from __future__ import with_statement from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import os, sys, re from io import open # This script parses the output of `make TIMED=1` into a dictionary # mapping names of compiled files to the number of minutes and seconds # that they took to compile. STRIP_REG = re.compile('^(coq/|contrib/|)(?:theories/|src/)?') STRIP_REP = r'\1' INFINITY = '\u221e' def parse_args(argv, USAGE, HELP_STRING): sort_by = 'auto' if any(arg.startswith('--sort-by=') for arg in argv[1:]): sort_by = [arg for arg in argv[1:] if arg.startswith('--sort-by=')][-1][len('--sort-by='):] args = [arg for arg in argv if not arg.startswith('--sort-by=')] if len(args) < 3 or '--help' in args[1:] or '-h' in args[1:] or sort_by not in ('auto', 'absolute', 'diff'): print(USAGE) if '--help' in args[1:] or '-h' in args[1:]: print(HELP_STRING) if len(args) == 2: sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1) return sort_by, args def reformat_time_string(time): seconds, milliseconds = time.split('.') seconds = int(seconds) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) return '%dm%02d.%ss' % (minutes, seconds, milliseconds) def get_times(file_name): ''' Reads the contents of file_name, which should be the output of 'make TIMED=1', and parses it to construct a dict mapping file names to compile durations, as strings. Removes common prefixes using STRIP_REG and STRIP_REP. ''' if file_name == '-': lines = else: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = reg = re.compile(r'^([^\s]+) \([^\)]*?user: ([0-9\.]+)[^\)]*?\)\s*$', re.MULTILINE) times = reg.findall(lines) if all(time in ('0.00', '0.01') for name, time in times): reg = re.compile(r'^([^\s]*) \([^\)]*?real: ([0-9\.]+)[^\)]*?\)\s*$', re.MULTILINE) times = reg.findall(lines) if all( for name, time in times): times = tuple((STRIP_REG.sub(STRIP_REP, name.strip()), time) for name, time in times) return dict((name, reformat_time_string(time)) for name, time in times) def get_single_file_times(file_name): ''' Reads the contents of file_name, which should be the output of 'coqc -time', and parses it to construct a dict mapping lines to to compile durations, as strings. ''' if file_name == '-': lines = else: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = reg = re.compile(r'^Chars ([0-9]+) - ([0-9]+) ([^ ]+) ([0-9\.]+) secs (.*)$', re.MULTILINE) times = reg.findall(lines) if len(times) == 0: return dict() longest = max(max((len(start), len(stop))) for start, stop, name, time, extra in times) FORMAT = 'Chars %%0%dd - %%0%dd %%s' % (longest, longest) return dict((FORMAT % (int(start), int(stop), name), reformat_time_string(time)) for start, stop, name, time, extra in times) def fix_sign_for_sorting(num, descending=True): return -num if descending else num def make_sorting_key(times_dict, descending=True): def get_key(name): minutes, seconds = times_dict[name].replace('s', '').split('m') return (fix_sign_for_sorting(int(minutes), descending=descending), fix_sign_for_sorting(float(seconds), descending=descending), name) return get_key def get_sorted_file_list_from_times_dict(times_dict, descending=True): ''' Takes the output dict of get_times and returns the list of keys, sorted by duration. ''' return sorted(times_dict.keys(), key=make_sorting_key(times_dict, descending=descending)) def to_seconds(time): ''' Converts a string time into a number of seconds. ''' minutes, seconds = time.replace('s', '').split('m') sign = -1 if time[0] == '-' else 1 return sign * (abs(int(minutes)) * 60 + float(seconds)) def from_seconds(seconds, signed=False): ''' Converts a number of seconds into a string time. ''' sign = ('-' if seconds < 0 else '+') if signed else '' seconds = abs(seconds) minutes = int(seconds) // 60 seconds -= minutes * 60 full_seconds = int(seconds) partial_seconds = int(100 * (seconds - full_seconds)) return sign + '%dm%02d.%02ds' % (minutes, full_seconds, partial_seconds) def sum_times(times, signed=False): ''' Takes the values of an output from get_times, parses the time strings, and returns their sum, in the same string format. ''' # sort the times before summing because floating point addition is not associative return from_seconds(sum(sorted(map(to_seconds, times))), signed=signed) def format_percentage(num, signed=True): sign = ('-' if num < 0 else '+') if signed else '' num = abs(num) whole_part = int(num * 100) frac_part = int(100 * (num * 100 - whole_part)) return sign + '%d.