(* $Id$ *) (*********************************************************) (* Complements for the real numbers *) (* *) (*********************************************************) Require Export R_Ifp. (*******************************) (* Rmin *) (*******************************) (*********) Definition Rmin :R->R->R:=[x,y:R] Cases (total_order_Rle x y) of (leftT _) => x | (rightT _) => y end. (*********) Lemma Rmin_Rgt:(r1,r2,r:R)(Rgt (Rmin r1 r2) r)<-> ((Rgt r1 r)/\(Rgt r2 r)). Intros;Split. Unfold Rmin;Case (total_order_Rle r1 r2);Intros. Split;Auto. Unfold Rgt in H;Unfold Rgt;Apply (Rlt_le_trans r r1 r2 H r0). Split;Auto. Generalize (not_Rle r1 r2 n);Intro;Clear n; Apply (Rgt_trans r1 r2 r H0 H). Intro;Elim H;Intros;Clear H;Unfold Rmin;Case (total_order_Rle r1 r2); Intros;Auto. Save. (*******************************) (* Rabsolu *) (*******************************) (*********) Lemma case_Rabsolu:(r:R)(sumboolT (Rlt r R0) (Rge r R0)). Intro;Generalize (total_order_Rle R0 r);Intro;Elim X;Intro;Clear X. Right;Apply (Rle_sym1 R0 r y). Left;Fold (Rgt R0 r);Apply (not_Rle R0 r y). Save. (*********) Definition Rabsolu:R->R:= [r:R](Cases (case_Rabsolu r) of (leftT _) => (Ropp r) |(rightT _) => r end). (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_R0:(Rabsolu R0)==R0. Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu R0);Auto;Intro. Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_no_R0:(r:R)~r==R0->~(Rabsolu r)==R0. Intros;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu r);Intro;Auto. Apply Ropp_neq;Auto. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_pos:(x:R)(Rle R0 (Rabsolu x)). Intros;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu x);Intro. Generalize (Rlt_Ropp x R0 r);Intro;Unfold Rgt in H; Rewrite Ropp_O in H;Unfold Rle;Left;Assumption. Apply Rle_sym2;Assumption. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_pos_lt:(x:R)(~x==R0)->(Rlt R0 (Rabsolu x)). Intros;Generalize (Rabsolu_pos x);Intro;Unfold Rle in H0; Elim H0;Intro;Auto. ElimType False;Clear H0;Elim H;Clear H;Generalize H1; Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu x);Intros;Auto. Clear r H1; Generalize (Rplus_plus_r x R0 (Ropp x) H0); Rewrite (let (H1,H2)=(Rplus_ne x) in H1);Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r x);Trivial. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_minus_sym:(x,y:R) (Rabsolu (Rminus x y))==(Rabsolu (Rminus y x)). Intros;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu (Rminus x y)); Case (case_Rabsolu (Rminus y x));Intros. Generalize (Rminus_lt y x r);Generalize (Rminus_lt x y r0);Intros; Generalize (Rlt_antisym x y H);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 x y);Trivial. Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 y x);Trivial. Unfold Rge in r r0;Elim r;Elim r0;Intros;Clear r r0. Generalize (Rgt_RoppO (Rminus x y) H);Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 x y); Intro;Unfold Rgt in H0;Generalize (Rlt_antisym R0 (Rminus y x) H0); Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite (Rminus_eq x y H);Trivial. Rewrite (Rminus_eq y x H0);Trivial. Rewrite (Rminus_eq y x H0);Trivial. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_mult:(x,y:R) (Rabsolu (Rmult x y))==(Rmult (Rabsolu x) (Rabsolu y)). Intros;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu (Rmult x y)); Case (case_Rabsolu x);Case (case_Rabsolu y);Intros;Auto. Generalize (Rlt_anti_monotony y x R0 r r0);Intro; Rewrite (Rmult_Or y) in H;Generalize (Rlt_antisym (Rmult x y) R0 r1); Intro;Unfold Rgt in H;ElimType False;Rewrite (Rmult_sym y x) in H; Auto. Rewrite (Ropp_mul1 x y);Trivial. Rewrite (Rmult_sym x (Ropp y));Rewrite (Ropp_mul1 y x); Rewrite (Rmult_sym x y);Trivial. Unfold Rge in r r0;Elim r;Elim r0;Clear r r0;Intros;Unfold Rgt in H H0. Generalize (Rlt_monotony x R0 y H H0);Intro;Rewrite (Rmult_Or x) in H1; Generalize (Rlt_antisym (Rmult x y) R0 r1);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite H in r1;Rewrite (Rmult_Ol y) in r1;Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0); Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite H0 in r1;Rewrite (Rmult_Or x) in r1;Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0); Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite H0 in r1;Rewrite (Rmult_Or x) in r1;Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0); Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite (Ropp_mul2 x y);Trivial. Unfold Rge in r r1;Elim r;Elim r1;Clear r r1;Intros;Unfold Rgt in H0 H. Generalize (Rlt_monotony y x R0 H0 r0);Intro;Rewrite (Rmult_Or y) in H1; Rewrite (Rmult_sym y x) in H1; Generalize (Rlt_antisym (Rmult x y) R0 H1);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Generalize (imp_not_Req x R0 (or_introl (Rlt x R0) (Rgt x R0) r0)); Generalize (imp_not_Req y R0 (or_intror (Rlt y R0) (Rgt y R0) H0));Intros; Generalize (without_div_Od x y H);Intro;Elim H3;Intro;ElimType False; Auto. Rewrite H0 in H;Rewrite (Rmult_Or x) in H;Unfold Rgt in H; Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite H0;Rewrite (Rmult_Or x);Rewrite (Rmult_Or (Ropp x));Trivial. Unfold Rge in r0 r1;Elim r0;Elim r1;Clear r0 r1;Intros;Unfold Rgt in H0 H. Generalize (Rlt_monotony x y R0 H0 r);Intro;Rewrite (Rmult_Or x) in H1; Generalize (Rlt_antisym (Rmult x y) R0 H1);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Generalize (imp_not_Req y R0 (or_introl (Rlt y R0) (Rgt y R0) r)); Generalize (imp_not_Req R0 x (or_introl (Rlt R0 x) (Rgt R0 x) H0));Intros; Generalize (without_div_Od x y H);Intro;Elim H3;Intro;ElimType False; Auto. Rewrite H0 in H;Rewrite (Rmult_Ol y) in H;Unfold Rgt in H; Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0);Intro;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite H0;Rewrite (Rmult_Ol y);Rewrite (Rmult_Ol (Ropp y));Trivial. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_Rinv:(r:R)(~r==R0)->(Rabsolu (Rinv r))== (Rinv (Rabsolu r)). Intro;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu r); Case (case_Rabsolu (Rinv r));Auto;Intros. Apply Ropp_Rinv;Auto. Generalize (Rlt_Rinv2 r r1);Intro;Unfold Rge in r0;Elim r0;Intros. Unfold Rgt in H1;Generalize (Rlt_antisym R0 (Rinv r) H1);Intro; ElimType False;Auto. Generalize (imp_not_Req (Rinv r) R0 (or_introl (Rlt (Rinv r) R0) (Rgt (Rinv r) R0) H0));Intro; ElimType False;Auto. Unfold Rge in r1;Elim r1;Clear r1;Intro. Unfold Rgt in H0;Generalize (Rlt_antisym R0 (Rinv r) (Rlt_Rinv r H0));Intro;ElimType False;Auto. ElimType False;Auto. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_triang:(a,b:R)(Rle (Rabsolu (Rplus a b)) (Rplus (Rabsolu a) (Rabsolu b))). Intros a b;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu (Rplus a b)); Case (case_Rabsolu a);Case (case_Rabsolu b);Intros. Apply (eq_Rle (Ropp (Rplus a b)) (Rplus (Ropp a) (Ropp b))); Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 a b);Reflexivity. (**) Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 a b); Apply (Rle_compatibility (Ropp a) (Ropp b) b); Unfold Rle;Unfold Rge in r;Elim r;Intro. Left;Unfold Rgt in H;Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Ropp b) R0 b H); Intro;Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp b));Intros v w;Rewrite v in H0;Clear v w; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_l b) in H0;Apply (Rlt_trans (Ropp b) R0 b H0 H). Right;Rewrite H;Apply Ropp_O. (**) Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 a b); Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp a) (Ropp b)); Rewrite (Rplus_sym a (Ropp b)); Apply (Rle_compatibility (Ropp b) (Ropp a) a); Unfold Rle;Unfold Rge in r0;Elim r0;Intro. Left;Unfold Rgt in H;Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Ropp a) R0 a H); Intro;Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp a));Intros v