(* -*- coding: utf-8 -*- *) (************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Zabs n = n *) Notation Zabs_non_eq := Zabs_non_eq (only parsing). (* n <= 0 -> Zabs n = -n *) Theorem Zabs_Zopp : forall n:Z, Zabs (- n) = Zabs n. Proof. intros z; case z; simpl; auto. Qed. (** * Proving a property of the absolute value by cases *) Lemma Zabs_ind : forall (P:Z -> Prop) (n:Z), (n >= 0 -> P n) -> (n <= 0 -> P (- n)) -> P (Zabs n). Proof. intros P x H H0; elim (Z_lt_ge_dec x 0); intro. assert (x <= 0). apply Zlt_le_weak; assumption. rewrite Zabs_non_eq. apply H0. assumption. assumption. rewrite Zabs_eq. apply H; assumption. apply Zge_le. assumption. Qed. Theorem Zabs_intro : forall P (n:Z), P (- n) -> P n -> P (Zabs n). Proof. intros P z; case z; simpl in |- *; auto. Qed. Definition Zabs_dec : forall x:Z, {x = Zabs x} + {x = - Zabs x}. Proof. intro x; destruct x; auto with arith. Defined. Lemma Zabs_pos : forall n:Z, 0 <= Zabs n. intro x; destruct x; auto with arith; compute in |- *; intros H; inversion H. Qed. Lemma Zabs_involutive : forall x:Z, Zabs (Zabs x) = Zabs x. Proof. intros; apply Zabs_eq; apply Zabs_pos. Qed. Theorem Zabs_eq_case : forall n m:Z, Zabs n = Zabs m -> n = m \/ n = - m. Proof. intros z1 z2; case z1; case z2; simpl in |- *; auto; try (intros; discriminate); intros p1 p2 H1; injection H1; (intros H2; rewrite H2); auto. Qed. Lemma Zabs_spec : forall x:Z, 0 <= x /\ Zabs x = x \/ 0 > x /\ Zabs x = -x. Proof. intros; unfold Zabs, Zle, Zgt; destruct x; simpl; intuition discriminate. Qed. (** * Triangular inequality *) Hint Local Resolve Zle_neg_pos: zarith. Theorem Zabs_triangle : forall n m:Z, Zabs (n + m) <= Zabs n + Zabs m. Proof. intros z1 z2; case z1; case z2; try (simpl in |- *; auto with zarith; fail). intros p1 p2; apply Zabs_intro with (P := fun x => x <= Zabs (Zpos p2) + Zabs (Zneg p1)); try rewrite Zopp_plus_distr; auto with zarith. apply Zplus_le_compat; simpl in |- *; auto with zarith. apply Zplus_le_compat; simpl in |- *; auto with zarith. intros p1 p2; apply Zabs_intro with (P := fun x => x <= Zabs (Zpos p2) + Zabs (Zneg p1)); try rewrite Zopp_plus_distr; auto with zarith. apply Zplus_le_compat; simpl in |- *; auto with zarith. apply Zplus_le_compat; simpl in |- *; auto with zarith. Qed. (** * Absolute value and multiplication *) Lemma Zsgn_Zabs : forall n:Z, n * Zsgn n = Zabs n. Proof. intro x; destruct x; rewrite Zmult_comm; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma Zabs_Zsgn : forall n:Z, Zabs n * Zsgn n = n. Proof. intro x; destruct x; rewrite Zmult_comm; auto with arith. Qed. Theorem Zabs_Zmult : forall n m:Z, Zabs (n * m) = Zabs n * Zabs m. Proof. intros z1 z2; case z1; case z2; simpl in |- *; auto. Qed. Theorem Zabs_square : forall a, Zabs a * Zabs a = a * a. Proof. destruct a; simpl; auto. Qed. (** * Results about absolute value in nat. *) Theorem inj_Zabs_nat : forall z:Z, Z_of_nat (Zabs_nat z) = Zabs z. Proof. destruct z; simpl; auto; symmetry; apply Zpos_eq_Z_of_nat_o_nat_of_P. Qed. Theorem Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat: forall n, Zabs_nat (Z_of_nat n) = n. Proof. destruct n; simpl; auto. apply nat_of_P_of_succ_nat. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_mult: forall n m:Z, Zabs_nat (n*m) = (Zabs_nat n * Zabs_nat m)%nat. Proof. intros; apply inj_eq_rev. rewrite inj_mult; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat; apply Zabs_Zmult. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_Zsucc: forall p, 0 <= p -> Zabs_nat (Zsucc p) = S (Zabs_nat p). Proof. intros; apply inj_eq_rev. rewrite inj_S; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto with zarith. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_Zplus: forall x y, 0<=x -> 0<=y -> Zabs_nat (x+y) = (Zabs_nat x + Zabs_nat y)%nat. Proof. intros; apply inj_eq_rev. rewrite inj_plus; repeat rewrite inj_Zabs_nat, Zabs_eq; auto with zarith. apply Zplus_le_0_compat; auto. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_compare : forall x y, 0<=x -> 0<=y -> nat_compare (Zabs_nat x) (Zabs_nat y) = (x?=y). Proof. intros. rewrite <- inj_compare, 2 inj_Zabs_nat, 2 Zabs_eq; trivial. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_le : forall n m:Z, 0 <= n <= m -> (Zabs_nat n <= Zabs_nat m)%nat. Proof. intros n m (H,H'). apply nat_compare_le. rewrite Zabs_nat_compare; trivial. apply Zle_trans with n; auto. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_lt : forall n m:Z, 0 <= n < m -> (Zabs_nat n < Zabs_nat m)%nat. Proof. intros n m (H,H'). apply nat_compare_lt. rewrite Zabs_nat_compare; trivial. apply Zlt_le_weak; apply Zle_lt_trans with n; auto. Qed. Lemma Zabs_nat_Zminus: forall x y, 0 <= x <= y -> Zabs_nat (y - x) = (Zabs_nat y - Zabs_nat x)%nat. Proof. intros x y (H,H'). assert (0 <= y) by (apply Zle_trans with x; auto). assert (0 <= y-x) by (apply Zle_minus_le_0; auto). apply inj_eq_rev. rewrite inj_minus1. rewrite !inj_Zabs_nat, !Zabs_eq; auto. apply Zabs_nat_le. now split. Qed. (** * Some results about the sign function. *) Lemma Zsgn_Zmult : forall a b, Zsgn (a*b) = Zsgn a * Zsgn b. Proof. destruct a; destruct b; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma Zsgn_Zopp : forall a, Zsgn (-a) = - Zsgn a. Proof. destruct a; simpl; auto. Qed. (** A characterization of the sign function: *) Lemma Zsgn_spec : forall x:Z, 0 < x /\ Zsgn x = 1 \/ 0 = x /\ Zsgn x = 0 \/ 0 > x /\ Zsgn x = -1. Proof. intros; unfold Zsgn, Zle, Zgt; destruct x; compute; intuition. Qed. Lemma Zsgn_pos : forall x:Z, Zsgn x = 1 <-> 0 < x. Proof. destruct x; now intuition. Qed. Lemma Zsgn_neg : forall x:Z, Zsgn x = -1 <-> x < 0. Proof. destruct x; now intuition. Qed. Lemma Zsgn_null : forall x:Z, Zsgn x = 0 <-> x = 0. Proof. destruct x; now intuition. Qed.