(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* B->Prop. Variable f:A->B. Local Rof : A->A->Prop := [x,y:A](R (f x) (f y)). Remark Acc_lemma : (y:B)(Acc B R y)->(x:A)(y=(f x))->(Acc A Rof x). Induction 1; Intros. Apply Acc_intro; Intros. Apply (H1 (f y0)); Try Trivial. Rewrite H2; Trivial. Qed. Lemma Acc_inverse_image : (x:A)(Acc B R (f x)) -> (Acc A Rof x). Intros; Apply (Acc_lemma (f x)); Trivial. Qed. Theorem wf_inverse_image: (well_founded B R)->(well_founded A Rof). Red; Intros; Apply Acc_inverse_image; Auto. Qed. End Inverse_Image.