(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* print x | x :: l -> print x; print sep; print_list sep l | [] -> () let rec print_prefix_list sep = function | x :: l -> print sep; print x; print_prefix_list sep l | [] -> () let usage () = output_string stderr "Usage summary:\ \n\ \ncoq_makefile .... [file.v] ... [file.ml[i4]?] ... [file.ml{lib,pack}]\ \n ... [any] ... [-extra[-phony] result dependencies command]\ \n ... [-I dir] ... [-R physicalpath logicalpath]\ \n ... [-Q physicalpath logicalpath] ... [VARIABLE = value]\ \n ... [-arg opt] ... [-opt|-byte] [-no-install] [-f file] [-o file]\ \n [-h] [--help]\ \n\ \n[file.v]: Coq file to be compiled\ \n[file.ml[i4]?]: Objective Caml file to be compiled\ \n[file.ml{lib,pack}]: ocamlbuild file that describes a Objective Caml\ \n library/module\ \n[any] : subdirectory that should be \"made\" and has a Makefile itself\ \n to do so. Very fragile and discouraged.\ \n[-extra result dependencies command]: add target \"result\" with command\ \n \"command\" and dependencies \"dependencies\". If \"result\" is not\ \n generic (do not contains a %), \"result\" is built by _make all_ and\ \n deleted by _make clean_.\ \n[-extra-phony result dependencies command]: add a PHONY target \"result\"\ \n with command \"command\" and dependencies \"dependencies\". Note that\ \n _-extra-phony foo bar \"\"_ is a regular way to add the target \"bar\" as\ \n as a dependencies of an already defined target \"foo\".\ \n[-I dir]: look for Objective Caml dependencies in \"dir\"\ \n[-R physicalpath logicalpath]: look for Coq dependencies resursively\ \n starting from \"physicalpath\". The logical path associated to the\ \n physical path is \"logicalpath\".\ \n[-Q physicalpath logicalpath]: look for Coq dependencies starting from\ \n \"physicalpath\". The logical path associated to the physical path\ \n is \"logicalpath\".\ \n[VARIABLE = value]: Add the variable definition \"VARIABLE=value\"\ \n[-byte]: compile with byte-code version of coq\ \n[-opt]: compile with native-code version of coq\ \n[-arg opt]: send option \"opt\" to coqc\ \n[-install opt]: where opt is \"user\" to force install into user directory,\ \n \"none\" to build a makefile with no install target or\ \n \"global\" to force install in $COQLIB directory\ \n[-f file]: take the contents of file as arguments\ \n[-o file]: output should go in file file\ \n Output file outside the current directory is forbidden.\ \n[-bypass-API]: when compiling plugins, bypass Coq API\ \n[-h]: print this usage summary\ \n[--help]: equivalent to [-h]\n"; exit 1 let is_genrule r = (* generic rule (like bar%foo: ...) *) let genrule = Str.regexp("%") in Str.string_match genrule r 0 let is_prefix dir1 dir2 = let l1 = String.length dir1 in let l2 = String.length dir2 in let sep = Filename.dir_sep in if dir1 = dir2 then true else if l1 + String.length sep <= l2 then let dir1' = String.sub dir2 0 l1 in let sep' = String.sub dir2 l1 (String.length sep) in dir1' = dir1 && sep' = sep else false let physical_dir_of_logical_dir ldir = let ldir = Bytes.of_string ldir in let le = Bytes.length ldir - 1 in let pdir = if le >= 0 && Bytes.get ldir le = '.' then Bytes.sub ldir 0 (le - 1) else Bytes.copy ldir in for i = 0 to le - 1 do if Bytes.get pdir i = '.' then Bytes.set pdir i '/'; done; Bytes.to_string pdir let read_whole_file s = let ic = open_in s in let b = Buffer.create (1 lsl 12) in try while true do let s = input_line ic in Buffer.add_string b s; Buffer.add_char b '\n'; done; assert false; with End_of_file -> close_in ic; Buffer.contents b let makefile_template = let template = "/tools/CoqMakefile.in" in Coq_config.coqlib ^ template let quote s = if String.contains s ' ' then "'" ^ s ^ "'" else s let generate_makefile oc conf_file local_file args project = let s = read_whole_file makefile_template in let s = List.fold_left (fun s (k,v) -> Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string k) v s) s [ "@CONF_FILE@", conf_file; "@LOCAL_FILE@", local_file; "@COQ_VERSION@", Coq_config.version; "@PROJECT_FILE@", (Option.default "" project.project_file); "@COQ_MAKEFILE_INVOCATION@",String.concat " " (List.map quote args); ] in output_string oc s ;; let section oc s = let pad = String.make (76 - String.length s) ' ' in let sharps = String.make 79 '#' in let spaces = "#" ^ String.make 77 ' ' ^ "#" in fprintf oc "\n%s\n" sharps; fprintf oc "%s\n" spaces; fprintf oc "# %s%s#\n" s pad; fprintf oc "%s\n" spaces; fprintf oc "%s\n\n" sharps ;; let clean_tgts = ["clean"; "cleanall"; "archclean"] let generate_conf_extra_target oc sps = let pr_path { target; dependencies; phony; command } = let target = if target = "all" then "custom-all" else target in if phony then fprintf oc ".PHONY: %s\n" target; if not (is_genrule target) && not phony then begin fprintf oc "post-all::\n\t$(MAKE) -f $(SELF) %s\n" target; if not phony then fprintf oc "clean::\n\trm -f %s\n" target; end; fprintf oc "%s %s %s\n\t%s\n\n" target (if List.mem target clean_tgts then ":: " else ": ") dependencies command in if sps <> [] then section oc "Extra targets. (-extra and -extra-phony, DEPRECATED)"; List.iter pr_path sps let generate_conf_subdirs oc sds = if sds <> [] then section oc "Subdirectories. (DEPRECATED)"; List.iter (fprintf oc ".PHONY:%s\n") sds; List.iter (fprintf oc "post-all::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) all\n") sds; List.iter (fprintf oc "clean::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) clean\n") sds; List.iter (fprintf oc "archclean::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) archclean\n") sds; List.iter (fprintf oc "install-extra::\n\tcd \"%s\" && $(MAKE) install\n") sds let generate_conf_includes oc { ml_includes; r_includes; q_includes } = section oc "Path directives (-I, -R, -Q)."; let module S = String in let open List in let dash1 opt v = sprintf "-%s %s" opt (quote v) in let dash2 opt v1 v2 = sprintf "-%s %s %s" opt (quote v1) (quote v2) in fprintf oc "COQMF_OCAMLLIBS = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map (fun { path } -> dash1 "I" path) ml_includes)); fprintf oc "COQMF_SRC_SUBDIRS = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map (fun { path } -> quote path) ml_includes)); fprintf oc "COQMF_COQLIBS = %s %s %s\n" (S.concat " " (map (fun { path } -> dash1 "I" path) ml_includes)) (S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "Q" path l) q_includes)) (S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "R" path l) r_includes)); fprintf oc "COQMF_COQLIBS_NOML = %s %s\n" (S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "Q" path l) q_includes)) (S.concat " " (map (fun ({ path },l) -> dash2 "R" path l) r_includes)) ;; let generate_conf_coq_config oc args bypass_API = section oc "Coq configuration."; let src_dirs = if bypass_API then Coq_config.all_src_dirs else Coq_config.api_dirs @ Coq_config.plugins_dirs @ ["-open API"] in Envars.print_config ~prefix_var_name:"COQMF_" oc src_dirs; fprintf oc "COQMF_MAKEFILE=%s\n" (quote (List.hd args)); ;; let generate_conf_files oc { v_files; mli_files; ml4_files; ml_files; mllib_files; mlpack_files } = let module S = String in let open List in section oc "Project files."; fprintf oc "COQMF_VFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote v_files)); fprintf oc "COQMF_MLIFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote mli_files)); fprintf oc "COQMF_MLFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote ml_files)); fprintf oc "COQMF_ML4FILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote ml4_files)); fprintf oc "COQMF_MLPACKFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote mlpack_files)); fprintf oc "COQMF_MLLIBFILES = %s\n" (S.concat " " (map quote mllib_files)); ;; let rec all_start_with prefix = function | [] -> true | [] :: _ -> false | (x :: _) :: rest -> x = prefix && all_start_with prefix rest let rec logic_gcd acc = function | [] -> acc | [] :: _ -> acc | (hd :: tl) :: rest -> if all_start_with hd rest then logic_gcd (acc @ [hd]) (tl :: List.map List.tl rest) else acc let generate_conf_doc oc { defs; q_includes; r_includes } = let includes = List.map snd (q_includes @ r_includes) in let logpaths = List.map (CString.split '.') includes in let gcd = logic_gcd [] logpaths in let root = if gcd = [] then if not (List.mem_assoc "INSTALLDEFAULTROOT" defs) then begin let destination = "orphan_" ^ (String.concat "_" includes) in eprintf "Warning: no common logical root\n"; eprintf "Warning: in such case INSTALLDEFAULTROOT must be defined\n"; eprintf "Warning: the install-doc target is going to install files\n"; eprintf "Warning: in %s\n" destination; destination end else "$(INSTALLDEFAULTROOT)" else String.concat "/" gcd in Printf.fprintf oc "COQMF_INSTALLCOQDOCROOT = %s\n" (quote root) let generate_conf_defs oc { defs; extra_args } = section oc "Extra variables."; List.iter (fun (k,v) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s = %s\n" k v) defs; Printf.fprintf oc "COQMF_OTHERFLAGS = %s\n" (String.concat " " extra_args) let generate_conf oc project args = fprintf oc "# This configuration file was generated by running:\n"; fprintf oc "# %s\n\n" (String.concat " " (List.map quote args)); generate_conf_files oc project; generate_conf_includes oc project; generate_conf_coq_config oc args project.bypass_API; generate_conf_defs oc project; generate_conf_doc oc project; generate_conf_extra_target oc project.extra_targets; generate_conf_subdirs oc project.subdirs; ;; let ensure_root_dir ({ ml_includes; r_includes; v_files; ml_files; mli_files; ml4_files; mllib_files; mlpack_files } as project) = let open List in let here = Sys.getcwd () in let not_tops = List.for_all (fun s -> s <> Filename.basename s) in if exists (fun { canonical_path = x } -> x = here) ml_includes || exists (fun ({ canonical_path = x },_) -> is_prefix x here) r_includes || (not_tops v_files && not_tops mli_files && not_tops ml4_files && not_tops ml_files && not_tops mllib_files && not_tops mlpack_files) then project else let here_path = { path = "."; canonical_path = here } in { project with ml_includes = here_path :: ml_includes; r_includes = (here_path, "Top") :: r_includes } ;; let warn_install_at_root_directory { q_includes; r_includes; v_files; ml_files; mli_files; ml4_files; mllib_files; mlpack_files } = let open CList in let inc_top_p = map_filter (fun ({ path } ,ldir) -> if ldir = "" then Some path else None) (r_includes @ q_includes) in let files = v_files @ mli_files @ ml4_files @ ml_files @ mllib_files @ mlpack_files in let bad = filter (fun f -> mem (Filename.dirname f) inc_top_p) files in if bad <> [] then begin eprintf "Warning: No file should be installed at the root of Coq's library.\n"; eprintf "Warning: No logical path (-R, -Q) applies to these files:\n"; List.iter (fun x -> eprintf "Warning: %s\n" x) bad; eprintf "\n"; end ;; let check_overlapping_include { q_includes; r_includes } = let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in let aux = function | [] -> () | ({ path; canonical_path }, _) :: l -> if not (is_prefix pwd canonical_path) then eprintf "Warning: %s (used in -R or -Q) is not a subdirectory of the current directory\n\n" path; List.iter (fun ({ path = p; canonical_path = cp }, _) -> if is_prefix canonical_path cp || is_prefix cp canonical_path then eprintf "Warning: %s and %s overlap (used in -R or -Q)\n\n" path p) l in aux (q_includes @ r_includes) ;; let chop_prefix p f = let len_p = String.length p in let len_f = String.length f in String.sub f len_p (len_f - len_p) let clean_path p = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "//") "/" p let destination_of { ml_includes; q_includes; r_includes; } file = let file_dir = CUnix.canonical_path_name (Filename.dirname file) in let includes = q_includes @ r_includes in let mk_destination logic canonical_path = clean_path (physical_dir_of_logical_dir logic ^ "/" ^ chop_prefix canonical_path file_dir ^ "/") in let candidates = CList.map_filter (fun ({ canonical_path }, logic) -> if is_prefix canonical_path file_dir then Some(mk_destination logic canonical_path) else None) includes in match candidates with | [] -> (* BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: -I into the only logical root *) begin match r_includes, List.find (fun { canonical_path = p } -> is_prefix p file_dir) ml_includes with | [{ canonical_path }, logic], { canonical_path = p } -> let destination = clean_path (physical_dir_of_logical_dir logic ^ "/" ^ chop_prefix p file_dir ^ "/") in Printf.printf "%s" (quote destination) | _ -> () (* skip *) | exception Not_found -> () (* skip *) end | [s] -> Printf.printf "%s" (quote s) | _ -> assert false let share_prefix s1 s2 = let s1 = CString.split '.' s1 in let s2 = CString.split '.' s2 in match s1, s2 with | x :: _ , y :: _ -> x = y | _ -> false let _ = let prog, args = if Array.length Sys.argv = 1 then usage (); let args = Array.to_list Sys.argv in let prog = List.hd args in prog, List.tl args in let only_destination, args = match args with | "-destination-of" :: tgt :: rest -> Some tgt, rest | _ -> None, args in let project = try cmdline_args_to_project ~curdir:Filename.current_dir_name args with Parsing_error s -> prerr_endline s; usage () in if only_destination <> None then begin destination_of project (Option.get only_destination); exit 0 end; if project.makefile = None then eprintf "Warning: Omitting -o is deprecated\n\n"; (* We want to know the name of the Makefile (say m) in order to * generate m.conf and include m.local *) let conf_file = Option.default "CoqMakefile" project.makefile ^ ".conf" in let local_file = Option.default "CoqMakefile" project.makefile ^ ".local" in if project.extra_targets <> [] then begin eprintf "Warning: -extra and -extra-phony are deprecated.\n"; eprintf "Warning: Write the extra targets in %s.\n\n" local_file; end; if project.subdirs <> [] then begin eprintf "Warning: Subdirectories are deprecated.\n"; eprintf "Warning: Use double colon rules in %s.\n\n" local_file; end; let project = ensure_root_dir project in if project.install_kind <> (Some CoqProject_file.NoInstall) then begin warn_install_at_root_directory project; end; check_overlapping_include project; Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:(fun x -> x); let ocm = Option.cata open_out stdout project.makefile in generate_makefile ocm conf_file local_file (prog :: args) project; close_out ocm; let occ = open_out conf_file in generate_conf occ project (prog :: args); close_out occ; exit 0