(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* `0` (* 1 *) | (xO q) => (Zs (log_inf q)) (* 2n *) | (xI q) => (Zs (log_inf q)) (* 2n+1 *) end. Fixpoint log_sup [p:positive] : Z := Cases p of xH => `0` (* 1 *) | (xO n) => (Zs (log_sup n)) (* 2n *) | (xI n) => (Zs (Zs (log_inf n))) (* 2n+1 *) end. Hints Unfold log_inf log_sup. (** Then we give the specifications of [log_inf] and [log_sup] and prove their validity *) (*i Hints Resolve ZERO_le_S : zarith. i*) Hints Resolve Zle_trans : zarith. Theorem log_inf_correct : (x:positive) ` 0 <= (log_inf x)` /\ ` (two_p (log_inf x)) <= (POS x) < (two_p (Zs (log_inf x)))`. Induction x; Intros; Simpl; [ Elim H; Intros Hp HR; Clear H; Split; [ Auto with zarith | Conditional (Apply Zle_le_S; Trivial) Rewrite two_p_S with x:=(Zs (log_inf p)); Conditional Trivial Rewrite two_p_S; Conditional Trivial Rewrite two_p_S in HR; Rewrite (POS_xI p); Omega ] | Elim H; Intros Hp HR; Clear H; Split; [ Auto with zarith | Conditional (Apply Zle_le_S; Trivial) Rewrite two_p_S with x:=(Zs (log_inf p)); Conditional Trivial Rewrite two_p_S; Conditional Trivial Rewrite two_p_S in HR; Rewrite (POS_xO p); Omega ] | Unfold two_power_pos; Unfold shift_pos; Simpl; Omega ]. Qed. Definition log_inf_correct1 := [p:positive](proj1 ? ? (log_inf_correct p)). Definition log_inf_correct2 := [p:positive](proj2 ? ? (log_inf_correct p)). Opaque log_inf_correct1 log_inf_correct2. Hints Resolve log_inf_correct1 log_inf_correct2 : zarith. Lemma log_sup_correct1 : (p:positive)` 0 <= (log_sup p)`. Induction p; Intros; Simpl; Auto with zarith. Qed. (** For every [p], either [p] is a power of two and [(log_inf p)=(log_sup p)] either [(log_sup p)=(log_inf p)+1] *) Theorem log_sup_log_inf : (p:positive) IF (POS p)=(two_p (log_inf p)) then (POS p)=(two_p (log_sup p)) else ` (log_sup p)=(Zs (log_inf p))`. Induction p; Intros; [ Elim H; Right; Simpl; Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p0) (log_inf_correct1 p0)); Rewrite POS_xI; Unfold Zs; Omega | Elim H; Clear H; Intro Hif; [ Left; Simpl; Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p0) (log_inf_correct1 p0)); Rewrite (two_p_S (log_sup p0) (log_sup_correct1 p0)); Rewrite <- (proj1 ? ? Hif); Rewrite <- (proj2 ? ? Hif); Auto | Right; Simpl; Rewrite (two_p_S (log_inf p0) (log_inf_correct1 p0)); Rewrite POS_xO; Unfold Zs; Omega ] | Left; Auto ]. Qed. Theorem log_sup_correct2 : (x:positive) ` (two_p (Zpred (log_sup x))) < (POS x) <= (two_p (log_sup x))`. Intro. Elim (log_sup_log_inf x). (* x is a power of two and [log_sup = log_inf] *) Intros (E1,E2); Rewrite E2. Split ; [ Apply two_p_pred; Apply log_sup_correct1 | Apply Zle_n ]. Intros (E1,E2); Rewrite E2. Rewrite <- (Zpred_Sn (log_inf x)). Generalize (log_inf_correct2 x); Omega. Qed. Lemma log_inf_le_log_sup : (p:positive) `(log_inf p) <= (log_sup p)`. Induction p; Simpl; Intros; Omega. Qed. Lemma log_sup_le_Slog_inf : (p:positive) `(log_sup p) <= (Zs (log_inf p))`. Induction p; Simpl; Intros; Omega. Qed. (** Now it's possible to specify and build the [Log] rounded to the nearest *) Fixpoint