(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Z two_power_nat_S : (n:nat)`(two_power_nat (S n)) = 2*(two_power_nat n)` Z_lt_ge_dec : (x,y:Z){`x < y`}+{`x >= y`} *) Section VALUE_OF_BOOLEAN_VECTORS. (* Les calculs sont effectués dans la convention positive usuelle. Les valeurs correspondent soit à l'écriture binaire (nat), soit au complément à deux (int). On effectue le calcul suivant le schéma de Horner. Le complément à deux n'a de sens que sur les vecteurs de taille supérieure ou égale à un, le bit de signe étant évalué négativement. *) Definition bit_value [b:bool] : Z := Cases b of | true => `1` | false => `0` end. Lemma binary_value : (n:nat) (Bvector n) -> Z. Proof. Induction n; Intros. Exact `0`. Inversion H0. Exact (Zplus (bit_value a) (Zmult `2` (H H2))). Defined. Lemma two_compl_value : (n:nat) (Bvector (S n)) -> Z. Proof. Induction n; Intros. Inversion H. Exact (Zopp (bit_value a)). Inversion H0. Exact (Zplus (bit_value a) (Zmult `2` (H H2))). Defined. (* Coq < Eval Compute in (binary_value (3) (Bcons true (2) (Bcons false (1) (Bcons true (0) Bnil)))). = `5` : Z *) (* Coq < Eval Compute in (two_compl_value (3) (Bcons true (3) (Bcons false (2) (Bcons true (1) (Bcons true (0) Bnil))))). = `-3` : Z *) End VALUE_OF_BOOLEAN_VECTORS. Section ENCODING_VALUE. (* On calcule la valeur binaire selon un schema de Horner. Le calcul s'arrete à la longueur du vecteur sans vérification. On definit une fonction Zmod2 calquee sur Zdiv2 mais donnant le quotient de la division z=2q+r avec 0<=r<=1. La valeur en complément à deux est calculée selon un schema de Horner avec Zmod2, le paramètre est la taille moins un. *) Definition Zmod2 := [z:Z] Cases z of | ZERO => `0` | ((POS p)) => Cases p of | (xI q) => (POS q) | (xO q) => (POS q) | xH => `0` end | ((NEG p)) => Cases p of | (xI q) => `(NEG q) - 1` | (xO q) => (NEG q) | xH => `-1` end end. Lemma double_moins_un_add_un : (p:positive) (xI p)=(double_moins_un (add_un p)). Proof. Induction p; Simpl; Intros. Rewrite H; Auto. Trivial. Trivial. Save. Lemma Zmod2_twice : (z:Z) `z = (2*(Zmod2 z) + (bit_value (Zodd_bool z)))`. Proof. Destruct z; Simpl; Intros. Trivial. Case p; Simpl; Trivial. Case p; Simpl; Intros. Case p0; Simpl; Intros. Rewrite (double_moins_un_add_un p1); Trivial. Trivial. Trivial. Trivial. Trivial. Save. Lemma Z_to_binary : (n:nat) Z -> (Bvector n). Proof. Induction n; Intros. Exact Bnil. Exact (Bcons (Zodd_bool H0) n0 (H (Zdiv2 H0))). Defined. (* Eval Compute in (Z_to_binary (5) `5`). = (Vcons bool true (4) (Vcons bool false (3) (Vcons bool true (2) (Vcons bool false (1) (Vcons bool false (0) (Vnil bool)))))) : (Bvector (5)) *) Lemma Z_to_two_compl : (n:nat) Z -> (Bvector (S n)). Proof. Induction n; Intros. Exact (Bcons (Zodd_bool H) (0) Bnil). Exact (Bcons (Zodd_bool H0) (S n0) (H (Zmod2 H0))). Defined. (* Eval