(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *) (************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* 1%Z | false => 0%Z end. Lemma binary_value : forall n:nat, Bvector n -> Z. Proof. refine (nat_rect _ _ _); intros. exact 0%Z. inversion H0. exact (bit_value h + 2 * H H2)%Z. Defined. Lemma two_compl_value : forall n:nat, Bvector (S n) -> Z. Proof. simple induction n; intros. inversion H. exact (- bit_value h)%Z. inversion H0. exact (bit_value h + 2 * H H2)%Z. Defined. End VALUE_OF_BOOLEAN_VECTORS. Section ENCODING_VALUE. (** We compute the binary value via a Horner scheme. Computation stops at the vector length without checks. We define a function Zmod2 similar to Z.div2 returning the quotient of division z=2q+r with 0<=r<=1. The two's complement value is also computed via a Horner scheme with Zmod2, the parameter is the size minus one. *) Definition Zmod2 (z:Z) := match z with | Z0 => 0%Z | Zpos p => match p with | xI q => Zpos q | xO q => Zpos q | xH => 0%Z end | Zneg p => match p with | xI q => (Zneg q - 1)%Z | xO q => Zneg q | xH => (-1)%Z end end. Lemma Zmod2_twice : forall z:Z, z = (2 * Zmod2 z + bit_value (Z.odd z))%Z. Proof. destruct z; simpl. trivial. destruct p; simpl; trivial. destruct p; simpl. destruct p as [p| p| ]; simpl. rewrite <- (Pos.pred_double_succ p); trivial. trivial. trivial. trivial. trivial. Qed. Lemma Z_to_binary : forall n:nat, Z -> Bvector n. Proof. simple induction n; intros. exact Bnil. exact (Bcons (Z.odd H0) n0 (H (Z.div2 H0))). Defined. Lemma Z_to_two_compl : forall n:nat, Z -> Bvector (S n). Proof. simple induction n; intros. exact (Bcons (Z.odd H) 0 Bnil). exact (Bcons (Z.odd H0) (S n0) (H (Zmod2 H0))). Defined. End ENCODING_VALUE. Section Z_BRIC_A_BRAC. (** Some auxiliary lemmas used in the next section. Large use of ZArith. Deserve to be properly rewritten. *) Lemma binary_value_Sn : forall (n:nat) (b:bool) (bv:Bvector n), binary_value (S n) ( b :: bv) = (bit_value b + 2 * binary_value n bv)%Z. Proof. intros; auto. Qed. Lemma Z_to_binary_Sn : forall (n:nat) (b:bool) (z:Z), (z >= 0)%Z -> Z_to_binary (S n) (bit_value b + 2 * z) = Bcons b n (Z_to_binary n z). Proof. destruct b; destruct z; simpl; auto. intro H; elim H; trivial. Qed. Lemma binary_value_pos : forall (n:nat) (bv:Bvector n), (binary_value n bv >= 0)%Z. Proof. induction bv as [| a n v IHbv]; simpl. omega. destruct a; destruct (binary_value n v); simpl; auto. auto with zarith. Qed. Lemma two_compl_value_Sn : forall (n:nat) (bv:Bvector (S n)) (b:bool), two_compl_value (S n) (Bcons b (S n) bv) = (bit_value b + 2 * two_compl_value n bv)%Z. Proof. intros; auto. Qed. Lemma Z_to_two_compl_Sn : forall (n:nat) (b:bool) (z:Z), Z_to_two_compl (S n) (bit_value b + 2 * z) = Bcons b (S n) (Z_to_two_compl n z). Proof. destruct b; destruct z as [| p| p]; auto. destruct p as [p| p| ]; auto. destruct p as [p| p| ]; simpl; auto. intros; rewrite (Pos.succ_pred_double p); trivial. Qed. Lemma Z_to_binary_Sn_z : forall (n:nat) (z:Z), Z_to_binary (S n) z = Bcons (Z.odd z) n (Z_to_binary n (Z.div2 z)). Proof. intros; auto. Qed. Lemma Z_div2_value : forall z:Z, (z >= 0)%Z -> (bit_value (Z.odd z) + 2 * Z.div2 z)%Z = z. Proof. destruct z as [| p| p]; auto. destruct p; auto. intro H; elim H; trivial. Qed. Lemma Pdiv2 : forall z:Z, (z >= 0)%Z -> (Z.div2 z >= 