () in let add_rec_directory dir_name log_name = List.iter add_directory (all_subdirs dir_name log_name) in let rec parse = function | "-c" :: ll -> option_c := true; parse ll | "-D" :: ll -> option_D := true; parse ll | "-w" :: ll -> option_w := true; parse ll | "-i" :: ll -> option_i := true; parse ll | "-sort" :: ll -> option_sort := true; parse ll | "-I" :: r :: ll -> add_directory (r, []); parse ll | "-I" :: [] -> usage () | "-R" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_rec_directory r ln; parse ll | "-R" :: ([] | [_]) -> usage () | "-coqlib" :: (r :: ll) -> coqlib := r; parse ll | "-coqlib" :: [] -> usage () | "-suffix" :: (s :: ll) -> suffixe := s ; suffixe_spec := s; parse ll | "-suffix" :: [] -> usage () | "-slash" :: ll -> option_slash := true; parse ll | f :: ll -> treat None f; parse ll | [] -> () in (* add_directory (".", []);*) parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)); List.iter (fun (s,_) -> add_coqlib_directory s) (all_subdirs (!coqlib/"theories") "Coq"); List.iter (fun (s,_) -> add_coqlib_directory s) (all_subdirs (!coqlib/"contrib") "Coq"); add_coqlib_directory (!coqlib/"user-contrib"); mliKnown := !mliKnown @ (List.map (fun (f,_,d) -> (f,d)) !mliAccu); mlKnown := !mlKnown @ (List.map (fun (f,_,d) -> (f,d)) !mlAccu); warning_mult ".mli" !mliKnown; warning_mult ".ml" !mlKnown; (* warning_mult ".v" (List.map (fun (s,d) -> (file_concat s, d)) !vKnown);*) if !option_sort then begin sort (); exit 0 end; if !option_c && not !option_D then mL_dependencies (); if not !option_D then coq_dependencies (); if !option_w || !option_D then declare_dependencies () let _ = Printexc.catch coqdep ()