Compute in (Z_to_two_compl (3) `0`). = (Vcons bool false (3) (Vcons bool false (2) (Vcons bool false (1) (Vcons bool false (0) (Vnil bool))))) : (vector bool (4)) Eval Compute in (Z_to_two_compl (3) `5`). = (Vcons bool true (3) (Vcons bool false (2) (Vcons bool true (1) (Vcons bool false (0) (Vnil bool))))) : (vector bool (4)) Eval Compute in (Z_to_two_compl (3) `-5`). = (Vcons bool true (3) (Vcons bool true (2) (Vcons bool false (1) (Vcons bool true (0) (Vnil bool))))) : (vector bool (4)) *) End ENCODING_VALUE. Section Z_BRIC_A_BRAC. (* Bibliotheque de lemmes utiles dans la section suivante. Utilise largement ZArith. Meriterait d'etre reecrite. *) Lemma binary_value_Sn : (n:nat) (b:bool) (bv : (Bvector n)) (binary_value (S n) (Vcons bool b n bv))=`(bit_value b) + 2*(binary_value n bv)`. Proof. Intros; Auto. Save. Lemma Z_to_binary_Sn : (n:nat) (b:bool) (z:Z) `z>=0`-> (Z_to_binary (S n) `(bit_value b) + 2*z`)=(Bcons b n (Z_to_binary n z)). Proof. Destruct b; Destruct z; Simpl; Auto. Intros. Elim H; Trivial. Save. Lemma binary_value_pos : (n:nat) (bv:(Bvector n)) `(binary_value n bv) >= 0`. Proof. Induction bv; Intros; Simpl. Omega. Generalize H; Clear H; Case a; Case (binary_value n0 v); Simpl; Intros; Auto. Omega. Save. Lemma add_un_double_moins_un_xO : (p:positive) (add_un (double_moins_un p))=(xO p). Proof. Induction p; Simpl; Intros. Trivial. Rewrite H; Trivial. Trivial. Save. Lemma two_compl_value_Sn : (n:nat) (bv : (Bvector (S n))) (b:bool) (two_compl_value (S n) (Bcons b (S n) bv)) = `(bit_value b) + 2*(two_compl_value n bv)`. Proof. Intros; Auto. Save. Lemma Z_to_two_compl_Sn : (n:nat) (b:bool) (z:Z) (Z_to_two_compl (S n) `(bit_value b) + 2*z`) = (Bcons b (S n) (Z_to_two_compl n z)). Proof. Destruct b; Destruct z; Auto. Destruct p; Auto. Destruct p0; Simpl; Auto. Intros; Rewrite (add_un_double_moins_un_xO p1); Trivial. Save. Lemma Z_to_binary_Sn_z : (n:nat) (z:Z) (Z_to_binary (S n) z)=(Bcons (Zodd_bool z) n (Z_to_binary n (Zdiv2 z))). Proof. Intros; Auto. Save. Lemma Z_div2_value : (z:Z) ` z>=0 `-> `(bit_value (Zodd_bool z))+2*(Zdiv2 z) = z`. Proof. Destruct z; Auto. Destruct p; Auto. Intros; Elim H; Trivial. Save. Lemma Zdiv2_pos : (z:Z) ` z >= 0 ` -> `(Zdiv2 z) >= 0 `. Proof. Destruct z. Auto. Destruct p; Auto. Simpl; Intros; Omega. Intros; Elim H; Trivial. Save. Lemma Zdiv2_two_power_nat : (z:Z) (n:nat) ` z >= 0 ` -> ` z < (two_power_nat (S n)) ` -> `(Zdiv2 z) < (two_power_nat n) `. Proof. Intros. Cut (Zlt (Zmult `2` (Zdiv2 z)) (Zmult `2` (two_power_nat n))); Intros. Omega. Rewrite <- two_power_nat_S. Case (Zeven_odd_dec z); Intros. Rewrite <- Zeven_div2; Auto. Generalize (Zodd_div2 z H z0); Omega. Save. (* Lemma Z_minus_one_or_zero : (z:Z) `z >= -1` -> `z < 1` -> {`z=-1`} + {`z=0`}. Proof. Destruct z; Auto. Destruct p; Auto. Tauto. Tauto. Intros. Right; Omega. Destruct