(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A -> bool. Variable beq_refl : (x:A)true=(beq x x). Variable beq_eq : (x,y:A)true=(beq x y)->x=y. Definition beq_eq_true : (x,y:A)x=y->true=(beq x y). Proof. Intros x y H. Case H. Apply beq_refl. Defined. Definition beq_eq_not_false : (x,y:A)x=y->~false=(beq x y). Proof. Intros x y e. Rewrite <- beq_eq_true; Trivial; Discriminate. Defined. Definition beq_false_not_eq : (x,y:A)false=(beq x y)->~x=y. Proof. Exact [x,y:A; H:(false=(beq x y)); e:(x=y)](beq_eq_not_false x y e H). Defined. Definition exists_beq_eq : (x,y:A){b:bool | b=(beq x y)}. Proof. Intros. Exists (beq x y). Constructor. Defined. Definition not_eq_false_beq : (x,y:A)~x=y->false=(beq x y). Proof. Intros x y H. Symmetry. Apply not_true_is_false. Intro. Apply H. Apply beq_eq. Symmetry. Assumption. Defined. Definition eq_dec : (x,y:A){x=y}+{~x=y}. Proof. Intros x y; Case (exists_beq_eq x y). Intros b; Case b; Intro H. Left; Apply beq_eq; Assumption. Right; Apply beq_false_not_eq; Assumption. Defined. End Bool_eq_dec.