(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Prop)((b:bool)(P b)<->(Q b))->P==Q. (* From predicate extensionality we get propositional extensionality hence proof-irrelevance *) Require ClassicalFacts. Variable pred_extensionality : PredicateExtensionality. Lemma prop_ext : (A,B:Prop) (A<->B) -> A==B. Proof. Intros A B H. Change ([_]A true)==([_]B true). Rewrite pred_extensionality with P:=[_:bool]A Q:=[_:bool]B. Reflexivity. Intros _; Exact H. Qed. Lemma proof_irrel : (A:Prop)(a1,a2:A) a1==a2. Proof. Apply (ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_cic prop_ext). Qed. (* From proof-irrelevance and relational choice, we get guarded relational choice *) Require ChoiceFacts. Variable rel_choice : RelationalChoice. Lemma guarded_rel_choice : (A:Type)(B:Type)(P:A->Prop)(R:A->B->Prop) ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)))-> (EXT R':A->B->Prop | ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B)(R' x y') -> y=y')))). Proof. Exact (rel_choice_and_proof_irrel_imp_guarded_rel_choice rel_choice proof_irrel). Qed. (* The form of choice we need: there is a functional relation which chooses an element in any non empty subset of bool *) Require Bool. Lemma AC : (EXT R:(bool->Prop)->bool->Prop | (P:bool->Prop)(EX b : bool | (P b))-> (EX b : bool | (P b) /\ (R P b) /\ ((b':bool)(R P b')->b=b'))). Proof. Apply guarded_rel_choice with P:= [Q:bool->Prop](EX y | (Q y)) R:=[Q:bool->Prop;y:bool](Q y). Exact [_;H]H. Qed. (* The proof of the excluded middle *) (* Remark: P could have been in Set or Type *) Theorem pred_ext_and_rel_choice_imp_EM : (P:Prop)P\/~P. Proof. Intro P. (* first we exhibit the choice functional relation R *) NewDestruct AC as [R H]. Pose class_of_true := [b]b=true\/P. Pose class_of_false := [b]b=false\/P. (* the actual "decision": is (R class_of_true) = true or false? *) NewDestruct (H class_of_true) as [b0 [H0 [H0' H0'']]]. Exists true; Left; Reflexivity. NewDestruct H0. (* the actual "decision": is (R class_of_false) = true or false? *) NewDestruct (H class_of_false) as [b1 [H1 [H1' H1'']]]. Exists false; Left; Reflexivity. NewDestruct H1. (* case where P is false: (R class_of_true)=true /\ (R class_of_false)=false *) Right. Intro HP. Assert Hequiv:(b:bool)(class_of_true b)<->(class_of_false b). Intro b; Split. Unfold class_of_false; Right; Assumption. Unfold class_of_true; Right; Assumption. Assert Heq:class_of_true==class_of_false. Apply pred_extensionality with 1:=Hequiv. Apply diff_true_false. Rewrite <- H0. Rewrite <- H1. Rewrite <- H0''. Reflexivity. Rewrite Heq. Assumption. (* cases where P is true *) Left; Assumption. Left; Assumption. Qed. End PredExt_GuardRelChoice_imp_EM.