(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* eq | Lt => lt | Gt => flip lt end. Module Type MiniOrderedType. Include Type EqualityType. Parameter Inline lt : t -> t -> Prop. Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt. Instance lt_compat : Proper (eq==>eq==>iff) lt. Parameter compare : t -> t -> comparison. Axiom compare_spec : forall x y, Cmp eq lt (compare x y) x y. End MiniOrderedType. Module Type OrderedType. Include Type MiniOrderedType. (** A [eq_dec] can be deduced from [compare] below. But adding this redundant field allows to see an OrderedType as a DecidableType. *) Parameter eq_dec : forall x y, { eq x y } + { ~ eq x y }. End OrderedType. Module MOT_to_OT (Import O : MiniOrderedType) <: OrderedType. Include O. Definition eq_dec : forall x y : t, {eq x y} + {~ eq x y}. Proof. intros. generalize (compare_spec x y); destruct (compare x y); unfold Cmp, flip; intros. left; auto. right. intro H'; rewrite <- H' in H. apply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive x); auto. right. intro H'; rewrite <- H' in H. apply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive x); auto. Defined. End MOT_to_OT. (** * Ordered types properties *) (** Additional properties that can be derived from signature [OrderedType]. *) Module OrderedTypeFacts (Import O: OrderedType). Infix "==" := eq (at level 70, no associativity) : order. Infix "<" := lt : order. Notation "x <= y" := (~lt y x) : order. Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity) : order. Local Open Scope order. Ltac elim_compare x y := generalize (compare_spec x y); destruct (compare x y); unfold Cmp, flip. Module OrderElts : OrderTacSig with Definition t := t with Definition eq := eq with Definition lt := lt. (* Opaque signature is crucial for ltac to work correctly later *) Include O. Definition le x y := x lt x y \/ eq x y. Proof. unfold le; intuition. Qed. End OrderElts. Module OrderTac := MakeOrderTac OrderElts. Ltac order := change eq with OrderElts.eq in *; change lt with OrderElts.lt in *; OrderTac.order. (** The following lemmas are either re-phrasing of [eq_equiv] and [lt_strorder] or immediately provable by [order]. Interest: compatibility, test of order, etc *) Definition eq_refl (x:t) : x==x := Equivalence_Reflexive x. Definition eq_sym (x y:t) : x==y -> y==x := Equivalence_Symmetric x y. Definition eq_trans (x y z:t) : x==y -> y==z -> x==z := Equivalence_Transitive x y z. Definition lt_trans (x y z:t) : x y x x==y. Proof. intros; elim_compare x y; intuition; try discriminate; order. Qed. Lemma compare_lt_iff : forall x y, (x ?= y) = Lt <-> x y Lt <-> y<=x. Proof. intros; rewrite compare_lt_iff; intuition. Qed. Lemma compare_le_iff : forall x y, (x ?= y) <> Gt <-> x<=y. Proof. intros; rewrite compare_gt_iff; intuition. Qed. Hint Rewrite compare_eq_iff compare_lt_iff compare_gt_iff : order. Instance compare_compat : Proper (eq==>eq==>Logic.eq) compare. Proof. intros x x' Hxx' y y' Hyy'. elim_compare x' y'; intros; autorewrite with order; order. Qed. Lemma compare_refl : forall x, (x ?= x) = Eq. Proof. intros; elim_compare x x; auto; order. Qed. Lemma compare_antisym : forall x y, (y ?= x) = CompOpp (x ?