(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (ML "foo") *) | V of string (* V file : foo.v -> (V "foo") *) | Special of string * string * string (* file, dependencies, command *) | Subdir of string | Def of string * string (* X=foo -> Def ("X","foo") *) | Include of string | RInclude of string * string (* -R physicalpath logicalpath *) let output_channel = ref stdout let some_file = ref false let some_vfile = ref false let some_mlfile = ref false let opt = ref "-opt" let print x = output_string !output_channel x let rec print_list sep = function | [ x ] -> print x | x :: l -> print x; print sep; print_list sep l | [] -> () let section s = let l = String.length s in let sep = String.make (l+5) '#' and sep2 = String.make (l+5) ' ' in String.set sep (l+4) '\n'; String.set sep2 0 '#'; String.set sep2 (l+3) '#'; String.set sep2 (l+4) '\n'; print sep; print sep2; print "# "; print s; print " #\n"; print sep2; print sep; print "\n" let usage () = output_string stderr "Usage summary: coq_makefile [subdirectory] .... [file.v] ... [file.ml] ... [-custom command dependencies file] ... [-I dir] ... [-R physicalpath logicalpath] ... [VARIABLE = value] ... [-opt|-byte] [-f file] [-o file] [-h] [--help] [file.v]: Coq file to be compiled [file.ml]: ML file to be compiled [subdirectory] : subdirectory that should be \"made\" [-custom command dependencies file]: add target \"file\" with command \"command\" and dependencies \"dependencies\" [-I dir]: look for dependencies in \"dir\" [-R physicalpath logicalpath]: look for dependencies resursively starting from \"physicalpath\". The logical path associated to the physical path is \"logicalpath\". [VARIABLE = value]: Add the variable definition \"VARIABLE=value\" [-byte]: compile with byte-code version of coq [-opt]: compile with native-code version of coq [-f file]: take the contents of file as arguments [-o file]: output should go in file file [-h]: print this usage summary [--help]: equivalent to [-h]\n"; exit 1 let standard sds = print "byte:\n"; print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT=\"\n\n"; print "opt:\n"; if !opt = "" then print "\t@echo \"WARNING: opt is disabled\"\n"; print "\t$(MAKE) all \"OPT="; print !opt; print "\"\n\n"; if !some_file then print "include .depend\n\n"; print "depend:\n"; if !some_file then begin print "\trm .depend\n"; print "\t$(COQDEP) -i $(COQLIBS) *.v *.ml *.mli >.depend\n"; print "\t$(COQDEP) $(COQLIBS) -suffix .html *.v >>.depend\n"; end; List.iter (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) depend)\n") sds; print "\n"; print "xml::\n"; List.iter (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) xml)\n") sds; print "\n"; print "install:\n"; print "\t@if test -z $(TARGETDIR); then echo \"You must set TARGETDIR (for instance with 'make TARGETDIR=foobla install')\"; exit 1; fi\n"; if !some_vfile then print "\tcp -f *.vo $(TARGETDIR)\n"; if !some_mlfile then print "\tcp -f *.cmo $(TARGETDIR)\n"; List.iter (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) install)\n") sds; print "\n"; print "Makefile: Make\n"; print "\tmv -f Makefile Makefile.bak\n"; print "\t$(COQBIN)coq_makefile -f Make -o Makefile\n"; print "\n"; print "clean:\n"; print "\trm -f *.cmo *.cmi *.cmx *.o *.vo *.vi *.g *~\n"; print "\trm -f all.ps all-gal.ps $(HTMLFILES) $(GHTMLFILES)\n"; List.iter (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) clean)\n") sds; print "\n"; print "archclean:\n"; print "\trm -f *.cmx *.o\n"; List.iter (fun x -> print "\t(cd "; print x; print " ; $(MAKE) archclean)\n") sds; print "\n" let implicit () = let ml_rules () = print ".mli.cmi:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n"; print ".ml.cmo:\n\t$(CAMLC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n"; print ".ml.cmx:\n\t$(CAMLOPTC) $(ZDEBUG) $(ZFLAGS) $<\n\n"; and v_rule () = print ".v.vo:\n\t$(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n"; print ".v.vi:\n\t$(COQC) -i $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $*\n\n"; print ".v.g:\n\t$(GALLINA) $<\n\n"; print ".v.tex:\n\t$(COQWEB) $< -o $@\n\n"; print ".v.html:\n\t$(COQWEB) -html $< -o $@\n\n"; print ".g.g.tex:\n\t$(COQWEB) $< -o $@\n\n"; print ".g.g.html:\n\t$(COQWEB) -html $< -o $@\n\n" and ml_suffixes = if !some_mlfile then [ ".mli"; ".ml"; ".cmo"; ".cmi"; ".cmx" ] else [] and v_suffixes = if !some_vfile then [ ".v"; ".vo"; ".vi"; ".g"; ".html"; ".tex"; ".g.tex"; ".g.html" ] else [] in let suffixes = ml_suffixes @ v_suffixes in if suffixes <> [] then begin print ".SUFFIXES: "; print_list " " suffixes; print "\n\n" end; if !some_mlfile then ml_rules (); if !some_vfile then v_rule () let variables l = let rec var_aux = function | [] -> () | Def(v,def) :: r -> print v; print "="; print def; print "\n"; var_aux r | _ :: r -> var_aux r in section "Variables definitions."; print "CAMLP4LIB=`camlp4 -where`\n"; (* print "MAKE=make \"COQBIN=$(COQBIN)\" \"OPT=$(OPT)\"\n"; *) print "COQSRC=-I $(COQTOP)/kernel -I $(COQTOP)/lib \\ -I $(COQTOP)/library -I $(COQTOP)/parsing -I $(COQTOP)/pretyping \\ -I $(COQTOP)/proofs -I $(COQTOP)/syntax -I $(COQTOP)/tactics \\ -I $(COQTOP)/toplevel -I $(CAMLP4LIB)\n"; print "ZFLAGS=$(OCAMLLIBS) $(COQSRC)\n"; print "OPT="; if !opt = "-byte" then print "-byte"; print "\n"; print "COQFLAGS=-q $(OPT) $(COQLIBS)\n"; print "COQC=$(COQBIN)coqc\n"; print "GALLINA=gallina\n"; print "COQWEB=coqweb\n"; print "CAMLC=ocamlc -c\n"; print "CAMLOPTC=ocamlopt -c\n"; print "CAMLLINK=ocamlc\n"; print "CAMLOPTLINK=ocamlopt\n"; print "COQDEP=$(COQBIN)coqdep -c\n"; print "COQVO2XML=coq_vo2xml\n"; var_aux l; print "\n" let include_dirs l = let include_aux' includeR = let rec include_aux = function | [] -> [] | Include x :: r -> ("-I " ^ x) :: (include_aux r) | RInclude (p,l) :: r when includeR -> let l' = if l = "" then "\"\"" else l in ("-R " ^ p ^ " " ^ l') :: (include_aux r) | _ :: r -> include_aux r in include_aux in let i_ocaml = "-I ." :: (include_aux' false l) in let i_coq = "-I ." :: (include_aux' true l) in section "Libraries definition."; print "OCAMLLIBS="; print_list "\\\n " i_ocaml; print "\n"; print "COQLIBS="; print_list "\\\n " i_coq; print "\n\n" let special l = let pr_sp (file,dependencies,com) = print file; print ": "; print dependencies; print "\n"; print "\t"; print com; print "\n\n" in let rec sp_aux = function | [] -> [] | Special (file,deps,com) :: r -> (file,deps,com) :: (sp_aux r) | _ :: r -> sp_aux r in let sps = sp_aux l in if sps <> [] then section "Custom targets."; List.iter pr_sp sps let subdirs l = let rec subdirs_aux = function | [] -> [] | Subdir x :: r -> x :: (subdirs_aux r) | _ :: r -> subdirs_aux r and pr_subdir s = print s; print ":\n\tcd "; print s; print " ; $(MAKE) all\n\n" in let sds = subdirs_aux l in if sds <> [] then section "Subdirectories."; List.iter pr_subdir sds; section "Special targets."; print ".PHONY: "; print_list " " ("all" :: "opt" :: "byte" :: "archclean" :: "clean" :: "install" :: "depend" :: "xml" :: sds); print "\n\n"; sds (* Extract gallina/html filenames (foo.v) from the list of all targets *) let rec other_files suff = function | V n :: r -> let f = (Filename.chop_suffix n ".vo") ^ suff in f :: (other_files suff r) | _ :: r -> other_files suff r | [] -> [] let vfiles = other_files ".v" let gfiles = other_files ".g" let hfiles = other_files ".html" let tfiles = other_files ".tex" let vifiles = other_files ".vi" let gtfiles l = List.map (fun f -> f ^ ".tex") (gfiles l) let ghfiles l = List.map (fun f -> f ^ ".html") (gfiles l) let vofiles = other_files ".vo" let all_target l = let rec fnames = function | ML n :: r -> n :: (fnames r) | Subdir n :: r -> n :: (fnames r) | V n :: r -> n :: (fnames r) | Special (n,_,_) :: r -> n :: (fnames r) | Include _ :: r -> fnames r | RInclude _ :: r -> fnames r | Def _ :: r -> fnames r | [] -> [] in section "Definition of the \"all\" target."; print "VFILES="; print_list "\\\n " (vfiles l); print "\n"; print "VOFILES=$(VFILES:.v=.vo)\n"; print "VIFILES=$(VFILES:.v=.vi)\n"; print "GFILES=$(VFILES:.v=.g)\n"; print "HTMLFILES=$(VFILES:.v=.html)\n"; print "GHTMLFILES=$(VFILES:.v=.g.html)\n"; print "\n"; print "all: $(VOFILES)\n\n"; if !some_vfile then begin print "spec: $(VIFILES)\n\n"; print "gallina: $(GFILES)\n\n"; print "html: $(HTMLFILES)\n\n"; print "gallinahtml: $(GHTMLFILES)\n\n"; print "all.ps: $(VFILES)\n"; print "\t$(COQWEB) -ps -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)`\n\n"; print "all-gal.ps: $(GFILES)\n"; print "\t$(COQWEB) -ps -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .g $(VFILES)`\n\n"; print "xml:: .xml_time_stamp\n"; print ".xml_time_stamp: "; print_list "\\\n " (vofiles l); print "\n\t$(COQVO2XML) $(COQFLAGS) $(?:%.o=%)\n"; print "\ttouch .xml_time_stamp"; print "\n\n" end let parse f = let rec string = parser | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t' >] -> "" | [< 'c; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(string s) | [< >] -> "" and string2 = parser | [< ''"' >] -> "" | [< 'c; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(string2 s) and skip_comment = parser | [< ''\n'; s >] -> s | [< 'c; s >] -> skip_comment s | [< >] -> [< >] and args = parser | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t'; s >] -> args s | [< ''#'; s >] -> args (skip_comment s) | [< ''"'; str = string2; s >] -> ("" ^ str) :: args s | [< 'c; str = string; s >] -> ((String.make 1 c) ^ str) :: (args s) | [< >] -> [] in let c = open_in f in let res = args (Stream.of_channel c) in close_in c; res let rec process_cmd_line = function | [] -> some_file := !some_file or !some_mlfile or !some_vfile; [] | ("-h"|"--help") :: _ -> usage () | ("-no-opt"|"-byte") :: r -> opt := "-byte"; process_cmd_line r | ("-full"|"-opt") :: r -> opt := "-opt"; process_cmd_line r | "-custom" :: com :: dependencies :: file :: r -> some_file := true; Special (file,dependencies,com) :: (process_cmd_line r) | "-I" :: d :: r -> Include d :: (process_cmd_line r) | "-R" :: p :: l :: r -> RInclude (p,l) :: (process_cmd_line r) | ("-I" | "-h" | "--help" | "-custom") :: _ -> usage () | "-f"::file::r -> process_cmd_line ((parse file)@r) | ["-f"] -> usage () | "-o" :: file :: r -> output_channel := (open_out file); (process_cmd_line r) | v :: "=" :: def :: r -> Def (v,def) :: (process_cmd_line r) | f :: r -> if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then begin some_vfile := true; V (f^"o") :: (process_cmd_line r) end else if Filename.check_suffix f ".ml" then begin some_mlfile := true; ML ((Filename.chop_suffix f "ml")^"cmo") :: (process_cmd_line r) end else Subdir f :: (process_cmd_line r) let banner () = print "############################################################################## ## The Calculus of Inductive Constructions ## ## ## ## Projet Coq ## ## ## ## INRIA ENS-CNRS ## ## Rocquencourt Lyon ## ## ## ## Coq V7 ## ## ## ## ## ############################################################################## " let warning () = print "# WARNING\n#\n"; print "# This Makefile has been automagically generated by coq_makefile\n"; print "# Edit at your own risks !\n"; print "#\n# END OF WARNING\n\n" let print_list l = List.iter (fun x -> print x; print " ") l let command_line args = print "#\n# This Makefile was generated by the command line :\n"; print "# coq_makefile "; print_list args; print "\n#\n\n" let directories_deps l = let print_dep f dep = if dep <> [] then begin print f; print ": "; print_list dep; print "\n" end in let rec iter ((dirs,before) as acc) = function | [] -> () | (Subdir d) :: l -> print_dep d before; iter (d :: dirs, d :: before) l | (ML f) :: l -> print_dep f dirs; iter (dirs, f :: before) l | (V f) :: l -> print_dep f dirs; iter (dirs, f :: before) l | (Special (f,_,_)) :: l -> print_dep f dirs; iter (dirs, f :: before) l | _ :: l -> iter acc l in iter ([],[]) l let do_makefile args = let l = process_cmd_line args in banner (); warning (); command_line args; variables l; include_dirs l; all_target l; special l; let sds = subdirs l in implicit (); standard sds; (* TEST directories_deps l; *) warning (); if not (!output_channel == stdout) then close_out !output_channel; exit 0 let main () = let args = if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then usage (); List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in do_makefile args let _ = Printexc.catch main ()