(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* R->R. Parameter Rmult:R->R->R. Parameter Ropp:R->R. Parameter Rinv:R->R. Parameter Rlt:R->R->Prop. Parameter up:R->Z. V8Infix "+" Rplus : R_scope. V8Infix "*" Rmult : R_scope. V8Notation "- x" := (Ropp x) : R_scope. V8Notation "/ x" := (Rinv x) : R_scope. V8Infix "<" Rlt : R_scope. (*i*******************************************************i*) (**********) Definition Rgt:R->R->Prop:=[r1,r2:R](Rlt r2 r1). (**********) Definition Rle:R->R->Prop:=[r1,r2:R]((Rlt r1 r2)\/(r1==r2)). (**********) Definition Rge:R->R->Prop:=[r1,r2:R]((Rgt r1 r2)\/(r1==r2)). (**********) Definition Rminus:R->R->R:=[r1,r2:R](Rplus r1 (Ropp r2)). (**********) Definition Rdiv:R->R->R:=[r1,r2:R](Rmult r1 (Rinv r2)). V8Infix "-" Rminus : R_scope. V8Infix "/" Rdiv : R_scope. V8Infix "<=" Rle : R_scope. V8Infix ">=" Rge : R_scope. V8Infix ">" Rgt : R_scope. V8Notation "x <= y <= z" := (Rle x y)/\(Rle y z) : R_scope. V8Notation "x <= y < z" := (Rle x y)/\(Rlt y z) : R_scope. V8Notation "x < y < z" := (Rlt x y)/\(Rlt y z) : R_scope. V8Notation "x < y <= z" := (Rlt x y)/\(Rle y z) : R_scope. Hints Unfold Rgt : real.