(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (Match Context With |[|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 |[|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 | _ -> Idtac) |[(minus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 |[|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 | _ -> Idtac) |[(mult_fct ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 |[|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 | _ -> Idtac) |[(div_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Let aux = ?2 In (Match Context With |[_:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 |[_:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 |[|-(derivable ?)] -> Cut ((x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``); [Intro; IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 | Try Assumption] |[|-(continuity ?)] -> Cut ((x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``); [Intro; IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 | Try Assumption] | _ -> Idtac) |[(comp ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 |[|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1; IntroHypG ?2 | _ -> Idtac) |[(opp_fct ?1)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1 |[|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1 | _ -> Idtac) |[(inv_fct ?1)] -> Let aux = ?1 In (Match Context With |[_:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(derivable ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1 |[_:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(continuity ?)] -> IntroHypG ?1 |[|-(derivable ?)] -> Cut ((x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``); [Intro; IntroHypG ?1 | Try Assumption] |[|-(continuity ?)] -> Cut ((x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``); [Intro; IntroHypG ?1| Try Assumption] | _ -> Idtac) |[cos] -> Idtac |[sin] -> Idtac |[cosh] -> Idtac |[sinh] -> Idtac |[exp] -> Idtac |[Rsqr] -> Idtac |[sqrt] -> Idtac |[id] -> Idtac |[(fct_cte ?)] -> Idtac |[(pow_fct ?)] -> Idtac |[Rabsolu] -> Idtac |[?1] -> Let p = ?1 In (Match Context With |[_:(derivable p)|- ?] -> Idtac |[|-(derivable p)] -> Idtac |[|-(derivable ?)] -> Cut True -> (derivable p); [Intro HYPPD; Cut (derivable p); [Intro; Clear HYPPD | Apply HYPPD; Clear HYPPD; Trivial] | Idtac] | [_:(continuity p)|- ?] -> Idtac |[|-(continuity p)] -> Idtac |[|-(continuity ?)] -> Cut True -> (continuity p); [Intro HYPPD; Cut (continuity p); [Intro; Clear HYPPD | Apply HYPPD; Clear HYPPD; Trivial] | Idtac] | _ -> Idtac). (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition IntroHypL trm pt := Match trm With |[(plus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt | _ -> Idtac) |[(minus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt | _ -> Idtac) |[(mult_fct ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt | _ -> Idtac) |[(div_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Let aux = ?2 In (Match Context With |[_:``(aux pt)<>0``|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[_:``(aux pt)<>0``|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[_:``(aux pt)<>0``|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[id:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Generalize (id pt); Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[id:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Generalize (id pt); Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[id:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Generalize (id pt); Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Cut ``(aux pt)<>0``; [Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt | Try Assumption] |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Cut ``(aux pt)<>0``; [Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt | Try Assumption] |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Cut ``(aux pt)<>0``; [Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt; IntroHypL ?2 pt | Try Assumption] | _ -> Idtac) |[(comp ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Let pt_f1 = (Eval Cbv Beta in (?2 pt)) In IntroHypL ?1 