(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* leA x y. Hypothesis leA_trans : forall x y z:A, leA x y -> leA y z -> leA x z. Hypothesis leA_antisym : forall x y:A, leA x y -> leA y x -> eqA x y. Hint Resolve leA_refl. Hint Immediate eqA_dec leA_dec leA_antisym. Let emptyBag := EmptyBag A. Let singletonBag := SingletonBag _ eqA_dec. Inductive Tree : Set := | Tree_Leaf : Tree | Tree_Node : A -> Tree -> Tree -> Tree. (** [a] is lower than a Tree [T] if [T] is a Leaf or [T] is a Node holding [b>a] *) Definition leA_Tree (a:A) (t:Tree) := match t with | Tree_Leaf => True | Tree_Node b T1 T2 => leA a b end. Lemma leA_Tree_Leaf : forall a:A, leA_Tree a Tree_Leaf. Proof. simpl in |- *; auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma leA_Tree_Node : forall (a b:A) (G D:Tree), leA a b -> leA_Tree a (Tree_Node b G D). Proof. simpl in |- *; auto with datatypes. Qed. Hint Resolve leA_Tree_Leaf leA_Tree_Node. (** The heap property *) Inductive is_heap : Tree -> Prop := | nil_is_heap : is_heap Tree_Leaf | node_is_heap : forall (a:A) (T1 T2:Tree), leA_Tree a T1 -> leA_Tree a T2 -> is_heap T1 -> is_heap T2 -> is_heap (Tree_Node a T1 T2). Hint Constructors is_heap. Lemma invert_heap : forall (a:A) (T1 T2:Tree), is_heap (Tree_Node a T1 T2) -> leA_Tree a T1 /\ leA_Tree a T2 /\ is_heap T1 /\ is_heap T2. Proof. intros; inversion H; auto with datatypes. Qed. (* This lemma ought to be generated automatically by the Inversion tools *) Lemma is_heap_rec : forall P:Tree -> Set, P Tree_Leaf -> (forall (a:A) (T1 T2:Tree), leA_Tree a T1 -> leA_Tree a T2 -> is_heap T1 -> P T1 -> is_heap T2 -> P T2 -> P (Tree_Node a T1 T2)) -> forall T:Tree, is_heap T -> P T. Proof. simple induction T; auto with datatypes. intros a G PG D PD PN. elim (invert_heap a G D); auto with datatypes. intros H1 H2; elim H2; intros H3 H4; elim H4; intros. apply H0; auto with datatypes. Qed. Lemma low_trans : forall (T:Tree) (a b:A), leA a b -> leA_Tree b T -> leA_Tree a T. Proof. simple induction T; auto with datatypes. intros; simpl in |- *; apply leA_trans with b; auto with datatypes. Qed. (** contents of a tree as a multiset *) (** Nota Bene : In what follows the definition of SingletonBag in not used. Actually, we could just take as postulate: [Parameter SingletonBag : A->multiset]. *) Fixpoint contents (t:Tree) : multiset A := match t with | Tree_Leaf => emptyBag | Tree_Node a t1 t2 => munion (contents t1) (munion (contents t2) (singletonBag a)) end. (** equivalence of two trees is equality of corresponding multisets *) Definition equiv_Tree (t1 t2:Tree) := meq (contents t1) (contents t2). (** specification of heap insertion *) Inductive insert_spec (a:A) (T:Tree) : Set := insert_exist : forall T1:Tree, is_heap T1 -> meq (contents T1) (munion (contents T) (singletonBag a)) -> (forall b:A, leA b a -> leA_Tree b T -> leA_Tree b T1) -> insert_spec a T. Lemma insert : forall T:Tree, is_heap T -> forall a:A, insert_spec a T. Proof. simple induction 1; intros. apply insert_exist with (Tree_Node a Tree_Leaf Tree_Leaf); auto with datatypes. simpl in |- *; unfold meq, munion in |- *; auto with datatypes. elim (leA_dec a a0); intros. elim (H3 a0); intros. apply insert_exist with (Tree_Node a T2 T0); auto with datatypes. simpl in |- *; apply treesort_twist1; trivial with datatypes. elim (H3 a); intros T3 HeapT3 ConT3 LeA. apply insert_exist with (Tree_Node a0 T2 T3); auto with datatypes. apply node_is_heap; auto with datatypes. apply low_trans with a; auto with datatypes. apply LeA; auto with datatypes. apply low_trans with a; auto with datatypes. simpl in |- *; apply treesort_twist2; trivial with datatypes. Qed. (** building a heap from a list *) Inductive build_heap (l:list A) : Set := heap_exist : forall T:Tree, is_heap T -> meq (list_contents _ eqA_dec l) (contents T) -> build_heap l. Lemma list_to_heap : forall l:list A, build_heap l. Proof. simple induction l. apply (heap_exist nil Tree_Leaf); auto with datatypes. simpl in |- *; unfold meq in |- *; auto with datatypes. simple induction 1. intros T i m; elim (insert T i a). intros; apply heap_exist with T1; simpl in |- *; auto with datatypes. apply meq_trans with (munion (contents T) (singletonBag a)). apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a) (contents T)). apply meq_right; trivial with datatypes. apply munion_comm. apply meq_sym; trivial with datatypes. Qed. (** building the sorted list *) Inductive flat_spec (T:Tree) : Set := flat_exist : forall l:list A, sort leA l -> (forall a:A, leA_Tree a T -> lelistA leA a l) -> meq (contents T) (list_contents _ eqA_dec l) -> flat_spec T. Lemma heap_to_list : forall T:Tree, is_heap T -> flat_spec T. Proof. intros T h; elim h; intros. apply flat_exist with (nil (A:=A)); auto with datatypes. elim H2; intros l1 s1 i1 m1; elim H4; intros l2 s2 i2 m2. elim (merge _ leA_dec eqA_dec s1 s2); intros. apply flat_exist with (a :: l); simpl in |- *; auto with datatypes. apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents _ eqA_dec l1) (munion (list_contents _ eqA_dec l2) (singletonBag a))). apply meq_congr; auto with datatypes. apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a) (munion (list_contents _ eqA_dec l1) (list_contents _ eqA_dec l2))). apply munion_rotate. apply meq_right; apply meq_sym; trivial with datatypes. Qed. (** specification of treesort *) Theorem treesort : forall l:list A, {m : list A | sort leA m & permutation _ eqA_dec l m}. Proof. intro l; unfold permutation in |- *. elim (list_to_heap l). intros. elim (heap_to_list T); auto with datatypes. intros. exists l0; auto with datatypes. apply meq_trans with (contents T); trivial with datatypes. Qed. End defs.