(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Prop] : Prop := (x:R)(D1 x)->(D2 x). Definition disc [x:R;delta:posreal] : R->Prop := [y:R]``(Rabsolu (y-x))Prop;x:R] : Prop := (EXT delta:posreal | (included (disc x delta) V)). Definition open_set [D:R->Prop] : Prop := (x:R) (D x)->(neighbourhood D x). Definition complementary [D:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [c:R]~(D c). Definition closed_set [D:R->Prop] : Prop := (open_set (complementary D)). Definition intersection_domain [D1,D2:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [c:R](D1 c)/\(D2 c). Definition union_domain [D1,D2:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [c:R](D1 c)\/(D2 c). Definition interior [D:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [x:R](neighbourhood D x). Lemma interior_P1 : (D:R->Prop) (included (interior D) D). Intros; Unfold included; Unfold interior; Intros; Unfold neighbourhood in H; Elim H; Intros; Unfold included in H0; Apply H0; Unfold disc; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply (cond_pos x0). Qed. Lemma interior_P2 : (D:R->Prop) (open_set D) -> (included D (interior D)). Intros; Unfold open_set in H; Unfold included; Intros; Assert H1 := (H ? H0); Unfold interior; Apply H1. Qed. Definition point_adherent [D:R->Prop;x:R] : Prop := (V:R->Prop) (neighbourhood V x) -> (EXT y:R | (intersection_domain V D y)). Definition adherence [D:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [x:R](point_adherent D x). Lemma adherence_P1 : (D:R->Prop) (included D (adherence D)). Intro; Unfold included; Intros; Unfold adherence; Unfold point_adherent; Intros; Exists x; Unfold intersection_domain; Split. Unfold neighbourhood in H0; Elim H0; Intros; Unfold included in H1; Apply H1; Unfold disc; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply (cond_pos x0). Apply H. Qed. Lemma included_trans : (D1,D2,D3:R->Prop) (included D1 D2) -> (included D2 D3) -> (included D1 D3). Unfold included; Intros; Apply H0; Apply H; Apply H1. Qed. Lemma interior_P3 : (D:R->Prop) (open_set (interior D)). Intro; Unfold open_set interior; Unfold neighbourhood; Intros; Elim H; Intros. Exists x0; Unfold included; Intros. Pose del := ``x0-(Rabsolu (x-x1))``. Cut ``0Prop) ~(EXT y:R | (intersection_domain D (complementary D) y)). Intro; Red; Intro; Elim H; Intros; Unfold intersection_domain complementary in H0; Elim H0; Intros; Elim H2; Assumption. Qed. Lemma adherence_P2 : (D:R->Prop) (closed_set D) -> (included (adherence D) D). Unfold closed_set; Unfold open_set complementary; Intros; Unfold included adherence; Intros; Assert H1 := (classic (D x)); Elim H1; Intro. Assumption. Assert H3 := (H ? H2); Assert H4 := (H0 ? H3); Elim H4; Intros; Unfold intersection_domain in H5; Elim H5; Intros; Elim H6; Assumption. Qed. Lemma adherence_P3 : (D:R->Prop) (closed_set (adherence D)). Intro; Unfold closed_set adherence; Unfold open_set complementary point_adherent; Intros; Pose P := [V:R->Prop](neighbourhood V x)->(EXT y:R | (intersection_domain V D y)); Assert H0 := (not_all_ex_not ? P H); Elim H0; Intros V0 H1; Unfold P in H1; Assert H2 := (imply_to_and ? ? H1); Unfold neighbourhood; Elim H2; Intros; Unfold neighbourhood in H3; Elim H3; Intros; Exists x0; Unfold included; Intros; Red; Intro. Assert H8 := (H7 V0); Cut (EXT delta:posreal | (x:R)(disc x1 delta x)->(V0 x)). Intro; Assert H10 := (H8 H9); Elim H4; Assumption. Cut ``0Prop] : Prop := (included D1 D2)/\(included D2 D1). Infix "=_D" eq_Dom (at level 5, no associativity). Lemma open_set_P1 : (D:R->Prop) (open_set D) <-> D =_D (interior D). Intro; Split. Intro; Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Apply interior_P2; Assumption. Apply interior_P1. Intro; Unfold eq_Dom in H; Elim H; Clear H; Intros; Unfold open_set; Intros; Unfold included interior in H; Unfold included in H0; Apply (H ? H1). Qed. Lemma closed_set_P1 : (D:R->Prop) (closed_set D) <-> D =_D (adherence D). Intro; Split. Intro; Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Apply adherence_P1. Apply adherence_P2; Assumption. Unfold eq_Dom; Unfold included; Intros; Assert H0 := (adherence_P3 D); Unfold closed_set in H0; Unfold closed_set; Unfold open_set; Unfold open_set in H0; Intros; Assert H2 : (complementary (adherence D) x). Unfold complementary; Unfold complementary in H1; Red; Intro; Elim H; Clear H; Intros _ H; Elim H1; Apply (H ? H2). Assert H3 := (H0 ? H2); Unfold neighbourhood; Unfold neighbourhood in H3; Elim H3; Intros; Exists x0; Unfold included; Unfold included in H4; Intros; Assert H6 := (H4 ? H5); Unfold complementary in H6; Unfold complementary; Red; Intro; Elim H; Clear H; Intros H _; Elim H6; Apply (H ? H7). Qed. Lemma neighbourhood_P1 : (D1,D2:R->Prop;x:R) (included D1 D2) -> (neighbourhood