(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* bool;N:nat] : R := Cases N of O => x | (S n) => let down = (Dichotomy_lb x y P n) in let up = (Dichotomy_ub x y P n) in let z = ``(down+up)/2`` in if (P z) then down else z end with Dichotomy_ub [x,y:R;P:R->bool;N:nat] : R := Cases N of O => y | (S n) => let down = (Dichotomy_lb x y P n) in let up = (Dichotomy_ub x y P n) in let z = ``(down+up)/2`` in if (P z) then z else up end. Definition dicho_lb [x,y:R;P:R->bool] : nat->R := [N:nat](Dichotomy_lb x y P N). Definition dicho_up [x,y:R;P:R->bool] : nat->R := [N:nat](Dichotomy_ub x y P N). (**********) Lemma dicho_comp : (x,y:R;P:R->bool;n:nat) ``x<=y`` -> ``(dicho_lb x y P n)<=(dicho_up x y P n)``. Intros. Induction n. Simpl; Assumption. Simpl. Case (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``). Unfold Rdiv; Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``2``. Sup0. Pattern 1 ``2``; Rewrite Rmult_sym. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [Idtac | DiscrR]. Rewrite Rmult_1r. Rewrite double. Apply Rle_compatibility. Assumption. Unfold Rdiv; Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``2``. Sup0. Pattern 3 ``2``; Rewrite Rmult_sym. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [Idtac | DiscrR]. Rewrite Rmult_1r. Rewrite double. Rewrite <- (Rplus_sym (Dichotomy_ub x y P n)). Apply Rle_compatibility. Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_lb_growing : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (Un_growing (dicho_lb x y P)). Intros. Unfold Un_growing. Intro. Simpl. Case (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``). Right; Reflexivity. Unfold Rdiv; Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``2``. Sup0. Pattern 1 ``2``; Rewrite Rmult_sym. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [Idtac | DiscrR]. Rewrite Rmult_1r. Rewrite double. Apply Rle_compatibility. Replace (Dichotomy_ub x y P n) with (dicho_up x y P n); [Apply dicho_comp; Assumption | Reflexivity]. Qed. Lemma dicho_up_decreasing : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (Un_decreasing (dicho_up x y P)). Intros. Unfold Un_decreasing. Intro. Simpl. Case (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``). Unfold Rdiv; Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``2``. Sup0. Pattern 3 ``2``; Rewrite Rmult_sym. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [Idtac | DiscrR]. Rewrite Rmult_1r. Rewrite double. Replace (Dichotomy_ub x y P n) with (dicho_up x y P n); [Idtac | Reflexivity]. Replace (Dichotomy_lb x y P n) with (dicho_lb x y P n); [Idtac | Reflexivity]. Rewrite <- (Rplus_sym ``(dicho_up x y P n)``). Apply Rle_compatibility. Apply dicho_comp; Assumption. Right; Reflexivity. Qed. Lemma dicho_lb_maj_y : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (n:nat)``(dicho_lb x y P n)<=y``. Intros. Induction n. Simpl; Assumption. Simpl. Case (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``). Assumption. Unfold Rdiv; Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``2``. Sup0. Pattern 3 ``2``; Rewrite Rmult_sym. