(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (leA x y). Hypothesis leA_trans : (x,y,z:A) (leA x y) -> (leA y z) -> (leA x z). Hypothesis leA_antisym : (x,y:A)(leA x y) -> (leA y x) -> (eqA x y). Hints Resolve leA_refl. Hints Immediate eqA_dec leA_dec leA_antisym. Local emptyBag := (EmptyBag A). Local singletonBag := (SingletonBag eqA_dec). (** [lelistA] *) Inductive lelistA [a:A] : (list A) -> Prop := nil_leA : (lelistA a (nil A)) | cons_leA : (b:A)(l:(list A))(leA a b)->(lelistA a (cons b l)). Hint constr_lelistA := Constructors lelistA. Lemma lelistA_inv : (a,b:A)(l:(list A)) (lelistA a (cons b l)) -> (leA a b). Proof. Intros; Inversion H; Trivial with datatypes. Qed. (** definition for a list to be sorted *) Inductive sort : (list A) -> Prop := nil_sort : (sort (nil A)) | cons_sort : (a:A)(l:(list A))(sort l) -> (lelistA a l) -> (sort (cons a l)). Hint constr_sort := Constructors sort. Lemma sort_inv : (a:A)(l:(list A))(sort (cons a l))->(sort l) /\ (lelistA a l). Proof. Intros; Inversion H; Auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma sort_rec : (P:(list A)->Set) (P (nil A)) -> ((a:A)(l:(list A))(sort l)->(P l)->(lelistA a l)->(P (cons a l))) -> (y:(list A))(sort y) -> (P y). Proof. Induction y; Auto with datatypes. Intros; Elim (!sort_inv a l); Auto with datatypes. Qed. (** merging two sorted lists *) Inductive merge_lem [l1:(list A);l2:(list A)] : Set := merge_exist : (l:(list A))(sort l) -> (meq (list_contents eqA_dec l) (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l1) (list_contents eqA_dec l2))) -> ((a:A)(lelistA a l1)->(lelistA a l2)->(lelistA a l)) -> (merge_lem l1 l2). Lemma merge : (l1:(list A))(sort l1)->(l2:(list A))(sort l2)->(merge_lem l1 l2). Proof. Induction 1; Intros. Apply merge_exist with l2; Auto with datatypes. Elim H3; Intros. Apply merge_exist with (cons a l); Simpl; Auto with datatypes. Elim (leA_dec a a0); Intros. (* 1 (leA a a0) *) Cut (merge_lem l (cons a0 l0)); Auto with datatypes. Intros (l3, l3sorted, l3contents, Hrec). Apply merge_exist with (cons a l3); Simpl; Auto with datatypes. Apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a) (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l) (list_contents eqA_dec (cons a0 l0)))). Apply meq_right; Trivial with datatypes. Apply meq_sym; Apply munion_ass. Intros; Apply cons_leA. Apply lelistA_inv with l; Trivial with datatypes. (* 2 (leA a0 a) *) Elim H5; Simpl; Intros. Apply merge_exist with (cons a0 l3); Simpl; Auto with datatypes. Apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a0) (munion (munion (singletonBag a) (list_contents eqA_dec l)) (list_contents eqA_dec l0))). Apply meq_right; Trivial with datatypes. Apply munion_perm_left. Intros; Apply cons_leA; Apply lelistA_inv with l0; Trivial with datatypes. Qed. End defs. Unset Implicit Arguments. Hint constr_sort : datatypes v62 := Constructors sort. Hint constr_lelistA : datatypes v62 := Constructors lelistA.