D1 x) -> (neighbourhood D2 x). Unfold included neighbourhood; Intros; Elim H0; Intros; Exists x0; Intros; Unfold included; Unfold included in H1; Intros; Apply (H ? (H1 ? H2)). Qed. Lemma open_set_P2 : (D1,D2:R->Prop) (open_set D1) -> (open_set D2) -> (open_set (union_domain D1 D2)). Unfold open_set; Intros; Unfold union_domain in H1; Elim H1; Intro. Apply neighbourhood_P1 with D1. Unfold included union_domain; Tauto. Apply H; Assumption. Apply neighbourhood_P1 with D2. Unfold included union_domain; Tauto. Apply H0; Assumption. Qed. Lemma open_set_P3 : (D1,D2:R->Prop) (open_set D1) -> (open_set D2) -> (open_set (intersection_domain D1 D2)). Unfold open_set; Intros; Unfold intersection_domain in H1; Elim H1; Intros. Assert H4 := (H ? H2); Assert H5 := (H0 ? H3); Unfold intersection_domain; Unfold neighbourhood in H4 H5; Elim H4; Clear H; Intros del1 H; Elim H5; Clear H0; Intros del2 H0; Cut ``0<(Rmin del1 del2)``. Intro; Pose del := (mkposreal ? H6). Exists del; Unfold included; Intros; Unfold included in H H0; Unfold disc in H H0 H7. Split. Apply H; Apply Rlt_le_trans with (pos del). Apply H7. Unfold del; Simpl; Apply Rmin_l. Apply H0; Apply Rlt_le_trans with (pos del). Apply H7. Unfold del; Simpl; Apply Rmin_r. Unfold Rmin; Case (total_order_Rle del1 del2); Intro. Apply (cond_pos del1). Apply (cond_pos del2). Qed. Lemma open_set_P4 : (open_set [x:R]False). Unfold open_set; Intros; Elim H. Qed. Lemma open_set_P5 : (open_set [x:R]True). Unfold open_set; Intros; Unfold neighbourhood. Exists (mkposreal R1 Rlt_R0_R1); Unfold included; Intros; Trivial. Qed. Lemma disc_P1 : (x:R;del:posreal) (open_set (disc x del)). Intros; Assert H := (open_set_P1 (disc x del)). Elim H; Intros; Apply H1. Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Unfold included interior disc; Intros; Cut ``0R;x:R) (continuity_pt f x) <-> (W:R->Prop)(neighbourhood W (f x)) -> (EXT V:R->Prop | (neighbourhood V x) /\ ((y:R)(V y)->(W (f y)))). Intros; Split. Intros; Unfold neighbourhood in H0. Elim H0; Intros del1 H1. Unfold continuity_pt in H; Unfold continue_in in H; Unfold limit1_in in H; Unfold limit_in in H; Simpl in H; Unfold R_dist in H. Assert H2 := (H del1 (cond_pos del1)). Elim H2; Intros del2 H3. Elim H3; Intros. Exists (disc x (mkposreal del2 H4)). Intros; Unfold included in H1; Split. Unfold neighbourhood disc. Exists (mkposreal del2 H4). Unfold included; Intros; Assumption. Intros; Apply H1; Unfold disc; Case (Req_EM y x); Intro. Rewrite H7; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply (cond_pos del1). Apply H5; Split. Unfold D_x no_cond; Split. Trivial. Apply not_sym; Apply H7. Unfold disc in H6; Apply H6. Intros; Unfold continuity_pt; Unfold continue_in; Unfold limit1_in; Unfold limit_in; Intros. Assert H1 := (H (disc (f x) (mkposreal eps H0))). Cut (neighbourhood (disc (f x) (mkposreal eps H0)) (f x)). Intro; Assert H3 := (H1 H2). Elim H3; Intros D H4; Elim H4; Intros; Unfold neighbourhood in H5; Elim H5; Intros del1 H7. Exists (pos del1); Split. Apply (cond_pos del1). Intros; Elim H8; Intros; Simpl in H10; Unfold R_dist in H10; Simpl; Unfold R_dist; Apply (H6 ? (H7 ? H10)). Unfold neighbourhood disc; Exists (mkposreal eps H0); Unfold included; Intros; Assumption. Qed. Definition image_rec [f:R->R;D:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [x:R](D (f x)). (**********) Lemma continuity_P2 : (f:R->R;D:R->Prop) (continuity f) -> (open_set D) -> (open_set (image_rec f D)). Intros; Unfold open_set in H0; Unfold open_set; Intros; Assert H2 := (continuity_P1 f x); Elim H2; Intros H3 _; Assert H4 := (H3 (H x)); Unfold neighbourhood image_rec; Unfold image_rec in H1; Assert H5 := (H4 D (H0 (f x) H1)); Elim H5; Intros V0 H6; Elim H6; Intros; Unfold neighbourhood in H7; Elim H7; Intros del H9; Exists del; Unfold included in H9; Unfold included; Intros; Apply (H8 ? (H9 ? H10)). Qed. (**********) Lemma continuity_P3 : (f:R->R) (continuity f) <-> (D:R->Prop) (open_set D)->(open_set (image_rec f D)). Intros; Split. Intros; Apply continuity_P2; Assumption. Intros; Unfold continuity; Unfold continuity_pt; Unfold continue_in; Unfold limit1_in; Unfold limit_in; Simpl; Unfold R_dist; Intros; Cut (open_set (disc (f x) (mkposreal ? H0))). Intro; Assert H2 := (H ? H1). Unfold open_set image_rec in H2; Cut (disc (f x) (mkposreal ? H0) (f x)). Intro; Assert H4 := (H2 ? H3). Unfold neighbourhood in H4; Elim H4; Intros del H5. Exists (pos del); Split. Apply (cond_pos del). Intros; Unfold included in H5; Apply H5; Elim H6; Intros; Apply H8. Unfold disc; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply H0. Apply disc_P1. Qed. (**********) Theorem Rsepare : (x,y:R) ``x<>y``->(EXT V:R->Prop | (EXT W:R->Prop | (neighbourhood V x)/\(neighbourhood W y)/\~(EXT y:R | (intersection_domain V W y)))). Intros x y Hsep; Pose D := ``(Rabsolu (x-y))``. Cut ``0Prop; f :> R->R->Prop; cond_fam : (x:R)(EXT y:R|(f x y))->(ind x) }. Definition family_open_set [f:family] : Prop := (x:R) (open_set (f x)). Definition domain_finite [D:R->Prop] : Prop := (EXT l:Rlist | (x:R)(D x)<->(In x l)). Definition family_finite [f:family] : Prop := (domain_finite (ind f)). Definition covering [D:R->Prop;f:family] : Prop := (x:R) (D x)->(EXT y:R | (f y x)). Definition covering_open_set [D:R->Prop;f:family] : Prop := (covering D f)/\(family_open_set f). Definition covering_finite [D:R->Prop;f:family] : Prop := (covering D f)/\(family_finite f). Lemma restriction_family : (f:family;D:R->Prop) (x:R)(EXT y:R|([z1:R][z2:R](f z1 z2)/\(D z1) x y))->(intersection_domain (ind f) D x). Intros; Elim H; Intros; Unfold intersection_domain; Elim H0; Intros; Split. Apply (cond_fam f0); Exists x0; Assumption. Assumption. Qed. Definition subfamily [f:family;D:R->Prop] : family := (mkfamily (intersection_domain (ind f) D) [x:R][y:R](f x y)/\(D x) (restriction_family f D)). Definition compact [X:R->Prop] : Prop := (f:family) (covering_open_set X f) -> (EXT D:R->Prop | (covering_finite X (subfamily f D))). (**********) Lemma family_P1 : (f:family;D:R->Prop) (family_open_set f) -> (family_open_set (subfamily f D)). Unfold family_open_set; Intros; Unfold subfamily; Simpl; Assert H0 := (classic (D x)). Elim H0; Intro. Cut (open_set (f0 x))->(open_set [y:R](f0 x y)/\(D x)). Intro; Apply H2; Apply H. Unfold open_set; Unfold neighbourhood; Intros; Elim H3; Intros; Assert H6 := (H2 ? H4); Elim H6; Intros; Exists x1; Unfold included; Intros; Split. Apply (H7 ? H8). Assumption. Cut (open_set [y:R]False) -> (open_set [y:R](f0 x y)/\(D x)). Intro; Apply H2; Apply open_set_P4. Unfold open_set; Unfold neighbourhood; Intros; Elim H3; Intros; Elim H1; Assumption. Qed. Definition bounded [D:R->Prop] : Prop := (EXT m:R | (EXT M:R | (x:R)(D x)->``m<=x<=M``)). Lemma open_set_P6 : (D1,D2:R->Prop) (open_set D1) -> D1 =_D D2 -> (open_set D2). Unfold open_set; Unfold neighbourhood; Intros. Unfold eq_Dom in H0; Elim H0; Intros. Assert H4 := (H ? (H3 ? H1)). Elim H4; Intros. Exists x0; Apply included_trans with D1; Assumption. Qed. (**********) Lemma compact_P1 : (X:R->Prop) (compact X) -> (bounded X). Intros; Unfold compact in H; Pose D := [x:R]True; Pose g := [x:R][y:R]``(Rabsolu y)True; [Intro | Intro; Trivial]. Pose f0 := (mkfamily D g H0); Assert H1 := (H f0); Cut (covering_open_set X f0). Intro; Assert H3 := (H1 H2); Elim H3; Intros D' H4; Unfold covering_finite in H4; Elim H4; Intros; Unfold family_finite in H6; Unfold domain_finite in H6; Elim H6; Intros l H7; Unfold bounded; Pose r := (MaxRlist l). Exists ``-r``; Exists r; Intros. Unfold covering in H5; Assert H9 := (H5 ? H8); Elim H9; Intros; Unfold subfamily in H10; Simpl in H10; Elim H10; Intros; Assert H13 := (H7 x0); Simpl in H13; Cut (intersection_domain D D' x0). Elim H13; Clear H13; Intros. Assert H16 := (H13 H15); Unfold g in H11; Split. Cut ``x0<=r``. Intro; Cut ``(Rabsolu x)Prop) (compact X) -> (closed_set X). Intros; Assert H0 := (closed_set_P1 X); Elim H0; Clear H0; Intros _ H0; Apply H0; Clear H0. Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Apply adherence_P1. Unfold included; Unfold adherence; Unfold point_adherent; Intros; Unfold compact in H; Assert H1 := (classic (X x)); Elim H1; Clear H1; Intro. Assumption. Cut (y:R)(X y)->``0<(Rabsolu (y-x))/2``. Intro; Pose D := X; Pose g := [y:R][z:R]``(Rabsolu (y-z))<(Rabsolu (y-x))/2``/\(D y); Cut (x:R)(EXT y|(g x y))->(D x). Intro; Pose f0 := (mkfamily D g H3); Assert H4 := (H f0); Cut (covering_open_set X f0). Intro; Assert H6 := (H4 H5); Elim H6; Clear H6; Intros D' H6. Unfold covering_finite in H6; Decompose [and] H6; Unfold covering subfamily in H7; Simpl in H7; Unfold family_finite subfamily in H8; Simpl in H8; Unfold domain_finite in H8; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros l H8; Pose alp := (MinRlist (AbsList l x)); Cut ``0Prop) (compact X1) -> X1 =_D X2 -> (compact X2). Unfold compact; Intros; Unfold eq_Dom in H0; Elim H0; Clear H0; Unfold included; Intros; Assert H3 : (covering_open_set X1 f0). Unfold covering_open_set; Unfold covering_open_set in H1; Elim H1; Clear H1; Intros; Split. Unfold covering in H1; Unfold covering; Intros; Apply (H1 ? (H0 ? H4)). Apply H3. Elim (H ? H3); Intros D H4; Exists D; Unfold covering_finite; Unfold covering_finite in H4; Elim H4; Intros; Split. Unfold covering in H5; Unfold covering; Intros; Apply (H5 ? (H2 ? H7)). Apply H6. Qed. (* Borel-Lebesgue's lemma *) Lemma compact_P3 : (a,b:R) (compact [c:R]``a<=c<=b``). Intros; Case (total_order_Rle a b); Intro. Unfold compact; Intros; Pose A := [x:R]``a<=x<=b``/\(EXT