(* $Id$ *) (*********************************************************) (* Complements for the reals.Integer and fractional part *) (* *) (*********************************************************) Require Export Rbase. Require Omega. (*********************************************************) (* Fractional part *) (*********************************************************) (**********) Definition Int_part:R->Z:=[r:R](`(up r)-1`). (**********) Definition frac_part:R->R:=[r:R](Rminus r (IZR (Int_part r))). (**********) Lemma tech_up:(r:R)(z:Z)(Rlt r (IZR z))->(Rle (IZR z) (Rplus r R1))-> z=(up r). Intros;Generalize (archimed r);Intro;Elim H1;Intros;Clear H1; Unfold Rgt in H2;Unfold Rminus in H3; Generalize (Rle_compatibility r (Rplus (IZR (up r)) (Ropp r)) R1 H3);Intro;Clear H3; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (IZR (up r)) (Ropp r)) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r (Ropp r) (IZR (up r))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r r) in H1;Elim (Rplus_ne (IZR (up r)));Intros a b; Rewrite b in H1;Clear a b;Apply (single_z_r_R1 r z (up r));Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma up_tech:(r:R)(z:Z)(Rle (IZR z) r)->(Rlt r (IZR `z+1`))-> `z+1`=(up r). Intros;Generalize (Rle_compatibility R1 (IZR z) r H);Intro;Clear H; Rewrite (Rplus_sym R1 (IZR z)) in H1;Rewrite (Rplus_sym R1 r) in H1; Cut (R1==(IZR `1`));Auto with zarith real. Intro;Generalize H1;Pattern 1 R1;Rewrite H;Intro;Clear H H1; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR z `1`) in H2;Apply (tech_up r `z+1`);Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma fp_R0:(frac_part R0)==R0. Unfold frac_part; Unfold Int_part; Elim (archimed R0); Intros; Unfold Rminus; Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp (IZR `(up R0)-1`))); Intros a b; Rewrite b;Clear a b;Rewrite <- Z_R_minus;Cut (up R0)=`1`. Intro;Rewrite H1; Rewrite (eq_Rminus (IZR `1`) (IZR `1`) (refl_eqT R (IZR `1`))); Apply Ropp_O. Elim (archimed R0);Intros;Clear H2;Unfold Rgt in H1; Rewrite (minus_R0 (IZR (up R0))) in H0; Generalize (lt_O_IZR (up R0) H1);Intro;Clear H1; Generalize (le_IZR_R1 (up R0) H0);Intro;Clear H H0;Omega. Save. (**********) Lemma for_base_fp:(r:R)(Rgt (Rminus (IZR (up r)) r) R0)/\ (Rle (Rminus (IZR (up r)) r) R1). Intro; Split; Cut (Rgt (IZR (up r)) r)/\(Rle (Rminus (IZR (up r)) r) R1). Intro; Elim H; Intros. Apply (Rgt_minus (IZR (up r)) r H0). Apply archimed. Intro; Elim H; Intros. Exact H1. Apply archimed. Save. (**********) Lemma base_fp:(r:R)(Rge (frac_part r) R0)/\(Rlt (frac_part r) R1). Intro; Unfold frac_part; Unfold Int_part; Split. (*sup a O*) Cut (Rge (Rminus r (IZR (up r))) (Ropp R1)). Rewrite <- Z_R_minus;Simpl;Intro; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Ropp_distr1;Rewrite <-Rplus_assoc; Fold (Rminus r (IZR (up r))); Fold (Rminus (Rminus r (IZR (up r))) (Ropp R1)); Apply Rge_minus;Auto with zarith real. Rewrite <- Ropp_distr2;Apply Rle_Ropp;Elim (for_base_fp r); Auto with zarith real. (*inf a 1*) Cut (Rlt (Rminus r (IZR (up r))) R0). Rewrite <- Z_R_minus; Simpl;Intro; Unfold Rminus; Rewrite Ropp_distr1;Rewrite <-Rplus_assoc; Fold (Rminus r (IZR (up r)));Rewrite Ropp_Ropp; Elim (Rplus_ne R1);Intros a b;Pattern 2 R1;Rewrite <-a;Clear a b; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rminus r (IZR (up r))) R1); Apply Rlt_compatibility;Auto with zarith real. Elim (for_base_fp r);Intros;Rewrite <-Ropp_O; Rewrite<-Ropp_distr2;Apply Rgt_Ropp;Auto with zarith real. Save. (*********************************************************) (* Properties *) (*********************************************************) (**********) Lemma base_Int_part:(r:R)(Rle (IZR (Int_part r)) r)/\ (Rgt (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r)) r) (Ropp R1)). Intro;Unfold Int_part;Elim (archimed r);Intros. Split;Rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (up r) `1`);Simpl. Generalize (Rle_minus (Rminus (IZR (up r)) r) R1 H0);Intro; Unfold Rminus in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (IZR (up r)) (Ropp r) (Ropp R1)) in H1;Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp r) (Ropp R1)) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (IZR (up r)) (Ropp R1) (Ropp r)) in H1;Fold (Rminus (IZR (up r)) R1) in H1; Fold (Rminus (Rminus (IZR (up r)) R1) r) in H1; Apply Rminus_le;Auto with zarith real. Generalize (Rgt_plus_plus_r (Ropp R1) (IZR (up r)) r H);Intro; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp R1) (IZR (up r))) in H1; Generalize (Rgt_plus_plus_r (Ropp r) (Rplus (IZR (up r)) (Ropp R1)) (Rplus (Ropp R1) r) H1); Intro;Clear H H0 H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp r) (Rplus (IZR (up r)) (Ropp R1))) in H2;Fold (Rminus (IZR (up r)) R1) in H2; Fold (Rminus (Rminus (IZR (up r)) R1) r) in H2; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp r) (Rplus (Ropp R1) r)) in H2; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (Ropp R1) r (Ropp r)) in H2; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r r) in H2;Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp R1));Intros a b; Rewrite a in H2;Clear a b;Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma fp_nat:(r:R)(frac_part r)==R0->(Ex [c:Z](r==(IZR c))). Unfold frac_part;Intros;Split with (Int_part r);Apply Rminus_eq; Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma R0_fp_O:(r:R)~R0==(frac_part r)->~R0==r. Red;Intros;Rewrite <- H0 in H;Generalize fp_R0;Intro;Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma Rminus_Int_part1:(r1,r2:R)(Rge (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2))-> (Int_part (Rminus r1 r2))=(Zminus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)). Intros;Elim (base_fp r1);Elim (base_fp r2);Intros; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (frac_part