= y). Proof. intros; elim_compare x y; simpl; intros; autorewrite with order; order. Qed. (** For compatibility reasons *) Definition eq_dec := eq_dec. Lemma lt_dec : forall x y : t, {lt x y} + {~ lt x y}. Proof. intros; elim_compare x y; [ right | left | right ]; order. Defined. Definition eqb x y : bool := if eq_dec x y then true else false. Lemma if_eq_dec : forall x y (B:Type)(b b':B), (if eq_dec x y then b else b') = (match compare x y with Eq => b | _ => b' end). Proof. intros; destruct eq_dec; elim_compare x y; auto; order. Qed. Lemma eqb_alt : forall x y, eqb x y = match compare x y with Eq => true | _ => false end. Proof. unfold eqb; intros; apply if_eq_dec. Qed. Instance eqb_compat : Proper (eq==>eq==>Logic.eq) eqb. Proof. intros x x' Hxx' y y' Hyy'. rewrite 2 eqb_alt, Hxx', Hyy'; auto. Qed. (* Specialization of resuts about lists modulo. *) Section ForNotations. Notation In:=(InA eq). Notation Inf:=(lelistA lt). Notation Sort:=(sort lt). Notation NoDup:=(NoDupA eq). Lemma In_eq : forall l x y, eq x y -> In x l -> In y l. Proof. intros. rewrite <- H; auto. Qed. Lemma ListIn_In : forall l x, List.In x l -> In x l. Proof. exact (In_InA eq_equiv). Qed. Lemma Inf_lt : forall l x y, lt x y -> Inf y l -> Inf x l. Proof. exact (InfA_ltA lt_strorder). Qed. Lemma Inf_eq : forall l x y, eq x y -> Inf y l -> Inf x l. Proof. exact (InfA_eqA eq_equiv lt_strorder lt_compat). Qed. Lemma Sort_Inf_In : forall l x a, Sort l -> Inf a l -> In x l -> lt a x. Proof. exact (SortA_InfA_InA eq_equiv lt_strorder lt_compat). Qed. Lemma ListIn_Inf : forall l x, (forall y, List.In y l -> lt x y) -> Inf x l. Proof. exact (@In_InfA t lt). Qed. Lemma In_Inf : forall l x, (forall y, In y l -> lt x y) -> Inf x l. Proof. exact (InA_InfA eq_equiv (ltA:=lt)). Qed. Lemma Inf_alt : forall l x, Sort l -> (Inf x l <-> (forall y, In y l -> lt x y)). Proof. exact (InfA_alt eq_equiv lt_strorder lt_compat). Qed. Lemma Sort_NoDup : forall l, Sort l -> NoDup l. Proof. exact (SortA_NoDupA eq_equiv lt_strorder lt_compat) . Qed. End ForNotations. Hint Resolve ListIn_In Sort_NoDup Inf_lt. Hint Immediate In_eq Inf_lt. End OrderedTypeFacts. (** Some tests of [order] : is it at least capable of proving some basic properties ? *) Module OrderedTypeTest (O:OrderedType). Module Import MO := OrderedTypeFacts O. Local Open Scope order. Lemma lt_not_eq x y : x ~x==y. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma lt_eq x y z : x y==z -> x y x y==z -> x<=z. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma eq_le x y z : x==y -> y<=z -> x<=z. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma neq_eq x y z : ~x==y -> y==z -> ~x==z. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma eq_neq x y z : x==y -> ~y==z -> ~x==z. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma le_lt_trans x y z : x<=y -> y x y<=z -> x y<=z -> x<=z. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma le_antisym x y : x<=y -> y<=x -> x==y. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma le_neq x y : x<=y -> ~x==y -> x ~y==x. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma lt_le x y : x x<=y. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma gt_not_eq x y : y ~x==y. Proof. order. Qed. Lemma eq_not_lt x y : x==y -> ~x ~ y ~ y RA (fst p) (fst p') /\ RB (snd p) (snd p'). Definition FstRel {A B}(R:relation A) : relation (A*B) := fun p p' => R (fst p) (fst p'). Definition SndRel {A B}(R:relation B) : relation (A*B) := fun p p' => R (snd p) (snd p'). Instance ProdRel_equiv {A B} `(Equivalence A RA)`(Equivalence B RB) : Equivalence (ProdRel RA RB). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance FstRel_equiv {A B} `(Equivalence A RA) : Equivalence (FstRel RA (B:=B)). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance SndRel_equiv {A B} `(Equivalence B RB) : Equivalence (SndRel RB (A:=A)). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance FstRel_strorder {A B} `(StrictOrder A RA) : StrictOrder (FstRel RA (B:=B)). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance SndRel_strorder {A B} `(StrictOrder B RB) : StrictOrder (SndRel RB (A:=A)). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Lemma FstRel_ProdRel {A B}(RA:relation A) : forall p p':A*B, (FstRel RA) p p' <-> (ProdRel RA (fun _ _ =>True)) p p'. Proof. firstorder. Qed. Lemma SndRel_ProdRel {A B}(RB:relation B) : forall p p':A*B, (SndRel RB) p p' <-> (ProdRel (fun _ _ =>True) RB) p p'. Proof. firstorder. Qed. Lemma ProdRel_alt {A B}(RA:relation A)(RB:relation B) : forall p p':A*B, (ProdRel RA RB) p p' <-> relation_conjunction (FstRel RA) (SndRel RB) p p'. Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance FstRel_compat {A B} (R : relation A)`(Proper _ (Ri==>Ri==>Ro) R) : Proper (FstRel Ri==>FstRel Ri==>Ro) (FstRel R (B:=B)). Proof. intros A B R Ri Ro H (a1,b1) (a1',b1') Hab1 (a2,b2) (a2',b2') Hab2. unfold FstRel in *; simpl in *. apply H; auto. Qed. Instance SndRel_compat {A B} (R : relation B)`(Proper _ (Ri==>Ri==>Ro) R) : Proper (SndRel Ri==>SndRel Ri==>Ro) (SndRel R (A:=A)). Proof. intros A B R Ri Ro H (a1,b1) (a1',b1') Hab1 (a2,b2) (a2',b2') Hab2. unfold SndRel in *; simpl in *. apply H; auto. Qed. Instance FstRel_sub {A B} (RA:relation A)(RB:relation B): subrelation (ProdRel RA RB) (FstRel RA). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance SndRel_sub {A B} (RA:relation A)(RB:relation B): subrelation (ProdRel RA RB) (SndRel RB). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Instance pair_compat { A B } (RA:relation A)(RB : relation B) : Proper (RA==>RB==>ProdRel RA RB) (@pair A B). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Hint Unfold ProdRel FstRel SndRel. Hint Extern 2 (ProdRel _ _ _ _) => split. Module KeyOrderedType(Import O:OrderedType). Module Import MO:=OrderedTypeFacts(O). Section Elt. Variable elt : Type. Notation key:=t. Definition eqk : relation (key*elt) := FstRel eq. Definition eqke : relation (key*elt) := ProdRel eq Logic.eq. Definition ltk : relation (key*elt) := FstRel lt. Hint Unfold eqk eqke ltk. (* eqke is stricter than eqk *) Global Instance eqke_eqk : subrelation eqke eqk. Proof. unfold eqke, eqk; auto with *. Qed. (* eqk, eqke are equalities, ltk is a strict order *) Global Instance eqk_equiv : Equivalence eqk. Global Instance eqke_equiv : Equivalence eqke. Global Instance ltk_strorder : StrictOrder ltk. Global Instance ltk_compat : Proper (eqk==>eqk==>iff) ltk. Proof. unfold eqk, ltk; auto with *. Qed. (* Additionnal facts *) Global Instance pair_compat : Proper (eq==>Logic.eq==>eqke) (@pair key elt). Proof. unfold eqke; auto with *. Qed. Lemma ltk_not_eqk : forall e e', ltk e e' -> ~ eqk e e'. Proof. intros e e' LT EQ; rewrite EQ in LT. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive _ LT). Qed. Lemma ltk_not_eqke : forall e e', ltk e e' -> ~eqke e e'. Proof. intros e e' LT EQ; rewrite EQ in LT. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive _ LT). Qed. Lemma InA_eqke_eqk : forall x m, InA eqke x m -> InA eqk x m. Proof. unfold eqke, ProdRel; induction 1; intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve InA_eqke_eqk. Definition MapsTo (k:key)(e:elt):= InA eqke (k,e). Definition In k m := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m. Notation Sort := (sort ltk). Notation Inf := (lelistA ltk). Hint Unfold MapsTo In. (* An alternative formulation for [In k l] is [exists e, InA eqk (k,e) l] *) Lemma In_alt : forall k l, In k l <-> exists e, InA eqk (k,e) l. Proof. firstorder. exists x; auto. induction H. destruct y; compute in H. exists e; auto. destruct IHInA as [e H0]. exists e; auto. Qed. Lemma In_alt2 : forall k l, In k l <-> ExistsL (fun p => eq k (fst p)) l. Proof. unfold In, MapsTo. setoid_rewrite ExistsL_exists; setoid_rewrite InA_alt. firstorder. exists (snd x), x; auto. Qed. Lemma In_nil : forall k, In k nil <-> False. Proof. intros; rewrite In_alt2; apply ExistsL_nil. Qed. Lemma In_cons : forall k p l, In k (p::l) <-> eq k (fst p) \/ In k l. Proof. intros; rewrite !In_alt2, ExistsL_cons; intuition. Qed. Global Instance MapsTo_compat : Proper (eq==>Logic.eq==>equivlistA eqke==>iff) MapsTo. Proof. intros x x' Hx e e' He l l' Hl. unfold MapsTo. rewrite Hx, He, Hl; intuition. Qed. Global Instance In_compat : Proper (eq==>equivlistA eqk==>iff) In. Proof. intros x x' Hx l l' Hl. rewrite !In_alt. setoid_rewrite Hl. setoid_rewrite Hx. intuition. Qed. Lemma MapsTo_eq : forall l x y e, eq x y -> MapsTo x e l -> MapsTo y e l. Proof. intros l x y e EQ. rewrite <- EQ; auto. Qed. Lemma In_eq : forall l x y, eq x y -> In x l -> In y l. Proof. intros l x y EQ. rewrite <- EQ; auto. Qed. Lemma Inf_eq : forall l x x', eqk x x' -> Inf x' l -> Inf x l. Proof. intros l x x' H. rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma Inf_lt : forall l x x', ltk x x' -> Inf x' l -> Inf x l. Proof. apply InfA_ltA; auto with *. Qed. Hint Immediate Inf_eq. Hint Resolve Inf_lt. Lemma Sort_Inf_In : forall l p q, Sort l -> Inf q l -> InA eqk p l -> ltk q p. Proof. apply SortA_InfA_InA; auto with *. Qed. Lemma Sort_Inf_NotIn : forall l k e, Sort l -> Inf (k,e) l -> ~In k l. Proof. intros; red; intros. destruct H1 as [e' H2]. elim (@ltk_not_eqk (k,e) (k,e')). eapply Sort_Inf_In; eauto. red; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma Sort_NoDupA: forall l, Sort l -> NoDupA eqk l. Proof. apply SortA_NoDupA; auto with *. Qed. Lemma Sort_In_cons_1 : forall e l e', Sort (e::l) -> InA eqk e' l -> ltk e e'. Proof. intros; invlist sort; eapply Sort_Inf_In; eauto. Qed. Lemma Sort_In_cons_2 : forall l e e', Sort (e::l) -> InA eqk e' (e::l) -> ltk e e' \/ eqk e e'. Proof. intros; invlist InA; auto. left; apply Sort_In_cons_1 with l; auto. Qed. Lemma Sort_In_cons_3 : forall x l k e, Sort ((k,e)::l) -> In x l -> ~eq x k. Proof. intros; invlist sort; red; intros. eapply Sort_Inf_NotIn; eauto using In_eq. Qed. Lemma In_inv : forall k k' e l, In k ((k',e) :: l) -> eq k k' \/ In k l. Proof. intros; invlist In; invlist MapsTo. compute in * |- ; intuition. right; exists x; auto. Qed. Lemma In_inv_2 : forall k k' e e' l, InA eqk (k, e) ((k', e') :: l) -> ~ eq k k' -> InA eqk (k, e) l. Proof. intros; invlist InA; intuition. Qed. Lemma In_inv_3 : forall x x' l, InA eqke x (x' :: l) -> ~ eqk x x' -> InA eqke x l. Proof. intros; invlist InA; compute in * |- ; intuition. Qed. End Elt. Hint Resolve (fun elt => @Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ (eqk_equiv elt)). Hint Resolve (fun elt => @Equivalence_Transitive _ _ (eqk_equiv elt)). Hint Immediate (fun elt => @Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ (eqk_equiv elt)). Hint Resolve (fun elt => @Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ (eqke_equiv elt)). Hint Resolve (fun elt => @Equivalence_Transitive _ _ (eqke_equiv elt)). Hint Immediate (fun elt => @Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ (eqke_equiv elt)). Hint Resolve (fun elt => @StrictOrder_Transitive _ _ (ltk_strorder elt)). Hint Unfold eqk eqke ltk. Hint Extern 2 (eqke ?a ?b) => split. Hint Resolve ltk_not_eqk ltk_not_eqke. Hint Resolve InA_eqke_eqk. Hint Unfold MapsTo In. Hint Immediate Inf_eq. Hint Resolve Inf_lt. Hint Resolve Sort_Inf_NotIn. Hint Resolve In_inv_2 In_inv_3. End KeyOrderedType.