D:R->Prop | (covering_finite [c:R]``a <= c <= x`` (subfamily f0 D))); Cut (A a). Intro; Cut (bound A). Intro; Cut (EXT a0:R | (A a0)). Intro; Assert H3 := (complet A H1 H2); Elim H3; Clear H3; Intros m H3; Unfold is_lub in H3; Cut ``a<=m<=b``. Intro; Unfold covering_open_set in H; Elim H; Clear H; Intros; Unfold covering in H; Assert H6 := (H m H4); Elim H6; Clear H6; Intros y0 H6; Unfold family_open_set in H5; Assert H7 := (H5 y0); Unfold open_set in H7; Assert H8 := (H7 m H6); Unfold neighbourhood in H8; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros eps H8; Cut (EXT x:R | (A x)/\``m-epsProp) (compact X) -> (closed_set F) -> (included F X) -> (compact F). Unfold compact; Intros; Elim (classic (EXT z:R | (F z))); Intro Hyp_F_NE. Pose D := (ind f0); Pose g := (f f0); Unfold closed_set in H0. Pose g' := [x:R][y:R](f0 x y)\/((complementary F y)/\(D x)). Pose D' := D. Cut (x:R)(EXT y:R | (g' x y))->(D' x). Intro; Pose f' := (mkfamily D' g' H3); Cut (covering_open_set X f'). Intro; Elim (H ? H4); Intros DX H5; Exists DX. Unfold covering_finite; Unfold covering_finite in H5; Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros. Split. Unfold covering; Unfold covering in H5; Intros. Elim (H5 ? (H1 ? H7)); Intros y0 H8; Exists y0; Simpl in H8; Simpl; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros. Split. Unfold g' in H8; Elim H8; Intro. Apply H10. Elim H10; Intros H11 _; Unfold complementary in H11; Elim H11; Apply H7. Apply H9. Unfold family_finite; Unfold domain_finite; Unfold family_finite in H6; Unfold domain_finite in H6; Elim H6; Clear H6; Intros l H6; Exists l; Intro; Assert H7 := (H6 x); Elim H7; Clear H7; Intros. Split. Intro; Apply H7; Simpl; Unfold intersection_domain; Simpl in H9; Unfold intersection_domain in H9; Unfold D'; Apply H9. Intro; Assert H10 := (H8 H9); Simpl in H10; Unfold intersection_domain in H10; Simpl; Unfold intersection_domain; Unfold D' in H10; Apply H10. Unfold covering_open_set; Unfold covering_open_set in H2; Elim H2; Clear H2; Intros. Split. Unfold covering; Unfold covering in H2; Intros. Elim (classic (F x)); Intro. Elim (H2 ? H6); Intros y0 H7; Exists y0; Simpl; Unfold g'; Left; Assumption. Cut (EXT z:R | (D z)). Intro; Elim H7; Clear H7; Intros x0 H7; Exists x0; Simpl; Unfold g'; Right. Split. Unfold complementary; Apply H6. Apply H7. Elim Hyp_F_NE; Intros z0 H7. Assert H8 := (H2 ? H7). Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros t H8; Exists t; Apply (cond_fam f0); Exists z0; Apply H8. Unfold family_open_set; Intro; Simpl; Unfold g'; Elim (classic (D x)); Intro. Apply open_set_P6 with (union_domain (f0 x) (complementary F)). Apply open_set_P2. Unfold family_open_set in H4; Apply H4. Apply H0. Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Unfold included union_domain complementary; Intros. Elim H6; Intro; [Left; Apply H7 | Right; Split; Assumption]. Unfold included union_domain complementary; Intros. Elim H6; Intro; [Left; Apply H7 | Right; Elim H7; Intros; Apply H8]. Apply open_set_P6 with (f0 x). Unfold family_open_set in H4; Apply H4. Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Unfold included complementary; Intros; Left; Apply H6. Unfold included complementary; Intros. Elim H6; Intro. Apply H7. Elim H7; Intros _ H8; Elim H5; Apply H8. Intros; Elim H3; Intros y0 H4; Unfold g' in H4; Elim H4; Intro. Apply (cond_fam f0); Exists y0; Apply H5. Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros _ H5; Apply H5. (* Cas ou F est l'ensemble vide *) Cut (compact F). Intro; Apply (H3 f0 H2). Apply compact_eqDom with [_:R]False. Apply compact_EMP. Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Unfold included; Intros; Elim H3. Assert H3 := (not_ex_all_not ? ? Hyp_F_NE); Unfold included; Intros; Elim (H3 x); Apply H4. Qed. (**********) Lemma compact_P5 : (X:R->Prop) (closed_set X)->(bounded X)->(compact X). Intros; Unfold bounded in H0. Elim H0; Clear H0; Intros m H0. Elim H0; Clear H0; Intros M H0. Assert H1 := (compact_P3 m M). Apply (compact_P4 [c:R]``m<=c<=M`` X H1 H H0). Qed. (**********) Lemma compact_carac : (X:R->Prop) (compact X)<->(closed_set X)/\(bounded X). Intro; Split. Intro; Split; [Apply (compact_P2 ? H) | Apply (compact_P1 ? H)]. Intro; Elim H; Clear H; Intros; Apply (compact_P5 ? H H0). Qed. Definition image_dir [f:R->R;D:R->Prop] : R->Prop := [x:R](EXT y:R | x==(f y)/\(D y)). (**********) Lemma continuity_compact : (f:R->R;X:R->Prop) ((x:R)(continuity_pt f x)) -> (compact X) -> (compact (image_dir f X)). Unfold compact; Intros; Unfold covering_open_set in H1. Elim H1; Clear H1; Intros. Pose D := (ind f1). Pose g := [x:R][y:R](image_rec f0 (f1 x) y). Cut (x:R)(EXT y:R | (g x y))->(D x). Intro; Pose f' := (mkfamily D g H3). Cut (covering_open_set X f'). Intro; Elim (H0 f' H4); Intros D' H5; Exists D'. Unfold covering_finite in H5; Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros; Unfold covering_finite; Split. Unfold covering image_dir; Simpl; Unfold covering in H5; Intros; Elim H7; Intros y H8; Elim H8; Intros; Assert H11 := (H5 ? H10); Simpl in H11; Elim H11; Intros z H12; Exists z; Unfold g in H12; Unfold image_rec in H12; Rewrite H9; Apply H12. Unfold family_finite in H6; Unfold domain_finite in H6; Unfold family_finite; Unfold domain_finite; Elim H6; Intros l H7; Exists l; Intro; Elim (H7 x); Intros; Split; Intro. Apply H8; Simpl in H10; Simpl; Apply H10. Apply (H9 H10). Unfold covering_open_set; Split. Unfold covering; Intros; Simpl; Unfold covering in H1; Unfold image_dir in H1; Unfold g; Unfold image_rec; Apply H1. Exists x; Split; [Reflexivity | Apply H4]. Unfold family_open_set; Unfold family_open_set in H2; Intro; Simpl; Unfold g; Cut ([y:R](image_rec f0 (f1 x) y))==(image_rec f0 (f1 x)). Intro; Rewrite H4. Apply (continuity_P2 f0 (f1 x) H (H2 x)). Reflexivity. Intros; Apply (cond_fam f1); Unfold g in H3; Unfold image_rec in H3; Elim H3; Intros; Exists (f0 x0); Apply H4. Qed. Lemma Rlt_Rminus : (a,b:R) ``a ``0R;a,b:R) ``a<=b`` -> ((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->(continuity_pt f c)) -> (EXT g:R->R | (continuity g)/\((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->(g c)==(f c))). Intros; Elim H; Intro. Pose h := [x:R](Cases (total_order_Rle x a) of (leftT _) => (f0 a) | (rightT _) => (Cases (total_order_Rle x b) of (leftT _) => (f0 x) | (rightT _) => (f0 b) end) end). Assert H2 : ``0R;a,b:R) ``a<=b`` -> ((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->(continuity_pt f c)) -> (EXT Mx : R | ((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->``(f c)<=(f Mx)``)/\``a<=Mx<=b``). Intros; Cut (EXT g:R->R | (continuity g)/\((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->(g c)==(f0 c))). Intro HypProl. Elim HypProl; Intros g Hcont_eq. Elim Hcont_eq; Clear Hcont_eq; Intros Hcont Heq. Assert H1 := (compact_P3 a b). Assert H2 := (continuity_compact g [c:R]``a<=c<=b`` Hcont H1). Assert H3 := (compact_P2 ? H2). Assert H4 := (compact_P1 ? H2). Cut (bound (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``)). Cut (ExT [x:R] ((image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) x)). Intros; Assert H7 := (complet ? H6 H5). Elim H7; Clear H7; Intros M H7; Cut (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b`` M). Intro; Unfold image_dir in H8; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros Mxx H8; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros; Exists Mxx; Split. Intros; Rewrite <- (Heq c H10); Rewrite <- (Heq Mxx H9); Intros; Rewrite <- H8; Unfold is_lub in H7; Elim H7; Clear H7; Intros H7 _; Unfold is_upper_bound in H7; Apply H7; Unfold image_dir; Exists c; Split; [Reflexivity | Apply H10]. Apply H9. Elim (classic (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b`` M)); Intro. Assumption. Cut (EXT eps:posreal | (y:R)~(intersection_domain (disc M eps) (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) y)). Intro; Elim H9; Clear H9; Intros eps H9; Unfold is_lub in H7; Elim H7; Clear H7; Intros; Cut (is_upper_bound (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) ``M-eps``). Intro; Assert H12 := (H10 ? H11); Cut ``M-epsProp | (neighbourhood V M)/\((y:R)~(intersection_domain V (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) y))). Intro; Elim H9; Intros V H10; Elim H10; Clear H10; Intros. Unfold neighbourhood in H10; Elim H10; Intros del H12; Exists del; Intros; Red; Intro; Elim (H11 y). Unfold intersection_domain; Unfold intersection_domain in H13; Elim H13; Clear H13; Intros; Split. Apply (H12 ? H13). Apply H14. Cut ~(point_adherent (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) M). Intro; Unfold point_adherent in H9. Assert H10 := (not_all_ex_not ? [V:R->Prop](neighbourhood V M) ->(EXT y:R | (intersection_domain V (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) y)) H9). Elim H10; Intros V0 H11; Exists V0; Assert H12 := (imply_to_and ? ? H11); Elim H12; Clear H12; Intros. Split. Apply H12. Apply (not_ex_all_not ? ? H13). Red; Intro; Cut (adherence (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``) M). Intro; Elim (closed_set_P1 (image_dir g [c:R]``a <= c <= b``)); Intros H11 _; Assert H12 := (H11 H3). Elim H8. Unfold eq_Dom in H12; Elim H12; Clear H12; Intros. Apply (H13 ? H10). Apply H9. Exists (g a); Unfold image_dir; Exists a; Split. Reflexivity. Split; [Right; Reflexivity | Apply H]. Unfold bound; Unfold bounded in H4; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros m H4; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros M H4; Exists M; Unfold is_upper_bound; Intros; Elim (H4 ? H5); Intros _ H6; Apply H6. Apply prolongement_C0; Assumption. Qed. (**********) Lemma continuity_ab_min : (f:(R->R); a,b:R) ``a <= b``->((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->(continuity_pt f c))->(EXT mx:R | ((c:R)``a <= c <= b``->``(f mx) <= (f c)``)/\``a <= mx <= b``). Intros. Cut ((c:R)``a<=c<=b``->(continuity_pt (opp_fct f0) c)). Intro; Assert H2 := (continuity_ab_maj (opp_fct f0) a b H H1); Elim H2; Intros x0 H3; Exists x0; Intros; Split. Intros; Rewrite <- (Ropp_Ropp (f0 x0)); Rewrite <- (Ropp_Ropp (f0 c)); Apply Rle_Ropp1; Elim H3; Intros; Unfold opp_fct in H5; Apply H5; Apply H4. Elim H3; Intros; Assumption. Intros. Assert H2 := (H0 ? H1). Apply (continuity_pt_opp ? ? H2). Qed. (********************************************************) (* Proof of Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem *) (********************************************************) Definition ValAdh [un:nat->R;x:R] : Prop := (V:R->Prop;N:nat) (neighbourhood V x) -> (EX p:nat | (le N p)/\(V (un p))). Definition intersection_family [f:family] : R->Prop := [x:R](y:R)(ind f y)->(f y x). Lemma ValAdh_un_exists : (un:nat->R) let D=[x:R](EX n:nat | x==(INR n)) in let f=[x:R](adherence [y:R](EX p:nat | y==(un p)/\``x<=(INR p)``)/\(D x)) in ((x:R)(EXT y:R | (f x y))->(D x)). Intros; Elim H; Intros; Unfold f in H0; Unfold adherence in H0; Unfold point_adherent in H0; Assert H1 : (neighbourhood (disc x0 (mkposreal ? Rlt_R0_R1)) x0). Unfold neighbourhood disc; Exists (mkposreal ? Rlt_R0_R1); Unfold included; Trivial. Elim (H0 ? H1); Intros; Unfold intersection_domain in H2; Elim H2; Intros; Elim H4; Intros; Apply H6. Qed. Definition ValAdh_un [un:nat->R] : R->Prop := let D=[x:R](EX n:nat | x==(INR n)) in let f=[x:R](adherence [y:R](EX p:nat | y==(un p)/\``x<=(INR p)``)/\(D x)) in (intersection_family (mkfamily D f (ValAdh_un_exists un))). Lemma ValAdh_un_prop : (un:nat->R;x:R) (ValAdh un x) <-> (ValAdh_un un x). Intros; Split; Intro. Unfold ValAdh in H; Unfold ValAdh_un; Unfold intersection_family; Simpl; Intros; Elim H0; Intros N H1; Unfold adherence; Unfold point_adherent; Intros; Elim (H V N H2); Intros; Exists (un x0); Unfold intersection_domain; Elim H3; Clear H3; Intros; Split. Assumption. Split. Exists x0; Split; [Reflexivity | Rewrite H1; Apply (le_INR ? ? H3)]. Exists N; Assumption. Unfold ValAdh; Intros; Unfold ValAdh_un in H; Unfold intersection_family in H; Simpl in H; Assert H1 : (adherence [y0:R](EX p:nat | ``y0 == (un p)``/\``(INR N) <= (INR p)``)/\(EX n:nat | ``(INR N) == (INR n)``) x). Apply H; Exists N; Reflexivity. Unfold adherence in H1; Unfold point_adherent in H1; Assert H2 := (H1 ? H0); Elim H2; Intros; Unfold intersection_domain in H3; Elim H3; Clear H3; Intros; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Exists x1; Split. Apply (INR_le ? ? H6). Rewrite H4 in H3; Apply H3. Qed. Lemma adherence_P4 : (F,G:R->Prop) (included F G) -> (included (adherence F) (adherence G)). Unfold adherence included; Unfold point_adherent; Intros; Elim (H0 ? H1); Unfold intersection_domain; Intros; Elim H2; Clear H2; Intros; Exists x0; Split; [Assumption | Apply (H ? H3)]. Qed. Definition family_closed_set [f:family] : Prop := (x:R) (closed_set (f x)). Definition intersection_vide_in [D:R->Prop;f:family] : Prop := ((x:R)((ind f x)->(included (f x) D))/\~(EXT y:R | (intersection_family f y))). Definition intersection_vide_finite_in [D:R->Prop;f:family] : Prop := (intersection_vide_in D f)/\(family_finite f). (**********) Lemma compact_P6 : (X:R->Prop) (compact X) -> (EXT z:R | (X z)) -> ((g:family) (family_closed_set g) -> (intersection_vide_in X g) -> (EXT D:R->Prop | (intersection_vide_finite_in X (subfamily g D)))). Intros X H Hyp g H0 H1. Pose D' := (ind g). Pose f' := [x:R][y:R](complementary (g x) y)/\(D' x). Assert H2 : (x:R)(EXT y:R|(f' x y))->(D' x). Intros; Elim H2; Intros; Unfold f' in H3; Elim H3; Intros; Assumption. Pose f0 := (mkfamily D' f' H2). Unfold compact in H; Assert H3 : (covering_open_set X f0). Unfold covering_open_set; Split. Unfold covering; Intros; Unfold intersection_vide_in in H1; Elim (H1 x); Intros; Unfold intersection_family in H5; Assert H6 := (not_ex_all_not ? [y:R](y0:R)(ind g y0)->(g y0 y) H5 x); Assert H7 := (not_all_ex_not ? [y0:R](ind g y0)->(g y0 x) H6); Elim H7; Intros; Exists x0; Elim (imply_to_and ? ? H8); Intros; Unfold f0; Simpl; Unfold f'; Split; [Apply H10 | Apply H9]. Unfold family_open_set; Intro; Elim (classic (D' x)); Intro. Apply open_set_P6 with (complementary (g x)). Unfold family_closed_set in H0; Unfold closed_set in H0; Apply H0. Unfold f0; Simpl; Unfold f'; Unfold eq_Dom; Split. Unfold included; Intros; Split; [Apply H4 | Apply H3]. Unfold included; Intros; Elim H4; Intros; Assumption. Apply