(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* R x z -> coherent y z. Definition Locally_confluent : Prop := forall x:U, locally_confluent x. Definition confluent (x:U) : Prop := forall y z:U, Rstar U R x y -> Rstar U R x z -> coherent y z. Definition Confluent : Prop := forall x:U, confluent x. Inductive noetherian : U -> Prop := definition_of_noetherian : forall x:U, (forall y:U, R x y -> noetherian y) -> noetherian x. Definition Noetherian : Prop := forall x:U, noetherian x. End Relations_3. Hint Unfold coherent: sets v62. Hint Unfold locally_confluent: sets v62. Hint Unfold confluent: sets v62. Hint Unfold Confluent: sets v62. Hint Resolve definition_of_noetherian: sets v62. Hint Unfold Noetherian: sets v62.