w;Rewrite v in H0;Clear v w; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_l a) in H0;Apply (Rlt_trans (Ropp a) R0 a H0 H). Right;Rewrite H;Apply Ropp_O. (**) ElimType False;Generalize (Rge_plus_plus_r a b R0 r);Intro; Elim (Rplus_ne a);Intros v w;Rewrite v in H;Clear v w; Generalize (Rge_trans (Rplus a b) a R0 H r0);Intro;Clear H; Unfold Rge in H0;Elim H0;Intro;Clear H0. Unfold Rgt in H;Generalize (Rlt_antisym (Rplus a b) R0 r1);Intro;Auto. Absurd (Rplus a b)==R0;Auto. Apply (imp_not_Req (Rplus a b) R0);Left;Assumption. (**) ElimType False;Generalize (Rlt_compatibility a b R0 r);Intro; Elim (Rplus_ne a);Intros v w;Rewrite v in H;Clear v w; Generalize (Rlt_trans (Rplus a b) a R0 H r0);Intro;Clear H; Unfold Rge in r1;Elim r1;Clear r1;Intro. Unfold Rgt in H; Generalize (Rlt_trans (Rplus a b) R0 (Rplus a b) H0 H);Intro; Apply (Rlt_antirefl (Rplus a b));Assumption. Rewrite H in H0;Apply (Rlt_antirefl R0);Assumption. (**) Rewrite (Rplus_sym a b);Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp a) b); Apply (Rle_compatibility b a (Ropp a)); Apply (Rminus_le a (Ropp a));Unfold Rminus;Rewrite (Ropp_Ropp a); Generalize (Rlt_compatibility a a R0 r0);Clear r r1;Intro; Elim (Rplus_ne a);Intros v w;Rewrite v in H;Clear v w; Generalize (Rlt_trans (Rplus a a) a R0 H r0);Intro; Apply (Rlt_le (Rplus a a) R0 H0). (**) Apply (Rle_compatibility a b (Ropp b)); Apply (Rminus_le b (Ropp b));Unfold Rminus;Rewrite (Ropp_Ropp b); Generalize (Rlt_compatibility b b R0 r);Clear r0 r1;Intro; Elim (Rplus_ne b);Intros v w;Rewrite v in H;Clear v w; Generalize (Rlt_trans (Rplus b b) b R0 H r);Intro; Apply (Rlt_le (Rplus b b) R0 H0). (**) Unfold Rle;Right;Reflexivity. Save. (*********) Lemma Rabsolu_triang_inv:(a,b:R)(Rle (Rminus (Rabsolu a) (Rabsolu b)) (Rabsolu (Rminus a b))). Intros;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu a);Case (case_Rabsolu b); Case (case_Rabsolu (Rminus a b));Intros. Unfold Rle;Right;Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 a b);Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Ropp_Ropp;Apply Rplus_sym. Unfold 1 Rminus;Rewrite Ropp_Ropp;Rewrite Rplus_sym; Fold (Rminus b a);Generalize (minus_Rge a b r);Intro; Generalize (Rle_sym2 b a H);Intro;Generalize (Rle_minus b a H0); Intro;Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (Rminus a b) r);Intro; Apply (Rle_trans (Rminus b a) R0 (Rminus a b) H1 H2). Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 a b);Unfold Rminus; Rewrite (Rplus_sym b (Ropp a));Apply Rle_compatibility; Unfold Rge in r0;Elim r0;Intros. Unfold Rle;Left;Generalize (Rgt_RoppO b H);Intro;Unfold Rgt in H; Apply (Rlt_trans (Ropp b) R0 b H0 H). Unfold Rle;Right;Rewrite H;Apply Ropp_O. Generalize (minus_Rge a b r);Intro; Generalize (Rge_trans a b R0 H r0);Intro; Generalize (Rlt_antisym a R0 r1);Intro; Unfold Rge in H0;Elim H0;Intro. Unfold Rgt in H2;ElimType False;Auto. Rewrite H2 in r1;Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0);Intro;ElimType False; Auto. Generalize (Rminus_lt a b r);Intro;Generalize (Rlt_trans a b R0 H r0); Intro;Unfold Rge in r1;Elim r1;Intro. Generalize (Rlt_antisym a R0 H0);Intro;Unfold Rgt in H1;ElimType False; Auto. Rewrite H1 in H0;Generalize (Rlt_antirefl R0);Intro;ElimType False; Auto. Unfold Rminus;Apply Rle_compatibility;Rewrite Ropp_Ropp; Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Ropp b) b R0 r0);Intro; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_l in H; Rewrite (let (H1,H2)=(Rplus_ne (Ropp b)) in H1) in H; Generalize (Rlt_trans b R0 (Ropp b) r0 H);Intro; Apply Rlt_le;Assumption. Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Ropp (Rminus a b)) (Rminus a b) R0 r); Intro; Rewrite Rplus_Ropp_l in H; Rewrite (let (H1,H2)=(Rplus_ne (Ropp (Rminus a b))) in H1) in H; Generalize (Rlt_trans (Rminus a b) R0 (Ropp (Rminus a b)) r H);Intro; Apply Rlt_le;Assumption. Unfold Rle;Right;Trivial. Save.