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [Rewrite Rmult_1r | DiscrR]. Rewrite double; Apply Rplus_le. Assumption. Pattern 2 y; Replace y with (Dichotomy_ub x y P O); [Idtac | Reflexivity]. Apply decreasing_prop. Assert H0 := (dicho_up_decreasing x y P H). Assumption. Apply le_O_n. Qed. Lemma dicho_lb_maj : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (has_ub (dicho_lb x y P)). Intros. Cut (n:nat)``(dicho_lb x y P n)<=y``. Intro. Unfold has_ub. Unfold bound. Exists y. Unfold is_upper_bound. Intros. Elim H1; Intros. Rewrite H2; Apply H0. Apply dicho_lb_maj_y; Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_up_min_x : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (n:nat)``x<=(dicho_up x y P n)``. Intros. Induction n. Simpl; Assumption. Simpl. Case (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``). Unfold Rdiv; Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``2``. Sup0. Pattern 1 ``2``; Rewrite Rmult_sym. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym; [Rewrite Rmult_1r | DiscrR]. Rewrite double; Apply Rplus_le. Pattern 1 x; Replace x with (Dichotomy_lb x y P O); [Idtac | Reflexivity]. Apply tech9. Assert H0 := (dicho_lb_growing x y P H). Assumption. Apply le_O_n. Assumption. Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_up_min : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (has_lb (dicho_up x y P)). Intros. Cut (n:nat)``x<=(dicho_up x y P n)``. Intro. Unfold has_lb. Unfold bound. Exists ``-x``. Unfold is_upper_bound. Intros. Elim H1; Intros. Rewrite H2. Unfold opp_seq. Apply Rle_Ropp1. Apply H0. Apply dicho_up_min_x; Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_lb_cv : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (sigTT R [l:R](Un_cv (dicho_lb x y P) l)). Intros. Apply growing_cv. Apply dicho_lb_growing; Assumption. Apply dicho_lb_maj; Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_up_cv : (x,y:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (sigTT R [l:R](Un_cv (dicho_up x y P) l)). Intros. Apply decreasing_cv. Apply dicho_up_decreasing; Assumption. Apply dicho_up_min; Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_lb_dicho_up : (x,y:R;P:R->bool;n:nat) ``x<=y`` -> ``(dicho_up x y P n)-(dicho_lb x y P n)==(y-x)/(pow 2 n)``. Intros. Induction n. Simpl. Unfold Rdiv; Rewrite Rinv_R1; Ring. Simpl. Case (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``). Unfold Rdiv. Replace ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))*/2- (Dichotomy_lb x y P n)`` with ``((dicho_up x y P n)-(dicho_lb x y P n))/2``. Unfold Rdiv; Rewrite Hrecn. Unfold Rdiv. Rewrite Rinv_Rmult. Ring. DiscrR. Apply pow_nonzero; DiscrR. Pattern 2 (Dichotomy_lb x y P n); Rewrite (double_var (Dichotomy_lb x y P n)); Unfold dicho_up dicho_lb Rminus Rdiv; Ring. Replace ``(Dichotomy_ub x y P n)-((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+ (Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2`` with ``((dicho_up x y P n)-(dicho_lb x y P n))/2``. Unfold Rdiv; Rewrite Hrecn. Unfold Rdiv. Rewrite Rinv_Rmult. Ring. DiscrR. Apply pow_nonzero; DiscrR. Pattern 1 (Dichotomy_ub x y P n); Rewrite (double_var (Dichotomy_ub x y P n)); Unfold dicho_up dicho_lb Rminus Rdiv; Ring. Qed. Definition pow_2_n := [n:nat](pow ``2`` n). Lemma pow_2_n_neq_R0 : (n:nat) ``(pow_2_n n)<>0``. Intro. Unfold pow_2_n. Apply pow_nonzero. DiscrR. Qed. Lemma pow_2_n_growing : (Un_growing pow_2_n). Unfold Un_growing. Intro. Replace (S n) with (plus n (1)); [Unfold pow_2_n; Rewrite pow_add | Ring]. Pattern 1 (pow ``2`` n); Rewrite <- Rmult_1r. Apply Rle_monotony. Left; Apply pow_lt; Sup0. Simpl. Rewrite Rmult_1r. Pattern 1 R1; Rewrite <- Rplus_Or; Apply Rle_compatibility; Left; Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Qed. Lemma pow_2_n_infty : (cv_infty pow_2_n). Cut (N:nat)``(INR N)<=(pow 2 N)``. Intros. Unfold cv_infty. Intro. Case (total_order_T R0 M); Intro. Elim s; Intro. Pose N := (up M). Cut `0<=N`. Intro. Elim (IZN N H0); Intros N0 H1. Exists N0. Intros. Apply Rlt_le_trans with (INR N0). Rewrite INR_IZR_INZ. Rewrite <- H1. Unfold N. Assert H3 := (archimed M). Elim H3; Intros; Assumption. Apply Rle_trans with (pow_2_n N0). Unfold pow_2_n; Apply H. Apply Rle_sym2. Apply growing_prop. Apply pow_2_n_growing. Assumption. Apply le_IZR. Unfold N. Simpl. Assert H0 := (archimed M); Elim H0; Intros. Left; Apply Rlt_trans with M; Assumption. Exists O; Intros. Rewrite <- b. Unfold pow_2_n; Apply pow_lt; Sup0. Exists O; Intros. Apply Rlt_trans with R0. Assumption. Unfold pow_2_n; Apply pow_lt; Sup0. Induction N. Simpl. Left; Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Intros. Pattern 2 (S n); Replace (S n) with (plus n (1)); [Idtac | Ring]. Rewrite S_INR; Rewrite pow_add. Simpl. Rewrite Rmult_1r. Apply Rle_trans with ``(pow 2 n)``. Rewrite <- (Rplus_sym R1). Rewrite <- (Rmult_1r (INR n)). Apply (poly n R1). Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Pattern 1 (pow ``2`` n); Rewrite <- Rplus_Or. Rewrite <- (Rmult_sym ``2``). Rewrite double. Apply Rle_compatibility. Left; Apply pow_lt; Sup0. Qed. Lemma cv_dicho : (x,y,l1,l2:R;P:R->bool) ``x<=y`` -> (Un_cv (dicho_lb x y P) l1) -> (Un_cv (dicho_up x y P) l2) -> l1==l2. Intros. Assert H2 := (CV_minus ? ? ? ? H0 H1). Cut (Un_cv [i:nat]``(dicho_lb x y P i)-(dicho_up x y P i)`` R0). Intro. Assert H4 := (UL_sequence ? ? ? H2 H3). Symmetry; Apply Rminus_eq_right; Assumption. Unfold Un_cv; Unfold R_dist. Intros. Assert H4 := (cv_infty_cv_R0 pow_2_n pow_2_n_neq_R0 pow_2_n_infty). Case (total_order_T x y); Intro. Elim s; Intro. Unfold Un_cv in H4; Unfold R_dist in H4. Cut ``0 true | (rightT _) => false end. (* Sequential caracterisation of continuity *) Lemma continuity_seq : (f:R->R;Un:nat->R;l:R) (continuity_pt f l) -> (Un_cv Un l) -> (Un_cv [i:nat](f (Un i)) (f l)). Unfold continuity_pt Un_cv; Unfold continue_in. Unfold limit1_in. Unfold limit_in. Unfold dist. Simpl. Unfold R_dist. Intros. Elim (H eps H1); Intros alp H2. Elim H2; Intros. Elim (H0 alp H3); Intros N H5. Exists N; Intros. Case (Req_EM (Un n) l); Intro. Rewrite H7; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Assumption. Apply H4. Split. Unfold D_x no_cond. Split. Trivial. Apply not_sym; Assumption. Apply H5; Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_lb_car : (x,y:R;P:R->bool;n:nat) (P x)=false -> (P (dicho_lb x y P n))=false. Intros. Induction n. Simpl. Assumption. Simpl. Assert X := (sumbool_of_bool (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``)). Elim X; Intro. Rewrite a. Unfold dicho_lb in Hrecn; Assumption. Rewrite b. Assumption. Qed. Lemma dicho_up_car : (x,y:R;P:R->bool;n:nat) (P y)=true -> (P (dicho_up x y P n))=true. Intros. Induction n. Simpl. Assumption. Simpl. Assert X := (sumbool_of_bool (P ``((Dichotomy_lb x y P n)+(Dichotomy_ub x y P n))/2``)). Elim X; Intro. Rewrite a. Unfold dicho_lb in Hrecn; Assumption. Rewrite b. Assumption. Qed. (* Intermediate Value Theorem *) Lemma IVT : (f:R->R;x,y:R) (continuity f) -> ``x ``(f x)<0`` -> ``0<(f y)`` -> (sigTT R [z:R]``x<=z<=y``/\``(f z)==0``). Intros. Cut ``x<=y``. Intro. Generalize (dicho_lb_cv x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) H3). Generalize (dicho_up_cv x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) H3). Intros. Elim X; Intros. Elim X0; Intros. Assert H4 := (cv_dicho ? ? ? ? ? H3 p0 p). Rewrite H4 in p0. Apply existTT with x0. Split. Split. Apply Rle_trans with (dicho_lb x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) O). Simpl. Right; Reflexivity. Apply growing_ineq. Apply dicho_lb_growing; Assumption. Assumption. Apply Rle_trans with (dicho_up x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) O). Apply decreasing_ineq. Apply dicho_up_decreasing; Assumption. Assumption. Right; Reflexivity. 