(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Prop := [y:R]``(Rabsolu (y-x))R->R;f:R->R;x:R;r:posreal] : Prop := (eps:R)``0(EX N:nat | (n:nat;y:R) (le N n)->(Boule x r y)->``(Rabsolu ((f y)-(fn n y)))R->R;r:posreal] : Type := (SigT ? [An:nat->R](sigTT R [l:R]((Un_cv [n:nat](sum_f_R0 [k:nat](Rabsolu (An k)) n) l)/\((n:nat)(y:R)(Boule R0 r y)->(Rle (Rabsolu (fn n y)) (An n)))))). Definition CVN_R [fn:nat->R->R] : Type := (r:posreal) (CVN_r fn r). Definition SFL [fn:nat->R->R;cv:(x:R)(sigTT ? [l:R](Un_cv [N:nat](SP fn N x) l))] : R-> R := [y:R](Cases (cv y) of (existTT a b) => a end). (* In a complete space, normal convergence implies uniform convergence *) Lemma CVN_CVU : (fn:nat->R->R;cv:(x:R)(sigTT ? [l:R](Un_cv [N:nat](SP fn N x) l));r:posreal) (CVN_r fn r) -> (CVU [n:nat](SP fn n) (SFL fn cv) ``0`` r). Intros; Unfold CVU; Intros. Unfold CVN_r in X. Elim X; Intros An X0. Elim X0; Intros s H0. Elim H0; Intros. Cut (Un_cv [n:nat](Rminus (sum_f_R0 [k:nat]``(Rabsolu (An k))`` n) s) R0). Intro; Unfold Un_cv in H3. Elim (H3 eps H); Intros N0 H4. Exists N0; Intros. Apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabsolu (Rminus (sum_f_R0 [k:nat]``(Rabsolu (An k))`` n) s)). Rewrite <- (Rabsolu_Ropp (Rminus (sum_f_R0 [k:nat]``(Rabsolu (An k))`` n) s)); Rewrite Ropp_distr3; Rewrite (Rabsolu_right (Rminus s (sum_f_R0 [k:nat]``(Rabsolu (An k))`` n))). EApply sum_maj1. Unfold SFL; Case (cv y); Intro. Trivial. Apply H1. Intro; Elim H0; Intros. Rewrite (Rabsolu_right (An n0)). Apply H8; Apply H6. Apply Rle_sym1; Apply Rle_trans with (Rabsolu (fn n0 y)). Apply Rabsolu_pos. Apply H8; Apply H6. Apply Rle_sym1; Apply Rle_anti_compatibility with (sum_f_R0 [k:nat](Rabsolu (An k)) n). Rewrite Rplus_Or; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite (Rplus_sym s); Rewrite <- Rplus_assoc; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rplus_Ol; Apply sum_incr. Apply H1. Intro; Apply Rabsolu_pos. Unfold R_dist in H4; Unfold Rminus in H4; Rewrite Ropp_O in H4. Assert H7 := (H4 n H5). Rewrite Rplus_Or in H7; Apply H7. Unfold Un_cv in H1; Unfold Un_cv; Intros. Elim (H1? H3); Intros. Exists x; Intros. Unfold R_dist; Unfold R_dist in H4. Rewrite minus_R0; Apply H4; Assumption. Qed. (* Each limit of a sequence of functions which converges uniformly is continue *) Lemma CVU_continuity : (fn:nat->R->R;f:R->R;x:R;r:posreal) (CVU fn f x r) -> ((n:nat)(y:R) (Boule x r y)->(continuity_pt (fn n) y)) -> ((y:R) (Boule x r y) -> (continuity_pt f y)). Intros; Unfold continuity_pt; Unfold continue_in; Unfold limit1_in; Unfold limit_in; Simpl; Unfold R_dist; Intros. Unfold CVU in H. Cut ``0 (Boule x r ``y+h``) ). Intro. Elim H6; Intros del1 H7. Unfold continuity_pt in H5; Unfold continue_in in H5; Unfold limit1_in in H5; Unfold limit_in in H5; Simpl in H5; Unfold R_dist in H5. Elim (H5 ? H3); Intros del2 H8. Pose del := (Rmin del1 del2). Exists del; Intros. Split. Unfold del; Unfold Rmin; Case (total_order_Rle del1 del2); Intro. Apply (cond_pos del1). Elim H8; Intros; Assumption. Intros; Apply Rle_lt_trans with ``(Rabsolu ((f x0)-(fn N0 x0)))+(Rabsolu ((fn N0 x0)-(f y)))``. Replace ``(f x0)-(f y)`` with ``((f x0)-(fn N0 x0))+((fn N0 x0)-(f y))``; [Apply Rabsolu_triang | Ring]. Apply Rle_lt_trans with ``(Rabsolu ((f x0)-(fn N0 x0)))+(Rabsolu ((fn N0 x0)-(fn N0 y)))+(Rabsolu ((fn N0 y)-(f y)))``. Rewrite Rplus_assoc; Apply Rle_compatibility. Replace ``(fn N0 x0)-(f y)`` with ``((fn N0 x0)-(fn N0 y))+((fn N0 y)-(f y))``; [Apply Rabsolu_triang | Ring]. Replace ``eps`` with ``eps/3+eps/3+eps/3``. Repeat Apply Rplus_lt. Apply H4. Apply le_n. Replace x0 with ``y+(x0-y)``; [Idtac | Ring]; Apply H7. Elim H9; Intros. Apply Rlt_le_trans with del. Assumption. Unfold del; Apply Rmin_l. Elim H8; Intros. Apply H11. Split. Elim H9; Intros; Assumption. Elim H9; Intros; Apply Rlt_le_trans with del. Assumption. Unfold del; Apply Rmin_r. Rewrite <- Rabsolu_Ropp; Rewrite Ropp_distr3; Apply H4. Apply le_n. Assumption. Apply r_Rmult_mult with ``3``. Do 2 Rewrite Rmult_Rplus_distr; Unfold Rdiv; Rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; Rewrite Rinv_r_simpl_m. Ring. DiscrR. DiscrR. Cut ``0R->R;N:nat;x:R) ((n:nat)(le n N)->(continuity_pt (fn n) x)) -> (continuity_pt [y:R](sum_f_R0 [k:nat]``(fn k y)`` N) x). Intros; Induction N. Simpl; Apply (H O); Apply le_n. Simpl; Replace [y:R](Rplus (sum_f_R0 [k:nat](fn k y) N) (fn (S N) y)) with (plus_fct [y:R](sum_f_R0 [k:nat](fn k y) N) [y:R](fn (S N) y)); [Idtac | Reflexivity]. Apply continuity_pt_plus. Apply HrecN. Intros; Apply H. Apply le_trans with N; [Assumption | Apply le_n_Sn]. Apply (H (S N)); Apply le_n. Qed. (* Continuity and normal convergence *) Lemma SFL_continuity_pt : (fn:nat->R->R;cv:(x:R)(sigTT ? [l:R](Un_cv [N:nat](SP fn N x) l));r:posreal) (CVN_r fn r) -> ((n:nat)(y:R) (Boule ``0`` r y) -> (continuity_pt (fn n) y)) -> ((y:R) (Boule ``0`` r y) -> (continuity_pt (SFL fn cv) y)). Intros; EApply CVU_continuity. Apply CVN_CVU. Apply X. Intros; Unfold SP; Apply continuity_pt_finite_SF. Intros; Apply H. Apply H1. Apply H0. Qed. Lemma SFL_continuity : (fn:nat->R->R;cv:(x:R)(sigTT ? [l:R](Un_cv [N:nat](SP fn N x) l))) (CVN_R fn) -> ((n:nat)(continuity (fn n))) -> (continuity (SFL fn cv)). Intros; Unfold continuity; Intro. Cut ``0<(Rabsolu x)+1``; [Intro | Apply ge0_plus_gt0_is_gt0; [Apply Rabsolu_pos | Apply Rlt_R0_R1]]. Cut (Boule ``0`` (mkposreal ? H0) x). Intro; EApply SFL_continuity_pt with (mkposreal ? H0). Apply X. Intros; Apply (H n y). Apply H1. Unfold Boule; Simpl; Rewrite minus_R0; Pattern 1 (Rabsolu x); Rewrite <- Rplus_Or; Apply Rlt_compatibility; Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Qed. (* As R is complete, normal convergence implies that (fn) is simply-uniformly convergent *) Lemma CVN_R_CVS : (fn:nat->R->R) (CVN_R fn) -> ((x:R)(sigTT ? [l:R](Un_cv [N:nat](SP fn N x) l))). Intros; Apply R_complete. Unfold SP; Pose An := [N:nat](fn N x). Change (Cauchy_crit_series An). Apply cauchy_abs. Unfold Cauchy_crit_series; Apply CV_Cauchy. Unfold CVN_R in X; Cut ``0<(Rabsolu x)+1``. Intro; Assert H0 := (X (mkposreal ? H)). Unfold CVN_r in H0; Elim H0; Intros Bn H1. Elim H1; Intros l H2. Elim H2; Intros. Apply Rseries_CV_comp with Bn. Intro; Split. Apply Rabsolu_pos. Unfold An; Apply H4; Unfold Boule; Simpl; Rewrite minus_R0. Pattern 1 (Rabsolu x); Rewrite <- Rplus_Or; Apply Rlt_compatibility; Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Apply existTT with l. Cut (n:nat)``0<=(Bn n)``. Intro; Unfold Un_cv in H3; Unfold Un_cv; Intros. Elim (H3 ? H6); Intros. Exists x0; Intros. Replace (sum_f_R0 Bn n) with (sum_f_R0 [k:nat](Rabsolu (Bn k)) n). Apply H7; Assumption. Apply sum_eq; Intros; Apply Rabsolu_right; Apply Rle_sym1; Apply H5. Intro; Apply Rle_trans with (Rabsolu (An n)). Apply Rabsolu_pos. Unfold An; Apply H4; Unfold Boule; Simpl; Rewrite minus_R0; Pattern 1 (Rabsolu x); Rewrite <- Rplus_Or; Apply Rlt_compatibility; Apply Rlt_R0_R1. Apply ge0_plus_gt0_is_gt0; [Apply Rabsolu_pos | Apply Rlt_R0_R1]. Qed.