(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* emptyBag | a :: l => munion (singletonBag a) (list_contents l) end. Lemma list_contents_app : forall l m:list A, meq (list_contents (l ++ m)) (munion (list_contents l) (list_contents m)). Proof. simple induction l; simpl in |- *; auto with datatypes. intros. apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a) (munion (list_contents l0) (list_contents m))); auto with datatypes. Qed. (** * [permutation]: definition and basic properties *) Definition permutation (l m:list A) := meq (list_contents l) (list_contents m). Lemma permut_refl : forall l:list A, permutation l l. Proof. unfold permutation in |- *; auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma permut_sym : forall l1 l2 : list A, permutation l1 l2 -> permutation l2 l1. Proof. unfold permutation, meq; intros; apply sym_eq; trivial. Qed. Lemma permut_trans : forall l m n:list A, permutation l m -> permutation m n -> permutation l n. Proof. unfold permutation in |- *; intros. apply meq_trans with (list_contents m); auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma permut_cons_eq : forall l m:list A, permutation l m -> forall a a', eqA a a' -> permutation (a :: l) (a' :: m). Proof. unfold permutation; simpl; intros. apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a') (list_contents l)). apply meq_left, meq_singleton; auto. auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma permut_cons : forall l m:list A, permutation l m -> forall a:A, permutation (a :: l) (a :: m). Proof. unfold permutation; simpl; auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma permut_app : forall l l' m m':list A, permutation l l' -> permutation m m' -> permutation (l ++ m) (l' ++ m'). Proof. unfold permutation in |- *; intros. apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents l) (list_contents m)); auto using permut_cons, list_contents_app with datatypes. apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents l') (list_contents m')); auto using permut_cons, list_contents_app with datatypes. apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents l') (list_contents m)); auto using permut_cons, list_contents_app with datatypes. Qed. Lemma permut_add_inside_eq : forall a a' l1 l2 l3 l4, eqA a a' -> permutation (l1 ++ l2) (l3 ++ l4) -> permutation (l1 ++ a :: l2) (l3 ++ a' :: l4). Proof. unfold permutation, meq in *; intros. specialize H0 with a0. repeat rewrite list_contents_app in *; simpl in *. destruct (eqA_dec a a0) as [Ha|Ha]; rewrite H in Ha; decide (eqA_dec a' a0) with Ha; simpl; auto with arith. do 2 rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma permut_add_inside : forall a l1 l2 l3 l4, permutation (l1 ++ l2) (l3 ++ l4) -> permutation (l1 ++ a :: l2) (l3 ++ a :: l4). Proof. unfold permutation, meq in *; intros. generalize (H a0); clear H. do 4 rewrite list_contents_app. simpl. destruct (eqA_dec a a0); simpl; auto with arith. do 2 rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma permut_add_cons_inside_eq : forall a a' l l1 l2, eqA a a' -> permutation l (l1 ++ l2) -> permutation (a :: l) (l1 ++ a' :: l2). Proof. intros; replace (a :: l) with ([] ++ a :: l); trivial; apply permut_add_inside_eq; trivial. Qed. Lemma permut_add_cons_inside : forall a l l1 l2, permutation l (l1 ++ l2) -> permutation (a :: l) (l1 ++ a :: l2). Proof. intros; replace (a :: l) with ([] ++ a :: l); trivial; apply permut_add_inside; trivial. Qed. Lemma permut_middle : forall (l m:list A) (a:A), permutation (a :: l ++ m) (l ++ a :: m). Proof. intros; apply permut_add_cons_inside; auto using permut_sym, permut_refl. Qed. Lemma