(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (In (Ensemble U) (Power_set A) X). Hints Resolve Definition_of_Power_set. Theorem Empty_set_minimal: (X: (Ensemble U)) (Included U (Empty_set U) X). Intro X; Red. Intros x H'; Elim H'. Qed. Hints Resolve Empty_set_minimal. Theorem Power_set_Inhabited: (X: (Ensemble U)) (Inhabited (Ensemble U) (Power_set X)). Intro X. Apply Inhabited_intro with (Empty_set U); Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Power_set_Inhabited. Theorem Inclusion_is_an_order: (Order (Ensemble U) (Included U)). Auto 6 with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Inclusion_is_an_order. Theorem Inclusion_is_transitive: (Transitive (Ensemble U) (Included U)). Elim Inclusion_is_an_order; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Inclusion_is_transitive. Definition Power_set_PO: (Ensemble U) -> (PO (Ensemble U)). Intro A; Try Assumption. Apply Definition_of_PO with (Power_set A) (Included U); Auto with sets. Defined. Hints Unfold Power_set_PO. Theorem Strict_Rel_is_Strict_Included: (same_relation (Ensemble U) (Strict_Included U) (Strict_Rel_of (Ensemble U) (Power_set_PO (Full_set U)))). Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Strict_Rel_Transitive Strict_Rel_is_Strict_Included. Lemma Strict_inclusion_is_transitive_with_inclusion: (x, y, z:(Ensemble U)) (Strict_Included U x y) -> (Included U y z) -> (Strict_Included U x z). Intros x y z H' H'0; Try Assumption. Elim Strict_Rel_is_Strict_Included. Unfold contains. Intros H'1 H'2; Try Assumption. Apply H'1. Apply Strict_Rel_Transitive_with_Rel with y := y; Auto with sets. Qed. Lemma Strict_inclusion_is_transitive_with_inclusion_left: (x, y, z:(Ensemble U)) (Included U x y) -> (Strict_Included U y z) -> (Strict_Included U x z). Intros x y z H' H'0; Try Assumption. Elim Strict_Rel_is_Strict_Included. Unfold contains. Intros H'1 H'2; Try Assumption. Apply H'1. Apply Strict_Rel_Transitive_with_Rel_left with y := y; Auto with sets. Qed. Lemma Strict_inclusion_is_transitive: (Transitive (Ensemble U) (Strict_Included U)). Apply cong_transitive_same_relation with R := (Strict_Rel_of (Ensemble U) (Power_set_PO (Full_set U))); Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Empty_set_is_Bottom: (A: (Ensemble U)) (Bottom (Ensemble U) (Power_set_PO A) (Empty_set U)). Intro A; Apply Bottom_definition; Simpl; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Empty_set_is_Bottom. Theorem Union_minimal: (a, b, X: (Ensemble U)) (Included U a X) -> (Included U b X) -> (Included U (Union U a b) X). Intros a b X H' H'0; Red. Intros x H'1; Elim H'1; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Union_minimal. Theorem Intersection_maximal: (a, b, X: (Ensemble U)) (Included U X a) -> (Included U X b) -> (Included U X (Intersection U a b)). Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Union_increases_l: (a, b: (Ensemble U)) (Included U a (Union U a b)). Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Union_increases_r: (a, b: (Ensemble U)) (Included U b (Union U a b)). Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Intersection_decreases_l: (a, b: (Ensemble U)) (Included U (Intersection U a b) a). Intros a b; Red. Intros x H'; Elim H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Intersection_decreases_r: (a, b: (Ensemble U)) (Included U (Intersection U a b) b). Intros a b; Red. Intros x H'; Elim H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Union_increases_l Union_increases_r Intersection_decreases_l Intersection_decreases_r. Theorem Union_is_Lub: (A: (Ensemble U)) (a, b: (Ensemble U)) (Included U a A) -> (Included U b A) -> (Lub (Ensemble U) (Power_set_PO A) (Couple (Ensemble U) a b) (Union U a b)). Intros A a b H' H'0. Apply Lub_definition; Simpl. Apply Upper_Bound_definition; Simpl; Auto with sets. Intros y H'1; Elim H'1; Auto with sets. Intros y H'1; Elim H'1; Simpl; Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Intersection_is_Glb: (A: (Ensemble U)) (a, b: (Ensemble U)) (Included U a A) -> (Included U b A) -> (Glb (Ensemble U) (Power_set_PO A) (Couple (Ensemble U) a b) (Intersection U a b)). Intros A a b H' H'0. Apply Glb_definition; Simpl. Apply Lower_Bound_definition; Simpl; Auto with sets. Apply Definition_of_Power_set. Generalize Inclusion_is_transitive; Intro IT; Red in IT; Apply IT with a; Auto with sets. Intros y H'1; Elim H'1; Auto with sets. Intros y H'1; Elim H'1; Simpl; Auto with sets. Qed. End The_power_set_partial_order. Hints Resolve Empty_set_minimal : sets v62. Hints Resolve Power_set_Inhabited : sets v62. Hints Resolve Inclusion_is_an_order : sets v62. Hints Resolve Inclusion_is_transitive : sets v62. Hints Resolve Union_minimal : sets v62. Hints Resolve Union_increases_l : sets v62. Hints Resolve Union_increases_r : sets v62. Hints Resolve Intersection_decreases_l : sets v62. Hints Resolve Intersection_decreases_r : sets v62. Hints Resolve Empty_set_is_Bottom : sets v62. Hints Resolve Strict_inclusion_is_transitive : sets v62.