open_set_P6 with [_:R]False. Apply open_set_P4. Unfold eq_Dom; Unfold included; Split; Intros; [Elim H4 | Simpl in H4; Unfold f' in H4; Elim H4; Intros; Elim H3; Assumption]. Elim (H ? H3); Intros SF H4; Exists SF; Unfold intersection_vide_finite_in; Split. Unfold intersection_vide_in; Simpl; Intros; Split. Intros; Unfold included; Intros; Unfold intersection_vide_in in H1; Elim (H1 x); Intros; Elim H6; Intros; Apply H7. Unfold intersection_domain in H5; Elim H5; Intros; Assumption. Assumption. Elim (classic (EXT y:R | (intersection_domain (ind g) SF y))); Intro Hyp'. Red; Intro; Elim H5; Intros; Unfold intersection_family in H6; Simpl in H6. Cut (X x0). Intro; Unfold covering_finite in H4; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros H4 _; Unfold covering in H4; Elim (H4 x0 H7); Intros; Simpl in H8; Unfold intersection_domain in H6; Cut (ind g x1)/\(SF x1). Intro; Assert H10 := (H6 x1 H9); Elim H10; Clear H10; Intros H10 _; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros H8 _; Unfold f' in H8; Unfold complementary in H8; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros H8 _; Elim H8; Assumption. Split. Apply (cond_fam f0). Exists x0; Elim H8; Intros; Assumption. Elim H8; Intros; Assumption. Unfold intersection_vide_in in H1; Elim Hyp'; Intros; Assert H8 := (H6 ? H7); Elim H8; Intros; Cut (ind g x1). Intro; Elim (H1 x1); Intros; Apply H12. Apply H11. Apply H9. Apply (cond_fam g); Exists x0; Assumption. Unfold covering_finite in H4; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros H4 _; Cut (EXT z:R | (X z)). Intro; Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros; Unfold covering in H4; Elim (H4 x0 H5); Intros; Simpl in H6; Elim Hyp'; Exists x1; Elim H6; Intros; Unfold intersection_domain; Split. Apply (cond_fam f0); Exists x0; Apply H7. Apply H8. Apply Hyp. Unfold covering_finite in H4; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Unfold family_finite in H5; Unfold domain_finite in H5; Unfold family_finite; Unfold domain_finite; Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros l H5; Exists l; Intro; Elim (H5 x); Intros; Split; Intro; [Apply H6; Simpl; Simpl in H8; Apply H8 | Apply (H7 H8)]. Qed. Theorem Bolzano_Weierstrass : (un:nat->R;X:R->Prop) (compact X) -> ((n:nat)(X (un n))) -> (EXT l:R | (ValAdh un l)). Intros; Cut (EXT l:R | (ValAdh_un un l)). Intro; Elim H1; Intros; Exists x; Elim (ValAdh_un_prop un x); Intros; Apply (H4 H2). Assert H1 : (EXT z:R | (X z)). Exists (un O); Apply H0. Pose D:=[x:R](EX n:nat | x==(INR n)). Pose g:=[x:R](adherence [y:R](EX p:nat | y==(un p)/\``x<=(INR p)``)/\(D x)). Assert H2 : (x:R)(EXT y:R | (g x y))->(D x). Intros; Elim H2; Intros; Unfold g in H3; Unfold adherence in H3; Unfold point_adherent in H3. Assert H4 : (neighbourhood (disc x0 (mkposreal ? Rlt_R0_R1)) x0). Unfold neighbourhood; Exists (mkposreal ? Rlt_R0_R1); Unfold included; Trivial. Elim (H3 ? H4); Intros; Unfold intersection_domain in H5; Decompose [and] H5; Assumption. Pose f0 := (mkfamily D g H2). Assert H3 := (compact_P6 X H H1 f0). Elim (classic (EXT l:R | (ValAdh_un un l))); Intro. Assumption. Cut (family_closed_set f0). Intro; Cut (intersection_vide_in X f0). Intro; Assert H7 := (H3 H5 H6). Elim H7; Intros SF H8; Unfold intersection_vide_finite_in in H8; Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros; Unfold intersection_vide_in in H8; Elim (H8 R0); Intros _ H10; Elim H10; Unfold family_finite in H9; Unfold domain_finite in H9; Elim H9; Clear H9; Intros l H9; Pose r := (MaxRlist l); Cut (D r). Intro; Unfold D in H11; Elim H11; Intros; Exists (un x); Unfold intersection_family; Simpl; Unfold intersection_domain; Intros; Split. Unfold g; Apply adherence_P1; Split. Exists x; Split; [Reflexivity | Rewrite <- H12; Unfold r; Apply MaxRlist_P1; Elim (H9 y); Intros; Apply H14; Simpl; Apply H13]. Elim H13; Intros; Assumption. Elim H13; Intros; Assumption. Elim (H9 r); Intros. Simpl in H12; Unfold intersection_domain in H12; Cut (In r l). Intro; Elim (H12 H13); Intros; Assumption. Unfold r; Apply MaxRlist_P2; Cut (EXT z:R | (intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z)). Intro; Elim H13; Intros; Elim (H9 x); Intros; Simpl in H15; Assert H17 := (H15 H14); Exists x; Apply H17. Elim (classic (EXT z:R | (intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z))); Intro. Assumption. Elim (H8 R0); Intros _ H14; Elim H1; Intros; Assert H16 := (not_ex_all_not ? [y:R](intersection_family (subfamily f0 SF) y) H14); Assert H17 := (not_ex_all_not ? [z:R](intersection_domain (ind f0) SF z) H13); Assert H18 := (H16 x); Unfold intersection_family in H18; Simpl in H18; Assert H19 := (not_all_ex_not ? [y:R](intersection_domain D SF y)->(g y x)/\(SF y) H18); Elim H19; Intros; Assert H21 := (imply_to_and ? ? H20); Elim (H17 x0); Elim H21; Intros; Assumption. Unfold intersection_vide_in; Intros; Split. Intro; Simpl in H6; Unfold f0; Simpl; Unfold g; Apply included_trans with (adherence X). Apply adherence_P4. Unfold included; Intros; Elim H7; Intros; Elim H8; Intros; Elim H10; Intros; Rewrite H11; Apply H0. Apply adherence_P2; Apply compact_P2; Assumption. Apply H4. Unfold family_closed_set; Unfold f0; Simpl; Unfold g; Intro; Apply adherence_P3. Qed. (********************************************************) (* Proof of Heine's theorem *) (********************************************************) Definition uniform_continuity [f:R->R;X:R->Prop] : Prop := (eps:posreal)(EXT delta:posreal | (x,y:R) (X x)->(X y)->``(Rabsolu (x-y))``(Rabsolu ((f x)-(f y)))Prop;x,y:R) (is_lub E x) -> (is_lub E y) -> x==y. Unfold is_lub; Intros; Elim H; Elim H0; Intros; Apply Rle_antisym; [Apply (H4 ? H1) | Apply (H2 ? H3)]. Qed. Lemma domain_P1 : (X:R->Prop) ~(EXT y:R | (X y))\/(EXT y:R | (X y)/\((x:R)(X x)->x==y))\/(EXT x:R | (EXT y:R | (X x)/\(X y)/\``x<>y``)). Intro; Elim (classic (EXT y:R | (X y))); Intro. Right; Elim H; Intros; Elim (classic (EXT y:R | (X y)/\``y<>x``)); Intro. Right; Elim H1; Intros; Elim H2; Intros; Exists x; Exists x0; Intros. Split; [Assumption | Split; [Assumption | Apply not_sym; Assumption]]. Left; Exists x; Split. Assumption. Intros; Case (Req_EM x0 x); Intro. Assumption. Elim H1; Exists x0; Split; Assumption. Left; Assumption. Qed. Theorem Heine : (f:R->R;X:R->Prop) (compact X) -> ((x:R)(X x)->(continuity_pt f x)) -> (uniform_continuity f X). Intros f0 X H0 H; Elim (domain_P1 X); Intro Hyp. (* X est vide *) Unfold uniform_continuity; Intros; Exists (mkposreal ? Rlt_R0_R1); Intros; Elim Hyp; Exists x; Assumption. Elim Hyp; Clear Hyp; Intro Hyp. (* X possède un seul élément *) Unfold uniform_continuity; Intros; Exists (mkposreal ? Rlt_R0_R1); Intros; Elim Hyp; Clear Hyp; Intros; Elim H4; Clear H4; Intros; Assert H6 := (H5 ? H1); Assert H7 := (H5 ? H2); Rewrite H6; Rewrite H7; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply (cond_pos eps). (* X possède au moins deux éléments distincts *) Assert X_enc : (EXT m:R | (EXT M:R | ((x:R)(X x)->``m<=x<=M``)/\``m``(Rabsolu ((f0 z)-(f0 x)))``(Rabsolu ((f0 z)-(f0 x)))(X x). Intros; Elim H2; Intros; Unfold g in H3; Elim H3; Clear H3; Intros H3 _; Apply H3. Pose f' := (mkfamily X g H2); Unfold compact in H0; Assert H3 : (covering_open_set X f'). Unfold covering_open_set; Split. Unfold covering; Intros; Exists x; Simpl; Unfold g; Split. Assumption. Assert H4 := (H ? H3); Unfold continuity_pt in H4; Unfold continue_in in H4; Unfold limit1_in in H4; Unfold limit_in in H4; Simpl in H4; Unfold R_dist in H4; Elim (H4 ``eps/2`` (H1 eps)); Intros; Pose E:=[zeta:R]``0``(Rabsolu ((f0 z)-(f0 x))) < eps/2``); Assert H6 : (bound E). Unfold bound; Exists ``M-m``; Unfold is_upper_bound; Unfold E; Intros; Elim H6; Clear H6; Intros H6 _; Elim H6; Clear H6; Intros _ H6; Apply H6. Assert H7 : (EXT x:R | (E x)). Elim H5; Clear H5; Intros; Exists (Rmin x0 ``M-m``); Unfold E; Intros; Split. Split. Unfold Rmin; Case (total_order_Rle x0 ``M-m``); Intro. Apply H5. Apply Rlt_Rminus; Apply Hyp. Apply Rmin_r. Intros; Case (Req_EM x z); Intro. Rewrite H9; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply (H1 eps). Apply H7; Split. Unfold D_x no_cond; Split; [Trivial | Assumption]. Apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 ``M-m``); [Apply H8 | Apply Rmin_l]. Assert H8 := (complet ? H6 H7); Elim H8; Clear H8; Intros; Cut ``0(EXT del:R | ``0``(Rabsolu ((f0 z)-(f0 x))) < eps/2``)/\(included (g x) [z:R]``(Rabsolu (z-x))``(Rabsolu ((f0 z)-(f0 x))) < eps/2``)/\(included (g x) [z:R]``(Rabsolu (z-x))``(Rabsolu ((f0 z)-(f0 x))) < eps/2``); Assert H11 : (bound E). Unfold bound; Exists ``M-m``; Unfold is_upper_bound; Unfold E; Intros; Elim H11; Clear H11; Intros H11 _; Elim H11; Clear H11; Intros _ H11; Apply H11. Assert H12 : (EXT x:R | (E x)). Assert H13 := (H ? H9); Unfold continuity_pt in H13; Unfold continue_in in H13; Unfold limit1_in in H13; Unfold limit_in in H13; Simpl in H13; Unfold R_dist in H13; Elim (H13 ? (H1 eps)); Intros; Elim H12; Clear H12; Intros; Exists (Rmin x0 ``M-m``); Unfold E; Intros; Split. Split; [Unfold Rmin; Case (total_order_Rle x0 ``M-m``); Intro; [Apply H12 | Apply Rlt_Rminus; Apply Hyp] | Apply Rmin_r]. Intros; Case (Req_EM x z); Intro. Rewrite H16; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_r; Rewrite Rabsolu_R0; Apply (H1 eps). Apply H14; Split; [Unfold D_x no_cond; Split; [Trivial | Assumption] | Apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin x0 ``M-m``); [Apply H15 | Apply Rmin_l]]. Assert H13 := (complet ? H11 H12); Elim H13; Clear H13; Intros; Cut ``0