p. Tauto. Tauto. Intros; Left; Omega. Save. *) Lemma Z_to_two_compl_Sn_z : (n:nat) (z:Z) (Z_to_two_compl (S n) z)=(Bcons (Zodd_bool z) (S n) (Z_to_two_compl n (Zmod2 z))). Proof. Intros; Auto. Save. Lemma Zeven_bit_value : (z:Z) (Zeven z) -> `(bit_value (Zodd_bool z))=0`. Proof. Destruct z; Unfold bit_value; Auto. Destruct p; Tauto Orelse (Intros; Elim H). Destruct p; Tauto Orelse (Intros; Elim H). Save. Lemma Zodd_bit_value : (z:Z) (Zodd z) -> `(bit_value (Zodd_bool z))=1`. Proof. Destruct z; Unfold bit_value; Auto. Intros; Elim H. Destruct p; Tauto Orelse (Intros; Elim H). Destruct p; Tauto Orelse (Intros; Elim H). Save. Lemma Zge_minus_two_power_nat_S : (n:nat) (z:Z) `z >= (-(two_power_nat (S n)))`-> `(Zmod2 z) >= (-(two_power_nat n))`. Proof. Intros n; Rewrite (two_power_nat_S n). Intros z; Generalize (Zmod2_twice z). Case (Zeven_odd_dec z); Intros. Generalize (Zeven_bit_value z z0); Intros; Omega. Generalize (Zodd_bit_value z z0); Intros; Omega. Save. Lemma Zlt_two_power_nat_S : (n:nat) (z:Z) `z < (two_power_nat (S n))`-> `(Zmod2 z) < (two_power_nat n)`. Proof. Intros n; Rewrite (two_power_nat_S n). Intros z; Generalize (Zmod2_twice z). Case (Zeven_odd_dec z); Intros. Generalize (Zeven_bit_value z z0); Intros; Omega. Generalize (Zodd_bit_value z z0); Intros; Omega. Save. End Z_BRIC_A_BRAC. Section COHERENT_VALUE. (* On vérifie que dans l'intervalle de définition les fonctions sont réciproques l'une de l'autre. Elles utilisent les lemmes du bric-a-brac. *) Lemma binary_to_Z_to_binary : (n:nat) (bv : (Bvector n)) (Z_to_binary n (binary_value n bv))=bv. Proof. Induction bv; Intros. Auto. Rewrite binary_value_Sn. Rewrite Z_to_binary_Sn. Rewrite H; Trivial. Apply binary_value_pos. Save. Lemma two_compl_to_Z_to_two_compl : (n:nat) (bv : (Bvector n)) (b:bool) (Z_to_two_compl n (two_compl_value n (Bcons b n bv)))= (Bcons b n bv). Proof. Induction bv; Intros. Case b; Auto. Rewrite two_compl_value_Sn. Rewrite Z_to_two_compl_Sn. Rewrite H; Trivial. Save. Lemma Z_to_binary_to_Z : (n:nat) (z : Z) `z >= 0 `-> `z < (two_power_nat n) `-> (binary_value n (Z_to_binary n z))=z. Proof. Induction n. Unfold two_power_nat shift_nat; Simpl; Intros; Omega. Intros; Rewrite Z_to_binary_Sn_z. Rewrite binary_value_Sn. Rewrite H. Apply Z_div2_value; Auto. Apply Zdiv2_pos; Trivial. Apply Zdiv2_two_power_nat; Trivial. Save. Lemma Z_to_two_compl_to_Z : (n:nat) (z : Z) `z >= -(two_power_nat n) `-> `z < (two_power_nat n) `-> (two_compl_value n (Z_to_two_compl n z))=z. Proof. Induction n. Unfold two_power_nat shift_nat; Simpl; Intros. Assert `z=-1`\/`z=0`. Omega. Intuition; Subst z; Trivial. Intros; Rewrite Z_to_two_compl_Sn_z. Rewrite two_compl_value_Sn. Rewrite H. Generalize (Zmod2_twice z); Omega. Apply Zge_minus_two_power_nat_S; Auto. Apply Zlt_two_power_nat_S; Auto. Save. End COHERENT_VALUE.