(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ~ R x y. Theorem Rsym_imp_notRsym : forall (U:Type) (R:Relation U), Symmetric U R -> Symmetric U (Complement U R). Proof. unfold Symmetric, Complement in |- *. intros U R H' x y H'0; red in |- *; intro H'1; apply H'0; auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Equiv_from_preorder : forall (U:Type) (R:Relation U), Preorder U R -> Equivalence U (fun x y:U => R x y /\ R y x). Proof. intros U R H'; elim H'; intros H'0 H'1. apply Definition_of_equivalence. red in H'0; auto 10 with sets. 2: red in |- *; intros x y h; elim h; intros H'3 H'4; auto 10 with sets. red in H'1; red in |- *; auto 10 with sets. intros x y z h; elim h; intros H'3 H'4; clear h. intro h; elim h; intros H'5 H'6; clear h. split; apply H'1 with y; auto 10 with sets. Qed. Hint Resolve Equiv_from_preorder. Theorem Equiv_from_order : forall (U:Type) (R:Relation U), Order U R -> Equivalence U (fun x y:U => R x y /\ R y x). Proof. intros U R H'; elim H'; auto 10 with sets. Qed. Hint Resolve Equiv_from_order. Theorem contains_is_preorder : forall U:Type, Preorder (Relation U) (contains U). Proof. auto 10 with sets. Qed. Hint Resolve contains_is_preorder. Theorem same_relation_is_equivalence : forall U:Type, Equivalence (Relation U) (same_relation U). Proof. unfold same_relation at 1 in |- *; auto 10 with sets. Qed. Hint Resolve same_relation_is_equivalence. Theorem cong_reflexive_same_relation : forall (U:Type) (R R':Relation U), same_relation U R R' -> Reflexive U R -> Reflexive U R'. Proof. unfold same_relation in |- *; intuition. Qed. Theorem cong_symmetric_same_relation : forall (U:Type) (R R':Relation U), same_relation U R R' -> Symmetric U R -> Symmetric U R'. Proof. compute in |- *; intros; elim H; intros; clear H; apply (H3 y x (H0 x y (H2 x y H1))). (*Intuition.*) Qed. Theorem cong_antisymmetric_same_relation : forall (U:Type) (R R':Relation U), same_relation U R R' -> Antisymmetric U R -> Antisymmetric U R'. Proof. compute in |- *; intros; elim H; intros; clear H; apply (H0 x y (H3 x y H1) (H3 y x H2)). (*Intuition.*) Qed. Theorem cong_transitive_same_relation : forall (U:Type) (R R':Relation U), same_relation U R R' -> Transitive U R -> Transitive U R'. Proof. intros U R R' H' H'0; red in |- *. elim H'. intros H'1 H'2 x y z H'3 H'4; apply H'2. apply H'0 with y; auto with sets. Qed.