pt_f1; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Let pt_f1 = (Eval Cbv Beta in (?2 pt)) In IntroHypL ?1 pt_f1; IntroHypL ?2 pt |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Let pt_f1 = (Eval Cbv Beta in (?2 pt)) In IntroHypL ?1 pt_f1; IntroHypL ?2 pt | _ -> Idtac) |[(opp_fct ?1)] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt | _ -> Idtac) |[(inv_fct ?1)] -> Let aux = ?1 In (Match Context With |[_:``(aux pt)<>0``|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt |[_:``(aux pt)<>0``|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt |[_:``(aux pt)<>0``|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> IntroHypL ?1 pt |[id:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Generalize (id pt); Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt |[id:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Generalize (id pt); Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt |[id:(x0:R)``(aux x0)<>0``|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Generalize (id pt); Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Cut ``(aux pt)<>0``; [Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt | Try Assumption] |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Cut ``(aux pt)<>0``; [Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt| Try Assumption] |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Cut ``(aux pt)<>0``; [Intro; IntroHypL ?1 pt | Try Assumption] | _ -> Idtac) |[cos] -> Idtac |[sin] -> Idtac |[cosh] -> Idtac |[sinh] -> Idtac |[exp] -> Idtac |[Rsqr] -> Idtac |[id] -> Idtac |[(fct_cte ?)] -> Idtac |[(pow_fct ?)] -> Idtac |[sqrt] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Cut ``0 Cut ``0<=pt``; [Intro | Try Assumption] |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Cut ``0 Idtac) |[Rabsolu] -> (Match Context With |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Cut ``pt<>0``; [Intro | Try Assumption] | _ -> Idtac) |[?1] -> Let p = ?1 In (Match Context With |[_:(derivable_pt p pt)|- ?] -> Idtac |[|-(derivable_pt p pt)] -> Idtac |[|-(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Cut True -> (derivable_pt p pt); [Intro HYPPD; Cut (derivable_pt p pt); [Intro; Clear HYPPD | Apply HYPPD; Clear HYPPD; Trivial] | Idtac] |[_:(continuity_pt p pt)|- ?] -> Idtac |[|-(continuity_pt p pt)] -> Idtac |[|-(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Cut True -> (continuity_pt p pt); [Intro HYPPD; Cut (continuity_pt p pt); [Intro; Clear HYPPD | Apply HYPPD; Clear HYPPD; Trivial] | Idtac] |[|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ? ? ?) ?)] -> Cut True -> (derivable_pt p pt); [Intro HYPPD; Cut (derivable_pt p pt); [Intro; Clear HYPPD | Apply HYPPD; Clear HYPPD; Trivial] | Idtac] | _ -> Idtac). (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition IsDiff_pt := Match Context With (* fonctions de base *) [|-(derivable_pt Rsqr ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_Rsqr |[|-(derivable_pt id ?1)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_id ?1) |[|-(derivable_pt (fct_cte ?) ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_const |[|-(derivable_pt sin ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_sin |[|-(derivable_pt cos ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_cos |[|-(derivable_pt sinh ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_sinh |[|-(derivable_pt cosh ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_cosh |[|-(derivable_pt exp ?)] -> Apply derivable_pt_exp |[|-(derivable_pt (pow_fct ?) ?)] -> Unfold pow_fct; Apply derivable_pt_pow |[|-(derivable_pt sqrt ?1)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_sqrt ?1); Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct minus_fct opp_fct mult_fct div_fct inv_fct comp id fct_cte pow_fct |[|-(derivable_pt Rabsolu ?1)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_Rabsolu ?1); Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct minus_fct opp_fct mult_fct div_fct inv_fct comp id fct_cte pow_fct (* regles de differentiabilite *) (* PLUS *) |[|-(derivable_pt (plus_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_plus ?1 ?2 ?3); IsDiff_pt (* MOINS *) |[|-(derivable_pt (minus_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_minus ?1 ?2 ?3); IsDiff_pt (* OPPOSE *) |[|-(derivable_pt (opp_fct ?1) ?2)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_opp ?1 ?2); IsDiff_pt (* MULTIPLICATION PAR UN SCALAIRE *) |[|-(derivable_pt (mult_real_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_scal ?2 ?1 ?3); IsDiff_pt (* MULTIPLICATION *) |[|-(derivable_pt (mult_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_mult ?1 ?2 ?3); IsDiff_pt (* DIVISION *) |[|-(derivable_pt (div_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_div ?1 ?2 ?3); [IsDiff_pt | IsDiff_pt | Try Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct comp pow_fct id fct_cte] (* INVERSION *) |[|-(derivable_pt (inv_fct ?1) ?2)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_inv ?1 ?2); [Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct comp pow_fct id fct_cte | IsDiff_pt] (* COMPOSITION *) |[|-(derivable_pt (comp ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (derivable_pt_comp ?2 ?1 ?3); IsDiff_pt |[_:(derivable_pt ?1 ?2)|-(derivable_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Assumption |[_:(derivable ?1) |- (derivable_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Cut (derivable ?1); [Intro HypDDPT; Apply HypDDPT | Assumption] |[|-True->(derivable_pt ? ?)] -> Intro HypTruE; Clear HypTruE; IsDiff_pt | _ -> Try Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte comp pow_fct. (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition IsDiff_glob := Match Context With (* fonctions de base *) [|-(derivable Rsqr)] -> Apply derivable_Rsqr |[|-(derivable id)] -> Apply derivable_id |[|-(derivable (fct_cte ?))] -> Apply derivable_const |[|-(derivable sin)] -> Apply derivable_sin |[|-(derivable cos)] -> Apply derivable_cos |[|-(derivable cosh)] -> Apply derivable_cosh |[|-(derivable sinh)] -> Apply derivable_sinh |[|-(derivable exp)] -> Apply derivable_exp |[|-(derivable (pow_fct ?))] -> Unfold pow_fct; Apply derivable_pow (* regles de differentiabilite *) (* PLUS *) |[|-(derivable (plus_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (derivable_plus ?1 ?2); IsDiff_glob (* MOINS *) |[|-(derivable (minus_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (derivable_minus ?1 ?2); IsDiff_glob (* OPPOSE *) |[|-(derivable (opp_fct ?1))] -> Apply (derivable_opp ?1); IsDiff_glob (* MULTIPLICATION PAR UN SCALAIRE *) |[|-(derivable (mult_real_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (derivable_scal ?2 ?1); IsDiff_glob (* MULTIPLICATION *) |[|-(derivable (mult_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (derivable_mult ?1 ?2); IsDiff_glob (* DIVISION *) |[|-(derivable (div_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (derivable_div ?1 ?2); [IsDiff_glob | IsDiff_glob | Try Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte comp pow_fct] (* INVERSION *) |[|-(derivable (inv_fct ?1))] -> Apply (derivable_inv ?1); [Try Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte comp pow_fct | IsDiff_glob] (* COMPOSITION *) |[|-(derivable (comp sqrt ?))] -> Unfold derivable; Intro; Try IsDiff_pt |[|-(derivable (comp Rabsolu ?))] -> Unfold derivable; Intro; Try IsDiff_pt |[|-(derivable (comp ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (derivable_comp ?2 ?1); IsDiff_glob |[_:(derivable ?1)|-(derivable ?1)] -> Assumption |[|-True->(derivable ?)] -> Intro HypTruE; Clear HypTruE; IsDiff_glob | _ -> Try Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte comp pow_fct. (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition IsCont_pt := Match Context With (* fonctions de base *) [|-(continuity_pt Rsqr ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_Rsqr |[|-(continuity_pt id ?1)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply (derivable_pt_id ?1) |[|-(continuity_pt (fct_cte ?) ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_const |[|-(continuity_pt sin ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_sin |[|-(continuity_pt cos ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_cos |[|-(continuity_pt sinh ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_sinh |[|-(continuity_pt cosh ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_cosh |[|-(continuity_pt exp ?)