(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A -> Prop. (** Locally sorted: consecutive elements of the list are ordered *) Inductive LocallySorted : list A -> Prop := | LSorted_nil : LocallySorted [] | LSorted_cons1 a : LocallySorted [a] | LSorted_consn a b l : LocallySorted (b :: l) -> R a b -> LocallySorted (a :: b :: l). (** Alternative two-step definition of being locally sorted *) Inductive HdRel a : list A -> Prop := | HdRel_nil : HdRel a [] | HdRel_cons b l : R a b -> HdRel a (b :: l). Inductive Sorted : list A -> Prop := | Sorted_nil : Sorted [] | Sorted_cons a l : Sorted l -> HdRel a l -> Sorted (a :: l). Lemma HdRel_inv : forall a b l, HdRel a (b :: l) -> R a b. Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed. Lemma Sorted_inv : forall a l, Sorted (a :: l) -> Sorted l /\ HdRel a l. Proof. intros a l H; inversion H; auto. Qed. Lemma Sorted_rect : forall P:list A -> Type, P [] -> (forall a l, Sorted l -> P l -> HdRel a l -> P (a :: l)) -> forall l:list A, Sorted l -> P l. Proof. induction l; firstorder using Sorted_inv. Qed. Lemma Sorted_LocallySorted_iff : forall l, Sorted l <-> LocallySorted l. Proof. split; [induction 1 as [|a l [|]]| induction 1]; auto using Sorted, LocallySorted, HdRel. inversion H1; subst; auto using LocallySorted. Qed. (** Strongly sorted: elements of the list are pairwise ordered *) Inductive StronglySorted : list A -> Prop := | SSorted_nil : StronglySorted [] | SSorted_cons a l : StronglySorted l -> Forall (R a) l -> StronglySorted (a :: l). Lemma StronglySorted_inv : forall a l, StronglySorted (a :: l) -> StronglySorted l /\ Forall (R a) l. Proof. intros; inversion H; auto. Defined. Lemma StronglySorted_rect : forall P:list A -> Type, P [] -> (forall a l, StronglySorted l -> P l -> Forall (R a) l -> P (a :: l)) -> forall l, StronglySorted l -> P l. Proof. induction l; firstorder using StronglySorted_inv. Defined. Lemma StronglySorted_rec : forall P:list A -> Type, P [] -> (forall a l, StronglySorted l -> P l -> Forall (R a) l -> P (a :: l)) -> forall l, StronglySorted l -> P l. Proof. firstorder using StronglySorted_rect. Qed. Lemma StronglySorted_Sorted : forall l, StronglySorted l -> Sorted l. Proof. induction 1 as [|? ? ? ? HForall]; constructor; trivial. destruct HForall; constructor; trivial. Qed. Lemma Sorted_extends : Transitive R -> forall a l, Sorted (a::l) -> Forall (R a) l. Proof. intros. change match a :: l with [] => True | a :: l => Forall (R a) l end. induction H0 as [|? ? ? ? H1]; [trivial|]. destruct H1; constructor; trivial. eapply Forall_impl; [|eassumption]. firstorder. Qed. Lemma Sorted_StronglySorted : Transitive R -> forall l, Sorted l -> StronglySorted l. Proof. induction 2; constructor; trivial. apply Sorted_extends; trivial. constructor; trivial. Qed. End defs. Hint Constructors HdRel: sorting. Hint Constructors Sorted: sorting. (* begin hide *) (* Compatibility with deprecated file Sorting.v *) Notation lelistA := HdRel (only parsing). Notation nil_leA := HdRel_nil (only parsing). Notation cons_leA := HdRel_cons (only parsing). Notation sort := Sorted (only parsing). Notation nil_sort := Sorted_nil (only parsing). Notation cons_sort := Sorted_cons (only parsing). Notation lelistA_inv := HdRel_inv (only parsing). Notation sort_inv := Sorted_inv (only parsing). Notation sort_rect := Sorted_rect (only parsing). (* end hide *)