(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* V]: (Ensemble V) := Im_intro: (x: U) (In ? X x) -> (y: V) y == (f x) -> (In ? (Im X f) y). Lemma Im_def: (X: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (x: U) (In ? X x) -> (In ? (Im X f) (f x)). Proof. Intros X f x H'; Try Assumption. Apply Im_intro with x := x; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Im_def. Lemma Im_add: (X: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) (f: U -> V) (Im (Add ? X x) f) == (Add ? (Im X f) (f x)). Proof. Intros X x f. Apply Extensionality_Ensembles. Split; Red; Intros x0 H'. Elim H'; Intros. Rewrite H0. Elim Add_inv with U X x x1; Auto with sets. Induction 1; Auto with sets. Elim Add_inv with V (Im X f) (f x) x0; Auto with sets. Induction 1; Intros. Rewrite H1; Auto with sets. Induction 1; Auto with sets. Qed. Lemma image_empty: (f: U -> V) (Im (Empty_set U) f) == (Empty_set V). Proof. Intro f; Try Assumption. Apply Extensionality_Ensembles. Split; Auto with sets. Red. Intros x H'; Elim H'. Intros x0 H'0; Elim H'0; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve image_empty. Lemma finite_image: (X: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (Finite ? X) -> (Finite ? (Im X f)). Proof. Intros X f H'; Elim H'. Rewrite (image_empty f); Auto with sets. Intros A H'0 H'1 x H'2; Clear H' X. Rewrite (Im_add A x f); Auto with sets. Apply Add_preserves_Finite; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve finite_image. Lemma Im_inv: (X: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (y: V) (In ? (Im X f) y) -> (exT ? [x: U] (In ? X x) /\ (f x) == y). Proof. Intros X f y H'; Elim H'. Intros x H'0 y0 H'1; Rewrite H'1. Exists x; Auto with sets. Qed. Definition injective := [f: U -> V] (x, y: U) (f x) == (f y) -> x == y. Lemma not_injective_elim: (f: U -> V) ~ (injective f) -> (EXT x | (EXT y | (f x) == (f y) /\ ~ x == y)). Proof. Unfold injective; Intros f H. Cut (EXT x | ~ ((y: U) (f x) == (f y) -> x == y)). 2: Apply not_all_ex_not with P:=[x:U](y: U) (f x) == (f y) -> x == y; Trivial with sets. Induction 1; Intros x C; Exists x. Cut (EXT y | ~((f x)==(f y)->x==y)). 2: Apply not_all_ex_not with P:=[y:U](f x)==(f y)->x==y; Trivial with sets. Induction 1; Intros y D; Exists y. Apply imply_to_and; Trivial with sets. Qed. Lemma cardinal_Im_intro: (A: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (n: nat) (cardinal ? A n) -> (EX p: nat | (cardinal ? (Im A f) p)). Proof. Intros. Apply finite_cardinal; Apply finite_image. Apply cardinal_finite with n; Trivial with sets. Qed. Lemma In_Image_elim: (A: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (injective f) -> (x: U) (In ? (Im A f) (f x)) -> (In ? A x). Proof. Intros. Elim Im_inv with A f (f x); Trivial with sets. Intros z C; Elim C; Intros InAz E. Elim (H z x E); Trivial with sets. Qed. Lemma injective_preserves_cardinal: (A: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (n: nat) (injective f) -> (cardinal ? A n) -> (n': nat) (cardinal ? (Im A f) n') -> n' = n. Proof. Induction 2; Auto with sets. Rewrite (image_empty f). Intros n' CE. Apply cardinal_unicity with V (Empty_set V); Auto with sets. Intros A0 n0 H'0 H'1 x H'2 n'. Rewrite (Im_add A0 x f). Intro H'3. Elim cardinal_Im_intro with A0 f n0; Trivial with sets. Intros i CI. LApply (H'1 i); Trivial with sets. Cut ~ (In ? (Im A0 f) (f x)). Intros. Apply cardinal_unicity with V (Add ? (Im A0 f) (f x)); Trivial with sets. Apply card_add; Auto with sets. Rewrite <- H2; Trivial with sets. Red; Intro; Apply H'2. Apply In_Image_elim with f; Trivial with sets. Qed. Lemma cardinal_decreases: (A: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (n: nat) (cardinal U A n) -> (n': nat) (cardinal V (Im A f) n') -> (le n' n). Proof. Induction 1; Auto with sets. Rewrite (image_empty f); Intros. Cut n' = O. Intro E; Rewrite E; Trivial with sets. Apply cardinal_unicity with V (Empty_set V); Auto with sets. Intros A0 n0 H'0 H'1 x H'2 n'. Rewrite (Im_add A0 x f). Elim cardinal_Im_intro with A0 f n0; Trivial with sets. Intros p C H'3. Apply le_trans with (S p). Apply card_Add_gen with V (Im A0 f) (f x); Trivial with sets. Apply le_n_S; Auto with sets. Qed. Theorem Pigeonhole: (A: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (n: nat) (cardinal U A n) -> (n': nat) (cardinal V (Im A f) n') -> (lt n' n) -> ~ (injective f). Proof. Unfold not; Intros A f n CAn n' CIfn' ltn'n I. Cut n' = n. Intro E; Generalize ltn'n; Rewrite E; Exact (lt_n_n n). Apply injective_preserves_cardinal with A := A f := f n := n; Trivial with sets. Qed. Lemma Pigeonhole_principle: (A: (Ensemble U)) (f: U -> V) (n: nat) (cardinal ? A n) -> (n': nat) (cardinal ? (Im A f) n') -> (lt n' n) -> (EXT x | (EXT y | (f x) == (f y) /\ ~ x == y)). Proof. Intros; Apply not_injective_elim. Apply Pigeonhole with A n n'; Trivial with sets. Qed. End Image. Hints Resolve Im_def image_empty finite_image : sets v62.