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_exp |[|-(continuity_pt (pow_fct ?) ?)] -> Unfold pow_fct; Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Apply derivable_pt_pow |[|-(continuity_pt sqrt ?1)] -> Apply continuity_pt_sqrt; Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct minus_fct opp_fct mult_fct div_fct inv_fct comp id fct_cte pow_fct |[|-(continuity_pt Rabsolu ?1)] -> Apply (continuity_Rabsolu ?1) (* regles de differentiabilite *) (* PLUS *) |[|-(continuity_pt (plus_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_plus ?1 ?2 ?3); IsCont_pt (* MOINS *) |[|-(continuity_pt (minus_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_minus ?1 ?2 ?3); IsCont_pt (* OPPOSE *) |[|-(continuity_pt (opp_fct ?1) ?2)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_opp ?1 ?2); IsCont_pt (* MULTIPLICATION PAR UN SCALAIRE *) |[|-(continuity_pt (mult_real_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_scal ?2 ?1 ?3); IsCont_pt (* MULTIPLICATION *) |[|-(continuity_pt (mult_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_mult ?1 ?2 ?3); IsCont_pt (* DIVISION *) |[|-(continuity_pt (div_fct ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_div ?1 ?2 ?3); [IsCont_pt | IsCont_pt | Try Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct comp id fct_cte pow_fct] (* INVERSION *) |[|-(continuity_pt (inv_fct ?1) ?2)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_inv ?1 ?2); [IsCont_pt | Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct comp id fct_cte pow_fct] (* COMPOSITION *) |[|-(continuity_pt (comp ?1 ?2) ?3)] -> Apply (continuity_pt_comp ?2 ?1 ?3); IsCont_pt |[_:(continuity_pt ?1 ?2)|-(continuity_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Assumption |[_:(continuity ?1) |- (continuity_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Cut (continuity ?1); [Intro HypDDPT; Apply HypDDPT | Assumption] |[_:(derivable_pt ?1 ?2)|-(continuity_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Apply derivable_continuous_pt; Assumption |[_:(derivable ?1)|-(continuity_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Cut (continuity ?1); [Intro HypDDPT; Apply HypDDPT | Apply derivable_continuous; Assumption] |[|-True->(continuity_pt ? ?)] -> Intro HypTruE; Clear HypTruE; IsCont_pt | _ -> Try Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte comp pow_fct. (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition IsCont_glob := Match Context With (* fonctions de base *) [|-(continuity Rsqr)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_Rsqr |[|-(continuity id)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_id |[|-(continuity (fct_cte ?))] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_const |[|-(continuity sin)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_sin |[|-(continuity cos)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_cos |[|-(continuity exp)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_exp |[|-(continuity (pow_fct ?))] -> Unfold pow_fct; Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_pow |[|-(continuity sinh)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_sinh |[|-(continuity cosh)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Apply derivable_cosh |[|-(continuity Rabsolu)] -> Apply continuity_Rabsolu (* regles de continuite *) (* PLUS *) |[|-(continuity (plus_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (continuity_plus ?1 ?2); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption (* MOINS *) |[|-(continuity (minus_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (continuity_minus ?1 ?2); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption (* OPPOSE *) |[|-(continuity (opp_fct ?1))] -> Apply (continuity_opp ?1); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption (* INVERSE *) |[|-(continuity (inv_fct ?1))] -> Apply (continuity_inv ?1); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption (* MULTIPLICATION PAR UN SCALAIRE *) |[|-(continuity (mult_real_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (continuity_scal ?2 ?1); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption (* MULTIPLICATION *) |[|-(continuity (mult_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (continuity_mult ?1 ?2); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption (* DIVISION *) |[|-(continuity (div_fct ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (continuity_div ?1 ?2); [Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption | Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption | Try Assumption Orelse Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte pow_fct] (* COMPOSITION *) |[|-(continuity (comp sqrt ?))] -> Unfold continuity_pt; Intro; Try IsCont_pt |[|-(continuity (comp ?1 ?2))] -> Apply (continuity_comp ?2 ?1); Try IsCont_glob Orelse Assumption |[_:(continuity ?1)|-(continuity ?1)] -> Assumption |[|-True->(continuity ?)] -> Intro HypTruE; Clear HypTruE; IsCont_glob |[_:(derivable ?1)|-(continuity ?1)] -> Apply derivable_continuous; Assumption | _ -> Try Unfold plus_fct mult_fct div_fct minus_fct opp_fct inv_fct id fct_cte comp pow_fct. (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition RewTerm trm := Match trm With | [(Rplus ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1= (RewTerm ?1) And p2 = (RewTerm ?2) In (Match p1 With [(fct_cte ?3)] -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(fct_cte (Rplus ?3 ?4)) | _ -> '(plus_fct p1 p2)) | _ -> '(plus_fct p1 p2)) | [(Rminus ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1 = (RewTerm ?1) And p2 = (RewTerm ?2) In (Match p1 With [(fct_cte ?3)] -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(fct_cte (Rminus ?3 ?4)) | _ -> '(minus_fct p1 p2)) | _ -> '(minus_fct p1 p2)) | [(Rdiv ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1 = (RewTerm ?1) And p2 = (RewTerm ?2) In (Match p1 With [(fct_cte ?3)] -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(fct_cte (Rdiv ?3 ?4)) | _ -> '(div_fct p1 p2)) | _ -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(mult_fct p1 (fct_cte (Rinv ?4))) | _ -> '(div_fct p1 p2))) | [(Rmult ?1 (Rinv ?2))] -> Let p1 = (RewTerm ?1) And p2 = (RewTerm ?2) In (Match p1 With [(fct_cte ?3)] -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(fct_cte (Rdiv ?3 ?4)) | _ -> '(div_fct p1 p2)) | _ -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(mult_fct p1 (fct_cte (Rinv ?4))) | _ -> '(div_fct p1 p2))) | [(Rmult ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1 = (RewTerm ?1) And p2 = (RewTerm ?2) In (Match p1 With [(fct_cte ?3)] -> (Match p2 With | [(fct_cte ?4)] -> '(fct_cte (Rmult ?3 ?4)) | _ -> '(mult_fct p1 p2)) | _ -> '(mult_fct p1 p2)) | [(Ropp ?1)] -> Let p = (RewTerm ?1) In (Match p With [(fct_cte ?2)] -> '(fct_cte (Ropp ?2)) | _ -> '(opp_fct p)) | [(Rinv ?1)] -> Let p = (RewTerm ?1) In (Match p With [(fct_cte ?2)] -> '(fct_cte (Rinv ?2)) | _ -> '(inv_fct p)) | [(?1 AppVar)] -> '?1 | [(?1 ?2)] -> Let p = (RewTerm ?2) In (Match p With | [(fct_cte ?3)] -> '(fct_cte (?1 ?3)) | _ -> '(comp ?1 p)) | [AppVar] -> 'id | [(pow AppVar ?1)] -> '(pow_fct ?1) | [(pow ?1 ?2)] -> Let p = (RewTerm ?1) In (Match p With | [(fct_cte ?3)] -> '(fct_cte (pow_fct ?2 ?3)) | _ -> '(comp (pow_fct ?2) p)) | [?1]-> '(fct_cte ?1). (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition ConsProof trm pt := Match trm With | [(plus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt) And p2 = (ConsProof ?2 pt) In '(derivable_pt_plus ?1 ?2 pt p1 p2) | [(minus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt) And p2 = (ConsProof ?2 pt) In '(derivable_pt_minus ?1 ?2 pt p1 p2) | [(mult_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt) And p2 = (ConsProof ?2 pt) In '(derivable_pt_mult ?1 ?2 pt p1 p2) | [(div_fct ?1 ?2)] -> (Match Context With |[id:~((?2 pt)==R0) |- ?] -> Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt) And p2 = (ConsProof ?2 pt) In '(derivable_pt_div ?1 ?2 pt p1 p2 id) | _ -> 'False) | [(inv_fct ?1)] -> (Match Context With |[id:~((?1 