(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* A -> Prop. Variable R: relation. Section General_Properties_of_Relations. Definition reflexive : Prop := (x: A) (R x x). Definition transitive : Prop := (x,y,z: A) (R x y) -> (R y z) -> (R x z). Definition symmetric : Prop := (x,y: A) (R x y) -> (R y x). Definition antisymmetric : Prop := (x,y: A) (R x y) -> (R y x) -> x=y. (* for compatibility with Equivalence in ../PROGRAMS/ALG/ *) Definition equiv := reflexive /\ transitive /\ symmetric. End General_Properties_of_Relations. Section Sets_of_Relations. Record preorder : Prop := { preord_refl : reflexive; preord_trans : transitive }. Record order : Prop := { ord_refl : reflexive; ord_trans : transitive; ord_antisym : antisymmetric }. Record equivalence : Prop := { equiv_refl : reflexive; equiv_trans : transitive; equiv_sym : symmetric }. Record PER : Prop := { per_sym : symmetric; per_trans : transitive }. End Sets_of_Relations. Section Relations_of_Relations. Definition inclusion : relation -> relation -> Prop := [R1,R2: relation] (x,y:A) (R1 x y) -> (R2 x y). Definition same_relation : relation -> relation -> Prop := [R1,R2: relation] (inclusion R1 R2) /\ (inclusion R2 R1). Definition commut : relation -> relation -> Prop := [R1,R2:relation] (x,y:A) (R1 y x) -> (z:A) (R2 z y) -> (EX y':A |(R2 y' x) & (R1 z y')). End Relations_of_Relations. End Relation_Definition. Hints Unfold reflexive transitive antisymmetric symmetric : sets v62. Hints Resolve Build_preorder Build_order Build_equivalence Build_PER preord_refl preord_trans ord_refl ord_trans ord_antisym equiv_refl equiv_trans equiv_sym per_sym per_trans : sets v62. Hints Unfold inclusion same_relation commut : sets v62.