2:Left; Assumption. Pose Vn := [n:nat](dicho_lb x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) n). Pose Wn := [n:nat](dicho_up x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) n). Cut ((n:nat)``(f (Vn n))<=0``)->``(f x0)<=0``. Cut ((n:nat)``0<=(f (Wn n))``)->``0<=(f x0)``. Intros. Cut (n:nat)``(f (Vn n))<=0``. Cut (n:nat)``0<=(f (Wn n))``. Intros. Assert H9 := (H6 H8). Assert H10 := (H5 H7). Apply Rle_antisym; Assumption. Intro. Unfold Wn. Cut (z:R) (cond_positivity z)=true <-> ``0<=z``. Intro. Assert H8 := (dicho_up_car x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) n). Elim (H7 (f (dicho_up x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) n))); Intros. Apply H9. Apply H8. Elim (H7 (f y)); Intros. Apply H12. Left; Assumption. Intro. Unfold cond_positivity. Case (total_order_Rle R0 z); Intro. Split. Intro; Assumption. Intro; Reflexivity. Split. Intro; Elim diff_false_true; Assumption. Intro. Elim n0; Assumption. Unfold Vn. Cut (z:R) (cond_positivity z)=false <-> ``z<0``. Intros. Assert H8 := (dicho_lb_car x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) n). Left. Elim (H7 (f (dicho_lb x y [z:R](cond_positivity (f z)) n))); Intros. Apply H9. Apply H8. Elim (H7 (f x)); Intros. Apply H12. Assumption. Intro. Unfold cond_positivity. Case (total_order_Rle R0 z); Intro. Split. Intro; Elim diff_true_false; Assumption. Intro; Elim (Rlt_antirefl ? (Rle_lt_trans ? ? ? r H7)). Split. Intro; Auto with real. Intro; Reflexivity. Cut (Un_cv Wn x0). Intros. Assert H7 := (continuity_seq f Wn x0 (H x0) H5). Case (total_order_T R0 (f x0)); Intro. Elim s; Intro. Left; Assumption. Rewrite <- b; Right; Reflexivity. Unfold Un_cv in H7; Unfold R_dist in H7. Cut ``0< -(f x0)``. Intro. Elim (H7 ``-(f x0)`` H8); Intros. Cut (ge x2 x2); [Intro | Unfold ge; Apply le_n]. Assert H11 := (H9 x2 H10). Rewrite Rabsolu_right in H11. Pattern 1 ``-(f x0)`` in H11; Rewrite <- Rplus_Or in H11. Unfold Rminus in H11; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (f (Wn x2))) in H11. Assert H12 := (Rlt_anti_compatibility ? ? ? H11). Assert H13 := (H6 x2). Elim (Rlt_antirefl ? (Rle_lt_trans ? ? ? H13 H12)). Apply Rle_sym1; Left; Unfold Rminus; Apply ge0_plus_gt0_is_gt0. Apply H6. Exact H8. Apply Rgt_RO_Ropp; Assumption. Unfold Wn; Assumption. Cut (Un_cv Vn x0). Intros. Assert H7 := (continuity_seq f Vn x0 (H x0) H5). Case (total_order_T R0 (f x0)); Intro. Elim s; Intro. Unfold Un_cv in H7; Unfold R_dist in H7. Elim (H7 ``(f x0)`` a); Intros. Cut (ge x2 x2); [Intro | Unfold ge; Apply le_n]. Assert H10 := (H8 x2 H9). Rewrite Rabsolu_left in H10. Pattern 2 ``(f x0)`` in H10; Rewrite <- Rplus_Or in H10. Rewrite Ropp_distr3 in H10. Unfold Rminus in H10. Assert H11 := (Rlt_anti_compatibility ? ? ? H10). Assert H12 := (H6 x2). Cut ``0<(f (Vn x2))``. Intro. Elim (Rlt_antirefl ? (Rlt_le_trans ? ? ? H13 H12)). Rewrite <- (Ropp_Ropp (f (Vn x2))). Apply Rgt_RO_Ropp; Assumption. Apply Rlt_anti_compatibility with ``(f x0)-(f (Vn x2))``. Rewrite Rplus_Or; Replace ``(f x0)-(f (Vn x2))+((f (Vn x2))-(f x0))`` with R0; [Unfold Rminus; Apply gt0_plus_ge0_is_gt0 | Ring]. Assumption. Apply Rge_RO_Ropp; Apply