(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Rel_of p x y /\ x <> y. Inductive covers (y x:U) : Prop := Definition_of_covers : Strict_Rel_of x y -> ~ (exists z : _, Strict_Rel_of x z /\ Strict_Rel_of z y) -> covers y x. End Partial_orders. Hint Unfold Carrier_of Rel_of Strict_Rel_of: sets v62. Hint Resolve Definition_of_covers: sets v62. Section Partial_order_facts. Variable U : Type. Variable D : PO U. Lemma Strict_Rel_Transitive_with_Rel : forall x y z:U, Strict_Rel_of U D x y -> Rel_of U D y z -> Strict_Rel_of U D x z. unfold Strict_Rel_of at 1 in |- *. red in |- *. elim D; simpl in |- *. intros C R H' H'0; elim H'0. intros H'1 H'2 H'3 x y z H'4 H'5; split. apply H'2 with (y := y); tauto. red in |- *; intro H'6. elim H'4; intros H'7 H'8; apply H'8; clear H'4. apply H'3; auto. rewrite H'6; tauto. Qed. Lemma Strict_Rel_Transitive_with_Rel_left : forall x y z:U, Rel_of U D x y -> Strict_Rel_of U D y z -> Strict_Rel_of U D x z. unfold Strict_Rel_of at 1 in |- *. red in |- *. elim D; simpl in |- *. intros C R H' H'0; elim H'0. intros H'1 H'2 H'3 x y z H'4 H'5; split. apply H'2 with (y := y); tauto. red in |- *; intro H'6. elim H'5; intros H'7 H'8; apply H'8; clear H'5. apply H'3; auto. rewrite <- H'6; auto. Qed. Lemma Strict_Rel_Transitive : Transitive U (Strict_Rel_of U D). red in |- *. intros x y z H' H'0. apply Strict_Rel_Transitive_with_Rel with (y := y); [ intuition | unfold Strict_Rel_of in H', H'0; intuition ]. Qed. End Partial_order_facts.