(****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Naive Set Theory in Coq *) (* *) (* INRIA INRIA *) (* Rocquencourt Sophia-Antipolis *) (* *) (* Coq V6.1 *) (* *) (* Gilles Kahn *) (* Gerard Huet *) (* *) (* *) (* *) (* Acknowledgments: This work was started in July 1993 by F. Prost. Thanks *) (* to the Newton Institute for providing an exceptional work environment *) (* in Summer 1995. Several developments by E. Ledinot were an inspiration. *) (****************************************************************************) Require Export Relations_1. Require Export Relations_2. Section Relations_3. Variable U: Type. Variable R: (Relation U). Definition coherent : U -> U -> Prop := [x,y: U] (EXT z | (Rstar U R x z) /\ (Rstar U R y z)). Definition locally_confluent : U -> Prop := [x: U] (y,z: U) (R x y) -> (R x z) -> (coherent y z). Definition Locally_confluent : Prop := (x: U) (locally_confluent x). Definition confluent : U -> Prop := [x: U] (y,z: U) (Rstar U R x y) -> (Rstar U R x z) -> (coherent y z). Definition Confluent : Prop := (x: U) (confluent x). Inductive noetherian : U -> Prop := definition_of_noetherian: (x: U) ((y: U) (R x y) -> (noetherian y)) -> (noetherian x). Definition Noetherian : Prop := (x: U) (noetherian x). End Relations_3. Hints Unfold coherent : sets v62. Hints Unfold locally_confluent : sets v62. Hints Unfold confluent : sets v62. Hints Unfold Confluent : sets v62. Hints Resolve definition_of_noetherian : sets v62. Hints Unfold Noetherian : sets v62. (* $Id$ *)