permut_sym_app : forall l1 l2, permutation (l1 ++ l2) (l2 ++ l1). Proof. intros l1 l2; unfold permutation, meq; intro a; do 2 rewrite list_contents_app; simpl; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma permut_rev : forall l, permutation l (rev l). Proof. induction l. simpl; trivial using permut_refl. simpl. apply permut_add_cons_inside. rewrite <- app_nil_end. trivial. Qed. (** * Some inversion results. *) Lemma permut_conv_inv : forall e l1 l2, permutation (e :: l1) (e :: l2) -> permutation l1 l2. Proof. intros e l1 l2; unfold permutation, meq; simpl; intros H a; generalize (H a); apply plus_reg_l. Qed. Lemma permut_app_inv1 : forall l l1 l2, permutation (l1 ++ l) (l2 ++ l) -> permutation l1 l2. Proof. intros l l1 l2; unfold permutation, meq; simpl; intros H a; generalize (H a); clear H. do 2 rewrite list_contents_app. simpl. intros; apply plus_reg_l with (multiplicity (list_contents l) a). rewrite plus_comm; rewrite H; rewrite plus_comm. trivial. Qed. (** we can use [multiplicity] to define [InA] and [NoDupA]. *) Fact if_eqA_then : forall a a' (B:Type)(b b':B), eqA a a' -> (if eqA_dec a a' then b else b') = b. Proof. intros. destruct eqA_dec as [_|NEQ]; auto. contradict NEQ; auto. Qed. Lemma permut_app_inv2 : forall l l1 l2, permutation (l ++ l1) (l ++ l2) -> permutation l1 l2. Proof. intros l l1 l2; unfold permutation, meq; simpl; intros H a; generalize (H a); clear H. do 2 rewrite list_contents_app. simpl. intros; apply plus_reg_l with (multiplicity (list_contents l) a). trivial. Qed. Lemma permut_remove_hd_eq : forall l l1 l2 a b, eqA a b -> permutation (a :: l) (l1 ++ b :: l2) -> permutation l (l1 ++ l2). Proof. unfold permutation, meq; simpl; intros l l1 l2 a b Heq H a0. specialize H with a0. rewrite list_contents_app in *; simpl in *. apply plus_reg_l with (if eqA_dec a a0 then 1 else 0). rewrite H; clear H. symmetry; rewrite plus_comm, <- ! plus_assoc; f_equal. rewrite plus_comm. destruct (eqA_dec a a0) as [Ha|Ha]; rewrite Heq in Ha; decide (eqA_dec b a0) with Ha; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma permut_remove_hd : forall l l1 l2 a, permutation (a :: l) (l1 ++ a :: l2) -> permutation l (l1 ++ l2). Proof. eauto using permut_remove_hd_eq, Equivalence_Reflexive. Qed. Fact if_eqA_else : forall a a' (B:Type)(b b':B), ~eqA a a' -> (if eqA_dec a a' then b else b') = b'. Proof. intros. decide (eqA_dec a a') with H; auto. Qed. Fact if_eqA_refl : forall a (B:Type)(b b':B), (if eqA_dec a a then b else b') = b. Proof. intros; apply (decide_left (eqA_dec a a)); auto with *. Qed. (** PL: Inutilisable dans un rewrite sans un change prealable. *) Global Instance if_eqA (B:Type)(b b':B) : Proper (eqA==>eqA==>@eq _) (fun x y => if eqA_dec x y then b else b'). Proof. intros B b b' x x' Hxx' y y' Hyy'. intros; destruct (eqA_dec x y) as [H|H]; destruct (eqA_dec x' y') as [H'|H']; auto. contradict H'; transitivity x; auto with *; transitivity y; auto with *. contradict H; transitivity x'; auto with *; transitivity y'; auto with *. Qed. Fact if_eqA_rewrite_l : forall a1 a1' a2 (B:Type)(b b':B), eqA a1 a1' -> (if eqA_dec a1 a2 then b else b') = (if eqA_dec a1' a2 then b else b'). Proof. intros; destruct (eqA_dec a1 a2) as [A1|A1]; destruct (eqA_dec a1' a2) as [A1'|A1']; auto. contradict A1'; transitivity a1; eauto with *. contradict A1; transitivity a1'; eauto with *. Qed. Fact if_eqA_rewrite_r : forall a1 a2 a2' (B:Type)(b b':B), eqA a2 a2' -> (if eqA_dec a1 a2 then b else b') = (if eqA_dec a1 a2' then b else b'). Proof. intros; destruct (eqA_dec a1 a2) as [A2|A2]; destruct (eqA_dec a1 a2') as [A2'|A2']; auto. contradict A2'; transitivity a2; eauto