Rle_sym1; Apply H6. Right; Rewrite <- b; Reflexivity. Left; Assumption. Unfold Vn; Assumption. Qed. Lemma IVT_cor : (f:R->R;x,y:R) (continuity f) -> ``x<=y`` -> ``(f x)*(f y)<=0`` -> (sigTT R [z:R]``x<=z<=y``/\``(f z)==0``). Intros. Case (total_order_T R0 (f x)); Intro. Case (total_order_T R0 (f y)); Intro. Elim s; Intro. Elim s0; Intro. Cut ``0<(f x)*(f y)``; [Intro; Elim (Rlt_antirefl ? (Rle_lt_trans ? ? ? H1 H2)) | Apply Rmult_lt_pos; Assumption]. Exists y. Split. Split; [Assumption | Right; Reflexivity]. Symmetry; Exact b. Exists x. Split. Split; [Right; Reflexivity | Assumption]. Symmetry; Exact b. Elim s; Intro. Cut ``x (sigTT R [z:R]``0<=z``/\``y==(Rsqr z)``). Intros. Pose f := [x:R]``(Rsqr x)-y``. Cut ``(f 0)<=0``. Intro. Cut (continuity f). Intro. Case (total_order_T y R1); Intro. Elim s; Intro. Cut ``0<=(f 1)``. Intro. Cut ``(f 0)*(f 1)<=0``. Intro. Assert X := (IVT_cor f R0 R1 H1 (Rlt_le ? ? Rlt_R0_R1) H3). Elim X; Intros t H4. Apply existTT with t. Elim H4; Intros. Split. Elim H5; Intros; Assumption. Unfold f in H6. Apply Rminus_eq_right; Exact H6. Rewrite Rmult_sym; Pattern 2 R0; Rewrite <- (Rmult_Or (f R1)). Apply Rle_monotony; Assumption. Unfold f. Rewrite Rsqr_1. Apply Rle_anti_compatibility with y. Rewrite Rplus_Or; Rewrite Rplus_sym; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_assoc; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_l; Rewrite Rplus_Or; Left; Assumption. Apply existTT with R1. Split. Left; Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Rewrite b; Symmetry; Apply Rsqr_1. Cut ``0<=(f y)``. Intro. Cut ``(f 0)*(f y)<=0``. Intro. Assert X := (IVT_cor f R0 y H1 H H3). Elim X; Intros t H4. Apply existTT with t. Elim H4; Intros. Split. Elim H5; Intros; Assumption. Unfold f in H6. Apply Rminus_eq_right; Exact H6. Rewrite Rmult_sym; Pattern 2 R0; Rewrite <- (Rmult_Or (f y)). Apply Rle_monotony; Assumption. Unfold f. Apply Rle_anti_compatibility with y. Rewrite Rplus_Or; Rewrite Rplus_sym; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_assoc; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_l; Rewrite Rplus_Or. Pattern 1 y; Rewrite <- Rmult_1r. Unfold Rsqr; Apply Rle_monotony. Assumption. Left; Exact r. Replace f with (minus_fct Rsqr (fct_cte y)). Apply continuity_minus. Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_Rsqr. Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_const. Reflexivity. Unfold f; Rewrite Rsqr_O. Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ol. Apply Rle_sym2. Apply Rle_RO_Ropp; Assumption. Qed. (* Definition of the square root: R+->R *) Definition Rsqrt [y:nonnegreal] : R := Cases (Rsqrt_exists (nonneg y) (cond_nonneg y)) of (existTT a b) => a end. (**********) Lemma Rsqrt_positivity : (x:nonnegreal) ``0<=(Rsqrt x)``. Intro. Assert X := (Rsqrt_exists (nonneg x) (cond_nonneg x)). Elim X; Intros. Cut x0==(Rsqrt x). Intros. Elim p; Intros. Rewrite H in H0; Assumption. Unfold Rsqrt. Case (Rsqrt_exists x (cond_nonneg x)). Intros. Elim p; Elim a; Intros. Apply Rsqr_inj. Assumption. Assumption. Rewrite <- H0; Rewrite <- H2; Reflexivity. Qed. (**********) Lemma Rsqrt_Rsqrt : (x:nonnegreal) ``(Rsqrt x)*(Rsqrt x)==x``. Intros. Assert X := (Rsqrt_exists (nonneg x) (cond_nonneg x)). Elim X; Intros. Cut x0==(Rsqrt x). Intros. Rewrite <- H. Elim p; Intros. Rewrite H1; Reflexivity. Unfold Rsqrt. Case (Rsqrt_exists x (cond_nonneg x)). Intros. Elim p; Elim a; Intros. Apply Rsqr_inj. Assumption. Assumption. Rewrite <- H0; Rewrite <- H2; Reflexivity. Qed.