log_near[x:positive] : Z := Cases x of xH => `0` | (xO xH) => `1` | (xI xH) => `2` | (xO y) => (Zs (log_near y)) | (xI y) => (Zs (log_near y)) end. Theorem log_near_correct1 : (p:positive)` 0 <= (log_near p)`. Induction p; Simpl; Intros; [Elim p0; Auto with zarith | Elim p0; Auto with zarith | Trivial with zarith ]. Intros; Apply Zle_le_S. Generalize H0; Elim p1; Intros; Simpl; [ Assumption | Assumption | Apply ZERO_le_POS ]. Intros; Apply Zle_le_S. Generalize H0; Elim p1; Intros; Simpl; [ Assumption | Assumption | Apply ZERO_le_POS ]. Qed. Theorem log_near_correct2: (p:positive) (log_near p)=(log_inf p) \/(log_near p)=(log_sup p). Induction p. Intros p0 [Einf|Esup]. Simpl. Rewrite Einf. Case p0; [Left | Left | Right]; Reflexivity. Simpl; Rewrite Esup. Elim (log_sup_log_inf p0). Generalize (log_inf_le_log_sup p0). Generalize (log_sup_le_Slog_inf p0). Case p0; Auto with zarith. Intros; Omega. Case p0; Intros; Auto with zarith. Intros p0 [Einf|Esup]. Simpl. Repeat Rewrite Einf. Case p0; Intros; Auto with zarith. Simpl. Repeat Rewrite Esup. Case p0; Intros; Auto with zarith. Auto. Qed. (*i****************** Theorem log_near_correct: (p:positive) `| (two_p (log_near p)) - (POS p) | <= (POS p)-(two_p (log_inf p))` /\`| (two_p (log_near p)) - (POS p) | <= (two_p (log_sup p))-(POS p)`. Intro. Induction p. Intros p0 [(Einf1,Einf2)|(Esup1,Esup2)]. Unfold log_near log_inf log_sup. Fold log_near log_inf log_sup. Rewrite Einf1. Repeat Rewrite two_p_S. Case p0; [Left | Left | Right]. Split. Simpl. Rewrite E1; Case p0; Try Reflexivity. Compute. Unfold log_near; Fold log_near. Unfold log_inf; Fold log_inf. Repeat Rewrite E1. Split. **********************************i*) End Log_pos. Section divers. (** Number of significative digits. *) Definition N_digits := [x:Z]Cases x of (POS p) => (log_inf p) | (NEG p) => (log_inf p) | ZERO => `0` end. Lemma ZERO_le_N_digits : (x:Z) ` 0 <= (N_digits x)`. Induction x; Simpl; [ Apply Zle_n | Exact log_inf_correct1 | Exact log_inf_correct1]. Qed. Lemma log_inf_shift_nat : (n:nat)(log_inf (shift_nat n xH))=(inject_nat n). Induction n; Intros; [ Try Trivial | Rewrite -> inj_S; Rewrite <- H; Reflexivity]. Qed. Lemma log_sup_shift_nat : (n:nat)(log_sup (shift_nat n xH))=(inject_nat n). Induction n; Intros; [ Try Trivial | Rewrite -> inj_S; Rewrite <- H; Reflexivity]. Qed. (** [Is_power p] means that p is a power of two *) Fixpoint Is_power[p:positive] : Prop := Cases p of xH => True | (xO q) => (Is_power q) | (xI q) => False end. Lemma Is_power_correct : (p:positive) (Is_power p) <-> (Ex [y:nat](p=(shift_nat y xH))). Split; [ Elim p; [ Simpl; Tauto | Simpl; Intros; Generalize (H H0); Intro H1; Elim H1; Intros y0 Hy0; Exists (S y0); Rewrite Hy0; Reflexivity | Intro; Exists O; Reflexivity] | Intros; Elim H; Intros; Rewrite -> H0; Elim x; Intros; Simpl; Trivial]. Qed. Lemma Is_power_or : (p:positive) (Is_power p)\/~(Is_power p). Induction p; [ Intros; Right; Simpl; Tauto | Intros; Elim H; [ Intros; Left; Simpl; Exact H0 | Intros; Right; Simpl; Exact H0] | Left; Simpl; Trivial]. Qed. End divers.