(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (Same_set U B C). Proof. Intros B C H'; Rewrite H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Lemma Noone_in_empty: (x: U) ~ (In U (Empty_set U) x). Proof. Red; NewDestruct 1. Qed. Hints Resolve Noone_in_empty. Lemma Included_Empty: (A: (Ensemble U))(Included U (Empty_set U) A). Proof. Intro; Red. Intros x H; Elim (Noone_in_empty x); Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Included_Empty. Lemma Add_intro1: (A: (Ensemble U)) (x, y: U) (In U A y) -> (In U (Add U A x) y). Proof. Unfold 1 Add; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Add_intro1. Lemma Add_intro2: (A: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) (In U (Add U A x) x). Proof. Unfold 1 Add; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Add_intro2. Lemma Inhabited_add: (A: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) (Inhabited U (Add U A x)). Proof. Intros A x. Apply Inhabited_intro with x := x; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Inhabited_add. Lemma Inhabited_not_empty: (X: (Ensemble U)) (Inhabited U X) -> ~ X == (Empty_set U). Proof. Intros X H'; Elim H'. Intros x H'0; Red; Intro H'1. Absurd (In U X x); Auto with sets. Rewrite H'1; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Inhabited_not_empty. Lemma Add_not_Empty : (A: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) ~ (Add U A x) == (Empty_set U). Proof. Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Add_not_Empty. Lemma not_Empty_Add : (A: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) ~ (Empty_set U) == (Add U A x). Proof. Intros; Red; Intro H; Generalize (Add_not_Empty A x); Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve not_Empty_Add. Lemma Singleton_inv: (x, y: U) (In U (Singleton U x) y) -> x == y. Proof. Intros x y H'; Elim H'; Trivial with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Singleton_inv. Lemma Singleton_intro: (x, y: U) x == y -> (In U (Singleton U x) y). Proof. Intros x y H'; Rewrite H'; Trivial with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Singleton_intro. Lemma Union_inv: (B, C: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) (In U (Union U B C) x) -> (In U B x) \/ (In U C x). Proof. Intros B C x H'; Elim H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Lemma Add_inv: (A: (Ensemble U)) (x, y: U) (In U (Add U A x) y) -> (In U A y) \/ x == y. Proof. Intros A x y H'; Elim H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Lemma Intersection_inv: (B, C: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) (In U (Intersection U B C) x) -> (In U B x) /\ (In U C x). Proof. Intros B C x H'; Elim H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Intersection_inv. Lemma Couple_inv: (x, y, z: U) (In U (Couple U x y) z) -> z == x \/ z == y. Proof. Intros x y z H'; Elim H'; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Couple_inv. Lemma Setminus_intro: (A, B: (Ensemble U)) (x: U) (In U A x) -> ~ (In U B x) -> (In U (Setminus U A B) x). Proof. Unfold 1 Setminus; Red; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Setminus_intro. Lemma Strict_Included_intro: (X, Y: (Ensemble U)) (Included U X Y) /\ ~ X == Y -> (Strict_Included U X Y). Proof. Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Strict_Included_intro. Lemma Strict_Included_strict: (X: (Ensemble U)) ~ (Strict_Included U X X). Proof. Intro X; Red; Intro H'; Elim H'. Intros H'0 H'1; Elim H'1; Auto with sets. Qed. Hints Resolve Strict_Included_strict. End Ensembles_facts. Hints Resolve Singleton_inv Singleton_intro Add_intro1 Add_intro2 Intersection_inv Couple_inv Setminus_intro Strict_Included_intro Strict_Included_strict Noone_in_empty Inhabited_not_empty Add_not_Empty not_Empty_Add Inhabited_add Included_Empty : sets v62.