(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ~(minus n i)=O. Intros; Red; Intro. Cut (n,m:nat) (le m n) -> (minus n m)=O -> n=m. Intro; Assert H2 := (H1 ? ? (lt_le_weak ? ? H) H0); Rewrite H2 in H; Elim (lt_n_n ? H). Pose R := [n,m:nat](le m n)->(minus n m)=(0)->n=m. Cut ((n,m:nat)(R n m)) -> ((n0,m:nat)(le m n0)->(minus n0 m)=(0)->n0=m). Intro; Apply H1. Apply nat_double_ind. Unfold R; Intros; Inversion H2; Reflexivity. Unfold R; Intros; Simpl in H3; Assumption. Unfold R; Intros; Simpl in H4; Assert H5 := (le_S_n ? ? H3); Assert H6 := (H2 H5 H4); Rewrite H6; Reflexivity. Unfold R; Intros; Apply H1; Assumption. Qed. Lemma le_minusni_n : (n,i:nat) (le i n)->(le (minus n i) n). Pose R := [m,n:nat] (le n m) -> (le (minus m n) m). Cut ((m,n:nat)(R m n)) -> ((n,i:nat)(le i n)->(le (minus n i) n)). Intro; Apply H. Apply nat_double_ind. Unfold R; Intros; Simpl; Apply le_n. Unfold R; Intros; Simpl; Apply le_n. Unfold R; Intros; Simpl; Apply le_trans with n. Apply H0; Apply le_S_n; Assumption. Apply le_n_Sn. Unfold R; Intros; Apply H; Assumption. Qed. Lemma lt_minus_O_lt : (m,n:nat) (lt m n) -> (lt O (minus n m)). Intros n m; Pattern n m; Apply nat_double_ind; [ Intros; Rewrite <- minus_n_O; Assumption | Intros; Elim (lt_n_O ? H) | Intros; Simpl; Apply H; Apply lt_S_n; Assumption]. Qed. Lemma even_odd_cor : (n:nat) (EX p : nat | n=(mult (2) p)\/n=(S (mult (2) p))). Intro. Assert H := (even_or_odd n). Exists (div2 n). Assert H0 := (even_odd_double n). Elim H0; Intros. Elim H1; Intros H3 _. Elim H2; Intros H4 _. Replace (mult (2) (div2 n)) with (Div2.double (div2 n)). Elim H; Intro. Left. Apply H3; Assumption. Right. Apply H4; Assumption. Unfold Div2.double; Ring. Qed. (* 2m <= 2n => m<=n *) Lemma le_double : (m,n:nat) (le (mult (2) m) (mult (2) n)) -> (le m n). Intros; Apply INR_le. Assert H1 := (le_INR ? ? H). Do 2 Rewrite mult_INR in H1. Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``(INR (S (S O)))``. Replace (INR (S (S O))) with ``2``; [Sup0 | Reflexivity]. Assumption. Qed. (* Here, we have the euclidian division *) (* This lemma is used in the proof of sin_eq_0 : (sin x)=0<->x=kPI *) Lemma euclidian_division : (x,y:R) ``y<>0`` -> (EXT k:Z | (EXT r : R | ``x==(IZR k)*y+r``/\``0<=r<(Rabsolu y)``)). Intros. Pose k0 := Cases (case_Rabsolu y) of (leftT _) => (Zminus `1` (up ``x/-y``)) | (rightT _) => (Zminus (up ``x/y``) `1`) end. Exists k0. Exists ``x-(IZR k0)*y``. Split. Ring. Unfold k0; Case (case_Rabsolu y); Intro. Assert H0 := (archimed ``x/-y``); Rewrite <- Z_R_minus; Simpl; Unfold Rminus. Replace ``-((1+ -(IZR (up (x/( -y)))))*y)`` with ``((IZR (up (x/-y)))-1)*y``; [Idtac | Ring]. Split. Apply Rle_monotony_contra with ``/-y``. Apply Rlt_Rinv; Apply Rgt_RO_Ropp; Exact r. Rewrite Rmult_Or; Rewrite (Rmult_sym ``/-y``); Rewrite Rmult_Rplus_distrl; Rewrite <- Ropp_Rinv; [Idtac | Assumption]. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Repeat Rewrite Ropp_mul3; Rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym; [Rewrite Rmult_1r | Assumption]. Apply Rle_anti_compatibility with ``(IZR (up (x/( -y))))-x/( -y)``. Rewrite Rplus_Or; Unfold Rdiv; Pattern 4 ``/-y``; Rewrite <- Ropp_Rinv; [Idtac | Assumption]. Replace ``(IZR (up (x*/ -y)))-x* -/y+( -(x*/y)+ -((IZR (up (x*/ -y)))-1))`` with R1; [Idtac | Ring]. Elim H0; Intros _ H1; Unfold Rdiv in H1; Exact H1. Rewrite (Rabsolu_left ? r); Apply Rlt_monotony_contra with ``/-y``. Apply Rlt_Rinv; Apply Rgt_RO_Ropp; Exact r. Rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym. Rewrite (Rmult_sym ``/-y``); Rewrite Rmult_Rplus_distrl; Rewrite <- Ropp_Rinv; [Idtac | Assumption]. Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Repeat Rewrite Ropp_mul3; Rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym; [Rewrite Rmult_1r | Assumption]; Apply Rlt_anti_compatibility with ``((IZR (up (x/( -y))))-1)``. Replace ``(IZR (up (x/( -y))))-1+1`` with ``(IZR (up (x/( -y))))``; [Idtac | Ring]. Replace ``(IZR (up (x/( -y))))-1+( -(x*/y)+ -((IZR (up (x/( -y))))-1))`` with ``-(x*/y)``; [Idtac | Ring]. Rewrite <- Ropp_mul3; Rewrite (Ropp_Rinv ? H); Elim H0; Unfold Rdiv; Intros H1 _; Exact H1. Apply Ropp_neq; Assumption. Assert H0 := (archimed ``x/y``); Rewrite <- Z_R_minus; Simpl; Cut ``0