pt)==R0) |- ?] -> Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt) In '(derivable_pt_inv ?1 pt p1 id) | _ -> 'False) | [(comp ?1 ?2)] -> Let pt_f1 = (Eval Cbv Beta in (?2 pt)) In Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt_f1) And p2 = (ConsProof ?2 pt) In '(derivable_pt_comp ?2 ?1 pt p2 p1) | [(opp_fct ?1)] -> Let p1 = (ConsProof ?1 pt) In '(derivable_pt_opp ?1 pt p1) | [sin] -> '(derivable_pt_sin pt) | [cos] -> '(derivable_pt_cos pt) | [sinh] -> '(derivable_pt_sinh pt) | [cosh] -> '(derivable_pt_cosh pt) | [exp] -> '(derivable_pt_exp pt) | [id] -> '(derivable_pt_id pt) | [Rsqr] -> '(derivable_pt_Rsqr pt) | [sqrt] -> (Match Context With |[id:(Rlt R0 pt) |- ?] -> '(derivable_pt_sqrt pt id) | _ -> 'False) | [(fct_cte ?1)] -> '(derivable_pt_const ?1 pt) | [?1] -> Let aux = ?1 In (Match Context With [ id : (derivable_pt aux pt) |- ?] -> 'id |[ id : (derivable aux) |- ?] -> '(id pt) | _ -> 'False). (**********) Recursive Tactic Definition SimplifyDerive trm pt := Match trm With | [(plus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_plus; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt; SimplifyDerive ?2 pt | [(minus_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_minus; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt; SimplifyDerive ?2 pt | [(mult_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_mult; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt; SimplifyDerive ?2 pt | [(div_fct ?1 ?2)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_div; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt; SimplifyDerive ?2 pt | [(comp ?1 ?2)] -> Let pt_f1 = (Eval Cbv Beta in (?2 pt)) In Try Rewrite derive_pt_comp; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt_f1; SimplifyDerive ?2 pt | [(opp_fct ?1)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_opp; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt | [(inv_fct ?1)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_inv; SimplifyDerive ?1 pt | [(fct_cte ?1)] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_const | [id] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_id | [sin] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_sin | [cos] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_cos | [sinh] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_sinh | [cosh] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_cosh | [exp] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_exp | [Rsqr] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_Rsqr | [sqrt] -> Try Rewrite derive_pt_sqrt | [?1] -> Let aux = ?1 In (Match Context With [ id : (eqT ? (derive_pt aux pt ?2) ?); H : (derivable aux) |- ? ] -> Try Replace (derive_pt aux pt (H pt)) with (derive_pt aux pt ?2); [Rewrite id | Apply pr_nu] |[ id : (eqT ? (derive_pt aux pt ?2) ?); H : (derivable_pt aux pt) |- ? ] -> Try Replace (derive_pt aux pt H) with (derive_pt aux pt ?2); [Rewrite id | Apply pr_nu] | _ -> Idtac ) | _ -> Idtac. (**********) Tactic Definition Reg := Match Context With | [|-(derivable_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Let trm = Eval Cbv Beta in (?1 AppVar) In Let aux = (RewTerm trm) In IntroHypL aux ?2; Try (Change (derivable_pt aux ?2); IsDiff_pt) Orelse IsDiff_pt | [|-(derivable ?1)] -> Let trm = Eval Cbv Beta in (?1 AppVar) In Let aux = (RewTerm trm) In IntroHypG aux; Try (Change (derivable aux); IsDiff_glob) Orelse IsDiff_glob | [|-(continuity ?1)] -> Let trm = Eval Cbv Beta in (?1 AppVar) In Let aux = (RewTerm trm) In IntroHypG aux; Try (Change (continuity aux); IsCont_glob) Orelse IsCont_glob | [|-(continuity_pt ?1 ?2)] -> Let trm = Eval Cbv Beta in (?1 AppVar) In Let aux = (RewTerm trm) In IntroHypL aux ?2; Try (Change (continuity_pt aux ?2); IsCont_pt) Orelse IsCont_pt | [|-(eqT ? (derive_pt ?1 ?2 ?3) ?4)] -> Let trm = Eval Cbv Beta in (?1 AppVar) In Let aux = (RewTerm trm) In IntroHypL aux ?2; Let aux2 = (ConsProof aux ?2) In Try (Replace (derive_pt ?1 ?2 ?3) with (derive_pt aux ?2 aux2); [SimplifyDerive aux ?2; Try Unfold plus_fct minus_fct mult_fct div_fct id fct_cte inv_fct opp_fct; Try Ring | Try Apply pr_nu]) Orelse IsDiff_pt.