r2) H0);Intro;Clear H0; Generalize (Rle_Ropp R0 (frac_part r2) H4);Intro;Clear H4; Rewrite (Ropp_O) in H0; Generalize (Rle_sym2 (Ropp (frac_part r2)) R0 H0);Intro;Clear H0; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (frac_part r1) H2);Intro;Clear H2; Generalize (Rlt_Ropp (frac_part r2) R1 H1);Intro;Clear H1; Unfold Rgt in H2; Generalize (sum_inequa_Rle_lt R0 (frac_part r1) R1 (Ropp R1) (Ropp (frac_part r2)) R0 H0 H3 H2 H4);Intro;Elim H1;Intros; Clear H1;Elim (Rplus_ne R1);Intros a b;Rewrite a in H6;Clear a b H5; Generalize (Rge_minus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2) H);Intro;Clear H; Fold (Rminus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) in H6; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (Rminus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) H1); Intro;Clear H1 H3 H4 H0 H2;Unfold frac_part in H6 H; Unfold Rminus in H6 H; Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H; Rewrite (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2)) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp r2) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Fold (Rminus r1 r2) in H;Fold (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H;Generalize (Rle_compatibility (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R0 (Rplus (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) H);Intro; Clear H;Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rminus r1 r2)) in H0; Unfold Rminus in H0;Fold (Rminus r1 r2) in H0; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) (IZR (Int_part r2)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1)))) in H0;Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_l (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0;Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H0; Clear a b; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))); Intros a b;Rewrite a in H0;Clear a b;Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H0;Elim (Rplus_ne (Rminus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H0; Clear a b;Fold (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0; Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H6; Rewrite (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H6; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2)) in H6; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp r2) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H6; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H6; Fold (Rminus r1 r2) in H6;Fold (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H6;Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rplus (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) R1 H6); Intro;Clear H6; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rminus r1 r2)) in H; Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr2 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rminus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H;Clear a b; Rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0; Rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H; Cut R1==(IZR `1`);Auto with zarith real. Intro;Rewrite H1 in H;Clear H1; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)` `1`) in H; Generalize (up_tech (Rminus r1 r2) `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)` H0 H);Intros;Clear H H0;Unfold 1 Int_part;Omega. Save. (**********) Lemma Rminus_Int_part2:(r1,r2:R)(Rlt (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2))-> (Int_part (Rminus r1 r2))=(Zminus (Zminus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) `1`). Intros;Elim (base_fp r1);Elim (base_fp r2);Intros; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (frac_part r2) H0);Intro;Clear H0; Generalize (Rle_Ropp R0 (frac_part r2) H4);Intro;Clear H4; Rewrite (Ropp_O) in H0; Generalize (Rle_sym2 (Ropp (frac_part r2)) R0 H0);Intro;Clear H0; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (frac_part r1) H2);Intro;Clear H2; Generalize (Rlt_Ropp (frac_part r2) R1 H1);Intro;Clear H1; Unfold Rgt in H2; Generalize (sum_inequa_Rle_lt R0 (frac_part r1) R1 (Ropp R1) (Ropp (frac_part r2)) R0 H0 H3 H2 H4);Intro;Elim H1;Intros; Clear H1;Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp R1));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H5; Clear a b H6;Generalize (Rlt_minus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2) H); Intro;Clear H;Fold (Rminus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) in H5; Clear H3 H4 H0 H2;Unfold frac_part in H5 H1; Unfold Rminus in H5 H1; Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H5; Rewrite (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H5; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2)) in H5; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp r2) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H5; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H5; Fold (Rminus r1 r2) in H5;Fold (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H5;Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Ropp R1) (Rplus (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) H5); Intro;Clear H5;Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rminus r1 r2)) in H; Unfold Rminus in H;Fold (Rminus r1 r2) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (IZR (Int_part r1)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) (IZR (Int_part r2)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1)))) in H;Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_l (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H;Elim (Rplus_ne (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H; Clear a b;Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rminus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H; Clear a b;Fold (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Fold (Rminus (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R1) in H; Rewrite (Ropp_distr1 r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H1; Rewrite (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2)) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp r2) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1; Fold (Rminus r1 r2) in H1;Fold (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) in H1;Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rplus (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) R0 H1); Intro;Clear H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rminus r1 r2) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1)))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r2)) (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rminus r1 r2)) in H0; Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr2 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H0; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rminus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H0;Clear a b; Rewrite <-(Rplus_Ropp_l R1) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Ropp R1) R1) in H0; Fold (Rminus (Rminus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R1) in H0; Rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0; Rewrite (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H; Cut R1==(IZR `1`);Auto with zarith real. Intro;Rewrite H1 in H;Rewrite H1 in H0;Clear H1; Rewrite (Z_R_minus `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)` `1`) in H; Rewrite (Z_R_minus `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)` `1`) in H0; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)-1` `1`) in H0; Generalize (Rlt_le (IZR `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)-1`) (Rminus r1 r2) H); Intro;Clear H; Generalize (up_tech (Rminus r1 r2) `(Int_part r1)-(Int_part r2)-1` H1 H0);Intros;Clear H0 H1;Unfold 1 Int_part;Omega. Save. (**********) Lemma Rminus_fp1:(r1,r2:R)(Rge (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2))-> (frac_part (Rminus r1 r2))==(Rminus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)). Intros;Unfold frac_part; Generalize (Rminus_Int_part1 r1 r2 H);Intro;Rewrite -> H0; Rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));Unfold Rminus; Rewrite -> (Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite -> (Ropp_distr1 r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite -> (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))); Rewrite -> (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp r2) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite -> (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))); Rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2))); Rewrite -> (Rplus_sym (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))));Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma Rminus_fp2:(r1,r2:R)(Rlt (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2))-> (frac_part (Rminus r1 r2))== (Rplus (Rminus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) R1). Intros;Unfold frac_part;Generalize (Rminus_Int_part2 r1 r2 H);Intro; Rewrite -> H0; Rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (Zminus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) `1`); Rewrite <- (Z_R_minus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));Unfold Rminus; Rewrite -> (Ropp_distr1 (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) (Ropp (IZR `1`))); Rewrite -> (Ropp_distr1 r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite -> (Ropp_Ropp (IZR `1`)); Rewrite -> (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))); Rewrite -> (Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1))); Rewrite -> (Ropp_Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)));Simpl; Rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (Rplus r1 (Ropp r2)) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R1); Rewrite -> (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp r2) (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite -> (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (IZR (Int_part r2))); Rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp r2) (IZR (Int_part r2))); Rewrite -> (Rplus_sym (Ropp r2) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))));Auto with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma plus_Int_part1:(r1,r2:R)(Rge (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) R1)-> (Int_part (Rplus r1 r2))=(Zplus (Zplus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) `1`). Intros; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R1 (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) H); Intro;Clear H;Elim (base_fp r1);Elim (base_fp r2);Intros;Clear H H2; Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (frac_part r2) (frac_part r1) R1 H3); Intro;Clear H3; Generalize (Rlt_compatibility R1 (frac_part r2) R1 H1);Intro;Clear H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym R1 (frac_part r2)) in H2; Generalize (Rlt_trans (Rplus (frac_part r2) (frac_part r1)) (Rplus (frac_part r2) R1) (Rplus R1 R1) H H2);Intro;Clear H H2; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (frac_part r2) (frac_part r1)) in H1; Unfold frac_part in H0 H1;Unfold Rminus in H0 H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) r2) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) r2) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H0; Rewrite (Rplus_sym r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) r2) in H0; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) r2) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H0; Generalize (Rle_compatibility (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R1 (Rplus (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) H0);Intro; Clear H0; Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rplus (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) (Rplus R1 R1) H1); Intro;Clear H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) (Rplus r1 r2)) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rplus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H;Clear a b; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) (Rplus r1 r2)) in H0; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H0; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rplus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H0;Clear a b; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R1 R1) in H0;Cut R1==(IZR `1`);Auto with zarith real. Intro;Rewrite H1 in H0;Rewrite H1 in H;Clear H1; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)` `1`) in H; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)` `1`) in H0; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)+1` `1`) in H0; Generalize (up_tech (Rplus r1 r2) `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)+1` H H0);Intro; Clear H H0;Unfold 1 Int_part;Omega. Save. (**********) Lemma plus_Int_part2:(r1,r2:R)(Rlt (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) R1)-> (Int_part (Rplus r1 r2))=(Zplus (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)). Intros;Elim (base_fp r1);Elim (base_fp r2);Intros;Clear H1 H3; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (frac_part r2) H0);Intro;Clear H0; Generalize (Rle_sym2 R0 (frac_part r1) H2);Intro;Clear H2; Generalize (Rle_compatibility (frac_part r1) R0 (frac_part r2) H1); Intro;Clear H1;Elim (Rplus_ne (frac_part r1));Intros a b; Rewrite a in H2;Clear a b;Generalize (Rle_trans R0 (frac_part r1) (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) H0 H2);Intro;Clear H0 H2; Unfold frac_part in H H1;Unfold Rminus in H H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) r2) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) r2) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_sym r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) r2) in H; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) r2) in H; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H; Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) in H; Generalize (Rle_compatibility (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R0 (Rplus (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) H1);Intro; Clear H1; Generalize (Rlt_compatibility (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Rplus (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) R1 H); Intro;Clear H; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H1; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) (Rplus r1 r2)) in H1; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H1; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rplus r1 r2));Intros a b;Rewrite b in H1;Clear a b; Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))))) in H0; Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) (Rplus r1 r2)) in H0; Rewrite (Rplus_Ropp_r (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) in H0; Elim (Rplus_ne (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))));Intros a b; Rewrite a in H0;Clear a b;Elim (Rplus_ne (Rplus r1 r2));Intros a b; Rewrite b in H0;Clear a b;Cut R1==(IZR `1`);Auto with zarith real. Intro;Rewrite H in H1;Clear H; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H0; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2)) in H1; Rewrite <-(plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)` `1`) in H1; Generalize (up_tech (Rplus r1 r2) `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)` H0 H1);Intro; Clear H0 H1;Unfold 1 Int_part;Omega. Save. (**********) Lemma plus_frac_part1:(r1,r2:R) (Rge (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) R1)-> (frac_part (Rplus r1 r2))== (Rminus (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) R1). Intros;Unfold frac_part; Generalize (plus_Int_part1 r1 r2 H);Intro;Rewrite H0; Rewrite (plus_IZR `(Int_part r1)+(Int_part r2)` `1`); Rewrite (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));Simpl;Unfold 3 4 Rminus; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))); Rewrite (Rplus_sym r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) r2); Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) r2); Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))); Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))); Unfold Rminus; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc (Rplus r1 r2) (Ropp (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)))) (Ropp R1)); Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (Rplus (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2))) R1); Trivial with zarith real. Save. (**********) Lemma plus_frac_part2:(r1,r2:R) (Rlt (Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)) R1)-> (frac_part (Rplus r1 r2))==(Rplus (frac_part r1) (frac_part r2)). Intros;Unfold frac_part; Generalize (plus_Int_part2 r1 r2 H);Intro;Rewrite H0; Rewrite (plus_IZR (Int_part r1) (Int_part r2));Unfold 2 3 Rminus; Rewrite (Rplus_assoc r1 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Rplus r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))); Rewrite (Rplus_sym r2 (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))); Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))) r2); Rewrite (Rplus_sym (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2)))) r2); Rewrite <-(Rplus_assoc r1 r2 (Rplus (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r1))) (Ropp (IZR (Int_part r2))))); Rewrite <-(Ropp_distr1 (IZR (Int_part r1)) (IZR (Int_part r2)));Unfold Rminus; Trivial with zarith real. Save.