with *. contradict A2; transitivity a2'; eauto with *. Qed. Global Instance multiplicity_eqA (l:list A) : Proper (eqA==>@eq _) (multiplicity (list_contents l)). Proof. intros l x x' Hxx'. induction l as [|y l Hl]; simpl; auto. rewrite (@if_eqA_rewrite_r y x x'); auto. Qed. Lemma multiplicity_InA : forall l a, InA eqA a l <-> 0 < multiplicity (list_contents l) a. Proof. induction l. simpl. split; inversion 1. simpl. intros a'; split; intros H. inversion_clear H. apply (decide_left (eqA_dec a a')); auto with *. destruct (eqA_dec a a'); auto with *. simpl; rewrite <- IHl; auto. destruct (eqA_dec a a'); auto with *. right. rewrite IHl; auto. Qed. Lemma multiplicity_InA_O : forall l a, ~ InA eqA a l -> multiplicity (list_contents l) a = 0. Proof. intros l a; rewrite multiplicity_InA; destruct (multiplicity (list_contents l) a); auto with arith. destruct 1; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma multiplicity_InA_S : forall l a, InA eqA a l -> multiplicity (list_contents l) a >= 1. Proof. intros l a; rewrite multiplicity_InA; auto with arith. Qed. Lemma multiplicity_NoDupA : forall l, NoDupA eqA l <-> (forall a, multiplicity (list_contents l) a <= 1). Proof. induction l. simpl. split; auto with arith. split; simpl. inversion_clear 1. rewrite IHl in H1. intros; destruct (eqA_dec a a0) as [EQ|NEQ]; simpl; auto with *. rewrite <- EQ. rewrite multiplicity_InA_O; auto. intros; constructor. rewrite multiplicity_InA. specialize (H a). rewrite if_eqA_refl in H. clear IHl; omega. rewrite IHl; intros. specialize (H a0); auto with *. destruct (eqA_dec a a0); simpl; auto with *. Qed. (** Permutation is compatible with InA. *) Lemma permut_InA_InA : forall l1 l2 e, permutation l1 l2 -> InA eqA e l1 -> InA eqA e l2. Proof. intros l1 l2 e. do 2 rewrite multiplicity_InA. unfold permutation, meq. intros H;rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma permut_cons_InA : forall l1 l2 e, permutation (e :: l1) l2 -> InA eqA e l2. Proof. intros; apply (permut_InA_InA (e:=e) H); auto with *. Qed. (** Permutation of an empty list. *) Lemma permut_nil : forall l, permutation l [] -> l = []. Proof. intro l; destruct l as [ | e l ]; trivial. assert (InA eqA e (e::l)) by (auto with *). intro Abs; generalize (permut_InA_InA Abs H). inversion 1. Qed. (** Permutation for short lists. *) Lemma permut_length_1: forall a b, permutation [a] [b] -> eqA a b. Proof. intros a b; unfold permutation, meq. intro P; specialize (P b); simpl in *. rewrite if_eqA_refl in *. destruct (eqA_dec a b); simpl; auto; discriminate. Qed. Lemma permut_length_2 : forall a1 b1 a2 b2, permutation [a1; b1] [a2; b2] -> (eqA a1 a2) /\ (eqA b1 b2) \/ (eqA a1 b2) /\ (eqA a2 b1). Proof. intros a1 b1 a2 b2 P. assert (H:=permut_cons_InA P). inversion_clear H. left; split; auto. apply permut_length_1. red; red; intros. specialize (P a). simpl in *. rewrite (@if_eqA_rewrite_l a1 a2 a) in P by auto. (** Bug omega: le "set" suivant ne devrait pas etre necessaire *) set (u:= if eqA_dec a2 a then 1 else 0) in *; omega. right. inversion_clear H0; [|inversion H]. split; auto. apply permut_length_1. red; red; intros. specialize (P a); simpl in *. rewrite (@if_eqA_rewrite_l a1 b2 a) in P by auto. (** Bug omega: idem *) set (u:= if eqA_dec b2 a then 1 else 0) in *; omega. Qed. (** Permutation is compatible with length. *) Lemma permut_length : forall l1 l2, permutation l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2. Proof. induction l1; intros l2 H. rewrite (permut_nil (permut_sym H)); auto. assert (H0:=permut_cons_InA H). destruct (InA_split H0) as (h2,(b,(t2,(H1,H2)))). subst l2. rewrite