%02d%%' % (whole_part, frac_part) def make_diff_table_string(left_times_dict, right_times_dict, sort_by='auto', descending=True, left_tag="After", tag="File Name", right_tag="Before", with_percent=True, change_tag="Change", percent_change_tag="% Change"): # We first get the names of all of the compiled files: all files # that were compiled either before or after. all_names_dict = dict() all_names_dict.update(right_times_dict) all_names_dict.update(left_times_dict) # do the left (after) last, so that we give precedence to those ones if len(all_names_dict.keys()) == 0: return 'No timing data' prediff_times = tuple((name, to_seconds(left_times_dict.get(name,'0m0.0s')), to_seconds(right_times_dict.get(name,'0m0.0s'))) for name in all_names_dict.keys()) diff_times_dict = dict((name, from_seconds(lseconds - rseconds, signed=True)) for name, lseconds, rseconds in prediff_times) percent_diff_times_dict = dict((name, ((format_percentage((lseconds - rseconds) / rseconds)) if rseconds != 0 else (INFINITY if lseconds > 0 else 'N/A'))) for name, lseconds, rseconds in prediff_times) # update to sort by approximate difference, first get_key_abs = make_sorting_key(all_names_dict, descending=descending) get_key_diff_float = (lambda name: fix_sign_for_sorting(abs(to_seconds(diff_times_dict[name])), descending=descending)) get_key_diff_int = (lambda name: fix_sign_for_sorting(int(abs(to_seconds(diff_times_dict[name]))), descending=descending)) if sort_by == 'absolute': get_key = get_key_abs elif sort_by == 'diff': get_key = get_key_diff_float else: # sort_by == 'auto' get_key = (lambda name: (get_key_diff_int(name), get_key_abs(name))) names = sorted(all_names_dict.keys(), key=get_key) #names = get_sorted_file_list_from_times_dict(all_names_dict, descending=descending) # set the widths of each of the columns by the longest thing to go in that column left_sum = sum_times(left_times_dict.values()) right_sum = sum_times(right_times_dict.values()) left_sum_float = sum(sorted(map(to_seconds, left_times_dict.values()))) right_sum_float = sum(sorted(map(to_seconds, right_times_dict.values()))) diff_sum = from_seconds(left_sum_float - right_sum_float, signed=True) percent_diff_sum = (format_percentage((left_sum_float - right_sum_float) / right_sum_float) if right_sum_float > 0 else 'N/A') left_width = max(max(map(len, ['N/A'] + list(left_times_dict.values()))), len(left_sum)) right_width = max(max(map(len, ['N/A'] + list(right_times_dict.values()))), len(right_sum)) far_right_width = max(max(map(len, ['N/A', change_tag] + list(diff_times_dict.values()))), len(diff_sum)) far_far_right_width = max(max(map(len, ['N/A', percent_change_tag] + list(percent_diff_times_dict.values()))), len(percent_diff_sum)) middle_width = max(map(len, names + [tag, "Total"])) format_string = ("%%(left)-%ds | %%(middle)-%ds | %%(right)-%ds || %%(far_right)-%ds" % (left_width, middle_width, right_width, far_right_width)) if with_percent: format_string += " | %%(far_far_right)-%ds" % far_far_right_width header = format_string % {'left': left_tag, 'middle': tag, 'right': right_tag, 'far_right': change_tag, 'far_far_right': percent_change_tag} total = format_string % {'left': left_sum, 'middle': "Total", 'right': right_sum, 'far_right': diff_sum, 'far_far_right': percent_diff_sum} # separator to go between headers and body sep = '-' * len(header) # the representation of the default value (0), to get replaced by N/A left_rep, right_rep, far_right_rep, far_far_right_rep = ("%%-%ds | " % left_width) % 0, (" | %%-%ds || " % right_width) % 0, ("|| %%-%ds" % far_right_width) % 0, ("| %%-%ds" % far_far_right_width) % 0 return '\n'.join([header, sep, total, sep] + [format_string % {'left': left_times_dict.get(name, 0), 'middle': name, 'right': right_times_dict.get(name, 0), 'far_right': diff_times_dict.get(name, 0), 'far_far_right': percent_diff_times_dict.get(name, 0)} for name in names]).replace(left_rep, 'N/A'.center(len(left_rep) - 3) + ' | ').replace(right_rep, ' | ' + 'N/A'.center(len(right_rep) - 7) + ' || ').replace(far_right_rep, '|| ' + 'N/A'.center(len(far_right_rep) - 3)).replace(far_far_right_rep, '| ' + 'N/A'.center(len(far_far_right_rep) - 2)) def make_table_string(times_dict, descending=True, tag="Time"): if len(times_dict.keys()) == 0: return 'No timing data' # We first get the names of all of the compiled files, sorted by # duration names = get_sorted_file_list_from_times_dict(times_dict, descending=descending) # compute the widths of the columns times_width = max(max(map(len, times_dict.values())), len(sum_times(times_dict.values()))) names_width = max(map(len, names + ["File Name", "Total"])) format_string = "%%-%ds | %%-%ds" % (times_width, names_width) header = format_string % (tag, "File Name") total = format_string % (sum_times(times_dict.values()), "Total") sep = '-' * len(header) return '\n'.join([header, sep, total, sep] + [format_string % (times_dict[name], name) for name in names]) def print_or_write_table(table, files): if len(files) == 0 or '-' in files: print(table) for file_name in files: if file_name != '-': with open(file_name, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(table)