(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Prop] : Set := exist : (x:A)(P x) -> (sig A P). Inductive sig2 [A:Set;P,Q:A->Prop] : Set := exist2 : (x:A)(P x) -> (Q x) -> (sig2 A P Q). (** [(sigS A P)], or more suggestively [{x:A & (P x)}], is a subtle variant of subset where [P] is now of type [Set]. Similarly for [(sigS2 A P Q)], also written [{x:A & (P x) & (Q x)}]. *) Inductive sigS [A:Set;P:A->Set] : Set := existS : (x:A)(P x) -> (sigS A P). Inductive sigS2 [A:Set;P,Q:A->Set] : Set := existS2 : (x:A)(P x) -> (Q x) -> (sigS2 A P Q). Arguments Scope sig [type_scope type_scope]. Arguments Scope sig2 [type_scope type_scope type_scope]. Arguments Scope sigS [type_scope type_scope]. Arguments Scope sigS2 [type_scope type_scope type_scope]. Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A [x:A]P) : type_scope. Notation "{ x : A | P & Q }" := (sig2 A [x:A]P [x:A]Q) : type_scope. Notation "{ x : A & P }" := (sigS A [x:A]P) : type_scope. Notation "{ x : A & P & Q }" := (sigS2 A [x:A]P [x:A]Q) : type_scope. Add Printing Let sig. Add Printing Let sig2. Add Printing Let sigS. Add Printing Let sigS2. (** Projections of sig *) Section Subset_projections. Variable A:Set. Variable P:A->Prop. Definition proj1_sig := [e:(sig A P)]Cases e of (exist a b) => a end. Definition proj2_sig := [e:(sig A P)] <[e:(sig A P)](P (proj1_sig e))>Cases e of (exist a b) => b end. End Subset_projections. (** Projections of sigS *) Section Projections. Variable A:Set. Variable P:A->Set. (** An element [y] of a subset [{x:A & (P x)}] is the pair of an [a] of type [A] and of a proof [h] that [a] satisfies [P]. Then [(projS1 y)] is the witness [a] and [(projS2 y)] is the proof of [(P a)] *) Definition projS1 : (sigS A P) -> A := [x:(sigS A P)]Cases x of (existS a _) => a end. Definition projS2 : (x:(sigS A P))(P (projS1 x)) := [x:(sigS A P)]<[x:(sigS A P)](P (projS1 x))> Cases x of (existS _ h) => h end. End Projections. (** Extended_booleans *) Inductive sumbool [A,B:Prop] : Set := left : A -> {A}+{B} | right : B -> {A}+{B} where "{ A } + { B }" := (sumbool A B) : type_scope. Inductive sumor [A:Set;B:Prop] : Set := inleft : A -> A+{B} | inright : B -> A+{B} where "A + { B }" := (sumor A B) : type_scope. (* Factorizing "sumor" at level 4 to parse B+{x:A|P} without parentheses *) Notation "B + { x : A | P }" := B + (sig A [x:A]P) (only parsing) : type_scope. Notation "B + { x : A | P & Q }" := B + (sig2 A [x:A]P [x:A]Q) (only parsing) : type_scope. Notation "B + { x : A & P }" := B + (sigS A [x:A]P) (only parsing) : type_scope. Notation "B + { x : A & P & Q }" := B + (sigS2 A [x:A]P [x:A]Q) (only parsing) : type_scope. (** Choice *) Section Choice_lemmas. (** The following lemmas state various forms of the axiom of choice *) Variables S,S':Set. Variable R:S->S'->Prop. Variable R':S->S'->Set. Variables R1,R2 :S->Prop. Lemma Choice : ((x:S)(sig ? [y:S'](R x y))) -> (sig ? [f:S->S'](z:S)(R z (f z))). Proof. Intro H. Exists [z:S]Cases (H z) of (exist y _) => y end. Intro z; NewDestruct (H z); Trivial. Qed. Lemma Choice2 : ((x:S)(sigS ? [y:S'](R' x y))) -> (sigS ? [f:S->S'](z:S)(R' z (f z))). Proof. Intro H. Exists [z:S]Cases (H z) of (existS y _) => y end. Intro z; NewDestruct (H z); Trivial. Qed. Lemma bool_choice : ((x:S)(sumbool (R1 x) (R2 x))) -> (sig ? [f:S->bool] (x:S)( ((f x)=true /\ (R1 x)) \/ ((f x)=false /\ (R2 x)))). Proof. Intro H. Exists [z:S]Cases (H z) of (left _) => true | (right _) => false end. Intro z; NewDestruct (H z); Auto. Qed. End Choice_lemmas. (** A result of type [(Exc A)] is either a normal value of type [A] or an [error] : [Inductive Exc [A:Set] : Set := value : A->(Exc A) | error : (Exc A)] it is implemented using the option type. *) Definition Exc := option. Definition value := Some. Definition error := !None. Implicits error [1]. Definition except := False_rec. (* for compatibility with previous versions *) Implicits except [1]. V7only [ Notation Except := (!except ?) (only parsing). Notation Error := (!error ?) (only parsing). V7only [Implicits error [].]. V7only [Implicits except [].]. ]. Theorem absurd_set : (A:Prop)(C:Set)A->(~A)->C. Proof. Intros A C h1 h2. Apply False_rec. Apply (h2 h1). Qed. Hints Resolve left right inleft inright : core v62. (** Sigma Type at Type level [sigT] *) Inductive sigT [A:Type;P:A->Type] : Type := existT : (x:A)(P x) -> (sigT A P). Section projections_sigT. Variable A:Type. Variable P:A->Type. Definition projT1 : (sigT A P) -> A := [H:(sigT A P)]Cases H of (existT x _) => x end. Definition projT2 : (x:(sigT A P))(P (projT1 x)) := [H:(sigT A P)]<[H:(sigT A P)](P (projT1 H))> Cases H of (existT x h) => h end. End projections_sigT. V7only [ Notation ProjS1 := (projS1 ? ?). Notation ProjS2 := (projS2 ? ?). Notation Value := (value ?). ].