(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* P) -> ((Zcompare x y)=INFERIEUR -> P) -> ((Zcompare x y)=SUPERIEUR -> P) -> P. Proof. Intros P x y H1 H2 H3. Elim (Dcompare_inf (Zcompare x y)). Intro H. Elim H; Auto with arith. Auto with arith. Defined. Section decidability. Variables x,y : Z. Definition Z_eq_dec : {x=y}+{~x=y}. Proof. Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y. Intro. Left. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith. Intro H3. Right. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y). Intros H1 H2. Unfold not. Intro H4. Rewrite (H2 H4) in H3. Discriminate H3. Intro H3. Right. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y). Intros H1 H2. Unfold not. Intro H4. Rewrite (H2 H4) in H3. Discriminate H3. Defined. Definition Z_lt_dec : {(Zlt x y)}+{~(Zlt x y)}. Proof. Unfold Zlt. Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H. Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Left; Assumption. Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Defined. Definition Z_le_dec : {(Zle x y)}+{~(Zle x y)}. Proof. Unfold Zle. Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H. Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Right. Tauto. Defined. Definition Z_gt_dec : {(Zgt x y)}+{~(Zgt x y)}. Proof. Unfold Zgt. Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H. Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Right. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Left; Assumption. Defined. Definition Z_ge_dec : {(Zge x y)}+{~(Zge x y)}. Proof. Unfold Zge. Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y; Intro H. Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Right. Tauto. Left. Rewrite H. Discriminate. Defined. Definition Z_lt_ge_dec : {`x < y`}+{`x >= y`}. Proof. Exact Z_lt_dec. Defined. Definition Z_le_gt_dec : {`x <= y`}+{`x > y`}. Proof. Elim Z_le_dec; Auto with arith. Intro. Right. Apply not_Zle; Auto with arith. Defined. Definition Z_gt_le_dec : {`x > y`}+{`x <= y`}. Proof. Exact Z_gt_dec. Defined. Definition Z_ge_lt_dec : {`x >= y`}+{`x < y`}. Proof. Elim Z_ge_dec; Auto with arith. Intro. Right. Apply not_Zge; Auto with arith. Defined. Definition Z_le_lt_eq_dec : `x <= y` -> {`x < y`}+{x=y}. Proof. Intro H. Apply Zcompare_rec with x:=x y:=y. Intro. Right. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith. Intro. Left. Elim (Zcompare_EGAL x y); Auto with arith. Intro H1. Absurd `x > y`; Auto with arith. Defined. End decidability. Definition Z_zerop : (x:Z){(`x = 0`)}+{(`x <> 0`)}. Proof. Exact [x:Z](Z_eq_dec x ZERO). Defined. Definition Z_notzerop := [x:Z](sumbool_not ? ? (Z_zerop x)). Definition Z_noteq_dec := [x,y:Z](sumbool_not ? ? (Z_eq_dec x y)).