0)%Z. Proof. destruct z as [| p| p]. auto. destruct p; auto. simpl; intros; omega. intro H; elim H; trivial. Qed. Lemma Zdiv2_two_power_nat : forall (z:Z) (n:nat), (z >= 0)%Z -> (z < two_power_nat (S n))%Z -> (Z.div2 z < two_power_nat n)%Z. Proof. intros. cut (2 * Z.div2 z < 2 * two_power_nat n)%Z; intros. omega. rewrite <- two_power_nat_S. destruct (Zeven.Zeven_odd_dec z) as [Heven|Hodd]; intros. rewrite <- Zeven.Zeven_div2; auto. generalize (Zeven.Zodd_div2 z Hodd); omega. Qed. Lemma Z_to_two_compl_Sn_z : forall (n:nat) (z:Z), Z_to_two_compl (S n) z = Bcons (Z.odd z) (S n) (Z_to_two_compl n (Zmod2 z)). Proof. intros; auto. Qed. Lemma Zeven_bit_value : forall z:Z, Zeven.Zeven z -> bit_value (Z.odd z) = 0%Z. Proof. destruct z; unfold bit_value; auto. destruct p; tauto || (intro H; elim H). destruct p; tauto || (intro H; elim H). Qed. Lemma Zodd_bit_value : forall z:Z, Zeven.Zodd z -> bit_value (Z.odd z) = 1%Z. Proof. destruct z; unfold bit_value; auto. intros; elim H. destruct p; tauto || (intros; elim H). destruct p; tauto || (intros; elim H). Qed. Lemma Zge_minus_two_power_nat_S : forall (n:nat) (z:Z), (z >= - two_power_nat (S n))%Z -> (Zmod2 z >= - two_power_nat n)%Z. Proof. intros n z; rewrite (two_power_nat_S n). generalize (Zmod2_twice z). destruct (Zeven.Zeven_odd_dec z) as [H| H]. rewrite (Zeven_bit_value z H); intros; omega. rewrite (Zodd_bit_value z H); intros; omega. Qed. Lemma Zlt_two_power_nat_S : forall (n:nat) (z:Z), (z < two_power_nat (S n))%Z -> (Zmod2 z < two_power_nat n)%Z. Proof. intros n z; rewrite (two_power_nat_S n). generalize (Zmod2_twice z). destruct (Zeven.Zeven_odd_dec z) as [H| H]. rewrite (Zeven_bit_value z H); intros; omega. rewrite (Zodd_bit_value z H); intros; omega. Qed. End Z_BRIC_A_BRAC. Section COHERENT_VALUE. (** We check that the functions are reciprocal on the definition interval. This uses earlier library lemmas. *) Lemma binary_to_Z_to_binary : forall (n:nat) (bv:Bvector n), Z_to_binary n (binary_value n bv) = bv. Proof. induction bv as [| a n bv IHbv]. auto. rewrite binary_value_Sn. rewrite Z_to_binary_Sn. rewrite IHbv; trivial. apply binary_value_pos. Qed. Lemma two_compl_to_Z_to_two_compl : forall (n:nat) (bv:Bvector n) (b:bool), Z_to_two_compl n (two_compl_value n (Bcons b n bv)) = Bcons b n bv. Proof. induction bv as [| a n bv IHbv]; intro b. destruct b; auto. rewrite two_compl_value_Sn. rewrite Z_to_two_compl_Sn. rewrite IHbv; trivial. Qed. Lemma Z_to_binary_to_Z : forall (n:nat) (z:Z), (z >= 0)%Z -> (z < two_power_nat n)%Z -> binary_value n (Z_to_binary n z) = z. Proof. induction n as [| n IHn]. unfold two_power_nat, shift_nat; simpl; intros; omega. intros; rewrite Z_to_binary_Sn_z. rewrite binary_value_Sn. rewrite IHn. apply Z_div2_value; auto. apply Pdiv2; trivial. apply Zdiv2_two_power_nat; trivial. Qed. Lemma Z_to_two_compl_to_Z : forall (n:nat) (z:Z), (z >= - two_power_nat n)%Z -> (z < two_power_nat n)%Z -> two_compl_value n (Z_to_two_compl n z) = z. Proof. induction n as [| n IHn]. unfold two_power_nat, shift_nat; simpl; intros. assert (z = (-1)%Z \/ z = 0%Z). omega. intuition; subst z; trivial. intros; rewrite Z_to_two_compl_Sn_z. rewrite two_compl_value_Sn. rewrite IHn. generalize (Zmod2_twice z); omega. apply Zge_minus_two_power_nat_S; auto. apply Zlt_two_power_nat_S; auto. Qed. End COHERENT_VALUE.