(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (Acc A trans_clos x). Induction 1. Intros x0 H0 H1. Apply Acc_intro. Intros y H2. Generalize H1 . Elim H2;Auto with sets. Intros x1 y0 z H3 H4 H5 H6 H7. Apply Acc_inv with y0 ;Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Acc_clos_trans. Lemma Acc_inv_trans: (x,y:A)(trans_clos y x)->(Acc A R x)->(Acc A R y). Proof. Induction 1;Auto with sets. Intros x0 y0 H0 H1. Apply Acc_inv with y0 ;Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem wf_clos_trans: (well_founded A R) ->(well_founded A trans_clos). Proof. Unfold well_founded;Auto with sets. Qed. End Wf_Transitive_Closure.