(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* exists m : nat, Upper_Bound nat nat_po X m. Proof. intros X H'; elim H'. exists 0. apply Upper_Bound_definition; auto with sets arith. intros y H'0; elim H'0; auto with sets arith. intros A H'0 H'1 x H'2; try assumption. elim H'1; intros x0 H'3; clear H'1. elim le_total_order. simpl in |- *. intro H'1; try assumption. lapply H'1; [ intro H'4; idtac | try assumption ]; auto with sets arith. generalize (H'4 x0 x). clear H'4. clear H'1. intro H'1; lapply H'1; [ intro H'4; elim H'4; [ intro H'5; try exact H'5; clear H'4 H'1 | intro H'5; clear H'4 H'1 ] | clear H'1 ]. exists x. apply Upper_Bound_definition; auto with sets arith; simpl in |- *. intros y H'1; elim H'1. generalize le_trans. intro H'4; red in H'4. intros x1 H'6; try assumption. apply H'4 with (y := x0); auto with sets arith. elim H'3; simpl in |- *; auto with sets arith. intros x1 H'4; elim H'4; auto with sets arith. exists x0. apply Upper_Bound_definition; auto with sets arith; simpl in |- *. intros y H'1; elim H'1. intros x1 H'4; try assumption. elim H'3; simpl in |- *; auto with sets arith. intros x1 H'4; elim H'4; auto with sets arith. red in |- *. intros x1 H'1; elim H'1; auto with sets arith. Qed. Lemma Integers_has_no_ub : ~ (exists m : nat, Upper_Bound nat nat_po Integers m). Proof. red in |- *; intro H'; elim H'. intros x H'0. elim H'0; intros H'1 H'2. cut (In nat Integers (S x)). intro H'3. specialize 1H'2 with (y := S x); intro H'4; lapply H'4; [ intro H'5; clear H'4 | try assumption; clear H'4 ]. simpl in H'5. absurd (S x <= x); auto with arith. auto with sets arith. Qed. Lemma Integers_infinite : ~ Finite nat Integers. Proof. generalize Integers_has_no_ub. intro H'; red in |- *; intro H'0; try exact H'0. apply H'. apply Finite_subset_has_lub; auto with sets arith. Qed. End Integers_sect.