app_length. simpl; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; f_equal. rewrite <- app_length. apply IHl1. apply permut_remove_hd with b. apply permut_trans with (a::l1); auto. revert H1; unfold permutation, meq; simpl. intros; f_equal; auto. rewrite (@if_eqA_rewrite_l a b a0); auto. Qed. Lemma NoDupA_equivlistA_permut : forall l l', NoDupA eqA l -> NoDupA eqA l' -> equivlistA eqA l l' -> permutation l l'. Proof. intros. red; unfold meq; intros. rewrite multiplicity_NoDupA in H, H0. generalize (H a) (H0 a) (H1 a); clear H H0 H1. do 2 rewrite multiplicity_InA. destruct 3; omega. Qed. End Permut. Section Permut_map. Variables A B : Type. Variable eqA : relation A. Hypothesis eqA_dec : forall x y:A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}. Hypothesis eqA_equiv : Equivalence eqA. Variable eqB : B->B->Prop. Hypothesis eqB_dec : forall x y:B, { eqB x y }+{ ~eqB x y }. Hypothesis eqB_trans : Transitive eqB. (** Permutation is compatible with map. *) Lemma permut_map : forall f, (Proper (eqA==>eqB) f) -> forall l1 l2, permutation _ eqA_dec l1 l2 -> permutation _ eqB_dec (map f l1) (map f l2). Proof. intros f; induction l1. intros l2 P; rewrite (permut_nil eqA_equiv (permut_sym P)); apply permut_refl. intros l2 P. simpl. assert (H0:=permut_cons_InA eqA_equiv P). destruct (InA_split H0) as (h2,(b,(t2,(H1,H2)))). subst l2. rewrite map_app. simpl. apply permut_trans with (f b :: map f l1). revert H1; unfold permutation, meq; simpl. intros; f_equal; auto. destruct (eqB_dec (f b) a0) as [H2|H2]; destruct (eqB_dec (f a) a0) as [H3|H3]; auto. destruct H3; transitivity (f b); auto with *. destruct H2; transitivity (f a); auto with *. apply permut_add_cons_inside. rewrite <- map_app. apply IHl1; auto. apply permut_remove_hd with b; trivial. apply permut_trans with (a::l1); auto. revert H1; unfold permutation, meq; simpl. intros; f_equal; auto. rewrite (@if_eqA_rewrite_l _ _ eqA_equiv eqA_dec a b a0); auto. Qed. End Permut_map. Require Import Permutation TheoryList. Section Permut_permut. Variable A : Type. Variable eqA : relation A. Hypothesis eqA_dec : forall x y:A, {eqA x y} + {~ eqA x y}. Hypothesis eqA_equiv : Equivalence eqA. Lemma Permutation_impl_permutation : forall l l', Permutation l l' -> permutation _ eqA_dec l l'. Proof. induction 1. apply permut_refl. apply permut_cons; auto using Equivalence_Reflexive. change (x :: y :: l) with ([x] ++ y :: l); apply permut_add_cons_inside; simpl; apply permut_cons_eq; auto using Equivalence_Reflexive, permut_refl. apply permut_trans with l'; trivial. Qed. Lemma permut_eqA : forall l l', Forall2 eqA l l' -> permutation _ eqA_dec l l'. Proof. induction 1. apply permut_refl. apply permut_cons_eq; trivial. Qed. Lemma permutation_Permutation : forall l l', permutation _ eqA_dec l l' <-> exists l'', Permutation l l'' /\ Forall2 eqA l'' l'. Proof. split; intro H. (* -> *) induction l in l', H |- *. exists []; apply permut_sym, permut_nil in H as ->; auto using Forall2. pose proof H as H'. apply permut_cons_InA, InA_split in H as (l1 & y & l2 & Heq & ->); trivial. apply permut_remove_hd_eq, IHl in H' as (l'' & IHP & IHA); clear IHl; trivial. apply Forall2_app_inv_r in IHA as (l1'' & l2'' & Hl1 & Hl2 & ->). exists (l1'' ++ a :: l2''); split. apply Permutation_cons_app; trivial. apply Forall2_app, Forall2_cons; trivial. (* <- *) destruct H as (l'' & H & Heq). apply permut_trans with l''. apply Permutation_impl_permutation; trivial. apply permut_eqA; trivial. Qed. End Permut_permut. (* begin hide *) (** For compatibilty *) Notation permut_right := permut_cons (only parsing). Notation permut_tran := permut_trans (only parsing). (* end hide *)